Project: Webinterface II - Fidonet Messagebase Structure: *.MSG

AMBROSIA60-Portal  Webinterface II Project

Source:		Document: FTS-0001
		Version:  016
		Date:     30-Sep-95

                     A Basic FidoNet(r) Technical Standard
|                                Revision 16
                      Formerly known as FSC001,  FSC-0001
|                      Randy Bush, Pacific Systems Group
|                             September 30, 1995
 B. Application Layer : the System from the User's View

    The application layer is outside the domain of a FidoNet standard, as it
    is the layer that the user's application sees as opposed to what FidoNet
    sees.   In  recent  months,  there  has been  sufficient  confusion  and
    discussion  about  the  format  of  data at this level  to  warrant  the
    description  of the data structure, the message as it is stored by Fido,
    SEAdog, and Rover.

    Perfectly valid FidoNet systems may be implemented whose stored messages
    differ greatly from this format.

   1. Application Layer Data Definition : a Stored Message

                               Stored Message

      dec hex
        0   0 |                                               |
              ~                 fromUserName                  ~
              |                   36 bytes                    |
       36  24 |                                               |
              ~                  toUserName                   ~
              |                   36 bytes                    |
       72  48 |                                               |
              ~                    subject                    ~
              |                   72  bytes                   |
      144  90 |                                               |
              ~                    DateTime                   ~
              |                    20 bytes                   |
      164  A4 | timesRead (low order) | timesRead (high order)|
      166  A6 | destNode (low order)  | destNode (high order) |
      168  A8 | origNode (low order)  | origNode (high order) |
      170  AA |   cost (low order)    |   cost (high order)   |
      172  AC | origNet (low order)   | origNet (high order)  |
      174  AE | destNet (low order)   | destNet (high order)  |
      176  B0 | destZone (optional)   | destZone (optional)   |
      178  B2 | origZone (optional)   | origZone (optional)   |
      180  B4 | destPoint(optional)   | destPoint(optional)   |
      182  B6 | origPoint(optional)   | origPoint(optional)   |
      184  B8 |  replyTo (low order)  |  replyTo (high order) |
      186  BA | Attribute (low order) | Attribute (high order)|
      188  BC | nextReply (low order) | nextReply (high order)|
      190  BE |                      text                     |
              ~                    unbounded                  ~
              |                 null terminated               |

      Message    = fromUserName(36)  (* Null terminated *)
                   toUserName(36)    (* Null terminated *)
                   subject(72)       (* see FileList below *)
                   DateTime          (* message body was last edited *)
                   timesRead         (* number of times msg has been read *)
                   destNode          (* of message *)
                   origNode          (* of message *)
                   cost              (* in lowest unit of originator's
                                        currency *)
                   origNet           (* of message *)
                   destNet           (* of message *)
                   destZone          (* of message *)
                   origZone          (* of message *)
                   destPoint         (* of message *)
                   origPoint         (* of message *)
                   replyTo           (* msg to which this replies *)
                   nextReply         (* msg which replies to this *)
                   text(unbounded)   (* Null terminated *)

      DateTime   = (* a character string 20 characters long *)
                                     (* 01 Jan 86  02:34:56 *)
                   DayOfMonth " " Month " " Year " "
                   " " HH ":" MM ":" SS

      DayOfMonth = "01" | "02" | "03" | ... | "31"   (* Fido 0 fills *)
      Month      = "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr" | "May" | "Jun" |
                   "Jul" | "Aug" | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec"
      Year       = "01" | "02" | .. | "85" | "86" | ... | "99" | "00"
      HH         = "00" | .. | "23"
      MM         = "00" | .. | "59"
      SS         = "00" | .. | "59"

      AttributeWord   bit       meaning
                      ---       --------------------
                        0  +    Private
                        1  + s  Crash
                        2       Recd
                        3       Sent
                        4  +    FileAttached
                        5       InTransit
                        6       Orphan
                        7       KillSent
                        8       Local
                        9    s  HoldForPickup
                       10  +    unused
                       11    s  FileRequest
                       12  + s  ReturnReceiptRequest
                       13  + s  IsReturnReceipt
                       14  + s  AuditRequest
                       15    s  FileUpdateReq

                             s - need not be recognized, but it's ok
                             + - not zeroed before packeting

      Bits numbers ascend with arithmetic significance of bit position.

      Message Text

      Message text is unbounded and null terminated (note exception below).

      A 'hard' carriage return, 0DH,  marks the end of a paragraph, and must
      be preserved.

      So   called  'soft'  carriage  returns,  8DH,  may  mark  a   previous
      processor's  automatic line wrap, and should be ignored.  Beware  that
      they may be followed by linefeeds, or may not.

      All  linefeeds, 0AH, should be ignored.  Systems which display message
      text should wrap long lines to suit their application.

      If the first character of a physical line (e.g. the first character of
      the  message text, or the character immediately after a hard  carriage
      return (ignoring any linefeeds)) is a ^A (<control-A>, 01H), then that
      line  is  not  displayed  as  it  contains  control  information.  The
      convention for such control lines is:
        o They begin with ^A
        o They end at the end of the physical line (i.e. ignore soft <cr>s).
        o They begin with a keyword followed by a colon.
        o The keywords are uniquely assigned to applications.
        o They keyword/colon pair is followed by application specific data.

      Current ^A keyword assignments are:
|     o TOPT <pt no> - destination point address
      o FMPT <pt no> - origin point address
      o INTL <dest z:n/n> <orig z:n/n> - used for inter-zone address

      File Specifications

      If  one  or more  of FileAttached, FileRequest, or  FileUpdateReq  are
      asserted  in an AttributeWord, the subject{72} field is interpreted as
      a  list of file specifications  which may include wildcards and  other
      system-dependent data.  This list is of the form

      FileList = [ FileSpec { Sep FileSpec } ] Null

      FileSpec = (* implementation dependent file specification.  may
                    not contain Null or any of the characters in Sep. *)

      Sep      = ( " " | "," )  { " " }

      There are deviations from and additions to these specifications

      1  - Fido does not necessarily terminate the message text with a Null,
           but  uses  an empty line (0DH 0AH 0DH 0AH).  Some  Fido utilities
           use an EOF (1AH).

      2 - SEAdog zeros the message cost field when building a message.

      4 - SEAdog uses a different format for dates, e.g.

      DateTime   = (* a character string 20 characters long *)
                   (* SEAdog format Mon  1 Jan 86 02:34 *)
                   DayOfWk " " DayOfMo " " Month " " Year " " HH ":" MM Null

      DayOfWk    = "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun"
      DayOfMo    = " 1" | " 2" | " 3" | ... | "31"  (* blank fill *)

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