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Pfdapp - Fidonet PFD_Applications
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
SOLUSBPC.ZIP 1622403 1999-01-10 12:43:18 Solus Basic. Solus Basic is freeware that gives users the ability to download a single map and route directions to a handheld computer from DeLorme's Solus MapMaker website, containing a seamless map of the US, where they can create routes, zoom in and out, and search by place, street or latitude/longitude and then download a single map with route directions. Solus Pro, which enables the use of GPS, and multiple maps and routes, is available as a commercial product. DeLorme ( also provides Earthmate GPS receivers and adapter cables for Palm Computing Platforms. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SOLUSBPC.ZIP
SP-ALL.ZIP 301098 1999-01-15 21:28:00 South Park Scripts! 26 South Park scripts (from series 1, episode 1 to series 2, episode 10) in PalmPilot DOC format in one big ZIP! Visit GrimReaper website for individual episodes and updates. Added 1 new episode (Roger Ebert Should Avoid Fatty Foods)** NOTE: THESE FILES CONTAIN OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE ** Freeware SP-ALL.ZIP
SP122D.ZIP 17104 1999-02-24 10:21:48 StockPilot 1.2.2 Deutsch StockPilot - ein faszinierend einfach zu bedienender Wertpapiermanager. Mit nur zwei Fenstern haben Sie stets eine Uebersicht ueber Ihre Wertpapiersituation. (Verfuegbar in Englisch und Deutsch). Auf der StockPilot Webseite ist eine deutsche Hilfedatei verfuegbar mit vielen Abbildungen. Kostenlos fuer den privaten Gebrauch. Benutzerkommentar: "Endlich ein super Programm fuer deutsche Wertpapierbesitzer. Danke!!! ... Ihr Programm ist das Beste, was zur Zeit zu bekommen ist! Weiter so!!" *Die Links auf dieser Seite sind getestet und korrekt. Falls Sie keine Verbindung erhalten, bitte versuchen Sie es spaeter noch einmal.* SP122D.ZIP
SP122E.ZIP 17183 1999-02-24 10:21:50 StockPilot98 English StockPilot98 is a fascinatingly easy to use stock manager for PalmOS2 and PalmOS3. (Available in english and german.) It gives you a powerful overview about the state of your active and solden securities. StockPilot98 is shareware and has included a Scrollbar to get a professional support to manage long lists of securities. The version to download here is StockPilot Personal 1.2.2 without scrollbar, which is usefull for private use. After ordering you get StockPilot98 including an english help file. Shareware $12.00 Any Hardware and Palm OS 2.0 SP122E.ZIP
SP20.ZIP 158623 1999-04-29 10:23:28 StockPilot99 V2.0 Ein benutzerfreundlicher Wertpapiermanager. Kostenlos fuer den privaten Gebrauch. Kategorien, nahtlos eingebunden - somit ist jetzt auch die Verwaltung mehrerer Depots moeglich - Landeswaehrung wird fuer jede Kategorie gespeichert Speicherung der letzten Listenansicht optionaler Passwortschutz unter Verwendung des Palm-Systempasswortes optionale grafische Kennzeichnung von EURO-Wertpapieren - UNDO-Funktion, um den Verkauf von Positionen rueckgaengig zu machen - NEU-Button in der Liste der verkaufen Wertpapiere: ermoeglicht eine leichtere Eingabe abgeschlossener Wertpapiergeschaefte - Code-Optimierung. Shareware SP20.ZIP
SP211.ZIP 59626 1999-04-27 10:47:36 Star Pilot v2.11 Star Pilot is an application that allows you to view a current astronomical star map (not horroscope) for the current time and your current location. Features include the ability to adjust what stars you wish to see, to see planet positions and to find stars by name. v2.11 fixes a bit of an accuracy bug when using a date/time other than the current. It also changes searching slightly, adds a sure way to interrupt replotting and creates a Palm OS 3.0+ small icon if applicable. Shareware $30.00 SP211.ZIP
SPAVERBS.ZIP 2038 1999-01-12 14:11:34 TealInfo Spanish Verbs A guide to regular Spanish regular verbs and their conjugations. Perfect for the traveler or Spanish student. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Svetoslav Ivantchev. Freeware SPAVERBS.ZIP
SPCSHTTL.ZIP 3036 1999-02-13 17:13:14 Space Shuttle JFile Database Space Shuttle Missions from the first till the present. Freeware SPCSHTTL.ZIP
SPEECHES.ZIP 23832 1999-02-16 07:49:32 Speeches The following important, historical speeches are available for the reading on the Palm Pilot... Apr 30, 1789 George Washington's First Inaugural Address Nov 19, 1863 Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Apr 4, 1865 Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address Jun 4, 1940 Winston Churchill's "Flanders Speech" circa 1964 Ronald Reagan's "A Time for Choosing" circa 1996 Bob Dole's "No Apologies" SPEECHES.ZIP
SPIRAL05.ZIP 7045 1999-02-14 14:44:56 Spirals (v0.50) A spiral graph generator. Select from four parameters to create hundreds of spiral graphs. Requires Palm OS 2 or 3. Added a "Fun" menu with an assortment of 3D graphs. Also includes a Palm III small icon and new URL. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SPIRAL05.ZIP
SPP.ZIP 130330 1999-01-16 17:40:32 Star Pilot Plus. Star Pilot Plus is a bundle of the most popular astronomy software for the PalmPilot. It includes the most recent versions of Star Pilot, Sun!, Moon!, and JMoons! We have updated Star Pilot Plus to include v2.9 of Sun!, v1.5 of Moon! and v2.32 of JMoons! Shareware $44.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SPP.ZIP
SP_122_E.ZIP 82575 1998-12-07 21:00:08 StockPilot98 English StockPilot is a fascinatingly easy to use stock manager for PalmPilot and PalmIII. (Available in english and german.) It gives you a powerful overview about the state of your active and solden securities. On the StockPilot site, a help file for PC is available with a lot of screenshots. Free for private use. Update Description Since Version 1.2 StockPilot calculates the profit per annum. Further you can manage the ID of the securities (german: Wertpapierkennummer WKN). Since StockPilot Version 1.2.1 the security ID will be automaticly completed while creating new positions, if a security of the same name already exists. Following bugs were fixed: the security ID was lost in some cases, the number formal of different countries led to problems in some countries. Since Version 1.2.2 the export to memopad function is now working with PalmIII devices. Shareware $12.00 SP_122_E.ZIP
ST10.ZIP 8283 1999-02-10 00:49:36 Sales Tracker (v1.0) Sales Tracker records Sales Team details, and tracks their Sales achieved vs Budgets set. I find this much quicker and easier than using generic Pilot Spreadheets or Databases. Freeware ST10.ZIP
STAMP05B.ZIP 14124 1999-01-06 19:19:52 Stamps Stamp (postage) Amount Calculator. The new version 0.5 supports the new postage amount (33 cents for the first class letter, effective by Jan. 10, 1999). This program can calculate your stamp amount for U.S. domestic letter and first class letter via airmail from United States to the overseas countries (include Canada and Mexico). You can also select the weight unit between gram (metric) and ounce (oz). Freeware STAMP05B.ZIP
STARP200.ZIP 53096 1999-02-07 23:49:18 Star Pilot v2.00 Star Pilot is an application that allows you to view a current astronomical star map (not horroscope) for the current time and your current location. Features include the ability to adjust what stars you wish to see, to see planet positions and to find stars by name. v2.00 adds many new features, including: Location Manager compatibility, Messier object database, speed increase, more info in ID screens, debugged and optimized more than ever. Shareware $30.00 STARP200.ZIP
STATICD1.ZIP 165117 1999-01-17 14:15:48 STAT ICD-9 Finder Find any ICD-9 diagnosis code in 10 seconds or less. Visit the website ( for specific instructions on how to make this Doc file searchable via the Pilot FIND key. Contains over 15,000 ICD-9 codes, V codes and E codes w/ short descriptions. Requires a Doc reader such as AportisDoc Mobile Edition. Added V & E modifiers; Corrected problems with numbers of digits. Updated web page support. Freeware Published: 17.01.1999 STATICD1.ZIP
STATICD9.ZIP 165679 1999-04-29 10:09:08 STAT ICD-9 Finder 1.0 Find any ICD-9 diagnosis code in 10 seconds or less. Contains over 15,000 ICD-9 codes, V codes and E codes w/ short descriptions. Requires a Doc reader such as TealDoc. Now with diagnosis category bookmarks. Freeware Published: 11.03.1999 STATICD9.ZIP
STCKW073.ZIP 16872 1999-04-29 10:23:06 StockWatch 0.73b StockWatch - a program designed to allow you to analyze stock performance anywhere you go. Create a list of stocks and enter price/volume data on a day-by-day basis. Create graphs including open/hi/lo/close graphs. Click on a data point to get detailed data. Use scroll up/down buttons to move through time. Version 0.73b is a maintenance release which includes bug fixes. Shareware $18.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 STCKW073.ZIP
STCKW07B.ZIP 16753 1980-01-01 00:00:00 StockWatch 0.7b StockWatch - a program designed to allow you to analyze stock performance anywhere you go. Create a list of stocks and enter price/volume data on a day-by-day basis. Create graphs including open/hi/lo/close graphs. Click on a data point to get detailed data. Use scroll up/down buttons to move through time. Version 0.7b allows plotting of closing averages. Shareware $18.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 STCKW07B.ZIP
STICKEV2.ZIP 93170 1999-01-19 12:17:58 Stick-e Suite A set of three PalmPilot programs to aid in data collection and fieldwork activities. The StickePlates program lets you define templates that are subsequently used by the StickePad program to collect field notes in a structured form. GPS connectivity is supported and location fields of a note are automatically completed. The StickeMap program shows the relative positions of recorded notes and the current position of the PalmPilot as icons on a map display. Notes can be downloaded to a desktop PC in a format suitable to import into a spreadsheet or database. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 STICKEV2.ZIP
STOCKC10.ZIP 6971 1998-06-17 22:00:10 StockCalc StockCalc calculates the number of shares, stock sell price and after trade cash balance, given the stock purchase price and pre-trade cash balance using user defined buy and sell rules. StockCalc even takes into account the SEC and trade fees. Update Description Now at a lower cost to you!!! Shareware $5.00 STOCKC10.ZIP
STOCKER.ZIP 50577 1999-01-22 09:31:14 Stocker 1.0. Stocker is an easy to use utility that will let you keep track of your stock portfolios on your Palm device. It was developed using the CASL development environment. Therefore, it will require the installation of the CASL runtime on your Palm. This is included with the zip file. Please read Stocker.txt for installation instructions. Update Description Version 1.0 now provides the abilty to export portfolio information to the builtin memopad. It also allows an additional field to be displayed with the stock name for easy viewing. Freeware (Postcardware) STOCKER.ZIP
STRINGS.ZIP 2262 1999-01-01 22:29:28 Musical Intrument String Sizes Thanks to Denis Veid for this database submission. This database is in MobileDB format so pick up your copy of MobileDB here or at Freeware STRINGS.ZIP
STRSIGN2.ZIP 170015 1999-04-27 10:47:48 StreetSigns 2.0 StreetSigns 2.0, the only Platinum Solution for street level mapping on the Palm Computing Platform. The successor to PalmMap 1.0, it is the first vector based mapping application. It provides a robust mapping engine allowing you to search for street addresses, intersections, and performs contact look-ups right out of the Palm Address Book. Personalize your maps with SignPosts and TrailMarkers, which mark places of specific interest to you. StreetSigns 2.0 also provides you with access to TrekWare's MapDepot, a GROWING repository of FREE US City maps ONLINE. Stop by to download city maps as often as you like. Currently stocked with all major US destination cities, more added monthly. StreetSigns 2.0 has passed the Palm 3.0 Platinum Compatibility Test Suite. Commercial 49.95 Requirements: Palm III and Palm OS 3.0 STRSIGN2.ZIP
SUNRISE.ZIP 1696 1998-02-18 01:44:54 TealMeal Database-Sunrise, FL Starter database of restaurants in Sunrise. Requires TealMeal, an editable restaurant database that supports multiple cities and sorting by topic and category. Freeware SUNRISE.ZIP
SUPER101.ZIP 55964 1998-11-20 15:52:54 Super Names v1.01 Super Names lets you add additional information, such as dates, web sites, additional addresses and phone numbers. It also lets you link names to each other to represent relationships. Commercial $24.95 NOTE: This software is for PalmPilot Professionals, PalmPilot Personals, and Palm IIIs ONLY. It has not been tested on Pilot 1000 or Pilot 5000 models. It may work on upgraded units. SUPER101.ZIP
SUPER125.ZIP 75579 1999-03-05 10:54:56 Super Names v1.25 Super Names lets you add additional information, such as dates, web sites, additional addresses and phone numbers to your address book. It also lets you link names to each other to represent relationships! This application runs on a free 30-day demo period. We encourage all users to try the full demo period before registering. Now includes the Find feature! Commercial $19.95 SUPER125.ZIP
SURVEYVW.ZIP 1759151 1999-04-29 10:18:12 Survey Mate Viewer for Win95/98 0.2 This Windows 95/98 application is a powerful reporting tool for your Survey Mate: * View individual results, how each participant answered the questions. * View totals, percents, counts, text answers and more. * No more exports!(feature will continue to be supported for non-windows users). * Transfer data to MS Excel/Access * Print / Save report as RTF format (Word and other Word processors) * FREE for Survey Mate registered users! This is a beta release. This version adds different font styles and sizes to the generated report. Also other UI improvements. Requirements: Windows 95/98 SURVEYVW.ZIP
SWATCH.ZIP 6894 1998-12-16 22:32:10 Swatch 2.1 The Swatch company has created a new way of measuring time, called 'Internet Time'. A day in internet time is divided into 1000 Swatch beats, each 1 minute 26.4 seconds long, counting from @000, which marks midnight BMT (Biel Mean Time, named for the home city of Swatch in Switzerland). This program was developed using Quartus Forth! For more information, visit Swatch at: Update Description Version 2.1 ensures localtime and Swatch time are updated simulaneously. Freeware SWATCH.ZIP
SWISSPST.ZIP 2392 1999-04-27 10:45:50 TealInfo Swiss Postal Tariffs Swiss Postal fees (In French). Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Luc-Andr Lachat. SWISSPST.ZIP
SYNCA159.ZIP 150904 1999-04-27 10:35:26 SynCalc 1.59 * Fully algebraic infix calculator. * Support for unlimited number of nested parentheses and function calls. * Up to 100 user-defined shortcuts may be added or imported. * Real-time input and output functions. * Add new functions via the Synergy Plugin Architecture. - Includes Math, BaseConvertor, and Logic Plugins. * Fully-functional drag-and-drop editing. Corrected a couple of bugs that caused crashes on Palm V's. Added a fact() plugin to the MathPlugin for factorial functionality, Commercial $17.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SYNCA159.ZIP
SYSLOG.ZIP 6495 1999-01-13 12:25:10 TealInfo Unix SysLog Reference Folio to decode and cross-reference Unix SysLog code values. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by John McMahon. Freeware SYSLOG.ZIP
S_STHLM.ZIP 2095 1999-02-02 20:03:48 Systembutiker Stockholm Complete list with addresses and information on storage and service on all liqour shops ("Systembolaget") in Stockholm. Freeware S_STHLM.ZIP
TAKETIME.ZIP 19664 1998-12-19 17:17:54 TakeTime TakeTime is a Time Tracking program for the Palm Pilot. TakeTime records every task that you perform for a client. It retains a complete record of the activity date, start time, and duration of the task. Who needs a Time Tracking program? Well, I do. Every two weeks, I report my progress to my boss. Sometimes my progress on the main projects has been less than satisfactory, all because, I have been providing ad hoc support or training to my clientele. Sometimes, I look back and cannot, for the life of me, figure out where I spent all that time. Now, I can tell him that I spent 7 hours on providing training, 9 hours on support calls, 5 hours on IT-initiated meetings, and so on. Setting priorities and planning resources is so much easier with the hard facts. TakeTime tries to simplify the time tracking process. At its easiest, stopping the previous task and starting a new one can be as simple as five taps on your Pilot. You have the option of rounding TAKETIME.ZIP
TAPGOD10.ZIP 6918 1999-02-16 07:47:42 Version 1.0 of Keith's TealFolio called: Tap_God. This is a TealPoint folio database giving the Fruit of the Spirit of God, the Attributes of God, and the names of God. TAPGOD10.ZIP
TCARD20.ZIP 12908 1999-04-29 10:23:06 TimeCard 2.0 TimeCard is a very simple application that replaces the paper version of your time card. It even lets you punch in and out without using your stylus: just use the hardware buttons. The data stored in your application can then be viewed, edited, deleted, and exported to a MemoPad record. - always displays the last time you punched in or out. UPDATED: - application was completely rewritten for better stability ! fixed crash problem when exiting the application; now runs smoothly on PalmOS 2 & 3 - better, user-friendly interface - added the ability to add an entry in case you forgot to punch in or out; just enter the date and time, and the entry will be inserted in the database, following the chronological order. Shareware $5.00 TCARD20.ZIP
TCLINFO.ZIP 7503 1999-04-27 10:42:42 TealInfo TCL Reference A TCL Programming Language Quick Reference for commands, procedures, formattings, regular expressions, etc. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Ron Patterson. Freeware TCLINFO.ZIP
TCLOGG02.ZIP 22167 1999-02-09 04:52:00 TCLogger 0.2 Another program for logging time. Includes source :) under the GPL. The purpose is to accumulate time for a specific charge number or program throughout the day. At the end of the day you copy data from TCLogger onto your timecard. Features: - Has 7 timers for accumulating time. - Switch back and forth between projects/charge numbers and get a single accumulated time. - Export data to the MemoPad. Removed problem with bolding of description on PalmOS 2.0. Added check of edited time before exporting data. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TCLOGG02.ZIP
TCLOGGER.ZIP 21623 1999-01-19 04:43:00 TCLogger Another program for logging time. Includes source :) under the GPL. The purpose is to accumulate time for a specific charge number or program throughout the day. At the end of the day you copy data from TCLogger onto your timecard. Features: - Has 7 timers for accumulating time. - Switch back and forth between projects/charge numbers and get a single accumulated time. - Export data to the MemoPad. - ToDo application is launched when ToDo hardbutton pushed. This allows TCLogger to be assigned to the ToDo hard button and you can still easily launch ToDo application by pushing it a second time. Enjoy. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TCLOGGER.ZIP
TDOC275.ZIP 76473 1999-01-07 23:45:34 TealDoc 2.75 A reader that's nice w/o the price! TealDoc is a full-featured reader for standard PalmPilot docs, with all the quality, intuitive interface, and affordability you've come to expect from TealPoint Software. 2.0 Now support imbedded TealPaint pictures, bookmarks, headers, and hyperlink buttons. Other features include changeable fonts, convenient forward and backward searches with advanced search options, adjustable display options, and multispeed forward and backward autoscroll. Added last-doc indicator, graffiti list-seek, password-protected docs; fixed bugs. Shareware $16.95 TDOC275.ZIP
TDOC280.ZIP 76871 1999-04-29 10:16:22 TealDoc 2.80 A reader that's nice w/o the price! TealDoc is a full-featured reader for standard PalmPilot docs, with all the quality, intuitive interface, and affordability you've come to expect from TealPoint Software. Fixed crashed bugs, misnaming of initial categories, tag maximums. Shareware $16.95 TDOC280.ZIP
TEALINFO.ZIP 130551 1999-04-27 10:47:26 TealInfo 1.56 A reference library at your fingertips! TealInfo is a fully-configurable data-presentation system for creating and browsing digital databases, tables, and guides, called 'TealInfo folios'. Folios may include lists, tables, images, checkboxes, popup windows, and outline lists of information. TealInfo is perfect for displaying product catalogs, reference tables, transportation schedules, city guides, and all sorts of useful utilities previously only possible with custom programming. Fixed crash reading folios created with Linux converter program. Added button support, horizontal scrolling, and much more. Shareware $16.95 TEALINFO.ZIP
TELTARIF.ZIP 3837 1999-01-12 01:02:58 TealInfo German Telephone Gives overview of available telecomm providers in Germany. Quick selector lets you find the cheapest provider for time and region. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Frank Busch (Update by Erwin Lerner). Updated with more current rates 1/28/99 Freeware TELTARIF.ZIP
TENCODES.ZIP 2719 1999-01-05 22:10:36 TealInfo Ten Codes Ten-Code reference for use when monitoring law enforcement agency frequencies. The police like to use shorthand when using the radio for brevity, but this can be confusing to the civilian listener. This folio contains codes corresponding to the Okaloosa County, Florida sherrif's department. Other agencies may differ. Source file available directly from the author (see folio "about" screen). Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or Submitted by Mark Holman. Freeware TENCODES.ZIP
THEBIGBO.ZIP 131694 1998-12-29 18:57:58 The Big Book of AA First eleven chapters of "The Big Book of A.A.". Thousands of alcoholics around the world have changed their lives with this basic text. Bookmarked into chapters, Steps, the Promises etc. Happy New Year, Anon! Freeware THEBIGBO.ZIP
THISWK12.ZIP 8033 1998-12-23 10:16:06 ThisWeek ThisWeek gives you a weekly view of your appointments in a manner similar to weekly planners. Each day is a listbox of appointments for the day which can be selected and automatically brought up in the Daily view of DateBook. ThisWeek is intended as a front end to DateBook, and usually is used to launch DateBook to the appointment of interest. Re-program your hardware DateBook button to call this ThisWeek, and then launch DateBook from ThisWeek. Update Description Several bugfixes and better performance, see the release notes at the bottom of thisweek.txt Shareware $12.00 Requirements: Palm III and Palm OS 3.0 THISWK12.ZIP
THISWK13.ZIP 7964 1999-01-19 16:03:28 ThisWeek V1.3 ThisWeek gives you a weekly view of your appointments in a manner similar to weekly planners. Each day is a listbox of appointments for the day which can be selected and automatically bought up in the Daily view of DateBook. ThisWeek is intended as a front end to DateBook, and usually is used to launch DateBook to the appointment of interest. Re-program your hardware DateBook button to call this ThisWeek, and then launch DateBook from ThisWeek. This new version is MUCH FASTER!!! Shareware $12.00 Requirements: Palm III and Palm OS 3.0 THISWK13.ZIP
THISWK15.ZIP 8864 1999-04-29 10:17:54 ThisWeek 1.5 ThisWeek gives you a weekly view of your appointments in a manner similar to weekly planners. Each day is a listbox of appointments for the day which can be selected and automatically bought up in the Daily view of DateBook. ThisWeek is intended as a front end to ateBook, and usually is used to launch DateBook to the appointment of interest. Re-program your hardware DateBook button to call this ThisWeek, and then launch DateBook from ThisWeek. This new version adds a button to go to a specific date - includes previous performance improvements too. Shareware $12.00 Requirements: Palm III, Palm OS 3.0 THISWK15.ZIP
THSWK15D.ZIP 8764 1999-04-29 10:18:08 ThisWeek 1.5 German. The German version of ThisWeek gives you a weekly view of your appointments in a manner similar to weekly planners. Each day is a listbox of appointments for the day which can be selected and automatically bought up in the Daily view of DateBook. ThisWeek is intended as a front end to DateBook, and usually is used to launch DateBook to the appointment of interest. Shareware $12.00 Requirements: Palm OS 3.0 THSWK15D.ZIP
TIAREACD.ZIP 6885 1999-01-04 23:45:14 TealInfo Area Codes Lookup Look up Area codes by code both forwards and reverse by region. Covers current US area codes and special prefixes. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by John McMahon. Freeware TIAREACD.ZIP
TIDRINKS.ZIP 6207 1999-01-05 22:19:04 TealInfo Mixed Drinks Recipes TealBooze! Actually, a TealInfo folio of recipes for making many mixed drinks. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Chris Tham. Freeware TIDRINKS.ZIP
TIEATIE.ZIP 11563 1999-04-27 10:42:30 TealInfo Illustrated Tie-Guide A neat illustrated guide showing one how to tie a tie in three different knots, with step-by-step pictures and instructions. A good illustration for the power of TealInfo. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Dave Nelson. Freeware TIEATIE.ZIP
TIEUROCV.ZIP 1809 1999-01-09 16:28:44 TealInfo Euro Currency Converter Conversion tables to/from the Euro currency just adopted by the EC. For all 11 EC member countries. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available on this site or Submitted by Uwe Wirt. Freeware TIEUROCV.ZIP
TIMER.ZIP 4975 1998-11-28 18:38:58 Countdown & Timer V2.0 (all OS) June 1998 TIMER.ZIP
TIMETRAV.ZIP 25626 1999-02-03 18:35:44 Teenee Time Traveler. Teenee Time Traveler is a must if you plan on traveling between time zones with your Palm Pilot. Our product is centered around entering an itinerary and provides the following beneficial functions: (i) synchronizes your Palm Pilot's system clock with the time zone that you travel into; (ii) easily displays times in the zones you will be traveling from or to; and (iii) conveniently enters travel itinerary into your Date Book for you. All of this with no database of cities, timezones and daylight savings characteristics! Demonstration version! Will stop working after 3 days! Significant improvements including defaulting the departure port with the previous record's arrival port. Commercial $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TIMETRAV.ZIP
TIMSH140.ZIP 60339 1998-11-21 18:08:24 Timesheet v1.4.0 A consultant's Timesheet tool for keeping track of the tasks and hours you've spent at client sites. Each task can be categorised under Client, Project and Task and given a duration (in hours and minutes), a comment and marked as chargeable to the client. Each category is fully user-editable and can contain up to 20 category names. Update Description Version 1.4.0. - *NEW* Features: Pilot FIND now works with Timesheet. Improved searching, user controlled preferences and default client/project/tasks. This version also contains an updated version of the Timesheet2CSV utility. Hotsync the new PRC file directly over the installed version. Freeware $0.00 PalmPilot Personal and Palm OS 2.0 TIMSH140.ZIP
TIMSH152.ZIP 72307 1999-04-29 10:23:04 Timesheet v1.5.2 A consultant's tool for tracking the tasks and hours you've spent at client sites. Each task can be categorised under Client, Project and Task and given a duration (in hours and minutes), a comment and marked as chargeable to the client. Each category is fully user-editable and can contain up to 100 category names. Version 1.5.2. - *NEW* Features: Extended all category pick lists to display more names. Added Chargeable totals to the daily and weekly views. *BUG* Fixes: Fixed the weekly view to use week start day preferences correctly. This version also includes an updated Timesheet2CSV utility. Hotsync the new PRC file directly over the installed version. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TIMSH152.ZIP
TIPME123.ZIP 4041 1999-04-27 10:35:14 TipMe 1.23 Full featured tip calculator: Controls for tip and tax rate, optionally calculate and include tax, calculate tip on pre-tax or post-tax amount, divide the total up among a group, and round up or down the total, tip, or share per person (after rounding the new tip percentage is shown). SEE WEB PAGE for documentation and PalmOS 1.x version! Bugfix in app preferences. Bug could affect pilot stability, so I recommend upgrading! Freeware TIPME123.ZIP
TIPOSTCD.ZIP 7140 1999-04-27 10:38:08 TealInfo BIOS Codes BIOS Port-80 POST-Codes' of 5 different bioses to check bios state while booting (POST-Card needed). this folio is in german. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Patrick Kolla. TIPOSTCD.ZIP
TIPS.ZIP 4860 1998-12-23 10:53:46 TealInfo Tip Calculator A TealInfo folio, this Tip Calculator shows both tip and total amounts for base totals from 1 to $100 and for 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% tips. Also includes a handy popup guide for tipping in common circumstances. Requires TealInfo (shareware). Freeware TIPS.ZIP
TIPSY031.ZIP 14753 1998-10-30 02:01:50 Tipsy v0.3.1 Tispy allows you to enter each item on the bill, assigning each item to the person who ordered it. You can also split items between multiple diners. It then gives you the food total, tip, tax, and grand total for each person, and overall. You can add the names of the people you dine with frequently into the diner database, and quickly assign names from the database to your current diners. With Tipsy, you can enter in multiple tip rates and tax rates and switch between them effortlessly. Update Description Tipsy 0.3.1 adds a Diner Database where you can keep a list of names of the people you frequently dine with, and quickly assign these names to your current diners. Also, the interface has been adjusted slightly to make the program more intuitive. Freeware $0.00 TIPSY031.ZIP
TIPSY32.ZIP 17753 1999-04-27 10:35:22 Tipsy 3.2 Tip calculator for dining out. Tipsy allows you to enter each item on the bill, under the name of the person who ordered it. It then gives you the food subtotal, tip, tax, and grand total for each person, and for the whole bill. You can add the names of the people you dine with frequently into the diner database, and quickly assign names from the database to your current diners. Version 3.2 adds a tax calculator to help determine the local tax rate when you travel. The hardware up/down buttons can now be used to switch between diners. There is a new preference item to always round up tax amounts to the next cent. A graffiti command shortcut for reset, 'R', has been added. Various usability tweaks. Freeware TIPSY32.ZIP
TIYANK99.ZIP 4344 1999-04-27 10:45:42 TealInfo Yankees 1999 1999 Schedule for the New York Yankees. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Keith Zimmerman. TIYANK99.ZIP
TLGHT121.ZIP 10061 1999-02-01 13:24:06 TaleLight 1.21 A visual communications package to send Morse code, metronome, timed and stylus-tapped flashes with the TaleLight. (Having a physical TaleLight isn't necessary to use this program, but it does help!) + TaleLight is free! + TaleLight can be used to send: + Timed flashes (every n seconds) + Morse code (with auto-repeat) + Single Morse charcters + Metronome ticks (n per minute) + Stylus-tapped flashes with the TaleLight, Pilot speaker, and Pilot backlight, or any combination of them. + Added a list-view (small) icon + Fixed an OS3.0 bug + Fixed a timing but that caused long between repetitive sends. Freeware TLGHT121.ZIP
TODOP30.ZIP 122156 1999-02-24 10:23:24 ToDo PLUS 3.00 ToDo PLUS supercharges your task list, with alarms, drawings, repeating tasks, summary views, filtering by due date, and lots more! ToDo PLUS is Palm III savvy, with large fonts and beaming, and is compatible with all PIM software that synchronizes with the built-in ToDo list. It even allows PalmPilot users to choose a font, just like Palm III users can! Update Description Completely new version! More new features than we can list, but some include: repeating tasks, new drawing tools, a new summary screen, faster performance, new toolbars, new filters, a new alarm picker, font selection, beaming, Memo PLUS Template support, and lots more! Shareware $19.95 Any Hardware and Palm OS 2.0 TODOP30.ZIP
TODOP304.ZIP 123417 1999-01-26 21:00:08 ToDo PLUS 3.04 ToDo PLUS supercharges your task list, with alarms, drawings, repeating tasks, summary views, filtering by due date, and lots more! ToDo PLUS is Palm III savvy, with large fonts and beaming, and is compatible with all PIM software that synchronizes with the built-in ToDo list. It even allows PalmPilot users to choose a font, just like Palm III users can! Update Description Shows categories in the task list, and other fixes. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TODOP304.ZIP
TOGO11.ZIP 10532 1999-02-01 02:10:00 ToGo 1.1 ToGo documents are 20% smaller than Doc documents. Use ToGo to read novels, manuals, newsgroup articles, email, ...anything you want. ToGo is a free easy-to-use reader that uses a very efficient document storage format to save significant memory space on your Palm device. See the website for Windows 95/NT, Linux, and DOS programs that you can use to convert Doc documents and text documents to ToGo documents. ToGo 1.1 adds multiple font support: standard, bold, and large. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TOGO11.ZIP
TOGO13.ZIP 12074 1999-04-29 10:16:24 ToGo 1.3 ToGo documents are 20 smaller than Doc documents. Use ToGo to read novels, manuals, newsgroup articles, email, ... anything you want. ToGo is a free easy-to-use reader that uses a highly efficient document storage format to save significant memory space on your Palm device. Windows 95/NT, Linux, OS/2, and DOS programs available that you can use to convert Doc documents and text documents to ToGo documents. Multiple font support: standard, bold, and large. * Ability to make an unnamed mark and to jump to the mark. Each document can have its own unnamed mark. * Individual document settings are now stored in a separate database. * Category handling is now fully functioning. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TOGO13.ZIP
TOMCAT.ZIP 19492 1999-04-27 10:38:00 F-14 Tomcat V1.0 Historic, various versions, exportation, just a small description of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat fighter. Compiled with PANDORA for Windows for Handisplay software. No runtime needed. Freeware TOMCAT.ZIP
TORAHSE.ZIP 299938 1999-04-29 10:16:16 TORAH Scroll 3.00 A good electronic alternative away from traditional christian translations. PLUS MORE..... Using TZ's Concorde Reader (and his permission); We have replaced the Text with my OWN 'Orthodox' Jewish translation of the Torah; including Perkei Avos and Proverbs. May this preserve Kiddushin HaSHEM! NEW Improved SEARCH and menu functions. Minor textual corrections. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TORAHSE.ZIP
TPNT310.ZIP 76500 1999-01-08 00:26:42 TealPaint 3.10 Unmatched in features, performance, and usability, TealPaint offers a host of unique tools and features like oversized images, multifont text, paint bucket, marquee, dithered thumbnails, image scaling and rotation, programmable buttons, animation, 16 draw patterns, 12 brushes, an inter-program screen grabber, magnified draw, multiple image databases, smooth draw, constrained line, and a Windows 95 import/export/print utility. Fixed TealPaint Image Manager preview/export of oversized images. Shareware $17.95 TPNT310.ZIP
TPNT312.ZIP 77829 1999-04-27 10:47:36 TealPaint 3.12 Unmatched in features, performance, and usability, TealPaint offers a host of unique tools and features like oversized images, multifont text, paint bucket, marquee, dithered thumbnails, image scaling and rotation, programmable buttons, animation, 16 draw patterns, 12 brushes, an inter-program screen grabber, magnified draw, multiple image databases, smooth draw, constrained line, and a Windows 95 import/export/print utility. Fixed Button taps support to end animation in OS 3.1. Shareware $17.95 TPNT312.ZIP
TR4TS.ZIP 3641532 1999-02-06 01:05:04 TimeReporter for Timeslips iambic Software has joined forces with Sage U.S., Inc (the makers of Timeslips Deluxe) to create the complete Timeslips handheld solution. You can now create time slips and expense slips while away from your desk! TimeReporter for Timeslips includes TimeReporter for PalmPilot, plus a direct link from the handheld device straight through to the Timeslips Deluxe database with NO intermediate steps. TimeReporter for Timeslips offers Timeslips customers the best of both worlds. Works with Timeslips versions 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0, and with the PalmPilot and/or Palm III devices. You will need a demo license key to try the software. Please access this web page to request a demo license key: htm Commercial $119.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TR4TS.ZIP
TR4TSV9.ZIP 1838914 1999-01-29 08:50:00 TimeReporter for Timeslips v9 iambic Software has joined forces with Sage U.S., Inc (the makers of Timeslips Deluxe) to create the complete Timeslips handheld solution. You can now create time slips and expense slips while away from your desk! TimeReporter for Timeslips includes iambic Software's TimeReporter for PalmPilot, plus a direct link from the handheld device straight through to the Timeslips Deluxe database with NO intermediate steps. TimeReporter for Timeslips offers Timeslips customers the best of both worlds. Works with Timeslips the new Timeslips version 9. Works with Palm OS 2.0 or greater. Commercial $119.95 TR4TSV9.ZIP
TR4TSV9B.ZIP 1814792 1999-04-29 10:23:02 TimeReporter for Timeslips v9 1.0 iambic Software has joined forces with Sage U.S., Inc (the makers of Timeslips Deluxe) to create the complete Timeslips handheld solution. You can now create time slips and expense slips while away from your desk! TimeReporter for Timeslips includes TimeReporter for the Palm Computing Platform, plus a direct link from the handheld device straight through to the Timeslips Deluxe database with NO intermediate steps. TimeReporter for Timeslips offers Timeslips customers the best of both worlds. Works with Timeslips 9.0 and with the PalmPilot, Palm III, Palm IIIx, and Palm V devices. You will need a demo license key to try the software. Please access this web page to request a demo license key: htm Commercial $119.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0, Windows 95/98 TR4TSV9B.ZIP
TRAVELER.ZIP 20776 1999-01-18 10:51:44 Advanced Traveler V2.01 Advanced Traveler is the new version of Traveler. It lets you enter an amount in local currency, apply up to 3 taxes and an extra amount, and see the total in both local and home values. You can post your data to a memo, and also keep a running total on a per-locale basis. A split function is provided for diving a tab between any number of people. You can save any number of different locales and switch between them. Update Description V2.01 Totalize and Memo onscreen buttons now turn off after use, turn back on when an amount changes. The post to memo screen now comes up with the note field preselected. Shareware $10.00 TRAVELER.ZIP
TREKKY.ZIP 26604 1998-12-24 02:52:36 Trekky 1.1 A standalone Star Trek TNG episode guide! You bought a Palm Pilot because they had them on Star Trek. (didn't they?) Now have Star Trek on your Palm Pilot! Features include searching, cool Trek-like interface, Trek-like sounds, and a check box for each episode. NOTE: Update fixes problem which crashed the Palm III. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TREKKY.ZIP
TRIP20.ZIP 28774 1998-08-04 07:34:36 US.R Pilot Trip 2.00 saves you money by making it easier for you to track and categorize your automobile mileage for business expenses and non-profit tax deductions, Shareware TRIP20.ZIP
TT20.ZIP 97410 1998-12-22 16:50:56 TravelTracker 2.00 Tracks plane flights, hotel reservations, car rental reservations, dinner reservations and transports (limos, car service, shuttles). This new version contains many enhancements to make data entry quicker and easier. It contains numerous features to help travelers manage all of the key components of any trip. TravelTracker sells for $24.95. Download the 30 day fully functional demo today! Update Description * Remembers frequently travelled flights for easy entry. * Pop-up lists remember frequently used items. * Export your agenda to the Memo Pad or just one entry. * Enhanced preferences to customize it even more. * Now track meal reservations & transports. * Jump directly to the linked company in your Address List from TravelTracker. TT20.ZIP
TT21.ZIP 109062 1999-04-29 10:23:30 TravelTracker 2.1 Tracks plane flights, hotel reservations, car rental reservations, dinner reservations and transports (limos, car service, shuttles). TravelTracker will keep your Palm's system clock in synch with the local time. It also has a powerful alarm feature. This new version contains many enhancements to make data entry quicker and easier. It contains numerous features to help travelers manage all of the key components of any trip. Download the 30 day fully functional demo today! New 2.1 version includes Windows backup Conduit. Also includes many new enhancements and improvements. * Remembers frequently travelled flights for easy entry. * Pop-up lists remember frequently used items. * Export your agenda to the Memo Pad or just one entry. * Enhanced preferences to customize it even more. Commercial $24.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 TT21.ZIP
TUNINGS.ZIP 1220 1999-01-02 02:43:20 TealInfo Guitar Tunings TealInfo folio Reference for Guitar tunings in a number of styles. Submitted by Mike Steinmann. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available on this site or Freeware TUNINGS.ZIP
TVM.ZIP 976 1998-11-25 11:28:14 Finance Functions for RPN Time value money calculations for RPN. This little script incorporates the basic operations for TVM functionality. Freeware $0.00 TVM.ZIP
UKPOST.ZIP 2507 1999-04-27 10:42:38 TealInfo UK Postage A folio for calculating UK postage. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Hazel Bradbeer. Freeware UKPOST.ZIP
UK_PRIME.ZIP 2781 1998-10-29 07:44:52 British Prime Ministers from 1721 to 1998 when they was born & died. Requires JFile. UK_PRIME.ZIP
UNC-10D.ZIP 100981 1998-11-30 12:39:30 Unc 1.0D Unc is a calculator for the 3Com PalmPilot. Unc has a number of features not often found in other calculators: Units. One of Unc's main features is its ability to calculate using units, like feet, miles, pounds, meters, seconds, and so on. Unc does not merely convert between units (although it certainly does conversions), but also performs calculations on numbers containing units. For example, you can multiply "55 miles per hour" by "1.5 hours" and get the result "82.5 miles". Unc already knows most of the units in common use as well as specialized units used in various fields. You can also define your own units and Unc will use them in calculations just like the built-in units. Arithmetic. The main purpose of any calculator is to do arithmetic, and Unc has a large set of arithmetic functions. It does the usual addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as powers and roots, logarithms, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. It can handle UNC-10D.ZIP
UNDOC13.ZIP 13866 1998-11-01 13:16:30 Undocumented Info v. 1.3 Easter eggs, dot commands, alternative grafitti strokes, developers backdoors, resetting info, built-in apps info, Networking, Palm OS 3 and P3 Information such as software conflicts, Bugs, and general tips for everyday use! Update Description Now has a new Software Solutions section! Want to know what can be done with a Palmpilot? Graphics, Games, Docs... Find out in this doc! Freeware $0.00 UNDOC13.ZIP
USERGRP1.ZIP 11753 1999-02-09 16:33:54 UserGroups Everywhere! A MobileDB archive listing PalmPilot User Groups around the U.S. and abroad. Also includes a TEXT and EXCEL(2000) format. Revised a few group entries, and added a few new groups that have popped up in the U.S. Freeware Published: 09.02.1999 USERGRP1.ZIP
USERGRP2.ZIP 12440 1999-02-25 09:48:02 The PalmGuru UserGroup List. A MobileDB archive listing PalmPilot User Groups around the U.S. and abroad. Also includes TEXT and EXCEL(2000) files. To view the group listing in HTML please goto Revised a PPUG group entry, and added a few new groups for KS, IN that have popped up in the U.S. Freeware Published: 25.02.1999 USERGRP2.ZIP
USGOVACR.ZIP 9132 1999-01-20 20:54:26 U.S. Government Acronyms Hundreds of U.S. government acronyms. This is a MobileDB database so you can pick up a copy of MobileDB or MobileDB Lite here or at Freeware USGOVACR.ZIP
US_PRES.ZIP 3037 1998-10-29 07:45:02 USA Presidents. Presidents of The United States Of America from the 1st to the present. Requires JFile. US_PRES.ZIP
US_PRESI.ZIP 2627 1999-01-03 10:15:54 U.S. Presidents All the U.S. presidents, term dates, and party affiliations. Thanks to Abu Wawda for this database submission. This database is in MobileDB format so pick up your copy of MobileDB here or at Freeware US_PRESI.ZIP
VAKANTIE.ZIP 3068 1999-01-16 01:58:12 TealInfo Dutch School Holidays A guide to Dutch school holidays, organized by region, type of education, year, and type of vacation up to the year 2001. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Werner Rutten. Freeware VAKANTIE.ZIP
VIEWER26.ZIP 486274 1999-04-27 10:47:40 Image Viewer v2.6 Image Viewer has defined the standard for viewing images on Palm Computing(R) Platform handheld devices. Use it to view scrollable grayscale or black and white images, pictures, maps or diagrams. Included with Image Viewer is a Windows 95/98/NT application for converting Windows graphic files to a format that can be HotSynced into the Palm Computing Platform handheld device. With the release of version 2.6, Image Viewer is now capable of displaying 16 level grayscale images on Palm IIIx and Palm V units. This version of Image Viewer also includes fixes for several issues that have been reported. Shareware $12.95 VIEWER26.ZIP
VIREF.ZIP 1987 1999-01-08 14:02:20 TealInfo vi Reference Quick reference for vi, the popular text editor. Commands grouped by function. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available on this site or Submitted by Svetoslav Ivantchev. Freeware VIREF.ZIP
VIREF2.ZIP 4912 1999-03-22 10:35:36 TealInfo vi Reference Quick reference for vi, the popular text editor. Commands grouped by function. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Svetoslav Ivantchev. VIREF2.ZIP
VITVIN.ZIP 27430 1999-02-02 20:03:02 Systembolagets Vita Viner This is a JFile database of all white wines sold by the Swedish "Systembolaget". Sort by price, country, size or number. Very handy when you stand in this neverending queue on a friday afternoon, and you just forgot the number of your favourite wine... Updated database with "Tested" field. Freeware VITVIN.ZIP
WCLKDA94.ZIP 19845 1999-01-22 16:43:24 wclockDA v0.94b This program "wclockDA" is a simple world clock. It displays two clocks on the Palm's screen and these clocks can set to deferent time zones. That's it. This wclockDA is a DA (Desk Accessory) program. So, to use this, the launcher program that can launch a DA program, likes "DA Launcher", is required. Update Description Increase speed, decrease memory. Please remove the old version prior to install this version. Freeware WCLKDA94.ZIP
WCLKDA95.ZIP 20702 1999-01-28 20:13:20 wclockDA (v0.95b) This program "wclockDA" is a simple world clock. It displays two clocks on the Palm's screen and these clocks can set to deferent time zones. That's it. This wclockDA is a DA (Desk Accessory) program. So, to use this, the launcher program that can launch a DA program, like "DA Launcher", is required. [0.9.5] fix bugs. Freeware WCLKDA95.ZIP
WCLKDA97.ZIP 21108 1999-04-27 10:37:54 wclockDA (v0.9.7) This program "wclockDA" is a simple world clock. It displays two clocks on the Palm's screen and these clocks can set to deferent time zones. That's it! This wclockDA is a DA (Desk Accessory) program. So, to use this, the launcher program that can launch a DA program, likes "DA Launcher", is required. [0.9.6] Update "offset" interface. Now it should be easier to understand. [0.9.7] Fixed a bug (HotSync button on cradle did not work) Freeware WCLKDA97.ZIP
WEBTRP11.ZIP 13259 1999-02-09 21:00:04 Web Tracker v1.1 Web Tracker lets you keep track of your favorite web sites on your Palm OS. Commercial $12.00 WEBTRP11.ZIP
WEEKVIEW.ZIP 24427 1998-11-28 18:35:38 W E E K V I E W - Version 1.2b -- Week-at-a-glance View from Pimlico Software WeekView brings a one or two week-at-a-glance view to the 3Com PalmPilot (and V-1.0 USR Pilots). Unlike the built-in week view in the datebook application, WeekView displays th WEEKVIEW.ZIP
WEIN.ZIP 19496 1999-04-27 10:42:42 TealInfo German Wine Guide A guide ranking german wines from different areas and different years. In German. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Erwin Lerner. Freeware WEIN.ZIP
WFAQD16.ZIP 157827 1999-03-03 10:18:22 WorldFAQ (v1.6) WorldFAQ (World Frequently Asked Questions, pronounced world-fak'), contains information about places around the world, including time zones, daylight savings time dates and times, currency conversion rates, latitudes and longitudes, telephone dialing codes, airport names and codes, populations and more. Using this information, you can calculate dates and times around the world (both absolute and relative), currency conversions, sun rise and set times and distances between places. WorldFAQ contains information for more than 720 locations. Version 1.6 includes: - A preference to disable all clock resetting. - A preference to shift timed DateBook appointments to the new time zone setting when changing locations results in the changing of the system clock. A quick currency exchange feature for calculating the Home location equivalent of any foreign currency. Substantially-improved performance, including Find (300%+ faster) and exchange rate updating (1000%+). - A WFAQD16.ZIP
WHATIS12.ZIP 3912 1999-02-06 00:37:34 WhatIs Version (v1.2) The "What Is" program is a very simple program implemented by CUSC to compute an unknown in a ratio. It has been tested on the Palm Professional, the Palm III, and the Palm Emulator. Freeware WHATIS12.ZIP
WHIDEM10.ZIP 6714 1999-04-27 10:45:54 Scotch Whiskies V1.0 Two small applications on Scotch Whiskies: - Historic, various whiskies, distilleries, labels... - Whiskies Glossary... Compiled with Pandora for windows from Handisplay Software. No runtime needed. Shareware $5.00 WHIDEM10.ZIP
WIDESCRN.ZIP 2505 1999-04-27 10:38:06 TealInfo Widescreen Folio for wide screen TV dimensions for 16x9 ration screen sizes from 21 to 142 inches. Useful for anyone in the industry or individuals interested in home theatre. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Neil Witwicki. WIDESCRN.ZIP
WINDCHIL.ZIP 2122 1999-04-27 10:42:32 TealInfo WindChill Calculator Simple wind chill calculator. Enter temperature, and wind speed; get back perceived temperature. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Peter Hartog. Freeware WINDCHIL.ZIP
WINEWHL.ZIP 2883 1999-04-27 10:38:10 TealInfo Wine Aroma. Wine aroma wheel that wine tasters use when sampling wines. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Robb D. Hendershot. WINEWHL.ZIP
WINNICOT.ZIP 1775 1999-01-10 12:34:12 Winnicott Transitional Object Short Summary of Winnicott's basic ideas of Transitional object favorite.htm. Freeware WINNICOT.ZIP
WINSTON.ZIP 1859 1999-02-04 12:02:02 Winston Cup 1999 Schedule. NASCAR Winston Cup 1999 race schedule. TealDoc format. Freeware WINSTON.ZIP
WL11.ZIP 28216 1998-11-03 14:27:50 WeightLog 1.1 Log, view, analyze and graph your weight over time. View actual weight lost or gained vs predicted goals. Many Graph options. Commercial $19.00 Requires Palm OS 2.0 WL11.ZIP
WMATE204.ZIP 22141 1998-10-26 16:45:50 WorldMate 2.0.4 (Auto DST) 1 Home clock and 4 world clocks, A clothes measurements conversion table for the traveller between USA, UK and Europe. You have full control of clocks graphical appearance which includes : Optional square frame around clocks instead of round. Choose clock's frame size (thick or thin). Hands second in home clock is optional. Many more features to come in near future versions. Update Description VERSION PRIOR TO 2.0 MUST BE DELETED BEFORE INSTALLING THE NEW ONE!!! ***(1)*** Now backing up WorldMate's data on HotSync. ***(2)*** Can scroll clothes table with Pilot's scroll buttons. ***(3)*** Updated UK shoe sizes. Shareware $10.00 WMATE204.ZIP
WMATE30.ZIP 26499 1998-12-16 14:45:30 WorldMate 3.0.0 (Auto DST) 1 Home clock and 4 world clocks, Currencies converter, A clothes measurements conversion table for the traveller between USA, UK and Europe. You have full control of clocks graphical appearance which includes: - Optional square frame around clocks instead of round - Choose clock's frame size (thick or thin) - Hands second in home clock is optional - Currency Converter. Many more features to come in near future versions. Update Description VERSION PRIOR TO 2.0 MUST BE DELETED BEFORE INSTALLING THE NEW ONE!!! (1) Currencies Converter. (2) Improved 'City Details' user interface. (3) Fixed typos in: Calcutta, Teheran, Yakutsk. Shareware $15.00 WMATE30.ZIP
WMATE302.ZIP 26911 1999-04-27 10:37:52 WorldMate 3.0.2 All your travel needs in one place: * View 4 world clocks compared to your home time. * Convert currencies with the INTERACTIVE CURRENCIES CONVERTER. * Translate clothes sizes between USA, UK and Europe. Get WorldMate to enjoy: * State of the art graphical user interface. * PalmMate's 24 hours customer support. Clock's features: * View up to 5 clocks at once * 100+ cities to begin with * Add your own cities to the list * Automatic DST calculation * Clocks are both digital & analog * All clocks are fully customizable Currencies converter - Minor fixes (when adding new currency). Shareware $15.00 WMATE302.ZIP
WNBA1999.ZIP 10677 1999-04-29 10:16:10 WNBA 1999 Fixtures. WNBA 1999 fixtures in PDB format by Game and by Team. Can be read with AportisDOC or similar document readers. Freeware WNBA1999.ZIP
WORKOUPP.ZIP 127809 1998-11-20 16:02:04 Workout Tracker v2.02 Workout Tracker makes it east to record all the information from your workout right on your PalmPilot. You can record all of your information for each exercise, customize exercises to suit your needs, and more! Workout Tracker gives you a convenient list of all your exercises, organized by date. It includes a huge list of exercises, all of which can be customized to your needs. Each exercise has customizable fields, so you can record the information that you need. Workout Tracker graphs the data from each exercise from day to day, so you can track your progress. If you always do the same set of exercises together, you can group them into a single routine. Entering a routine into Workout Tracker lets you enter the entire group of exercises at the same time. Commercial $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 WORKOUPP.ZIP
WORLDNET.ZIP 5719 1999-04-27 10:42:28 TealInfo Worldnet Access No. Local access numbers for AT&T WorldNet ISP. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Bob Blakley. Freeware WORLDNET.ZIP
WORLDREF.ZIP 11713 1999-01-04 21:29:08 TealInfo World City Reference Shows Phone prefix, time zone, latitude and longitude for major cities all over the world. Grouped by continent and country for easy location. Indispensible world reference for any traveler or business person. Requires TealInfo (shareware), available here or at Submitted by Steven Hawkins. Freeware WORLDREF.ZIP
WORST100.ZIP 4100 1999-04-29 10:09:00 Worst 100 Pickups 1.0 Stuck at a bar, alone, looking for someone just like you, someone else as lonely, pathetic, and pitiful? Look no further, with these lines you're guaranteed to get nowhere, FAST! WARNING: We're not responsible for whatever happens to you if you use these lines! WORST100.ZIP
WRDBOX10.ZIP 57403 1999-01-07 19:17:54 WordBox 1.0 WordBox generates random pronounceable words based on trigram probabilities. It can be used to generate random passwords and includes databases for English, German, Spanish, Latin and International words. WordBox is written in Java and requires the Waba Virtual Machine ( to be installed on your PalmPilot. Freeware WRDBOX10.ZIP
WRDBOX11.ZIP 65901 1999-02-07 03:10:04 WordBox 1.1 WordBox generates random pronounceable words based on trigram probabilities. It can be used to generate random passwords and includes databases for English, German, Spanish, Latin and International words. WordBox is written in Java and requires the Waba Virtual Machine ( to be installed on your PalmPilot. Added Names database. Source code is now included. Freeware WRDBOX11.ZIP
WRIST01.ZIP 2852 1998-11-28 18:34:14 WristRest is a simple Pilot utility whose sole purpose is to remind you to take breaks when you are working. Taking regular breaks and stretching or walking around is a good way to safe your body from the dangers of RSI. WRIST01.ZIP
WRLDTEMP.ZIP 5612 1999-04-27 10:45:36 TealInfo World Temperatures. Average monthly temperatures for selected cities all over the world. Also shows longitude and latitude. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at http:// Submitted by Olger Diekstra. Freeware WRLDTEMP.ZIP
WSF.ZIP 4038 1999-04-27 10:42:38 TealInfo Washington Ferry Schedule Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Charles Boss. Freeware WSF.ZIP
WUTHERIN.ZIP 350775 1999-04-29 10:09:26 Wuthering Heights 1.0 This is the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. This story is considered to be the darkest novel in English literature. WUTHERIN.ZIP
XMAN11.ZIP 14939 1999-02-02 13:26:08 XMan (X-Man) 1.1 Manhattan Address Locator. Given a New York City street address, X-Man identifies a nearby cross street. Handles more roads and is more accurate than similar locators. Adds East River Dr, FDR Dr, Harlem River Dr. Runs on Palm OS 1 (Pilot 1000/5000). Improved accuracy for addresses on Madison. Fixes obscure "fatal exception" and "memory overlock" bugs. Mem ory requirements reduced. Sundry interface enhancements. Shareware $5.00 XMAN11.ZIP
XMAS98.ZIP 118431 1998-12-08 03:17:50 HOLIDAY DOCS Download a terrific set of holidays DOCs. Includes painstakingly selected classics in four files; Over 70 songs, 35 recipes, 4 stories and Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". Compressed and specially formatted for handheld viewing. Freeware XMAS98.ZIP
XPAD01A7.ZIP 6990 1998-11-28 18:33:42 xpad alpha test version 0.1a7 Simple weak text encryption program. MemoPad like. XPAD01A7.ZIP
YANKEE99.ZIP 2695 1999-04-29 10:09:00 '99 Yankees Schedule Now available in Doc format, it's the complete schedule for your 1999 New York Yankees. Includes date, opponent, time, and media coverage. All information is complete and finalized. Requires a Doc reader to view. YANKEE99.ZIP
YEARLY.ZIP 58008 1998-10-31 16:13:20 Yearly 1.1b Sometimes it happens that we forget an birthday or some other events. Yearly helps you to manage birthdays, wedding days, holidays and so on and it can timely reminds you on queueing events. You can manage this events at a central position in your address book or memo pad or in any field of your address book. You have many potentialities to handle these events in a matter that you prefer. Yearly searches the user defined events, shows them in a table and transfers them to the datebook (if you want this). Futhermore Yearly can automatically or manually generate an entry in your ToDo list with the priority of 1 some days before the event, so that you have a short oversight of the queueing events. Furthermore Yearly can create icons for DateBk3 (Pimlico Software), on this way you don't have to enter them singly in the datebook. It is tested with PalmOS 3 and 2. A english and a Deutsche version are included in the zip-file. YEARLY.ZIP
YEARLY21.ZIP 66350 1998-11-23 16:49:18 Yearly 2.1a Yearly, the most flexible and powerful event manager for the PalmPilot. Yearly helps you to manage birthdays, wedding days, holidays and so on and it can timely reminds you on queueing events. You can manage this events at a central position in your address book or memo pad or in any field of your address book. You have many potentialities to handle these events in a matter that you prefer. Yearly searches the user defined events, shows them in a table and transfers them to the datebook (if you want this). Futhermore Yearly can automatically or manually generate an entry in your ToDo list with the priority of 1 some days before the event, so that you have a short oversight of the queueing events. It can also create alarms for the events in the datebook. Yearly can also create icons for DateBk3 (Pimlico YEARLY21.ZIP
YEARLY30.ZIP 70034 1999-01-27 18:51:36 Yearly 3.0a Yearly, the most flexible and powerful event manager for the PalmPilot. Yearly helps you to manage birthdays, wedding days, holidays and so on and it can timely reminds you on queueing events. You can manage this events at a central position in your address book or memo pad or in any field of your address book. Futhermore Yearly can automatically or manually generate an entry in your ToDo list with the priority of 1 some days before the event, so that you have a short oversight of the queueing events. It is tested with PalmOS 2 and 3. A english and a Deutsche version are included in the zip-file. Many new features like category support, repeat events, more flexible syntax and so on. Some minor bug fixes. Shareware $10.00 YEARLY30.ZIP
YMCAL34.ZIP 9721 1998-11-28 18:33:02 yMCal is an demo of how a monthly calendar might look on the USR/Palm Pilot PDA. YMCAL34.ZIP
YOU_NT.ZIP 126029 1998-12-27 17:57:42 Youngs Bible Version - NT Read Young's Literal Bible Version on your Palm Pilot - New Testament. The whole bible is divided into 12 sections. This free reader and database supports find, find next, smart verse lookup, next/previous verse, next/ previous chapter, next/previous book, and various fonts. Version 1.019 Freeware YOU_NT.ZIP
YOU_OT.ZIP 189445 1998-12-27 17:57:22 Youngs Bible Version - OT Read Young's Literal Bible Version on your Palm Pilot - Old Testament. The whole bible is divided into 12 sections. This free reader and database supports find, find next, smart verse lookup, next/previous verse, next/ previous chapter, next/previous book, and various fonts. Version 1.019 YOU_OT.ZIP
Z60TCHW.ZIP 23977 1999-01-04 22:08:10 Z60::Touchwise Touchwise, Inc. announces the release of Z60::Touchwise Version 1.0. This application allows trading of stocks and options over your PalmOS device's network connection. You now have access to all of your brokerage account information, as well as real-time quotes and order data using a wireless IP modem (Minstrel or QUALCOMM pdQ). Check our web site ( for details on which brokerage firms have adopted the technology. Also, ask your broker about plans to support wireless trading using Touchwise technology. Commercial. Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 Z60TCHW.ZIP
ZDOC501B.ZIP 57596 1999-04-29 10:09:10 ZDOC 5.01b4 ZDOC is my initiative to create a GNU based (essentially freeware) Aportis DOC handler program for the PalmPilot. ZDOC is a GPLised industry standard DOC file format viewer/editor with a few extras. Ver 5.01b4 now has the search bug fixed and the new database handler to remove any traces of those memhandler errors. Freeware ZDOC501B.ZIP
ZIPCOD10.ZIP 317397 1999-02-12 13:57:06 ZipCode (v1.0) Over 50,000 city/county/state/zip entries searchable by city or zip. Includes updated Address app to fill in city and state from entered zip. Fast and easy! (Programming interface available.) Registration entitles use of database updates for a period of 12 months. Updates will be available for download every 2-3 months. Shareware $29.00 ZIPCOD10.ZIP
ZIPCOD11.ZIP 74481 1999-04-27 10:47:30 ZipCode+ 1.1 Over 50,000 city/county/state/zip entries searchable by city or zip. Find which state(s) a specified city is in. Also includes a replacement Address Book to fill in city and state from entered zip. Fast and easy! The database in this version has a selection of states. The full database (available for download on registration) has all states and territories. The total memory requirement for a full install is 403kb. Registration entitles use of database updates for a period of 12 months. Updates will be available for download every 2-3 months. Programming interface available. Last full database update 2/22/99. Shareware $29.00 Requirements:Palm OS 3.0 ZIPCOD11.ZIP
ZMAN3.ZIP 19362 1999-01-16 00:28:42 Zman! III for Palm OS Calculate Halachic Zmanim for any location on any Palm OS! Zman! III works on all models of the Palm Computing Platform. Zman! III is based on the design of Sol! II and Zman! II. Check out our web site for features and documentation. This program uses Star Pilot Technology's Location Manager for it's location database and is REQUIRED for operation of Zman! III. To get it, go to this web site: Shareware $14.95 ZMAN3.ZIP
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