Welcome to the Fido-History-Project 3rd Generation !

fido.ddutch.nl     ambrosia60.goip.de


The Fido-History Project continues ... (Updated)

[27.08.2011] After upgrading the environment to php 5.3.x
the php error log fills with error and warning messages.
So I did a review of all the Fido-History-Project scripts
nodelist.php, nlarchive.php, ndl2db.php, binkd_nodelister.php,
and the phpdig package on ambrosia60.goip.de, the local search engine. Updated software packeges you'll find under Ambrosia60 Software Development.

  Fido-History-Project Archive

Database Search now back Online

[23.09.2010] After 2 months w/o a running Virtual Host I've rebuild a new Virtual Host. A restore of the SQL Server VM from June this year, needed maintenance again, but wasn't that easy as back end of June. Problems with the VM Host on 3 defective Hardwares tooks a long time to identify. Once solved, the remaining disk capacity runs out of disk space. Maintenance tasks couldn't be completed. Recovery of several other VMs is ongoing.


Database Search currently not available

[19.07.2010] Virtual Server #1 crashed with Systemharddisk failure. This corrupted the last 2 backups of the virtual mysql machine so this backup is not available. Trying to repair the data disks of Virtual Server #1 on Virtual Server #2 corrupts Virtual Server #2 also, so that the virtual machines currently not available until the Virtual Server #2 be back online and the virtual machines to be recovered.

  Fido-History-Project Search Form

FidoBase2: Dupechecking Problems ...

[26.04.2010] By starting a *.msg import of 2 addtl. sources into the Fidobase2 I'm still running into the Dupechecking problem. Dupechecking doesn't work as expected. Too much errors, too much problems ... Documentation: Dupe Checking


The FidoBase2 Project ...

[22.04.2010] The FidoBase documentation hasn't continued.
Kees is working on procedures for importing *.pkt's to MySQL thru the queuing system but not yet seen any script. Since dirks import stopped about Oct / Dec 2009 my *.msg archive never imported to my local Fidobase2 MySQL base.
So I've started my own development of the *.MSG to MySQL import PHP script.
The script runs with a dupecheck. I've started importing the older archives back to 2006 and had more than 5000 mails imported from the archives 2006-2009. So thus means, the MySQL archive from dirk and Kees are probably incomplete. So also the statistics may be incorrect. So this now needs further investigations ...
FB2IMP php script


The FidoBase Project ...

[30.09.2009] Can be the FidoBase Project be part of the Fido-History-Project ?
Well, because the FidoBase contains messages from at least 1996 its also be a part of the Fido-History-Project.
The only problem is, its not yet well documented.
Starting today, i'll try some documentation on this. more ...


The Fido-History Project continues ... (Updated)

[23.09.2009] Repair on R23 Pointlists and Diffs 2008/2009
Receiving R23PNT lists contains wrong line terminations by FTS specifications
(UNIX line terminations instead of DOS line terminations).
This prevents Diffing and repair compile of missing R23PNT lists.
Starting replace Unix line terminations by DOS line terminations (unix2dos),
recalculation of CRC by diffing (PLDIFF),
repack and re-archiving into the FHP archive.
R23PNT #207/08 - #326/08, #326/08 - #361/08, #002/09 - #226/09 are now
reconstructed and also diff'd.

[19.01.2009] Received an archive of R50 Pointlists and Diffs from former R50PK

[14.01.2009] Found new sources for lists from Regions 45, 46, 48, 50
By a Google search for pnt46reg i've found some more sources
about Region 45, 46 and Region 50 pointlists and diffs:
http://www.fido.kr.ua/data/pass/ (Offline)
http://globalfilesearch.com/browser/ (0 results) (550 no such file or directory)
ftp://ftp.3logic.net/pub/fidonet/info/pointlst/ (1991-1998)
ftp://ets.mephi.ru/pub/Fido/fileechoes/ (Offline)
ftp://news.svzserv.kemerovo.su/pub/fileecho/R50PNT/ (no listing)
ftp://mx01.mgts.beltelecom.by/pub/fileecho/r45point (failed to connect)
The portal http://proisk.ru/?page=19&q=pointlist
lists much more sources for R45, R46 and R50 pointlists.
A complete list of Region 46 pointlists from 2007 to 2009 i've got
from RC46 Anton Kuznetsov @ vlcorsar.dyndns.org
so i'd recovered the missing diffs as well.

On my search for pointlist archives of Regions 45, 46, and 50
i'm noticed about Pavel Gulchouck's project, who has built a
Nodelist archive @ nodehist.fidonet.org.ua too.


The Fido-History Project Mirror (Updated)

[14.01.2009] The Mirror Site can be found under fido.ddutch.nl
hosted by Kees van Eeten.

[11.12.2008] The Mirroring project starts into the 2nd deployment phase.
On fido.ddutch.nl the archive has been mirrored for a while by Kees van Eeten but the portal hasn't finished yet.
The NODELIST.PHP archive script needs some modification to run under the mirror. Also the transfer of the nodelist database needs some further inspection.


The Fido-History Project Web Search Form

[29.9.2008] NDL2DB re-import #4 finished.

[23.9.2008] started the 3rd or 4th complete nodelists re-import after be aware of missing state and keyword entrys from the prior import. data is now stored into a 2nd database until finished. if finished i'll switch also the websearch form to connect to the 2nd database.
Add nodelist states and keywords to the database with the corrected import script (ndl2db 2.02-beta1)
Also updated NLARCHIVE2 v2.00-rc9 websearch script to display state and keywords correctly.

[6.6.2008] ... and re-import finished.
The NLARCHIVE2 query results are now based upon the complete and fixed Fido-History-Projects-Archive of nodelists.

[4.6.2008] Inspired by Michael Dukelsky (2:5020/1042) i've modified the simple queries of the NLARCHIVE2 search form and added the 1st entry dates of the listed records into the output list ordered chronological.

[30.5.2008] it seems that some minor problems in the beginning of the NDL2DB import process results now in more and more data mismatches within the database, so the results are not so accurate as expected.
My plan is to reset the whole database and to try a restart of the import with as many as possible tasks/machines ...
Thats the import trial #3. The first import was interrupted by the harddisk crash beginning February (see Daten-GAU 9.2.08). The 2nd execution contains an unknown count of data mismatches. So: Third time is a charm. ,-)

[30.4.2008] NDL2DB import of Nodelists finished successful. The results of the NLARCHIVE2 Search Form now are complete as nodelists exists. The range of actual imported Nodelists is listed in the header section of the search form.

[28.4.2008] Actual there are 585 of 924 (63%) nodelists imported.

[30.3.2008] After recovery of the Fido-History-Project scripts (see Daten-GAU 29.2.08) i've started about beginning of March with the Nodelist import into the database. This weekend i've now started with the deployment of the web search form. My first introduce is the NLARCHIVE2 script.


The Fido-History Project continues ...

[17.4.2007] One of the results of the Datteln Euro Con was a question about sources of old Nodelists by Steven Leeman - the beginning of the Fido-History-Project 3rd Generation.
The former Fido-History-Project
ftp://ftp.fidonet.org/fidonet/fido-history (Offline).
Fido-History Archive by Gisbert Rudolph ftp://ftp.grudolph.de/pub/fidohist (Offline)
includes Nodelists, Nodediffs, Pointlists R24 upto 2004
Fidonet NodeList / NodeDiff Archive (Script) @ fido.be (HTTP)
includes Nodelists, Nodediffs upto 2007
Live Fido-History Archive @ ambrosia60 (FTP)
includes Nodelists, Nodediffs, Pointlists Z2, R23, R24, R28, R31, R34, R46, R50, FidoNews upto 2007
Fidonet NodeLists / Pointlists / Fidonews Archive (Script) @ AMBROSIA60 (HTTP)
includes Nodelists, Nodediffs, Pointlists Z2, R23, R24, R28, R31, R34, R46, R50, FidoNews upto 2007

[Update: 18.1.2008]
In the meantime i've added R22 (Finland [Poss]) and R48 (Poland [Boss]) pointlists.
Newer actual Nodelists, Pointlists and Fidonews will be automaticly added.
A 2nd actual mirror is held by Kees van Eeten (2:280/5003) well synchronized with Rsync. But there is still no online access. The online access has been gone by a disk crash. Will be recovered soon.


The Fido-History Project continues ...

[26.2.2007] One of the results of the Datteln Euro Con was a question about sources of old Nodelists by Steven Leeman. I've remembered me about an archive from a former Fidonet member Gisbert Rudolph who resigns about 2004 Fidonet. Last week i've phoned him about the archive and he let me know about an existing link: Gisberts Fido-History Archive ftp://ftp.grudolph.de/pub/fidohist (Offline)
This archive has been collected primary by Gisbert with others from many sources. One of the sources was the former Fido-History-Project from ftp://ftp.fidonet.org/fidonet/fido-history (Offline).
My first step was to mirror this archive. The mirror can now be connected under:
Ulis Fido-History Archive (Mirror)
After review of the Nodelist and Pointlist archive, i've descided to add missing files, 'cause Gisberts archive ends in 2004. The Pointlist directory only includes Region24 fakenet Pointlists. Other regions and the Z2PNT list archive completely missing. Region24 Bossformat pointlist that starts distribution as the main R24 pointlist in 2001 with daynumber #173 on June, 26th isn't realy reflected by the archive, so i've start restructuring the Pointlist directory and adding addtl. Pointlists.
[Update: 24.3.2007]
The live Fidonet NodeLists / Pointlists / Fidonews Archive (Script) @ AMBROSIA60 now includes Nodelists (and Diffs), Pointlists (and Diffs) (from Z2, R23, R24, R28, R31) and the Fidonews listing. A content search and statistics are still under construction.
[Update: 30.3.2007]
Added R34 (Spain) Pointlists from 2001, 2006, 2007 Boss and Fakenet Formats.

A mirror of the Nodelists/Diffs Only Archiv script can be found under:
Fidonet NodeList / NodeDiff Archive (Script) @ fido.be


The Fido-History-Project in the Fidonews

F I D O N E W S   Volume 24, Number 11 (12 Mar 2007) article


Pictures from the DattelnCon-07

[8.1.2007] Inspired by the visit of Vladimir Donskoy there was a EuroCon organized in Datteln where Bob lives. more (Album auf AMBROSIA60) ...
Dattelncon IV (Website by Steven Leeman)
DattelnCon 2007 (http://www.vbd.pp.ru/dattelncon07/ Offline) (Website by Vladimir Donskoy)

  Fidonet :: DattelnCon IV 2007 Album

Fido-History-Project Links and References

nodelist_search.php Version 1.2, Copyright © 2003, Jerry Schwartz, 1:142/928 and WriteByNight (Database SQL error)
Original Nodelist lister script (v1) The FidoNet Showcase Project (FidoNet On The Internet, FOTI) (Nodelists upto 2001)

Credits - Original Collection of File Archives

ftp://ftp.fidonet.org/fidonet/fido-history -  FIDO-HISTORY PROJECT (The Original)   @ ftp.fidonet.org (Offline)
Ruth Argust - The Original FidoNet Nodelist Archives  @ The Great White South BBS
            (Archive: 550 not available)
Tony Campbell - FOTI Nodelist / Nodediff Archive Page  @ TheLitterBox BBS (Nodelists upto 2004)
Frank Robbins - The FidoNet Showcase Project (Nodelists upto 2001)
Michael Cronsten - Swedisch Fidonet http://www.fidonet.m.nu/nodlistor_diffar/ (Offline)
Gisbert Rudolph - Fido History Project (2) ftp://ftp.grudolph.de/pub/fidohist/ (Offline)
Ulrich Schroeter - Fidonet Archive - Fido History Project (3) @ Ambrosia60 (Nodelists upto Today)
Steven Leeman - Fidonet Archive - Reorganized @ skynetbbs (Nodelists upto 2007)
Alex Woick - Wombaz
Michiel v.d. Vlist @ vlist.eu - R28 Pointlists, Software Downloads
Kåre Thor Olsen - R23 Pointlists, Software Downloads http://www.nightcall.dk/bbs/net/dk-point/ (Offline)
Rafael Suarez - R34 Pointlists Downloads ftp://ftp.rafastd.org/fido/ (550 error 2)
Kees van Eeten - Fido-History-Project 3rd Generation (Mirror)
Oleg Tews -   Nodelist Archive (Offline) of   fidonet z2 nodehist robot (Offline)
Pavel Gulchouck (2:463/68) - Another Nodelist Search Site (Nodelists upto Today)

Fido-History-Project Software

The NODELIST.PHP Archive Script (lists Nodelists/Pointlists/FidoNews)
=> The Online NODELIST Archive Listing
NLARCHIVE Scripts (Nodelist Search in MySQL5 Database)
Fido-History-Project to DB NDL2DB (former NLARCHIVE)
Fido-History-Project DB Web Search Form NLARCHIVE2 (Web Search Form)
=> The Online NLARCHIVE2 Web Search Form
Pointlists Converter any formats for the Fido-History-Project Recovery, PNTLCVRT
EDTNL Nodelist compiler for the Fido-History-Project Recovery, EDTNL
PLDIFF Nodelist differ for the Fido-History-Project Recovery, PLDIFF
PLMakeCL Pointlist compiler for the Fido-History-Project Recovery, PLMAKECL
FB2IMP *.MSG to MySQL import script for the Fido-History-Project Fidobase2, FB2IMP


Fido-History-Project History Log
Date Activities
7.8.2013 CSS improvements of FHP documentation website ...
for better mirroring to other websites.
Removing tables, replaced with css div's. Font size, font color and page positioning improvements. nodelist.php and nlarchive2.php script display style improvements. java script fix to load java scripts from a separate file.
6.8.2010 Region 23 Exceptions, Nodelist and Z2PNT Exception
A planned R46PNT removal from Z2PNT distribution was simultaneous with the Region 23 nodelist segment removal, caused by a RC23 fault replacing Region and Hostlines with Unpublished. Therefor also the R23PNT gets removed from Z2PNT distribution for one week. Reapplied on Nodelist and Z2PNT #225/10.
20.7.2010 Virtual Server #2 crashed
Currently there is no Virtual Server running so that no virtual machine can run with the Database search and therefor this service is currently out of order.
19.7.2010 Virtual Server #1 crashed
In relation to the Virtual Server #1 the virtual machine with the Database search is currently not available.
22.4.2010 FB2IMP *.MSG to MySQL script v0.03 published
The FB2IMP script is an essential script for the Fidobase2 project as it allows the import of the *.MSG archives that exists containing mails from 2006 - 2010
FB2IMP *.MSG to MySQL import script for the Fido-History-Project Fidobase2, FB2IMP
31.1.2010 NLARCHIVE2 web search form Official Release v2.00
Today I've released the final version v2.00 (31.01.2010) of Fido-History-Archive web search form:
The Online NLARCHIVE2 Web Search Form
The script: Fido-History-Project DB Web Search Form NLARCHIVE2 (Web Search Form)
20.10.2009 Software fixes and Updates
Fixes on the PLdiff tool results in R50PNT_D's re-diffing, update of PLMakeCL and the nodelist.php script, recovery of R23PNT files (wrong CRC related to wrong FTN line terminations, corrected)
30.09.2009 Added one more tab to the FHP pages
Actual there a 4 categories available:
  • Documentation
  • Archive View
  • Database Search
  • FidoBase Documentation
23.09.2009 R23PNT repairs
Recovery of missing R23PNT lists and repairing line terminations problem, diffing and re-archiving of files from 2008 and 2009.
16.03.2009 Some more enhancements to get the NODELIST.PHP script case-in-sensitive
Within the mirroring project problems with lower and upper filenames occures so the script doesn't find files that are in the archive. Now the script is enhanced to search files by lower and uppercase so it becomes more case-in-sensitive. Directory names treated lowercase.
25.01.2009 Added new view to the NODELIST.PHP script
Now its simple to get an overview over the last 5 weeks and the arrival of all the lists by selecting the 'Last 5' options view. The view displays all the lists and diffs and their existance in the archive. Exceptions will also be displayed.
24.01.2009 Re-packed R34 Pointlists 2001 from LHA to ZIP
... to simplyfy the search within the nodelist.php archive script.
22.01.2009 Added tabbed browsing to the FHP pages
Actual there a 3 categories available:
  • Documentation
  • Archive View
  • Database Search
21.01.2009 R50PNT PointLists and Diffs conclusion
The recovery of R50PNT lists between 1997 and 2007 with R50PNT_D's has finished.
  • 1997: #318 - #360. Ok.
  • 1998: Lists recovered in full.
  • 1999: Lists recovered in full.
  • 2000: #007 - #098 Ok. #105 List and Diff missing.
  • 2001: Diffs complete but no list can be created as of missing #105/2000 List.
  • 2002: Diffs complete but no list can be created as of missing #105/2000 List.
  • 2003: Lists recovered in full.
  • 2004: Lists recovered in full.
  • 2005: Lists recovered in full.
  • 2006: Lists recovered in full.
  • 2007: Lists recovered in full upto #138 (the last Poss format list)
  • 2008: New Boss format List starts #277 (the first Boss format list)
  • 2009: Lists and Diffs recovered in full.
20.01.2009 Problem compile R50PNT.065 and R50PNT_D.072 (1998)
Starting R50PNT.072/1998 upto R50PNT.365/1999 there is a change in the admin line format that lets EDTNL v1.16 results in a CRC mismatch.
;A Region 50 Pointlist for Friday, March 13, 1998 -- Day number: 072 : 28661
This line includes two delimiters ':' so that EDTNL v1.16 uses the daynumber as the CRC compare value (=> 72). There is a fix available with EDTNL v1.17
Recovery of 1998 and 1999 R50PNT lists continues.
19.01.2009 Received R50PNT and R50PNT_D bundle 1997-2007
1st step: merged with the archive.
Tried recovery of Lists from Diffs with some starting Lists.
  • 1997: #318 - #360. Ok.
  • 1998: #002 - #065. Ok. #072 ends in CRC mismatch.
  • 1999: #001 Ok. #008 ends in CRC mismatch.
  • 2000: #007 - #098 Ok. #105 List and Diff missing.
  • 2001: Diffs complete but no list can be created as of missing #105/2000 List.
  • 2002: Diffs complete but no list can be created as of missing #105/2000 List.
  • 2003-2006: Lists recovered in full.
13.01.2009 Downloaded missing PNT46REG lists years 2007, 2008
from source ftp://vlcorsar.dyndns.org (Anton Kuznetsov, 2:463/648).
With the complete list of R46 Pointlists PNT46REG from 2007 upto 2009 i'd recovered the missing R46PDIFFs as well.
11.01.2009 Recovered Z2PNT #047 - #145/01
from Z2PNT.040/01 and diffs. Z2PNT.040 / 2001 is actual the oldest Z2PNT list.
11.01.2009 Downloaded R50 Pointlist Diffs and Z2PNT diffs
from source ftp://ets.mephi.ru/pub/Fido/fileechoes/ (Offline)
11.01.2009 Downloaded R50 Pointlist R50PNT.304 (2003)!
from source ftp://news.svzserv.kemerovo.su/pub/fileecho/R50PNT/ (Offline)
11.01.2009 Downloaded R45 Pointlists
from source ftp://mx01.mgts.beltelecom.by/pub/fileecho/r45point (Offline)
11.01.2009 Download PNT46REG and R46PDIFF Pointlists
from source http://www.fido.kr.ua/data/pass/ (Offline) adds many more older lists and diffs from the R46 pointlists distribution so a recovery of lists from year 2003 and 2004 can start.
A 2nd source ftp://ftp.3logic.net/pub/fidonet/info/pointlst/ has lists old files from year 1997 and 1998.
26.12.2008 Re-Add R46PNT Pointlists distribution
  • After find a link into Region 46 the R46PNT distribution restarts with #361/2008 after a long break
  • Add new R46PNT distributions to Nodelist Archive listing
11.12.2008 The Mirroring project starts into the 2nd deployment phase.
On fido.ddutch.nl the archive has been mirrored for a while by Kees van Eeten but the portal hasn't finished yet. The deployment of the mirror portal has started.
Starting modifying scripts and html pages for compatibility.
9.12.2008 Fido-History-Project Archive Mirror Resync'ed
The mirror of the Fido-History-Project by Kees stops syncing about 3 months ago as of an ip-adress change. Now the Rsync has been moved to a static line and the mirror has been re-sync'ed.
5.12.2008 PLDIFF Nodelist differ tool
Creating the R24PNT and Z2PNT lists with PlMake fails diff creation. Also the NlDiff by Thomas Seeling for OS/2 and DOS fails building usable Diff files. So i've decided to write my own diffing tool => PLDIFF. Based on the PlMake diffing algorythm, i've wrote PlDiff for DOS and DOS shells under other operating systems. PlDiff is aware of changes in the prolog or epilog section, can handle nodelists and pointlists larger then 1 Mb in size (2,7 Mb tested). PlDiff makes use of filebased searches and cannot run into memory problems like other tools. See also PLDIFF
10.10.2008 Re-Add R50PNT into Z2PNT distribution
Starting Z2PNT.284 the Region 50 Pointlist segment is re-included in the Z2PNT distribution. The Z2PNT_D.284 were distributed in full as too many differences between the #277 and #284 list.
6.10.2008 Re-Add R50PNT Pointlists distribution
  • With new RPK50 the R50PNT distribution restarts with #277/2008 after a long break since #138/2007
  • R50PNT list format changed from Poss1 to Boss1
  • Add new R50PNT distributions to Nodelist Archive listing (new script version v5.2.01)
1) Former links to http://fidopedia.fido.de/fido.de/ are currently broken
29.9.2008 NDL2DB re-import #4
25.9.2008 NDL2DB re-import #3 or #4
  • The 3rd or 4th NDL2DB re-import has started with v2.02-beta1 version after some more data inconsistency has been found (state and keywords not allways displays correct or missing).
  • I've also modified the advanced queries of the NLARCHIVE2 ( see v2.0-rc9 infos ) search form and added the state and/or keywords to the output list.
8.8.2008 Project Sites Design modified
Added a back link to the Nodelist Archive Listing and NLARCHIVE2 Search Form to the main project site and the actual design is shown in the link icons. Moved 2nd link into the first visible area.
6.6.2008 NDL2DB re-import of Nodelists finished.
NDL2DB import of Nodelists finished successful. The results of the NLARCHIVE2 Search Form now are complete. Known Nodelist failures are fixed.
4.6.2008 NDL2DB re-import passes 50% level
  • The NDL2DB re-import now has passed the 50% level.
  • Inspired by Michael Dukelsky (2:5020/1042) i've modified the simple queries of the NLARCHIVE2 search form and added the 1st entry dates of the listed records into the output list ordered chronological.
  • On a check by my Sysops name, i've found an additional nodelist error - nodelist 127/1999 has a missing 2:244 Host line, that moves the former Net 244 nodes into the next Net 2411 ... so every Net 244 becomes a new aka 2:2411/.... I've removed the related records from the nodelist-db to get the listing clean and added this exception information to the Fido-History-Project Listing
30.5.2008 NDL2DB database reset
The last NDL2DB import of Nodelists finishes with an unknown count of datamismatches. So i've decided to reset the whole database import and restarting the import process.
In the meantime, the results of the NLARCHIVE2 Search Form now again incomplete. The range of actual imported Nodelists is listed in the header section of the search form.
30.4.2008 NDL2DB import of Nodelists finished.
NDL2DB import of Nodelists finished successful. The results of the NLARCHIVE2 Search Form now are complete as nodelists exists. The range of actual imported Nodelists is listed in the header section of the search form.
29.4.08 NDL2DB import state
Total 692 of 925 (74%) Nodelists imported.
28.4.08 NDL2DB improvements II
Analyzing the NDL2DB import runtime, the results shows, that the hash algorythm doesn't help so much as expected x1). Its faster to search indexed Node entrys and Nodelist lines in the database than doing a sequential array search. So i've decided doing a code rewrite by eliminating the hash procedures.
Actual there are 585 of 924 (63%) nodelists imported.
(imported much more lists within the last 3 days than the 8 weeks before at all)

x1) Typical performance report "average access times"
Performance counters:min [sec]max [sec]
NL_NODE array-search (min/max):0.0570480823516850.3677990436554
NL_NODE db read (min/max) ....:0.00129294395446780.047487020492554
NL_NODE db inserts (min/max) .:0.00448703765869140.13218784332275
NL_LINE array-search (min/max):0.0692608356475830.3275899887085
NL_LINE db read (min/max) ....:0.00119590759277341.0015070438385
NL_LINE db inserts (min/max) .:0.00425314903259280.10394787788391
NL_ENTRY db read (min/max) ...:0.000849008560180660.034258127212524
NL_ENTRY db inserts (min/max) :0.00260996818542480.30862808227539
26.4.08 NDL2DB improvements
The NDL2DB import tooks a long time on executing the import of the max sized nodelist years.
After counting the nodelist lines and doing some improvements (i.e. added a workqueue handling and ordering for multitasking) on the code the import speeds up. Actual there are 360 of 925 (38%) nodelists imported.
25.4.08 NDL2DB import of actual Nodelists
Applied the automatic import of the newest nodelist updates with the NDL2DB import script.
31.3.08 NLARCHIVE2 web search form introduced
The result of the NDL2DB import script is a database with infos from Nodelists that can be queried.
Today i've introduce the first view to the web search form:
The Online NLARCHIVE2 Web Search Form
The script: Fido-History-Project DB Web Search Form NLARCHIVE2 (Web Search Form)
12.3.08 NODELIST.333 1991 recovered
NDL2DB import reports an error on NODELIST.333/1991
# 12:13:07 WARNING! CRC mismatch in Nodelist 333/1991: '05214' <> calculated '28491'
As of complete NODELIST.326 and NODEDIFF.333 a recompile of the NODELIST.333 was successful. NL91-333.ZIP replaced in archive.
2.3.08 Fido-History-Project to DB NDL2DB import starts
Fido-History-Project to DB NDL2DB (former NLARCHIVE) PHP port scripts rewritten.
After testings import of Nodelists 1987-2008 from the Fido-History-Projekt Archiv has been started.
9.2.08 Daten-GAU: VMserver disc crashed
Die Platte mit den verschiedensten VM-images hat sich verabschiedet. Somit sind alle Entwicklungen der letzten 6 Monate verloren gegangen:
  • Fido-History-Project to DB
  • FidoBase (SQL MsgBase Project)
  • DLIMP Test Umgebung
mehr ...
30.1.08 Fixed Nodelists and their Archive timestamps for years 1992-2000
All Nodelist archives in the range 1992-2000 in the Fido-History-Project archive was filestamped with wrong dates. Fixed the filedates of the raw Nodelist files with the timestamps of the related Nodediff files and repacked the archives with the ZIP -oj switch.
30.1.08 Fixed Nodelist and their Archive timestamps 1991
All Nodelist archives from year 1991 in the Fido-History-Project archive was filestamped with date 31.12.1991. Fixed the filedates of the raw Nodelist files with the timestamps of the related Nodediff files that seems to be ok (they varys around the distribution dates with different times as nodelist was created and distributed) and repacked archives with the ZIP -oj switch.
30.1.08 Fixed Nodelist and Archive timestamps 1984-1990
Some archives in the Fido-History-Project archive are filestamped with dates from 2007 or other wrong filedates. Fixed the filedates of some Nodelists and most Archives with the ZIP -oj switch.
19.1.08 Build standalone version of this projects Website
for integration into the Fido-History-Project Archive. Standalone version of the Fido-History-Project's Website as integrated under http://ambrosia60.goip.de Modified for portability with relative paths and moved, integrated pictures.
18.1.08 Adding R22 Pointlist Poss distribution link
17.1.08 The live mirror at 280/5003 has been recovered
6.1.08 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovered R28 Boss Diff lists year 2007: #327, #334
  • Recovered R23 Fakenet Diff lists year 1996: #103 - #117
  • Recovered R23 Fakenet Diff list year 1996: #299
  • Recovered R23 Fakenet Diff list year 1999: #337 and #344
  • Recovered R23 Fakenet Diff lists year 2000: #105 - #364
  • Recovered R23 Fakenet Diff lists year 2004: #009 - #338
6.1.08 R28 Pointlists Correction
R28 Pointlists archive files found under R23 2003 Boss - moved back to correct location R28. Recovered original state. Dont know when happened.
28.12.07 Added R48 Pointlists link received from Przemyslaw Kwiatkowski
New: R48 Pointlists, starting #362/07
21.12.07 A disk crash occures at 280/5003, the live mirror has gone
But still there are plans to recovery the mirror.
27.6.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovered Z2PNT Poss format lists year 2002 and 2003
  • Recovered R46PNT Poss format lists year 1999
  • Recovery of R46PNT Poss format lists for years 2000-2002 is impossible as of a missing starting list
  • Recovered some R46PNT Poss format lists year 2003, could not continue as of missing #248 diff.
  • Recovered R46PNT Poss format lists year 2005 #112.
26.6.07 New Archiv link received from Oleg Tews
  •   Nodelist Archive (Offline)
  •   fidonet z2 nodehist robot (Offline)
Includes Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D (years 2002 and 2003 now complete), R46PNT, R45PNT (2004,2005) files and other stuff. New: R45 Pointlists
25.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Trying recovery of R24 Points24.365 year 1993:
    from Points24.358 / 1993; Points24.049 / 1994 and Pr24Diffs #007-049 / 1994
    in process ...
    giving up. Too much mismatches between reverse engineered #365/93 and #358/93, from #049/94 with subsequent Diffs back to #365/93 that doesn't reflect possible changes from #358/93 to #365/93.
    Read also article about Reverse Engineering of FTN lists.
25.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovered R24 Boss format lists year 1997: #003 - #031, 360
    recoveredfrom sourcechecked against
25.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovered R24 Boss format lists year 1994: #280 - #364
    recoveredfrom sourcechecked against
25.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovered R24 Boss format lists year 1993: #001 - #162, 288, 344
    recoveredfrom sourcechecked against
25.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovered R24 Boss format lists year 1991: #165 - #361
    recoveredfrom sourcechecked against
25.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Replaced POINTS24.014 / 2000 by a fixed version, recovery R24PNT.014
24.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovered R24 Boss format lists year 1992: #003 - #360
    recoveredfrom sourcechecked against
24.4.07 FIDO-HISTORY-PROJECT Archive Script Update v4.6
The live Fidonet NodeLists / Pointlists / Fidonews Archive (Script) @ AMBROSIA60
reflects packed R29 pointlists
24.4.07 Packing R29 (Belgium) Pointlists 1997-2001 ...
Boss- and Points (V7) Format pointlists were unpacked. Now packed with zip.
24.4.07 Fidonews Archive 1985-2004 received from Gero Dirk Lachner
and infos about missing files, for merge by Gero Dirk Lachner, 2:2448/200
24.4.07 FIDO-HISTORY-PROJECT Archive Script Update v4.5
The live Fidonet NodeLists / Pointlists / Fidonews Archive (Script) @ AMBROSIA60 now includes Nodelists (and Diffs), Pointlists (and Diffs) (from Z2, R23, R24, R28, R29, R31, R34, R46, R50) and the Fidonews listing.
23.4.07 Added R29 (Belgium) Pointlists 1997-2001 ...
  • ... from source 2:292/624, years 1997 - 2001, Boss- and Points (V7) Formats to the archive.
    Source: Steven Leeman - R29 Pointlists Downloads
  • Insert of R29 Boss format and Points (V7) format pointlists into the Fido-History-Project structure.
  • Reset filedates of R29 pointlists according the publishing date.
23.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Starting recovery R24 Boss format lists year 1996: #012 - #362
    recoveredfrom sourcechecked against
23.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery - State 23.4.07
R24 Pointlists and Diffs, Bossformat and Fakeformat
  • Years that are completed:
    1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
  • Years that can be completed:
    1992, 1996
  • Years that cannot be completed:
    1989 - only one Fakenet list
    1990 - no lists at all
    1991 - only lists starting #165
    1993 - R24 Putsch, Archive sources includes a mixture of Light lists and Classic Diffs, complete #001-#176
    1994 - #007-#042 cannot be recovered as of a missing full list relates to the 1993 problem
    1995 - only some single files
    1997 - 5 missing Diffs prevents recovery in whole
    2001 - R24PNT incomplete about missing Diffs #271-#362
    2002 - R24PNT incomplete about missing Diffs #004-#039
23.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovered R24 Fakenet Pointdiff 2000
    PR24DIFF.154 from POINTS24.147 and POINTS24.154
  • Recovered R24 Boss format lists year 2000:
    recoveredfrom sourcechecked against
  • Recovered R24 Fakenet Pointdiff 1998
    PR24DIFF.002from POINTS24.360 (1997) and POINTS24.002
    PR24DIFF.009from POINTS24.002 and POINTS24.009
    PR24DIFF.016from POINTS24.009 and POINTS24.016
    PR24DIFF.023from POINTS24.016 and POINTS24.023
    PR24DIFF.030from POINTS24.023 and POINTS24.030
    PR24DIFF.037from POINTS24.030 and POINTS24.037
    PR24DIFF.044from POINTS24.037 and POINTS24.044
    PR24DIFF.149from POINTS24.142 and POINTS24.149
    PR24DIFF.156from POINTS24.149 and POINTS24.156
  • Starting recovery R24 Boss format lists year 1998: #002 - #121
    recoveredfrom sourcechecked against
22.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovered R24 Fakenet Pointdiff 2000 PR24DIFF.112 from POINTS24.105 and POINTS24.112
22.4.07 Fido-History Archiv changes
Repacked Points24.* 1989-2004 from P24yyddd.ZIP to POINTS24.Zdd
22.4.07 Fido-History Archiv changes
Merged Points24.* and Pr24Diff.* for years 1991-2002
22.4.07 R24 Pointlists Archive received from Gero Dirk Lachner
Received Points24.* and Pr24Diff.* archive 1989-2006 (400 Mb) from Gero Dirk Lachner, 2:2448/200 for merge
18.4.07 NLARCHIVE2 nlimport.pl to MySQL5 Nodelist search
The test on a development machine for MySQL5 migration, NLARCHIVE2 import and update now successfuly finished.
17.4.07 Continuous Auto Update Process
The auto update process for all new Nodelists, Nodediffs, Pointlists, Pointdiffs, Fidonews into the Live archive is now implemented.
17.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovery of a single file: R24 PR24DIFF.008 from year 1999 from sources POINTS24.001 and POINTS24.008 (1999)
15.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovery of R23 Boss pointlists for years 1992,1995-2005(#210) finished.
14.4.07 Actual Archive size
1.186 Mbyte (1,19 Gb)
Alex Woick presents version 2 of the nlarchive Perl script of the Nodelist to MySql5 db importer. Includes Nodelist History and Stats infos.
14.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Recovery of R24 Boss pointlists for years 1989-2001(#166) finished.
  • Start recovery of R23 Boss pointlists for years 1992,1995-2005 named R23PNT.###
14.4.07 Pointlist converter PNTLCVRT v5.61 Upgrade
For the Fido-History Archive Recovery of Boss Pointlists for Region 23, i have to add a special Nodelist flag that is used in Region 23 to define a Bossnode relation within the Fakenet format Pointlists: ,UBOSS:net/node
I've also added a Fido-History-Project recovery mode to add addtl. infos into the header of the generated lists with source infos.
Addtl. touch like filedate stamp routine to reflect the produced output filedate to the source file.
see PNTLCVRT v5.61
11.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Start recovery of R24 Boss pointlists for years 1989-2000 aka PTS24.LST, renamed to R24PNT.###
10.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Renamed P4D2402.### files to R24PNT.Z## (R24 Boss 2002)
5.4.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Recovery
  • Reconstructed R31 Boss Pointlists 2001, 346/2003, 294/2005
30.3.07 Added R34 (Spain) Pointlists ...
from from source 2:348/609 and 2:341/14 years 2001, 2006, 2007 Boss and Fakenet Formats to the archive.
Source: Rafael Suarez - R34 Pointlists Downloads (ftp://ftp.rafastd.org/fido/ Offline)
29.3.07 Fido-History Archive Ambrosia Adds
  • Found 8 addtl. Z2PNT_D files from year 2002 on local harddisc.
    recovered Z2PNT files too.
24.3.07 FIDO-HISTORY-PROJECT Archive Script Update
The live Fidonet NodeLists / Pointlists / Fidonews Archive (Script) @ AMBROSIA60 now includes Nodelists (and Diffs), Pointlists (and Diffs) (from Z2, R23, R24, R28, R31) and the Fidonews listing. A content search and statistics is still under construction.
19.3.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia merge/reviews
  • Restructure, Reorganize, Repack, Recover R23 Pointlists 1992-2005
  • Added 2 Points24 1995 not yet in archive, found in DK
18.3.07 Downloaded R23 (Denmark) Pointlists ...
from 1992 - 2005, Boss and Fakenet Formats to the archive.
Source: Kåre Thor Olsen - R23 Pointlists, Software Downloads (http://www.nightcall.dk/bbs/net/dk-point/ Offline)
15.3.07 MySQL 4.x to MySQL 5.x Migration
To get the NLARCHIVE Perl Nodelist importer script working, i've first to start a MySQL5 migration. Before Migration on the production server i've started a test on a development machine.
Result: all MySQL related applications no longer works :-(
Most problems relates to the changed Password encryption policy from MySQL4 to MySQL5.
12.3.07 Article in Fidonews Vol 24 No 11
The true story about the Fido-History-Project 3rd Generation - Re-birth


One Short Question

The last Datteln Euro Con IV has passed without a note in the snooze but the meeting in the beginning year 2007 results with some fido- historical material that has been published since that on the web. Steven Leeman started publishing pictures from this international session on the web. A documentary film has been made late in the evening on January, 8th.
Participients were: from Belgium - Ward Dossche, Steven Leeman from Netherlands - Michiel van der Vlist, Kees van Eeten, from Germany - Alex Woick, Robert Bashe, Uli Schroeter and from Russia - Vladimir Donskoy. Via video conferencing from Sweden - Bjoern Felten.
Now about 2 months later, in the meanwhile storm Kyrill passes Europe, but one short simple question from Steven will still left open:

Where to find old Nodelists?

Read full article: FidoNews Vol 24 No 11 (12.3.2007)
8.3.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia merge/reviews
  • R31 Pointlists Boss + V7:
    R31PNT, POINT4D,
    1998-2007 restructure finished
  • R28 Pointlists Boss + Fidouser:
    P28-LIST, P28-DIFF, POINTL##,
    1997-2007 restructure finished
7.3.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia merge/reviews
  • R24 Pointlists Fake + Boss:
    R24PNT, R24PNT_D,
    1989-2007 restructure finished
6.3.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia merge/reviews
  • Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D 2007 restructure finished
  • Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D 2006 restructure finished
  • Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D 2005 restructure finished
  • Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D 2004 restructure finished
  • Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D 2003 restructure finished
  • Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D 2002 restructure finished
  • Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D 2001 restructure finished
5.3.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia merge/reviews
  • Info: New structure for any DIFF files
    All DIFF Files for a list now stored in a Sub dir named DIFF. All DIFF files will be saved as single file.
  • Merged 2003 Z2PNT Lists and Diffs from different sources 2003 Z2PNT + Z2PNT_D finished
  • Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D 2007 restructure finished
  • Z2PNT, Z2PNT_D 2006 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 2007 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 2006 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 2005 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 2004 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 2003 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 2002 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 2001 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 2000 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 1999 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 1998 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 1997 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 1996 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 1995 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 1994 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 1993 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 1992 restructure finished
  • Nodelist, Nodediff 1991 restructure finished
4.3.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia merge/reviews
  • Added 1990-152, 1991-067 Nodelists from A.Woick
  • Fixed PDIF1995 Pr24Diffs. Archiv contains 1994 diffs. removed 2 1994 diffs, added one found 1995 diff.
  • fixed 2004 R28 Pointlists archive 303 - 366 that contains also 2003 archives
Alex Woick presents version 1 of the nlarchive Perl script of the Nodelist to MySql5 db importer.
3.3.07 FIDO-HISTORY PROJECT #3 (continued) Together with Steven Leeman (2:280/264) i've reviewed and added the actual lists not yet found in the FIDO-HISTORY PROJECT #2 (ftp://ftp.grudolph.de/pub/fidohist Offline) archive. Actual work finished for the nodelists. Missing lists recompiled from earlier full lists and diffs. Added lists since 2004 upto actual day where the FIDO-HISTORY PROJECT #2 ends. Added scripts to automaticly insert newer lists into my FIDO-HISTORY PROJECT #3 archive.
Yesterday i've copied and modified the nodelist script from Steven Leeman's project of reorganized Stevens Nodelist Archive. This archive is a repacked, files are renamed. The script works for nodelists and nodediffs.
The same script, but for nodelists only is available under the link Ulis Nodelist Archive.
1.3.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia / Rudolph merge/reviews
  • Added Z2PNT 2001 lists starting #159
  • Added Z2PNT Diffs 2001 starting #159
28.2.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia / Rudolph merge/reviews
  • Added R24PNT 2005 diffs
  • Added 2005 R24 POINTS24 Fakenet- Lists and Diffs
  • Added R24PNT 2006 diffs
  • Added 2006 R24 POINTS24 Fakenet- Lists and Diffs
  • R24 Pointlists and Diffs, Boss and Fake 2005-2007 review finished.
  • R24 Pointlists completed.
  • R28 Pointlists Boss 2004-2007 review finished.
  • R28 Pointlists 2004-2007 completed.
  • R31 Pointlists Boss and V7, 1998-2007 reviewed.
  • R31 Pointlists Boss and V7 completed.
27.2.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia / Rudolph merge/reviews
  • R24 Pointlists and Diffs, Boss and Fake 1989-2001 review finished.
  • Recovered missing 2003 R24 Boss- and Fakenet- Pointlists
    by recompile from diffs. Recovered in whole.
  • Recovered missing 2004 R24 Boss- and Fakenet- Pointlists
    and Diffs by restore from tape.
  • R24 Pointlists and Diffs, Boss and Fake 2002-2004 review finished.
26.2.07 FIDO-HISTORY PROJECT One short question at the DattelnEuroCon 2007 ends in a revival of the Fido-History Project, first started at ftp://ftp.fidonet.org/fidonet/fido-history (this site is Offline). After research for resigned fidonet members i've contacted Gisbert Rudolph about his FIDO-HISTORY PROJECT #2 (ftp://ftp.grudolph.de/pub/fidohist Offline) (i'll name it the #2) archive that ends updating in 2004.
The merge of Gisberts and my raw archive can be found under Raw Fido-History Project FTP Archive
Archive size: 829 Mbyte
26.2.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia / Rudolph merge/reviews
  • added Nodelists 2005
  • added Nodelist diffs 2005, 2006
  • restructure PntList
  • added R28 Boss Pointlists 2004-2007
  • added R31 Boss, V7 Pointlists 2004-2007
  • added R24 Boss Pointlists 2004-2007
  • added Z2PNT Poss Pointlists 2004-2007
  • added Z2PNT_D Poss Diff Pointlists 2004-2007
  • completed Points24 R24 fakenet pointlists 2004, #163 ff.
  • added FNEWS L49 ff.
  • added R24 Fake Pointlists Points24.* 1989,1992,1993
  • added R24 Fake Pointdiffs 1994
  • added R24 Fake Pointlists 1994
  • added R24 Fake Pointlists 1995
  • added R31 V7 Pointlists 1998
  • added R31 V7 Pointlists 2001
  • added R31 Boss Pointlists 2001
  • added R24 Fake Pointlists 1996
  • added Nodelists 2006
  • added Nodelists 2007 upto #054
  • added Nodediffs 2007 upto #054
  • added addtl. yet missing R24 fakenet Pointlists 1989-1999
  • added R31 Boss Pointlists 2002
  • Nodelist and Diffs review finished.
25.2.07 Nodelist Archive Ambrosia / Rudolph merge/reviews
  • completed Nodelist history 2004, #345 ff.
  • completed Nodelist diffs 2004, #345 ff.
23.2.07 FTP mirroring from archive Gisbert Rudolph
Source: Gisbert Rudolph - ftp://ftp.grudolph.de/pub/fidohist (Offline)
8.1.07 Datteln EuroCon 2007 Inspired by the visit of Vladimir Donskoy there was a EuroCon organized in Datteln where Bob lives. Pictures from this Con can be found here Pictures DattelnCon-07
Steven Leeman's question: Where to find old Nodelists? is still open.

© 2003-2024 by Ulrich Schroeter   05844