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Pfdapp - Fidonet PFD_Applications
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
MLTCL211.ZIP 54447 1999-02-17 03:11:00 multiClock 2.11 multiClock is a digital alarm clock. It displays the time in large, easy to read digits. Features include: three programmable alarms, 10 different alarm sounds, selectable snooze, auto-snooze for repeating alarms, different alarm types, auto-off, support of all system time (12H, 24H) and date formats, a 2nd timezone display, graphical moon phase display, age of moon, date of next full moon, a day countdown timer and volume adjustments. Some bug fixes: switching between battery voltage and countdown time now works without restarting the application, moon phases for southern hemisphere corrected. Shareware $10.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 MLTCL211.ZIP
MLTCL212.ZIP 54835 1999-04-27 10:37:52 multiClock 2.12 multiClock is a digital alarm clock. It displays the time in large, easy to read digits. Features include: three programmable alarms, 10 different alarm sounds, selectable snooze, auto-snooze for repeating alarms, different alarm types, auto-off, support of all system time (12H, 24H) and date formats, a 2nd timezone display, graphical moon phase display, age of moon, date of next full moon, a day countdown timer and volume adjustments. added new time zone GMT+9.5 (Alice Springs) and finally corrected the moon phase for the southern hemisphere. Shareware $10.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 MLTCL212.ZIP
MLTCLOCK.ZIP 49139 1998-11-25 19:19:50 multiClock 1.21 ZDNet's editors' pick. multiClock is a digital alarm clock. It displays the time in large, easy to read digits. Features include: three programmable alarms, selectable snooze, different alarm types, support of all system time (12H, 24H) and date formats, a 2nd timezone display, graphical moon phase display, age of moon, date of next full moon, a day countdown timer and volume adjustments. Update Description Fixed a bug that causes problems rebooting a Palm III. Shareware $10.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 MLTCLOCK.ZIP
MMWIZARD.ZIP 3397 1998-12-23 14:54:48 MultiMail Config Wizard MultiMail PRO Configuration made easy! This new configuration wizard simplifies the process of configuring MultiMail PRO (as well as your network preferences). Worried about configuring direct email on your Pilot? --don't be, the wizard makes it easy to configure MultiMail PRO! Freeware MMWIZARD.ZIP
MOBDBL13.ZIP 35472 1998-08-25 09:57:44 MobileDB Lite v1.3 NOW FREEWARE! MobileDB Lite is the read-only, freeware version of MobileDB. MobileDB Lite is perfect for the PalmOS user in need of reference-only databases such as the hundreds of readily available MobileDB databases. Users can create MobileDB databases using one of the MobileDB Database Conversion tools or just download existing databases from the MobileDB database archive. MobileDB Lite is compatible with all Palm Computing devices. For more information on the full MobileDB version, the MobileDB database archive, or the MobileDB converters, check out Update Description Increased the speed of the Find, Filter, and Sort functions by 70%-90%. PalmOS v1.0 bug fixes. Also, check out the new MobileDB database archive at Freeware MOBDBL13.ZIP
MOSCWMET.ZIP 116721 1999-01-11 20:34:22 TealInfo Moscow Metro. Moscow Metro guide with connection and destinations. Complete with digital maps. A large folio but very handy if you're traveling to the former Soviet Union any time soon. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Alex Lane. Freeware MOSCWMET.ZIP
MOTOR20E.ZIP 30712 1999-04-29 10:18:08 MotorDataE- English Version 2.0 Specifically designed for electrical engineers, electricians and safety inspectors. Provides quick access to the most important information related to electric motors and their feeders. The application will allow you to select (via tapping drop-down lists and ring lists), motor sizes from 1/6 HP to 200 HP A.C or D.C-. Based on the National Electric Code (NEC). Standard Three Phase Motors, Single Phase Motors, Wound Rotor Motors and Direct-current motors are now supported. MotorDataE returns with: Full load current, Locked Rotor Current, Fuse Size, Maximum Circuit Breaker Rating, NEMA Size Starters, Fused Switch Rating, Minimum Wire Size, Conduit Size. Shareware $15.00 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 2.0 MOTOR20E.ZIP
MOVPLAY.ZIP 302013 1998-11-28 11:42:32 MTI MovPlayer Ver. 2.5 MovPlayer version has been greatly enhanced. Added Beaming of movies. Added Beaming of the MovPlayer. Will not beam MovPlayer if a version of MovPlayer is installed. MakeMov NOW works with QuickTime 3.0. MakeMov will convert Microsoft's AVI format. MakeMov has no restrictions, content providers may now make fully functional movies. The slider controls have been consolidated into ONE slider that controls brightness. Generates Better gray scale images. Update Description Fixed the problem with PalmOS 2.0 Shareware $13.95 MOVPLAY.ZIP
MPD01B2.ZIP 211965 1999-02-10 00:21:24 Mac Palm Doc 0.10b2 Mac Palm Doc provides an easy way to convert Macintosh files into Palm Doc files, and back again. Palm Doc files are the standard format for files of text on the Palm Pilot and other personal digital devices. Mac Palm Doc supports many unique features: Splice together multiple text files into a single Doc file. Automatically insert Bookmarkss which delineate the different files spliced into a single Doc file. Flexible "Bookmark Tags" which allow you to automatically convert normal "headings" you may already use into Bookmarks. Edit files and manually insert BookmarksTags on the fly. Newly created Doc files can be automatically uploaded to your Palm Pilot. This is a Pre-Release version and is available free for use. Freeware MPD01B2.ZIP
MSPEMG.ZIP 4923 1999-04-29 10:09:18 MSP: Everything Must Go Complete lyrics to the Manic Street Preachers award-winning album "Everything Must Go" in PalmPilot Doc format. ** Caution: Contains language which may offend ** Freeware MSPEMG.ZIP
MSPGATS.ZIP 5532 1999-04-29 10:09:18 MSP: Gold Against The Soul Complete lyrics to the Manic Street Preachers album "Gold Against The Soul" in PalmPilot Doc format. ** Caution: Contains language which may offend ** Freeware MSPGATS.ZIP
MSPGT.ZIP 7577 1999-04-29 10:09:20 MSP: Generation Terrorists Complete lyrics to the Manic Street Preachers first album "Generation Terrorists" in PalmPilot Doc format. ** Caution: Contains language which may offend ** Freeware MSPGT.ZIP
MSPTHB.ZIP 1128 1999-04-29 10:09:20 MSP: The Holy Bible Complete lyrics to the Manic Street Preachers album "The Holy Bible" in PalmPilot Doc format. This probably their darkest and most desolate record which was completed just before the disappearance of Richey. ** Caution: Contains language which may offend ** Freeware MSPTHB.ZIP
MSPTIMT.ZIP 6385 1999-04-29 10:09:18 MSP: This Is My Truth... Complete lyrics to the Manic Street Preachers award-winning album "This Is My Truth Now Tell Me Yours" in PalmPilot Doc format. ** Caution: Contains language which may offend ** Freeware MSPTIMT.ZIP
MSWPLGIN.ZIP 2253 1998-12-13 19:41:32 MultiMail MSWord Viewer BETA MSWord Attachments with MultiMail! Provides the ability to view MSWord documents within MultiMail PRO. Now you can view your MSWord documents inside your PalmPilot Email. Requires MultiMail PRO 2.1 Update Description This updated version has a number of performance enhancements to make rendering MS Word attachments in MultiMail PRO faster! Freeware MSWPLGIN.ZIP
MTOOLS.ZIP 7782 1999-01-26 21:00:22 Musician Tools A collection of musician tools including, a metronome, a tuning fork, and the circle of fifths. Very easy to use and conveniently packaged into one application. Shareware $10.00 MTOOLS.ZIP
MUSIWORD.ZIP 4582 1999-01-17 02:53:16 TealInfo Music Words Definitions for a long list of music-related terms. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Werner Rutten. Freeware MUSIWORD.ZIP
MWCALC23.ZIP 36451 1999-02-05 13:24:32 Molecular Weight Calculator (v2.3) MW Calc is an easy to use program to calculate the mass of a molecular formula. Features: allows lowercase or uppercase input; Simple, convenient interface; can look up any element by its symbol (convenient when you forget what element number Ta is); supports copying and pasting; accurate to 3 decimal places, marks errors in your input for easy correction. Perfect for any Chemistry related profession. Shareware free, just send an email MWCALC23.ZIP
MWCALC25.ZIP 38056 1999-04-27 10:35:18 Molecular Weight Calculator (v2.5) MW Calc is an easy to use program to calculate the mass of a molecular formula. Features: allows lowercase or uppercase input; Simple, convenient interface; can look up any element by its symbol (convenient when you forget what element number Ta is); supports copying and pasting; accurate to 3 decimal places, marks errors in your input for easy correction. Perfect for any Chemistry related profession. v2.5: Now supports spaces and it is easier to look-up elements by their symbol. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 MWCALC25.ZIP
MWCOMCAL.ZIP 48603 1998-12-16 18:52:24 %MW Comp. Calc. 0.5b A PocketC applet that calculates the percentage weight composition of a chemical formula. Useful to check elemental analysis results. The program reads the atomic weights from an external memo, and can also write the results of the analysis to another memo. The input is still not pretty because it needs way too many spaces. Read the "readme.txt" for more info. Reviewed in ZDNet's Hotfiles. Update Description 0.5b: Added a stub so the applet can be started from the main application launcher, and registered the creator Freeware $0.00 MWCOMCAL.ZIP
MYTAPE23.ZIP 31791 1999-04-27 10:47:20 MyTapes & CDs - Multimedia Catalog 2.3 A fun and easy way of organizing your videotapes, cassettes, CDs, DVDs, MiniDiscs, LPs, Singles and more! * Handles videotapes, cassettes, CDs, DVDs, MiniDiscs, LPs, Singles and more. * Power Search: fast and customizable searches on the database. * Tells you how much time available for each tape/CD. No more endless searches with the fast forward looking for a space! * Graphic display will show you where each recording (or blank space) is located on the tape/CD. Helps you use your tapes wisely. * Multiple categories. Added fields to the media screen: Label, Location, Year and Producer/Artist, Added a note field to the recording screen. Shareware $15.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 MYTAPE23.ZIP
NA_AREA.ZIP 3412 1999-01-12 00:25:02 North American Area Codes All North American area codes as given by the North American Numbering Plan Administration ( including geographic region within state (something lacking in most other area code listings). Update Description Updated area codes for KY (270), MS (662), PA (267, 484, 570), TX (469, 832); fixed MS state abbreviation. Freeware NA_AREA.ZIP
NBUDDY11.ZIP 63054 1999-02-20 14:28:46 N90 Buddy (v1.1) N90 Buddy connects to your Nikon N90/F90 or N90s/F90X using a Palm serial cable and the Nikon MC-31 cable. N90 Buddy allows you to turn on the camera's memo holder, download frame exposure information, set a number of custom options, and control your camera. Version 1.1 adds support for the N90/F90 camera. Shareware $15.00 NBUDDY11.ZIP
NCAA.ZIP 9079 1999-04-27 10:42:24 NCAA Basketball for HanDBase This database contains the previous winners of the NCAA Basketball Tournament along with the other Final 4 Participants and the MVPs of the tournament. 3 Databases: NCAA Final 4, NIT Final 4, Women's Final 4. Requires HanDBase. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 NCAA.ZIP
NEONT103.ZIP 132122 1999-04-27 10:47:42 NeoNote V1.03 How fast you can input Graffiti correctly? You can take Note/Memo freehand. After taking Note/Memo freehand, you can edit text with the view of the Note/Memo, and copy to the other application which can paste text from clipboard. This Note/Memo keeps vector to restore your original writing. So, it's very easy for scaling up/down. Also you can inquire Note/Memo by list view with fine resolution, you can edit and inquiry by selecting from that list. Now NeoNote can change its Vertical/Horizonal ratio in Note menu. It's easy to see/write alphabet/number. Shareware $10.00 Requirements: Palm III, Palm OS 3.0 NEONT103.ZIP
NETTERM.ZIP 97253 1998-10-25 18:28:46 NetTerm Tool A comprehensive glossary of networking and computer industry terms. The Network Terminology Tool (NetTerm Tool) is a custom application that runs on your Palm or WorkPad so that you always have this handy reference at your fingertips. Over 1150 acronyms and terms are precisely and concisely defined. The entries are divided into 21 categories, ranging from ATM to Wireless, for nearly instant access to definitions. The category organization also facilitates learning more about a particular subject by browsing through related terms using NEXT and PREV custom application buttons. Terms may be accessed with one or two TAPs on the screen, or by entering the graffiti characters with the pen and using the FIND custom facility. You'll get quick access to information on such subjects as: ATM, Cabling, Call Centers, Computing, Data Communications, Distributed and Open Systems, Frame Relay, the Internet, ISDN, LANs, Multimedia, Network Management, Operating Systems, Routing, Signaling NETTERM.ZIP
NFL1999.ZIP 5039 1999-04-27 10:42:00 nflsched99 1.0 This is the 1999 NFL regular season schedule in MobileDB format. Individual team schedules are posted on web site, by request. Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 2.0 NFL1999.ZIP
NOKIA.ZIP 6715 1999-04-27 10:45:52 TealInfo Nokia Tips and Tricks Tips and Tricks for Nokia 5110 (51xx or 61xx) series phones. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Olger Diekstra. NOKIA.ZIP
NPR.ZIP 8205 1999-04-27 10:42:30 TealInfo NPR Radio Finder Thorough guide to finding National Public Radio stations all over the US. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Dave Whitman. Freeware NPR.ZIP
NRL.ZIP 13133 1999-01-31 22:02:14 Australian NRL 1999 Fixtures. The Australian National Rugby League 1999 fixtures in PDB format for the Palm Pilot. The zip file contains Fixtures by Round and Fixtures by Team. Freeware NRL.ZIP
NUMBERS.ZIP 1738 1998-10-29 07:45:32 Number Info. Numbers and there spelling's, including Roman, Elements, Anniversary. Requires JFile. NUMBERS.ZIP
NWLOGIN.ZIP 5089 1999-04-27 10:45:56 TealInfo Netware Login Scripts Info about Novell NetWare's login scripts (use of commands, variables, parameters) Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Olger Diekstra. NWLOGIN.ZIP
NWORDINC.ZIP 8018 1999-04-29 10:15:28 The Northwest Ordinance US Legal/Historical Document, dated July 13, 1787. "An Ordinance for the government of the Territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio." Freeware NWORDINC.ZIP
NWPATCH.ZIP 2745 1999-04-27 10:38:08 TealInfo NetwarePatch List of 'Recommended Patches for Novell Netware' - all currently needed updates for the netware os, clients, and other novell products. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Patrick Kolla. NWPATCH.ZIP
NWREGMEM.ZIP 5809 1999-01-12 13:47:32 TealInfo NetWare Register Memo A tool to calculate the correct 'Register Memory' setting on a Novell NetWare 3.x fileserver for memory above 16MB. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Olger Diekstra. Freeware NWREGMEM.ZIP
OIL.ZIP 1929 1999-04-27 10:47:24 Essential Oil Matrix 1 The matrix is a table which cross references the effects of 18 widely used essential oils. Useful in choosing an essential oil. Requires MobileDB. Freeware OIL.ZIP
OLDTOWN.ZIP 2491 1999-04-27 10:38:12 Old Town Alexandria 1.00 Visiting Washington DC? Old Town Alexandria, VA, is a popular tourist attraction across the Potomac River from DC. This TealMeal database covers a majority of the restaurants in the area. Happy eating! Freeware OLDTOWN.ZIP
ONEONE10.ZIP 77165 1999-04-27 10:35:20 One+One 1.0 One+One is an algebraic scientific and financial calculator for the 3COM PalmPilot and Palm III family of PDA's. The calculator supports double precision accuracy, 25 scientific functions, 5 financial functions, 4 statistical functions, and has 20 memory registers (two banks of 10 each). In addition, One One supports graffiti input, copy and paste, and international number formats. Shareware $15.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 ONEONE10.ZIP
ONHAND.ZIP 96148 1999-01-26 07:55:22 On Hand. Inventory collection software. Collect data by selecting items from a list on a standard Palm, or by barcode scanning with a Symbol SPT 1500. One-hand operation requires neither graffiti nor stylus. Conduit included for uploading information to the desktop for incorporation into desktop databases. Commercial $79.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 ONHAND.ZIP
ONHAND11.ZIP 100300 1999-04-29 10:18:14 On Hand (v1.1) Inventory collection software. Collect data by selecting items from a list on a standard Palm, or by barcode scanning with a Symbol SPT 1500. One-hand operation requires neither graffiti nor stylus. Conduit included for uploading information to the desktop for incorporation into desktop databases. V1.1 adds SN capture and multi-location inventory data collection. Mac conduit now available as well as Windows. Commercial $79.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 ONHAND11.ZIP
ONLI11D7.ZIP 30517 1999-04-27 10:47:54 Online 1.1d7 Online is a VT-100 terminal emulator for the PalmPilot organizer. Users of Online can connect to other computer systems and access real computer power and network resources whereever they are. Online has been used to connect to Unix systems and then surf the web using Lynx, edit files with vi and emacs - and even to read and write email using elm! Online is also a handy tool to use to configure routers and other network devices that have a serial port. Version 1.1d7 adds settings for 5 or 6 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits, 2400 baud. Now beeps if you try to send data while not connected... Version 1.1d6 adds additional baud rates (new: 300, 600, 38400, 57600), added edit menus to all dialogs with editable text, now send Macros as soon as selected from popop. Commercial $29.95 ONLI11D7.ZIP
ONLI15D9.ZIP 28452 1999-02-04 09:57:20 Online 1.1d5 Online is a VT-100 terminal emulator for the PalmPilot organizer. Users of Online can connect to other computer systems and access real computer power and network resources whereever they are. Online has been used to connect to Unix systems and then surf the web using Lynx, edit files with vi and emacs - and even to read and write email using elm! Online is also a handy tool to use to configure routers and other network devices that have a serial port. Version 1.1d5 adds graffiti shift indicators to all dialogs with text fields, now initializes tab stops to one every 8 columns, and fixes a bug in the "dial" command. See "release notes.doc" for a complete list of changes. Commercial $29.95, upgrade from 0.x $9.95 ONLI15D9.ZIP
ONLINE.ZIP 24186 1999-01-18 18:34:02 Online 1.1d2 Online is a VT-100 terminal emulator for the PalmPilot organizer. Users of Online can connect to other computer systems and access real computer power and network resources whereever they are. Online has been used to connect to Unix systems and then surf the web using Lynx, edit files with vi and emacs - and even to read and write email using elm! Online can be connected to either a modem or the serial port of another computer or device. If connecting to a modem use the Pilot modem cable available from Palm. It is possible to use the cradle or serial cable and a null- modem connector to connect to some modems, but this doesn't seem to work for all. Note: This is a new version of a product formely published by Haus of Maus. Online has been updated to be Palm III/OS 3.0 compat, and a number of new features have been added. Update Description Version 1.1d2 greatly improves the ONLINE.ZIP
ONTAP109.ZIP 205080 1999-04-29 10:09:08 OnTap(TM) 1.09 Create your own illustrated, interactive portable, pocket references from _any_ computer including Macintosh, PC, Unix, minis and mainframes! OnTap easily translates and automatically distributes plain text and HTML-formatted information in a Palm OS-ready format that runs on the full range of handhelds from the Pilot 1000 to the Palm V. OnTap enables all Palm-OS based handhelds to display documents using bold, underlining, fonts, GIF graphics, and hypertext (HTML) links to create interactive pocket guides and to present and navigate information more effectively and easily. Version 1.09 incorporates 1) Gif graphics 2) Graffiti(R)-powered navigation 3) Enhanced search capabilities w/automatic find/find next 4) Larger fonts 5) Interactive quiz and flash card paging features Commercial $39.95 ONTAP109.ZIP
OPTAID11.ZIP 87619 1998-12-14 21:00:28 OptionAide (tm) V1.1 Investors, brokers, and securities traders all need OptionAide. This handy listed options reference contains the trading symbols, position limits, exchange listings, and post assignments of over 3000 equity and index options. Sort, search, select, and display useful securities information wherever and whenever you want. Periodic updates available to registered users. Use the trading day more efficiently with OptionAide. Shareware $30.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 OPTAID11.ZIP
OPTCODES.ZIP 4931 1999-02-02 16:25:38 Option Codes For securities traders, investors, and brokers. A perpetual options calendar and key to the standard expiration and strike price codes used to generate options ticker symbols. Just enter the expiration month and exercise price; the appropriate codes are displayed along with the date of and number of days until expiration. Freeware. Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 OPTCODES.ZIP
ORCHREF.ZIP 6880 1999-04-27 10:38:02 TealInfo Orchestral Reference A database of information for orchestral scoring. Specifications for ranges of many instruments, transpositions and comments. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Robert K Leahey. Freeware ORCHREF.ZIP
ORDER.ZIP 171475 1998-12-14 21:00:26 Take An Order! Create a product catalog, take orders, add tax, shipping, discounts, customer identification, and print out receipts all from your Palm handheld computer! Use it for taking orders, providing quotations or estimates, supplying delivery reports, and more. At the end of the day, print out a summary of all transactions, and transfer all information back to the desktop. A "scan-enabled" version for the SPT-1500 is available which allows items to be input into the order via barcode scanning rather than manually. Printing requires PalmPrint software. Update Description Desktop software (Windows and Macintosh) is now available for one-step drag-and-drop creation of catalog database (PDB) files. Commercial $79.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Personal and Palm OS 2.0 ORDER.ZIP
OREMOTE.ZIP 25916 1998-11-11 02:21:26 OmniRemote V1.11. Universal Learning Remote Control Software features: Support for Palm III internal IR or external IR module. Completely configurable UI means you can draw your own buttons wherever you want. Create an unlimited number of buttons. B OREMOTE.ZIP
OSI_DOD.ZIP 5082 1999-01-12 13:35:48 TealInfo OSI/DOD Models A reference to the OSI model and DoD (or Internet) model. Three linked folios comparing and detailing each model and what's contained in each of its layers. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Olger Diekstra. Freeware OSI_DOD.ZIP
OTMAIL19.ZIP 863828 1999-04-27 10:47:50 One-Touch Mail 1.9 JP System's E-mail innovation One-Touch Mail boasts advanced (SMTP/POP3) E-mail features so that you can manage your E-mail account even when you are on the road. You can use up to six different E-mail accounts to conveniently manage your ISP E-mail from your Palm Computing Platform device. The ability of One-Touch Communicator to send attachments right from the palm of your hand takes you to a whole new level of possibilities. One-Touch works with Palm III,Palm IIIx, Pilot Pro, or a Pilot 5000 with IP upgrade. Supports Palm OS 2.0 and above. It will fully support Palm V when the modem is available. 1. Increased Speed of downloading the messages. 2. Now supports POP3 server which doesnot have UIDL support. 3. Supports international characters. 4. It is more compatible with most of the SMTP and POP3 servers. 5. Works with PalmIIIx 6. Printing support 7. Dial Up thru Ericcson IR Phones Commercial $39.95 OTMAIL19.ZIP
PALMB.ZIP 2400 1998-11-27 12:50:42 Start a Palm Business This document invite you to explore the possibility of starting a small business using your very own Palm PDA Update Description 10 new samples included Shareware $7.00 PALMB.ZIP
PALMSRCH.ZIP 7351 1999-01-17 19:12:08 Palm Searcher V1.9 Memo, Address, and Datebook Fast-Searcher! You can search for a string in one of these databases. It was written in assembly-language and therefore very fast. Combination-Search (AND-Function) is available. The error -invalid record- when calling the -jump button- with Palm-III OS3.0 is now fixed! Shareware $5.00 PALMSRCH.ZIP
PARENS13.ZIP 106707 1999-01-02 10:13:52 PARENS v1.3 - A powerful but easy to use non-RPN scientific calculator. Includes trig, stats, time, units conversion, 10 memories, and user-defined constants. All features except trig functions available under OS 1.0+. For the 3Com PalmPilot PDA. PARENS13.ZIP
PARISDEM.ZIP 22219 1999-04-29 10:18:06 Paris City Guide 1.0 Check out this demo of the Aramis Paris City Guide, providing travelers dining, sightseeing, museum, recreation, lodging and other information right in their Palm devices. The Paris City Guide is one of ten such guides designed for the Palm Computing platform. Commercial $17.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PARISDEM.ZIP
PASMAN23.ZIP 20338 1999-04-27 10:45:52 PassMan 2.3 PassMan is an easy-to-use application for your Palm device that will remember all of your passwords, account numbers, and more for you! It uses only a small amount of memory (25k) and sports the following features: * Multiple categories of accounts (Internet, WWW, Financial, etc.) * Flexible data entry with 11 different labels (plus a custom label option!) * Alphabetically sorted accounts for easy access * Optional password protection to keep your data safe * Encryption to scramble your data so no one else can read it! * Automatic time-out to protect your data if you leave your Pilot unattended. Version 2.3 fixes a rare bug that caused data to be encrypted improperly sometimes. I recommend that all users upgrade. Shareware $12.99 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PASMAN23.ZIP
PASSWDB.ZIP 1167 1999-01-31 14:06:28 Passwords Database of your logins/passwords (ISP and other). Requires JFile. Freeware PASSWDB.ZIP
PAYUP10.ZIP 91156 1999-02-07 20:43:00 PayUp! v1.0 PayUp! is the ultimate in restaurant bill software for the Palm Pilot. PayUp! calculates tax and gratuity (both configurable), can divide the bill equally or by what each person ordered, and can compute change when diners overpay. * Can manage the orders placed by up to 19 diners * Each diner can order up to 6 items * Common item categories accessible through a convenient popup menu * Item totals updated instantly * Enter a diner's contribution, and their change is calculated * Customizable tax and tip rates. Fixed some bugs and some UI issues and removed the expiration time so this version will not expire. Final release of PayUp! v1.0! Shareware $10.00 PAYUP10.ZIP
PAYUP11.ZIP 94398 1999-04-27 10:35:24 PayUp! 1.1 PayUp! is the ultimate in restaurant bill software for the Palm Pilot. PayUp! calculates tax and gratuity (both configurable), can divide the bill equally or by what each person ordered, and can compute change when diners overpay. Added editable quick popup lists for diner names, meal item names, and tax rates. Also there are a number of bug fixes as well for greater stability and reliabilty for use on all PalmPilots. Shareware $10.00 PAYUP11.ZIP
PBC_11.ZIP 22142 1998-08-05 07:27:18 US.R Pilot Cigar Master 1.1 - Made especially for the cigar aficionado, Cigar Master helps you keep track of those great and not-so-great cigars. Put it all in Cigar Master: brand, wrapper, size, and shape. Add your own notes and customize the terms to match your own personal style. Runs on Personal, Professional, and Palm III, Shareware PBC_11.ZIP
PBEAC103.ZIP 26089 1999-02-12 23:56:18 PocketBeacon 1.03 Tracks NCDXF/IARU radio beacons and computes distance and heading to beacons. (Amateur Radio) Added new Russian & Chinese beacons. Updated other beacons. Fixed floating point error on lat/lon settings. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PBEAC103.ZIP
PCALC102.ZIP 32265 1998-12-05 00:39:40 PalmCalc 1.0.2 PalmCalc is an RPN scientific and financial calculator for the 3COM PalmPilot and Palm III family of PDA's. The calculator supports 25 scientific functions, 5 financial functions, 4 statistical functions, and has 20 memory registers (two banks of 10 each). PalmCalc gives you the convenience of a fully functional scientific and financial calculator on your PalmPilot. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PCALC102.ZIP
PCALC103.ZIP 80527 1980-01-01 00:00:00 PalmCalc 1.0.3 PalmCalc is an RPN scientific and financial calculator for the 3COM PalmPilot and Palm III family of PDA's. The calculator supports 25 scientific functions, 5 financial functions, 4 statistical functions, and has 20 memory registers (two banks of 10 each). PalmCalc gives you the convenience of a fully functional scientific and financial calculator on your PalmPilot. Update Description Now supports graffiti input and copy and paste. See the stack and register contents at a glance with the new stack view, and register views! Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PCALC103.ZIP
PCALC11D.ZIP 81305 1980-01-01 00:00:00 PalmCalc 1.1 PalmCalc is an RPN scientific and financial calculator for the 3COM PalmPilot and Palm III family of PDA's. The calculator supports 25 scientific functions, 5 financial functions, 4 statistical functions, and has 20 memory registers (two banks of 10 each). PalmCalc gives you the convenience of a fully functional scientific and financial calculator on your PalmPilot. Now supports graffiti input, copy and paste, and international number formats. See the stack and register contents at a glance with the new stack view, and register views. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PCALC11D.ZIP
PCAM10B4.ZIP 56348 1999-04-27 10:35:24 pCAM 1.0b4 ** FORMERLY KNOWN AS PocketCCTV ** Field of View and Depth of Field calculator for CCTV designer, 3rd Party Cinematographer, Photographer. With David Eubank's assistance, this program is made for easy to use, simple, and accurate. - More precision calculation. - Lens edit work for up to 12 lens. - Arrow on Focal Length. - Sliding Focal Length. - Automatic and Manual Save function to gain in speed. Shareware $15.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PCAM10B4.ZIP
PCCTV11.ZIP 42605 1998-11-01 00:46:56 PocketCCTV v1.1 This program will help you to design CCTV system, calculate Field of View with different Camera image size and Lens. D = Distance from Camera to Object. V = Vertical Field of View. H = Horizontal Field of View. Result = give you what should happen if you using different size to Camera and Lens. If you get [()], this is mean the picture shown on Monitor will be fall-off on the corner. if it shown [ ], this is mean the picture shown on monitor will be good. Touch (m) or (ft) to change unit from 'metre' to 'feet', vice versa. Touch D, Camera format, Lens format and Lens Focal Length to change it. WHAT YOU NEED TO RUN PocketCCTV : - PocketC from Jeremy Dewey as a shell. - MathLib.PRC. - PalmPilot with Palm OS v2 (due to PocketC that only can run on Palm OS v2). Update Description - added sound or nosound icon. Great for people that like to work on silent (requested by some user). Shareware $10.00 Requirements Palm OS 2.0 PCCTV11.ZIP
PCHINOTE.ZIP 295939 1998-09-17 23:04:42 PCHi-Note v0.40.2 for Windows95 & WindowsNT, 17th September 1998, is an outliner program that allows text and images to be stored and displayed in a hierarchical tree structure. The database file format is compatible with the PalmPilot application Hi-Note. It includes a powerful set of editing tools. Shareware PCHINOTE.ZIP
PCHORD.ZIP 15003 1998-10-25 16:07:18 PalmChord PalmChord calculates chords for guitars and other stringed instruments and displays them on your PalmPilot. Unlike other programs which just recall chords from a database, PalmChord builds all possible versions of a chord on the fly, scores them based on user settings, and then displays them in order of their score. PalmChord can also play the chords and generate tones to tune your instrument. Shareware $12.00 Requirements: Palm OS 3.0 PCHORD.ZIP
PD10.ZIP 71129 1999-04-29 10:15:28 PalmDocs 1.0 PalmDocs allow you to use Winword as your Palm documents editor. Open/Edit/Save your Winword docs on your Pilot and share it with this easy to use converter. No commandline, No external app, No large and hard to use 3rd party Sync apps. PalmDocs, and do it simple. Shareware $15.00 PD10.ZIP
PDEPOT.ZIP 54139 1999-01-03 21:58:18 PalmDepotLite 1.5.2 Dies ist die neue Version von SbDepot. In der Lite Version koennen nun bis zu 5 Wertpapiere verwaltet werden. Ausserdem jetzt mit direkter Datumwahl aus dem Palm beim Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren. Shareware PDEPOT.ZIP
PDQSUITE.ZIP 1361265 1999-01-26 21:00:36 pdQsuite:E-mail/Browser(beta) pdQsuite currently combines QUALCOMM's pdQmail, mail conduit and pdQbrowser applications. pdQmail is an e-mail client that displays HTML in messages and recognizes attachments, offers filters for selective downloading and filing etc. pdQbrowser is an HTML web browser that allows navigation to most HTML web pages, click on hyperlinks and offers sophisticated bookmark management. Update Description pdQmail 1.0b36, pdQmail conduit 1.0b7, pdQbrowser 1.0b25 Commercial. Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 PDQSUITE.ZIP
PEACH.ZIP 4295 1998-12-19 13:23:36 Chronology Clinton Impeachment This database list the events leading to the impeachment of Clinton. Requires MobileDB. Freeware PEACH.ZIP
PEDSGEAR.ZIP 1732 1999-04-27 10:45:44 TealInfo Pediatric Resus Gear. Pediatric Gear folio showing equipment to be used for pediatric patients of various weights and ages. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Jim Thompson M.D. PEDSGEAR.ZIP
PEDSVITL.ZIP 1756 1999-04-27 10:45:44 TealInfo Pediatric Vitals. Ranges of acceptable or expected vital signs for for pediatric patients of various weights and ages. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Jim Thompson M.D PEDSVITL.ZIP
PGLOBE11.ZIP 63866 1998-11-13 11:52:52 Palm Globe V1.1 Displays the Earth lit by sunlight, with sun compass option. You can choose to view the globe from any direction -- so you can see at a glance those areas of the globe where the sun has risen, and where it is night. Additional options include the addition of shading to the globe or a three-dimensional effect, show the sun direction, rotate with the sun, and let you measure distances between two points on the globe simply by tapping on them. It has been tested on the PalmPilot, Palm III, and IBM Workpad. Update Description Palm Globe 1.10 adds a sun direction (compass) option PGLOBE11.ZIP
PGRAPH06.ZIP 232906 1999-04-27 10:47:44 Palm Graph 0.6 Palm Graph is a versatile graphing application that reads data from memo files and displays up to two graphs at a time in full-screen and split-screen graph/data modes. Several display options allow users to customize the appearance of their graphs. Shareware $10.00 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 2.0 PGRAPH06.ZIP
PHONEABC.ZIP 6784 1999-01-24 14:06:44 TealInfo Phonetic Alphabets Phonetic alphabets for different languages. These are the "alpha", "bravo", "charlie", ... etc -type alphabets used for communicating letters over radios, etc. Requires TealInfo (shareware), available here or at Submitted by Olger Diekstra. Added many new alphabets. 1/28/99 Freeware PHONEABC.ZIP
PHOTOSHP.ZIP 2894 1998-12-28 18:42:56 TealInfo Photoshop Shortcuts Reference for Photoshop keyboard shortcuts. Handy for any computer graphic artist. Requires TealInfo (shareware). Submitted by Christian Oliff. Shareware PHOTOSHP.ZIP
PI30DEMO.ZIP 1790263 1999-04-29 10:17:58 Pocket Inventory 3.0 Make your inventory counting easier with Pocket Inventory. Get rid of your clipboard and lists of inventory on paper. Pocket Inventory counts your inventory for you! Use a Symbol SPT-1500 Palm III unit with built in barcode scanner, scan your inventory and it counts it for you. Doing physical inventory is now as easy as point and scan! Once you've scanned in all your inventory, Pocket Inventory will synchronize your data with an MS Access or dBase database, or you can use it with PC America's Inventory Track Express 2000. Pocket Inventory 3.0 now tracks locations/departments. It will categorize the items into separate locations. Commercial $199.95 Requirements: Palm III Palm OS 3.0 PI30DEMO.ZIP
PIADD213.ZIP 157341 1999-04-27 10:42:26 pi-address (v0.2.13) X11 based GUI frontend to address databases from a 3Com Palm Pilot. It can read/edit/save database files in PDB-format. Those files can be read from or written to the pilot using 'pilot-xfer' from the pilot-link package. New in 0.2.13 (March 09, 1999): * Modified Makefile to better support building of a Debian package. * Function to delete all records which belong to the current selected category (except if the current category is 'Unfiled' or 'All' ), selectable through the right mouse button popup dialog * Set category of imported records to the current selected category * Truncate display if there is an embedded CR * Separate display of Last Name and First Name by comma. Freeware PIADD213.ZIP
PICMIR.ZIP 7863 1999-01-05 22:33:40 PicMemoIR Picture Memo and Communicator via IR. It is successor of Pic Memo, but it can launch with ONLY PalmOS3. (Sorry, PalmOS1 and 2 users.) You can doodle picture and send it by beaming and can send it to the PC via serial. Also I add some features like Lock and Line tool. It's free. Have a fun! Freeware Requirements: Palm III and Palm OS 3.0 PICMIR.ZIP
PIL6_49.ZIP 4621 1998-11-02 12:46:20 Pilot649 A Lotto 6/49 number checker. Allows you to enter the drawn numbers for Canada's Lotto 6/49 lottery and compare against the numbers you played. Useful for those who subscribe to the Lotto 6/49 Advance service. Note: Pilot649 can be used for other 6/49-type lotteries. Requires CASL runtime PRC. See author's web site My Pilot for link, or search for CASL on PilotGear. Freeware $0.00 PIL6_49.ZIP
PILFRV15.ZIP 22808 1998-11-30 21:00:22 Pilots Friend V1.6 Pilots Friend is a helper application to keep information about a VFR cross country trip handy for the private pilot. Update Description Added a timer to the current trip information for tracking elapsed time, distance traveled, and fuel used during the trip. Also added a preference display for setting the application preferences. Shareware $7.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PILFRV15.ZIP
PILLPAL.ZIP 14309 1999-04-29 10:18:14 PillPAL RC2 PillPAL reminds you to take your medication. It will automatically calculate the times for you take each medication and remind you of the dosage. You can specify a length of time to take the medication or specify that it is ongoing. This is a Beta release. Not all functionality is implemented. See the release notes for more information. Main screen shows doses per day and dosage information. Added better handling of new and edit screens, balancing and override of dosage preferences, tested on III, IIIx and VII. Shareware PILLPAL.ZIP
PILOT649.ZIP 6103 1998-12-04 11:35:50 Pilot649 V1.3 A Lotto 6/49 number checker. Allows you to enter the drawn numbers for Canada's Lotto 6/49 lottery and compare against the numbers you played. Useful for those who subscribe to the Lotto 6/49 Advance service. Note: Pilot649 can be used for other 6/49-type lotteries. Requires CASL runtime PRC. See author's web site on My Pilot for link, the CASL home page at, or search for CASL on PilotGear. Update Description version 1.3: - some cosmetic changes and performance improvements - created an icon - calls LottoRand app Freeware $0.00 PILOT649.ZIP
PIMC11.ZIP 52396 1998-11-09 15:18:58 Pilot MiniCalc 1.1 Pilot MiniCalc (PiMC) - spreadsheet program. Allows seamless work with MS Excel on PC. Combines small size and a very good speed that make possible having large spreadsheets. More than 40 built-in math, financial, statistics, date/time functions. Column or range cell formatting. Special keyboard with 25 keys, screen cell reference allow "tap" formulas editing. WYSIWYG column and row resizing. Supports absolute and relative cell referencing. Copy/Paste, Insert/Remove multi-cell operations. Requires OS 2.0 or 3.0. Update Description UI enhancements, functionality improvements, bug fix. PIMC11.ZIP
PIMC202.ZIP 64394 1999-01-23 20:49:10 Pilot MiniCalc 2.0.2 Pilot MiniCalc (PiMC) - spreadsheet program. Seamless work with MS Excel 97. The only Pilot spreadsheet program with full support of 15 signigicant digits precision. Combines small size and a very good speed that make possible having large spreadsheets. More than 40 built-in math, financial, statistics, date/time functions. Column or range cell formatting. Requires OS 2.0 or 3.0. Update Description Patch release.Fixed bugs in CSV converter, updated documentation. Shareware $15.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PIMC202.ZIP
PIMC203.ZIP 65738 1999-02-01 22:36:48 Pilot MiniCalc 2.0.3 Pilot MiniCalc (PiMC) - spreadsheet program. Seamless work with MS Excel 97. The only Pilot spreadsheet program with full support of 15 signigicant digits precision. Combines small size and a very good speed that make possible having large spreadsheets. More than 40 built-in math, financial, statistics, date/time functions. Column or range cell formatting. Supports absolute and relative cell referencing. Copy/Paste, Insert/Remove multi-cell operations. CSV conversion for non-Excel 97 users. Requires OS 2.0 or 3.0. Patch release. Fixed more bugs in CSV converter, fixed pimc.xls (now pimc.xla) internationalization problem and optimized PiMC itself. Shareware $15.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PIMC203.ZIP
PIMC30.ZIP 312323 1999-04-27 10:35:16 Pilot MiniCalc 3.0 MiniCalc (PiMC) - spreadsheet program. Seamless work with MS Excel 97. The only Pilot spreadsheet program with full support for 15 signigicant digits precision. Combines small size and a very good speed that make possible having large spreadsheets. 55 built-in math, financial, statistics, date/time and other functions. Various formatting options. Special keyboard with 25 keys, screen cell reference allow 'tap' formulas editing. WYSIWYG column and row resizing.Supports absolute and relative cell referencing. CSV conversion for non-Excel 97 users. Categories support. Extended format options. Ability to freeze columns/rows. Optimization for speed. No more restrictions on source/target region size for copy/paste. Excel copy preserves all MiniCalc formats. Additional built-in functions. Bug fixes. Shareware $24.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PIMC30.ZIP
PINOUTS.ZIP 3750 1998-12-27 15:06:42 TealInfo Computer Pinouts Computer pinout reference for PC ports, drives, and connectors. Includes serial and parallel ports, IDE and SCSI drives, and AT and PS/2 mice and keyboards. An indispensible tool for any hardware hacker. Requires TealInfo (shareware), available here or at Freeware PINOUTS.ZIP
PIRC102C.ZIP 38539 1999-02-11 09:45:06 PalmIRC Ver1.0 PR02c PalmIRC is a chat client based on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol RFC1459 that runs on PalmPilot Professional. You can enjoy IRC chatting anywhere with your Palm and its modem. Now PalmIRC works on PalmPilot Pro and PalmIII. PalmIRC Ver1.0 PR02c: - Easier to connect to IRC server(prolonged timeout value for network communication) - More speedy TCP communication - Multiple server registration - Sending receiving CTCP commands - IRC and CTCP command list dialog - DOC formatted channel logging - New preferences dialog. Freeware PIRC102C.ZIP
PITPIP10.ZIP 2103 1999-04-29 10:18:16 Pitchpipe (v1.0) For the musician (especially choral) who needs to find a starting note. NOTE: Requires PocketC runtime, only tested on Palm III at the moment. Freeware PITPIP10.ZIP
PJDSK12.ZIP 1545329 1999-04-29 10:23:54 PalmJournal Desktop Companion 1.2 PalmJournal Desktop Companion allows you to view, modify and print PalmJournal entries on your Windows PC, all while keeping in sync with your Palm handheld device. Requires Windows 95/98/NT. Freeware PJDSK12.ZIP
PJOUR15.ZIP 14877 1999-04-29 10:23:46 PalmJournal 1.5 PalmJournal keeps track of your daily activities and thoughts just like a paper journal or diary would. Each day, PalmJournal provides a fresh MemoPad-like text entry screen to record notes at a meeting, thoughts while alone, notes about your current project... anything you usually write down can be kept in a searchable, electronic form. Use PalmJournal instead of MemoPad when you want your entries categorized by date. Added Palm III+ font support; added Auto Text (macro) feature. PalmJournal Desktop Companion version 1.2 has been released as a separate program. Shareware $14.00 PJOUR15.ZIP
PKTURL12.ZIP 10800 1999-04-27 10:45:36 Pocket URLs v.1.2 Record / Manage your favorite web sites on your Palm Pilot. This latest release (version 1.2) features the ability to add a description of the website URL, minor bug fixes and database improvements, and a new user interface. Freeware PKTURL12.ZIP
PLANET17.ZIP 41541 1998-11-01 22:29:10 Planetarium 1.7 This program calculates the Position of the Sun, the Moon and the planets in the sky for any time and any geographical location. Star gazers can use it to find or identify the planets in a clear nighttime sky. It can also be used as a very accurate compass when the Sun or the Moon is visible. Update Description The constellation and star names can now be queried by tapping a star. Several bugs fixed regarding the location pick list. Shareware $16.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PLANET17.ZIP
PLANET18.ZIP 53605 1999-02-09 09:11:56 Planetarium 1.8 This program calculates the position of the Sun, the Moon, all the planets and some of the brightest stars in the sky for any time and a any geographical position. Star gazers can use it to find or identify the planets in a clear nighttime sky. It can also be used as a compass when the Sun or Moon is visible. New features: - Calculates Rise and set times - Displays 110 Messier objects Search function for stars, constellations and Messier objects Second time zone for correct function of the Now button - Angles can be entered and displayed in degrees and minutes. Shareware $19.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PLANET18.ZIP
PLANETS.ZIP 4081 1998-10-08 18:40:22 JTF: Of Planets & Eclipses (v2.0c) PLANETS.ZIP
PLAYMIDI.ZIP 156116 1999-03-03 10:21:58 PlayMIDI (0.43 - With working sysex, SMPTE/Meas Goto) - Play converted (w/compression) standard MIDI format files via the Palm to an EXTERNAL INTERFACE (some low cost hardware is required! It does not use the Palm speaker). Includes a MFF to PRC converter for windows and source for Linux. This is an alpha release, so some things are still quirky. Compresson only works under Palm OS 3.0, but uncompressed files work on earlier Palms. FIXED SYSEX BUG, Added Goto functions in Misc menu - check the README. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 3.0 PLAYMIDI.ZIP
PLGLTV12.ZIP 10354 1999-03-03 10:23:28 Pilog Lite (v1.2) Pilog Lite is a smaller freeware version of Pilog Pro. Pilog Lite will temporarily hold data about a completed flight until the pilot can enter the information into his official logbook. The update to Pilog Lite changed the name of the application, added the ability to change the aircraft registration number prefix, and automatic shifting of airport identifiers to upper case. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PLGLTV12.ZIP
PLGPROV2.ZIP 15489 1999-03-03 10:23:28 Pilog Pro v2 Pilog Pro is a helper application for the aviation pilot. It is used to temporarily keep logbook information until the pilot can log the information into a permanent log book. Shareware $4.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PLGPROV2.ZIP
PLOS99D.ZIP 80137 1999-01-14 02:39:48 PalmLosung 99 deutsch PalmLosung -- die Losungen nun auch fuer den PalmPilot! Die Losungen sind ausgeloste Bibelverse fuer jeden Tag, die besonders im deutschsprachigen Raum unter Christen sehr verbreitet sind. Enthaelt auch Versangaben zur fortlaufenden Lektuere der Bibel und zu den Sonn- und Feiertagen. Mehr ueber PalmLosung unter pilot_losung.html Freeware PLOS99D.ZIP
PLOS99E.ZIP 70641 1999-01-14 03:57:58 PalmLosung 99 English The Losungen (Daily Watch Words): bible verses for each day, published since early 18th century by the Herrnhut community church. Now in English! Find out more about PalmLosung and its modules at ~g230/pilot/pilot_losung.html Freeware PLOS99E.ZIP
PMAN105.ZIP 18294 1998-07-24 13:35:22 Portfolio Manager 1.05 This portfolio management software (stocks) helps you to keep track of the transactions you have made, the profit and loss, and the overall status of your portfolio. In addition, the program will calculate the commission automatically and the profit and loss can be accurately reflected. Shareware $20 PalmPilot Personal and Palm OS 2.0 PMAN105.ZIP
PMEMORY.ZIP 14907 1999-04-29 10:15:42 108 Verses. 108 Verses all Christians should memorize. Formatted for the PalmPilot for use with the Flash! flash card program. Web page includes links to Flash! and other Scripture memory resources. Text files are also available. Make sure you stop by the web site for memorization tips and links to the Flash! software. Freeware PMEMORY.ZIP
PMM.ZIP 33197 1999-01-19 11:46:50 PMM 0.8.0 PMM (Pocket Money Manager) This is very simple financial software for Palm/ Pilot. You can see summary on your Palm/Pilot. Update Description Added new function [Adjust]. If your cash in your pocket is not equal to PMM's cash, use this function. Enter amount you have and tap [Calculate] button. If you make a new record, tap [Create] button or [Cancel]. Shareware $15 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PMM.ZIP
PMM061.ZIP 29810 1998-11-17 14:55:52 PMM 0.6.1 PMM (Pocket Money Manager) This is very simple financial software for Palm/Pilot. You can see summary on your Palm/Pilot. Update Description You can assign ICON for each Category. ICON data is same format as DateBK3. You can edit ICON on Palm/Pilot with ICON Editor. Now is ready for register using KAGI. Shareware $15 Requires Palm OS 2.0 PMM061.ZIP
PMM084.ZIP 30422 1999-02-17 15:36:28 PMM 0.8.4 PMM (Pocket Money Manager) This is very simple financial software for Palm/Pilot. You can see summary on your Palm/Pilot. Fixed a bug on private record. Shareware $15 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PMM084.ZIP
PMT25.ZIP 126440 1998-11-07 00:48:28 PMT 2.5 Personal Money Tracker Keep track of your money. Clear reporting and convenient synchronizing with CSV files are features PMT offers like no other package. And new features are being added all the time! Enter all the financial transactions you need to keep track of. PMT lets you record which account was used (Check, Savings, Credit card, etc), and what kind of expense it was (gas, groceries, and so on). PMT will show you your transactions for each account, all transactions in a range of dates, a summary balance sheet shows the totals for each account, and an Income/Expense statement shows your totals compared with your budget. PMT also helps you reconcile your bank statements: mark the items which have cleared, and PMT25.ZIP
PMT29.ZIP 135650 1999-01-26 21:00:06 PMT 2.9 Personal Money Tracker Keep track of your money. Clear reporting and convenient synchronizing with CSV files are features PMT offers like no other package. And new features are being added all the time! PMT even supports multiple databases, so you can track your personal and business expenses separately. Enter all the financial transactions you need to keep track of. PMT lets you record which account was used (Check, Savings, Credit card, etc), and what kind of expense it was (gas, groceries, and so on). For each account PMT will display all transactions in a range of dates, a summary balance sheet shows the totals for each account, and an Income/Expense statement shows your totals compared with your budget. PMT also helps you reconcile your bank statements: mark the items which have cleared, and PMT will tell you what the bank statement balance should be. Update Description A copy function is now part of the multiple database support -- very useful in the new year if you want to PMT29.ZIP
PMT33.ZIP 146753 1999-03-10 09:25:58 PMT 3.3 Personal Money Tracker Keep track of your money. Clear reporting and convenient synchronizing with CSV files are features PMT offers like no other package. PMT is a great tool, and new features are being added all the time! Enter your financial transactions: PMT lets you record which account was used, and what kind of income or expense it was. For each account PMT will display all transactions in a range of dates you choose. Set reminders, and PMT will use a PalmPilot alarm to remind you to pay a bill. Version 3.3 introduces support for "Reminders." Enter future expenditures, and set an alarm to be reminded about the entry some number of days before it comes due! Shareware $19.95 PMT33.ZIP
PMT38.ZIP 154001 1999-04-29 10:23:38 Personal Money Track 3.8 With PMT you keep track of your money! Clear reporting, reminder and overdraft alarms, and convenient synchronizing with CSV files are features PMT offers. PMT lets you record which account was used, and what kind of income or expense it was. For each account PMT will display all transactions in a range of dates you choose. Enter future transactions, and check your cash flow to see if you can meet your obligations. A conduit provides PC access to PMT data in CSV file format (supported by Excel and other software packages), allowing you to transfer your financial data to your PC, edit it, and transfer it back. With version 3.8 there are many new enhancements to the user interface, including an increase in the largest check number PMT accepts. Shareware $19.95 PMT38.ZIP
PNET206B.ZIP 890166 1999-04-27 10:47:56 PilotNet (v0.6b) PalmPilot to PC to Modem software which lets you use your PC's modem with your PalmPilot device and HotSync Cradle or Cable. Uses direct Windows communications API calls and thus supports baud rates as high as 57600. Improved handshaking support and a new graphical interface. New version 0.6b adds advanced setup options to fine-tune handshaking between devices. For troubleshooting purposes, a data monitor can be popped up to display the data coming from each device. Freeware Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 PNET206B.ZIP
PNOW15D9.ZIP 34468 1999-02-04 11:18:08 PageNOW! 1.5d9 Send messages to pagers and SMS PCS/GSM phones! Supports all paging services (Using the industry-standard TAP protocol) - Supports PalmPilot clip-on modem as well as external modems Supports SMS via GSM/PCS Phones (either via GSM Snap-On or with internal modem (Nokia 9000, etc)) - Unlimited number of paging/sms services (common ones pre-defined) - Unlimited number of pager users. Changes for 1.5d9: Updated ASCII to GSM translation table (now handles accented characters properly), now update character counter after onscreen keyboard used, Updated copyright year. See "release notes.doc" for further details. Commercial $59.95 to $129.95 PNOW15D9.ZIP
POCKETDE.ZIP 99920 1999-01-19 21:00:34 PocketFlash A Palm Pro or Palm III, a 3Com Palm Modem and your Aol account are all you need to keep up to date with your email! PocketFlash quickly and easily sends and receives email from anywhere in the world with access to a phone line. No PC connection is needed. PocketFlash is perfect for the traveler, mobile business person, or student. Sends and receives AOL E-mail from your Palm Connected Organizer via your Palm Modem. PocketFlash works very simply: compose your E-mail from your Palm Connected Organizer, hook up to a phone line, tap the PocketFlash icon, and connect. PocketFlash will do the rest, and in about a minute it will disconnect with all of the messages that have been sent to your AOL account. From the Palm Connected Organizer's built-in Mail application you will have access to all of your downloaded mail. Now you can read your mail, make replies, and compose new mail! Update Description Updated Version (1.10) now available with fix for the recent AOL protocol POCKETDE.ZIP
POSTCALC.ZIP 3713 1996-10-13 22:30:20 PostCalc 0.5 PostCalc is a USPS (United States Postal Service) postage calculator. With just a couple taps, you can find out the postage required to send a small package (up to 12 oz) anywhere in the world. Shareware $10.00 POSTCALC.ZIP
POSTCODE.ZIP 32665 1998-10-23 23:22:42 Aussie Post Codes JFile database of Australian cities/towns and their relative post code. Sorted into four easy to-search databases for your convenience! Requires JFile to run Freeware $0.00 POSTCODE.ZIP
PPAINT.ZIP 36950 1998-11-26 15:54:34 PPaint 1.0.2 PPaint is painting software for Palm/Pilot. You can see gray scaled image which made by PPaint for Mac. This program works as Drag&Drop module, too. So, if you are using Drag&Drop, you can use image with any other software. See more information at unlimited/MacPalm/index.html Shareware $10 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 PPAINT.ZIP
PPDEPOT.ZIP 54035 1998-11-18 12:45:54 PalmDepotLite 1.5.1 Dies ist die neue Version von SbDepot. In der Lite Version koennen nun bis zu 5 Wertpapiere verwaltet werden. Ausserdem jetzt mit direkter Datumwahl aus dem Palm beim Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren. Shareware $15.00 PPDEPOT.ZIP
PPLOT10.ZIP 77367 1999-03-03 10:20:36 PPlot v1.0 Pplot is a simple X-Y coordinate plotting program. It accepts input from a Memo file or directly from the user, and generates a graphical X-Y plot of the data. It also provides a minimal statistics form for the data. Gplot was developed on a PalmPilot Professional using the PocketC development environment. Update Description PPlot (formerly known as GPlot). Application had to be renamed due to a conflict with a unix-based application. Freeware Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 PPLOT10.ZIP
PPM2T10E.ZIP 654113 1999-01-19 21:01:18 PaPi-Mail2 Ver.1.0e POP3, APOP and IMAP4 Internet Mail client running on PalmPilot Professional/PalmIII (3Com). PaPi-Mail2 has listing, sending and receiving functions only; use your PalmPilot/ PalmIII bundled mail application, Mail, to view, create or edit messages. PaPi Mail2 creats a list of email stored in the mail server. You can check the abbriviated header information from the list in offline mode before downloading those messages into your PalmPilot. Then you can choose which messages should be downloaded into your PalmPilot. You don't have to download unnecessary email to your PalmPilot anymore! Full support of IMAP4 features, too!(Many search keys, selecting a mailbox, and copying/moving email between mailboxes.) Shareware $19.98 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 PPM2T10E.ZIP
PRAYP.ZIP 66937 1999-04-29 10:09:16 How to Pray by R. A. Torrey. The world-renowned classic which has already shown millions that God's answers come to those who know how to ask. Freeware PRAYP.ZIP
PREVIEW.ZIP 191337 1999-04-27 10:47:38 Image Preview Utility III 3.0 The latest version if the Win95/WinNT utility to show Image Viewer images on your PC's monitor. V3.0 - Added support for 16 level grayscale images. Freeware PREVIEW.ZIP
PROJPILE.ZIP 586407 1999-04-29 10:18:06 Projector Pilot 1.0 Projector Pilot allows you to control any model of Epson Powerlite projector. The Palm operates from the hotsync cradle and controls all the functions of the projector through the serial line, including power on/off, source change and audio. Projector Pilot is perfect for board room or staging applications. This update contains documentation changes only. Commercial $29.95 PROJPILE.ZIP
PSAT11.ZIP 190911 1999-04-29 10:18:14 PocketSat 1.1 Have you ever looked up just after sunset or before sunrise and watched a steady light moving slowly across the night sky? It may well have been a man-made satellite, many of which are visible to the naked eye - if you know when and where to look. PocketSat is an application that allows you to predict when satellites will be visible in your location, or to identify one that you happen to have seen. The trial version of PocketSat is fully functional and doesn't expire, but will only allow you to select and track 5 satellites at a time. V1.1 - 30 March, 1999 - Added live elevation/azimuth display to plot. Import process now rejects high-orbit satellites. - Added 'invert plot' option to prefs. - Added a 'No satellites in list, use import feature...' message to satellites form. - Changed time zones from '-2' to 'GMT-2' for clarity. Shareware $12.50 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PSAT11.ZIP
PSC10D.ZIP 65909 1999-02-18 10:31:58 Pocket Star Chart 1.0 A beautiful guide to the constellations. Planets, the sun, moon and horizon are plotted for any date, time and observing location, including the Southern Hemisphere. Fast, pen-dragable display includes 1631 stars to Magnitude 5 and deep-sky objects such as galaxies and star clusters. Full version now offers instant chart access and complete sky coverage. 2/18/99 North/South chart toggles and instant map view button added to V. 1.0. Backlight and on/off button no longer switch out of grayscale view. Several cosmetic improvements. Commercial $17.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 PSC10D.ZIP
PSCUN056.ZIP 52496 1999-01-07 11:09:02 Pocket Star Chart 0.56 Stars and constellations in grayscale! Planets, the sun, moon and horizon are plotted for any date, time and observing location in the Northern Hemisphere. (Southern locations coming soon!) Fast display includes 1631 stars to Magnitude 5 and deep-sky objects. Pen-scrollable. Update Description 1/7/99 A "Now" checkbox has been added to the selection form; this automatically uses the Palm device's current date/time to view the image. 12/23/98 Runs on Palm OS v. 2.0! Added settings for Urban, Rural, Map and Dark Sky Views. Time fields now wrap. Cleaned up redraws in Edit. Shareware $12.50 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 PSCUN056.ZIP
PSCUN057.ZIP 65377 1999-02-09 13:48:04 Pocket Star Chart 0.57 Stars and constellations in grayscale! Planets, the sun, moon and horizon are plotted for any date, time and observing location, including the Southern Hemisphere. Fast display includes 1631 stars to Magnitude 5 and deep-sky objects such as galaxies and star clusters. Pen-scrollable. This is hopefully the last beta before Version 1.0. 2/9/99 The Southern Hemisphere sky map has been added. Extensive testing and tweaking has improved the accuracy. Shareware $12.50 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 PSCUN057.ZIP
PSNBA11.ZIP 33052 1999-01-28 11:13:36 PSNBA-Plus (v1.1) National Basketball Association: Schedule, Statistics, Standings and Info. PSNBA is a PalmSports program that allows you to follow the 1999 National Basketball Association Season. It features: -Schedule of matches with TV information and final results -Automatic "time difference" setting, according to your city or country. -Datebook alarms for your favorite matches . -Complete Standings -Load latest results from Internet. (downloadable from our HomeSite: -Statistics: Scoring leaders Assists leaders, etc. The most important statistics. Shareware $10.00 PSNBA11.ZIP
PSRC19DE.ZIP 7745 1999-01-17 19:09:06 Palm Searcher V1.9 German Version. Memo, Address, and Datebook Fast-Searcher! You can search for a string in one of these databases. It was written in assembly-language and therefore very fast. Combination-Search (AND-Function) is available. The error -invalid record- when calling the -jump button- with Palm-III OS3.0 is now fixed! Shareware $5.00 PSRC19DE.ZIP
PSTAT11.ZIP 96930 1999-04-27 10:35:20 Palm Stat 1.1 The first statistical software for Palm Devices! Easily calculate chi-square tests in 2x2 contingency tables, relative risk, diagnostic tests, probabilities (normal, chi-square, Student, Fisher), sample sizes, compare means and proportions (t and normal tests), make ANOVA (with p values included) and more! In the new Release: Now you can get descriptive statistics for one sample (max.100 cases) that include number of cases, mean standard deviation, standard error, variance, coefficient of variation, minimun and maximum values. The data is saved in a file for later use, modification or backup. Shareware $15.00 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 3.0 PSTAT11.ZIP
PSTCOD11.ZIP 85206 1999-04-27 10:47:22 Postcode+ 1.0 All current Australian postcodes listed nationally, by state or by postcode. Supports Find and clipboard copy. Includes a replacement Address Book to look-up postcode and paste details. Fast and easy to use! Regular database updates available for download by registered users. Shareware $15.00 Requirements: Palm OS 3.0 PSTCOD11.ZIP
PTELN051.ZIP 21124 1999-01-23 13:36:56 PalmTelnet 0.51 RFC 854 Telnet protocol (telnet mode); RS-232 connection up to 57600 bps (serial mode); VT100 terminal emulation, including PF keys; ISO 8859-1 character set, in two fixed font sizes: 5x9 and 4x6; Screen sizes: 16x32, 16x64, 24x40 or 24x80; 12 configurable string macros (including ESC and control characters); Paste MemoPad record; Log input in MemoPad records (character or hexadecimal). Update Description Added the PalmOS 3 small icon; You can log the input in MemoPad records, saving the incoming characters or their hexadecimal values. Freeware PTELN051.ZIP
PTELN052.ZIP 21325 1999-01-31 21:46:56 PalmTelnet 0.52 RFC 854 Telnet protocol (telnet mode); RS-232 connection up to 57600 bps (serial mode); VT100 terminal emulation, including PF keys; ISO 8859-1 character set, in two fixed font sizes: 5x9 and 4x6; Screen sizes: 16x32, 16x64, 24x40 or 24x80; 12 configurable string macros (including ESC and control characters); Paste MemoPad record; Log input in MemoPad records (character or hexadecimal). Ability to send any byte value (0x00 0xFF); Fixed a bug that caused a fatal exception in a multi record hex dump. Freeware PTELN052.ZIP
PTL14.ZIP 29068 1998-11-25 16:57:24 PlaceTrace Light 1.4 GPS test and display program for the PalmPilot. The same PRC file used by the PlaceTrace demo, but without the Windows software or conduit for those who don't need uploadable maps. Update Description Version 1.4 with zoom-to-pen-drag feature. See for Earthmate compatible version. Freeware $0.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PTL14.ZIP
PTNTCARE.ZIP 16722 1999-01-20 17:19:08 PatientCare This is a little database written for HanDBase which is good for medical students and physicians to track patients who are in the hospital. It is completely free and can be modified for your own purposes. Freeware PTNTCARE.ZIP
PUNCH02B.ZIP 20841 1999-04-27 10:37:54 PunchClock 0.2b Track the time you spend on multiple projects! Contractors can manage their hours and automatically calculate totals. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PUNCH02B.ZIP
PVNC11.ZIP 17753 1998-08-04 07:35:36 US.R Pilot PalmVNC 1.1 supports remote access (view and control) to your Win95/NT or UNIX desktop via Inter-/Intranet, PalmVNC also allows you to collaborate with people in your office from your PalmPilot or PalmIII PDA. FREEWARE PVNC11.ZIP
PWSTO164.ZIP 35027 1999-04-27 10:38:04 Password Store v1.64 Password Store keeps all your passwords in one secure place on your PalmPilot for easy access. You can also password protect Password Store to keep all of your important codes safe. Download a 30-day trial version today. This application runs on a free 30-day demo period. We encourage all users to try the full demo period before registering. Version 1.64 includes some minor bug fixes. Commercial $15.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 PWSTO164.ZIP
P_INET.ZIP 3731 1999-02-11 15:01:38 History of Internet. When was internet born? Which royal first used the internet? When was the first incident of hacking? Find out here. Requires MobileDB. Freeware P_INET.ZIP
QED156.ZIP 30792 1999-04-29 10:15:28 QED - Large DOCument editor (v1.56) Major update adds categories, privacy, another font, more. QED is the first editor for large documents on the PalmPilot! QED does not have the notepad 4K limit and can edit standard compressed DOC files larger than physical memory! Ideal for source code, lists and writing. QED, the original DOC editor, has released a major update adding categories, privacy, and another font! As always QED features bookmarks, wide screen capability, screen tap scrolling in viewer mode, a unique user interface, tiny memory requirements and a free Win95 DOC conversion util. Commercial $23.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 QED156.ZIP
QSIMPORT.ZIP 10793 1999-01-17 11:42:02 Quicksheet MultiMail Plugin Now you can send and receive fully functional Quicksheet spreadsheets as an email attachment right on your Palm compatible organizer. Our plugin seamlessly integrates with Actual Software MultiMail Pro 2.2 to allow you to send and receive any Quicksheet 3.1 (.qsh) workbook. You can send directly from Quicksheet or from the slick attachment manager within MultiMail Pro 2.2. This plugin requires Quicksheet 3.1 and MultiMail Pro 2.2 Update Description New features include the ability to initiate an email with attachment from Quicksheet 3.1 and support for MultiMail Pro 2.2 attachment manager. Freeware Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 QSIMPORT.ZIP
QUIKBD12.ZIP 102232 1999-01-22 13:38:04 Quik Budget 1.2 Quik Budget allows you to create up to sixteen virtual wallets in your PalmPilot. Just tell the wallet how much to add and it will do it for you every week, 2-weeks, half-month or month. As you spend from the wallets, Quik Budget keeps track of how much you have left. Update Description 1.2 Added transfer between wallets. This is one of the most asked for new features. 1.1 Includes transaction filtering (reporting), transaction duplication and improved transaction details. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 QUIKBD12.ZIP
QUIKBD13.ZIP 104183 1999-02-02 21:00:48 Quik Budget 1.3 Quik Budget allows you to create up to sixteen virtual wallets in your PalmPilot. Just tell the wallet how much to add and it will do it for you every week, 2-weeks, half-month or month. As you spend from the wallets, Quik Budget keeps track of how much you have left. Update Description 1.3 Adds GoType keyboard support, fixes PalmPilot Pro compatability, reduces footprint and adds backup conduit info. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 QUIKBD13.ZIP
QUIKBD15.ZIP 148282 1999-03-03 10:23:20 Quik Budget 1.5 Quik Budget allows you to create up to sixteen virtual wallets in your PalmPilot. Just tell the wallet how much to add and it will do it for you every week, 2-weeks, half-month or month. As you spend from the wallets, Quik Budget keeps track of how much you have left. 1.5 Adds an Excel exporter and improves the UI. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 QUIKBD15.ZIP
QVDEMO.ZIP 77081 1999-03-03 10:22:06 Quo Vadis 1.0.3 Map System The world's first grayscale, real-time labeling, street-level mapping system for the PalmPilot. Maps are drawn in 2-bit grayscale and can be zoomed to many levels. Road names are drawn in real-time, and scroll on the roads like a roller-coaster. Multiple maps can be stored, and are all drawn simultaneously, forming a larger, single picture, like a jigsaw puzzle, so you can scroll from one map to another adjacent map without seeing a break. Track your way to any selected destination manually or by attaching a GPS receiver and optionally have it scroll the map for you as your position changes. Requires IBM Workpad, Palm III or PalmPilot Professional. Thousands of maps available in our online library. Improved support for flash ROM maps. Added extra zoom-in level. Commercial $ 64.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 QVDEMO.ZIP
RACTMS11.ZIP 8728 1999-04-29 10:17:54 RaceTimes 1.1 Records Times (up to 100) in hh:mm:ss using the hard push buttons on the Palm case. Names (or numbers/boats) are recorded using graffiti (or the popup keyboard). A clock can be displayed on screen in either 12 or 24 hour mode. The Palm may be turned off, and when the 'Record' button is pressed, the time is recorded (and the Pilot turns on). The program was originally written to record sailing results, but is equally useful for any race or purpose where times need to be recorded to 1 second accuracy. Now you can output to the Serial Port. So you can Print to a Serial Printer (or Parallel Printer using a converter) or capture to a File (or print to your computer's printer) on a Computer using a Terminal program (does not require HotSync software) Shareware $15.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 RACTMS11.ZIP
RALEIGH.ZIP 14430 1999-01-12 01:09:04 TealMeal Database-Raleigh Starter database of restaurants in the Raleigh. Requires TealMeal, an editable restaurant database that supports multiple cities and sorting by topic and category. Freeware RALEIGH.ZIP
READDOCJ.ZIP 115885 1998-11-18 15:49:10 ReadDocJ This program was created to allow viewing of PilotDocs on any platform that has a Java Runtime Environment. It supports bookmarks that are embedded in the PilotDoc as well as allowing new ones to be added. It also supports regular expression searching. The PilotDoc is NOT modified. Freeware $0.00 READDOCJ.ZIP
REGCODES.ZIP 926 1999-01-31 14:24:42 RegCodesDB Database of your registration codes. Requires JFile. Freeware REGCODES.ZIP
REGEX.ZIP 10619 1998-11-25 15:45:24 Unix Regular Expressions A DOC formatted file containg information on regular expressions, intended to serve as a little more than a quick reference. Based on the Unix man pages. For a more in-depth treatment of this topic, check "Mastering Regular Expressions" from O'Reilly. Freeware $0.00 REGEX.ZIP
REMIND10.ZIP 64621 1998-10-25 17:08:12 Reminder V1.0 This program will help you remember important dates in a manner more straight forward than trying to use your DateBook. It lets you enter the date of the event, how many days notice you want and any other notes you may have. Reminder will keep a current list of the events you need to be warned about. All you have to do is bring up Reminder to see what events are coming up. Freeware $0.00 PalmPilot Personal and Palm OS 2.0 REMIND10.ZIP
REMINDER.ZIP 115931 1998-12-06 16:55:46 Reminder V1.1 This program will help you remember important dates in a manner more straight forward than trying to use your DateBook. It lets you enter the date of the event, how many days notice you want and any other notes you may have. Reminder will keep track of those dates year after year. Reminder will keep a current list of the events you need to be warned about. All you have to do is bring up Reminder to see what events are coming up. Update Description V1.1: Added the ability to have a daily alert sound when there is an event you should be reminded about; fixed an error in database set up to backup the reminder database as part of the HotSync; added better support if program is run on a non-supported OS version. Freeware $0.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 REMINDER.ZIP
REMOCP24.ZIP 151348 1999-04-29 10:18:08 PalmRemote 2.4 Is your IR Remote software in confict with other IR softwares (3COM-IrEnhance IBM-IrSync IS/Complete-IrLink etc.) ? The PalmRemote is IR Remote that is on good terms with other IR softwares. The PalmRemote (RemoCon) is the first ever Palm III / III-X software that works as an infrared remote control via built-in infrared port. This software is shareware. The trial period for this software is 14 days. Please register this software if you wish to continue to use it. Shareware $20.00 Requirements: Palm III, Palm OS 3.0 REMOCP24.ZIP
RESISTOR.ZIP 1719 1998-12-27 15:06:42 TealInfo Resistor Codes Folio for decoding resistor color bands. Requires TealInfo (shareware), available here or at Freeware RESISTOR.ZIP
REVIVALP.ZIP 200774 1999-04-29 10:09:18 Revival Addresses: R.A. Torrey A gathering of Torrey's sermons, revised and edited by the author and one of Americas greatest evangelists. These sermons were delivered in Japan, China, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, India, England, and Scotland. Freeware REVIVALP.ZIP
RICHRD14.ZIP 134059 1999-04-29 10:09:22 RichReader 1.4 RichReader is a Rich Text Format (RTF) document reader for Palm Computing Platform handheld devices. Unlike other document readers, the power of this program is its ability to display richly formatted text from any word processor that can create RTF files. Small, Medium, Large, and Fixed width fonts are provided. Normal, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic font styles can be applied to any font along with solid and dotted underlining. * RTF2Doc is now a one step conversion process! A third party text conversion program is no longer needed! RTF2Doc will convert directly from a Rich Text Format file (.rtf extension) to a compressed AportisDoc format file (.pdb extension). Shareware $14.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 RICHRD14.ZIP
ROMEDEM.ZIP 17696 1999-04-29 10:17:52 Rome City Guide 1.0 Check out this demo of the new Aramis Rome City Guide, offering travel information for Rome. Topics covered include dining, museums, sights, recreation, lodging and more. The Aramis City Guide series provides travel information for your Palm devices for the following cities: Boston, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Rome, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, DC. Commercial $17.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 ROMEDEM.ZIP
ROSIE20.ZIP 65527 1998-12-07 21:00:08 Rosie 2.0 GuyRules for the Pilot/Workpad. These are the second 50 Official Rules from our online database. What's Guy Rules? All Guys are born with knowledge of the Rules but most aren't aware of it. That's because GuyRules are the unspoken rules that govern men's behavior. This is the Official collection of these rules, finally being documented for all time by Guys around the world. Visit to read GuyRules and contribute your own to our database. Update Description Version 2.0 features: Add your own GuyRules; Filter rules using Keywords; List rules by category; Also Includes GuyRules 51-100; Shareware $5.00 ROSIE20.ZIP
ROSWELL.ZIP 25773 1998-10-30 23:35:56 JTF-GAO Report on ROSWELL The complete text from the GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report to Congressman Steve Schiff in regards to the "Roswell Incident". Also an AirForce News, article on the Roswell Report" & the Roswell Daily Record article from July 8th,1947: "Ramey Says Disk is a Weather Balloon". Freeware $0.00 DOC-Reader Format ROSWELL.ZIP
ROUTEX31.ZIP 67210 1998-11-07 00:09:18 Route Expert 3.1 Route Expert is a program which computes the optimal way to go from a station to another one into a network. Route Expert is provided with 16 Networks (Paris, London, New York, etc ...). You can store the information guide into a memo, scroll a map, zoom the map and popup the station name, specify avoided connections and lines. Don't forget Try also "Route Designer" !!! Update Description -You can now specify stations and connections durations.(1 minutes by default) -The London Underground lines are now labelled with their official names. -Paris Inter-connections have been updated. -Paris METEOR line added too. Remarks: You can also drag and drop stations from list to buttons. On the map you can popup each station's name when the pen down on it. Route Designer ROUTEX31.ZIP
ROUTX31B.ZIP 76702 1998-12-16 11:33:34 Route Expert 3.1B Route Expert is a program which compute the optimal way to go from a station to another one into a network. Route Expert is provided with 16 Networks (Paris, London, New york, etc ...). You can store the information guide into a memo, scroll a map, zoom the map and popup the station name, specify avoided connections and lines. Update Description -You can now specify stations and connections durations.(1 minutes by default) -The London Underground lines are now labelled with their official names. -Paris Inter-connections have been updated. -Paris METEOR line added too. Remarks: You can also drag and drop stations from list to buttons. On the map you can popup each station's name when the pen down on it. Route Designer is available to create and customize your own networks. Important: If you are already Register, you are allowed to use your password with Route Expert 3.1 -METEOR line of the Paris ROUTX31B.ZIP
RPORT101.ZIP 18720 1999-04-29 10:18:16 PocketReport 1.01 PocketReport seamlessly integrates your data from the Address Book application or Jfile database into a report template that is created on the Palm Computing device itself using Memopad or DOC formatted application (DOC, AportisDOC, SmartDOC, etc...). The 'merged' reports can then printed directly via IR, exported to DOC format (for ease of Hotsync), or copied into individual reports in Memopad. Bugfix smartdoc edited files, don't try to open a doc that contains no data with smartdoc. Bugfix crash with empty filter fields. Added filter for adressbook, Added extended filelist (DOC/Memo) to 256 entries. Shareware $39.95 ($29.95 until May-01-99) Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 2.0 RPORT101.ZIP
RWC.ZIP 3735 1999-01-14 23:01:54 Rugby World Cup Fixtures 1999. 1999 Rugby World Cup Fixtures in PDB format. The zip file contains RWC fixtures by Round and by Team. Freeware RWC.ZIP
S12.ZIP 6052 1999-02-01 22:56:10 1999 Rugby Super 12 Fixtures. 1999 Rugby Super 12 fixtures in PDB format by Round and by Team. Freeware $0.00 S12.ZIP
S3W202.ZIP 19071 1999-04-27 10:37:52 Stop3Watch v2.02 A stopwatch/timer simulator that has 3 stopwatch panels and each stopwatch can hold up to 99 laps. Features include: * run 3 stopwatches at the same time * have at most 99 lap records * have two viewing mode: Standard and Zoom (large font for one watch) * calculate, display and export the speed of the lap records with user defined track length * use a single button/key (SmartTap) to operate a stopwatch. Version 2.02 * Fix the crash bug in exporting records Version 2.01 * Fix the comma - bug in exporting records * Fix the recall lap number not change bug Shareware $10.00 S3W202.ZIP
SALESTAX.ZIP 13938 1998-12-23 10:42:44 TealInfo Sales Tax Calculator Sales tax calculator, calculates tax amount for an adjustable tax rate from 3% to 11.75%. Requires TealInfo (shareware). Freeware SALESTAX.ZIP
SALESWAR.ZIP 39034 1999-02-02 23:40:08 SalesWarrior 2.01 SalesWarrior is the application specifically designed for the busy sales professional. SalesWarrior lets you dramatically leverage your Palm device to track your sales opportunities, leads, referral sources, actual sales, sale item costs, products and their part numbers, and commissions. To run the demo, you will need a demo license key. You can get a 30 day demo license key from nloa d.htm New version 2.01! Feb. 02, 1999. FREE UPGRADE for current customers. *Now track costs of sales items. *Imports lists from csv files *New preferences *Improved csv export report *More efficient overview *And many more... Commercial $39.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SALESWAR.ZIP
SANDIEGO.ZIP 1394 1997-12-01 01:36:44 TealMeal Database-San Diego Starter database of restaurants in San Diego. Requires TealMeal, an editable restaurant database that supports multiple cities and sorting by topic and category. Freeware SANDIEGO.ZIP
SANFRAN2.ZIP 11186 1999-04-27 10:47:18 TealMeal Best of SF TealMeal Database of restaurants in Best of SF, CA. Requires TealMeal (shareware) available here or at Submitted by GTeach. SANFRAN2.ZIP
SBDEPOT.ZIP 51033 1998-10-25 19:56:44 SbDepotLite 1.5 Die neue Version der Wertpapier- und Depotverwaltung. Die Vollversion ist hier ebenfalls zum Preis von 15$ erhaeltlich. Shareware $15.00 SBDEPOT.ZIP
SCALES.ZIP 2694 1999-01-11 09:33:10 TealInfo Musical Scales Musical Scale Dictionary for pianists, guitar-players, and other musicians. Shows Major Scale, Doric, Phrygian, Lydian, etc. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Pontius. Freeware SCALES.ZIP
SCANDAL.ZIP 26270 1999-04-29 10:16:24 Sherlock Holmes-Scandal In Bohemia Sherlock Holmes - 'A Scandal In Bohemia' from the Canon Stories in DOC format. ZIP file has 2 parts. SCANDAL.ZIP
SCARDPRO.ZIP 413378 1998-11-01 13:02:42 ScoreCard Pro (TM) ScoreCard Pro is the only electronic golf scorecard that looks and works like a printed scorecard. Enter scores for up to five golfers, plus hundreds of games and wagering options. Store 20 golf courses, 50 golfing partners, and 20 previous scores. Record and analyze 21 different golf statistics. Commercial $49.95 SCARDPRO.ZIP
SCHULFER.ZIP 2158 1999-01-12 13:24:02 TealInfo Schulfer Reference A folio of german school holiday dates 1999. Very helpful for german customers. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Prof. Dr. Hans.J. Schittke. Freeware SCHULFER.ZIP
SEADEMO.ZIP 17628 1999-01-27 00:16:34 Seattle City Guide The latest edition of the popular Aramis City Guide series, the Seattle City Guide provides, dining, sights, museums, lodging, recreation and sports information right in your Palm device. The Seattle City Guide joins Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington editions that are currently available. Commercial $17.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SEADEMO.ZIP
SEFIRAH.ZIP 1709 1999-04-27 10:45:40 Sefirat HaOmer 5759 1999 The 1999 Sefirat HaOmer schedule zip file includes a sefirah.dba file that can be imported into Palmdesktop. Freeware SEFIRAH.ZIP
SERIAL.ZIP 1970 1999-03-24 12:32:46 TealInfo Serial Cables Pinouts and various info on serial cables. Includes modem, null-modem, pilot-modem cable pinouts, signals and pinouts table. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Alexei Proskura. Freeware SERIAL.ZIP
SFBAY.ZIP 6830 1998-09-08 23:15:30 TealMeal Database-SF Bay Starter database of restaurants in the SF Bay. Requires TealMeal, an editable restaurant database that supports multiple cities and sorting by topic and category. Freeware SFBAY.ZIP
SFDEMO.ZIP 17399 1998-12-16 22:55:58 San Francisco City Guide Try this demo of the exciting new Aramis San Francisco City Guide, providing dining, nightlife, sightseeing, sports, and recreational information in the palm of your hand. The only complete travel information solution for the Palm Computing platform. Commercial $17.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SFDEMO.ZIP
SHAND20.ZIP 1546136 1998-11-12 07:47:12 FinPoint StockHand 2.0 FinPoint StockHand is a real time stock and mutual fund portfolio management software package for the PalmPilot. It allows setup of unlimited number of securities and positions, and assigns it to many categories in the PalmPilot, like 401(k), Stock Plan and Personal. You can mark your positions as private. The associated desktop application mimics the PalmPilot version, and automatically updates prices for each security from the Internet. You can set the refresh frequency, so the program does not use up the Internet connection bandwidth. The updated prices are downloaded automatically to the PalmPilot at every HotSync, so you can carry your portfolio information with you. You can set up automatic refreshes, and minimize the desktop so that profit/loss information is available as an icon next to the clock on the Microsoft Windows Task Bar. The applications (both on SHAND20.ZIP
SHIR.ZIP 20551 1999-04-29 10:16:06 Shir HaShirim Just in time for Pesach, you can download Shir HaShrim (Song of Songs) to your Palm Connected Organizer. This version of Shir HaShirim contains Hebrew with an English translation, and requires Penticon's Hebrew Support ( It is best read with the TealDoc document reader ( Shir HaShirim is read on Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pessach. This occurs on April 3rd this year. Make sure that you download Shir HaShirim soon, so that you can review it before Pesach. Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SHIR.ZIP
SHOCK.ZIP 1560 1999-01-12 01:41:12 TealInfo ATLS Shock Categories Advanced Trauma Life Support Shock Categories. For use by medical students and professionals. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Jim Thompson M.D. Freeware SHOCK.ZIP
SHWTM03A.ZIP 78309 1999-04-29 10:17:54 Showtimes 0.3a Local movie showtimes on your Palm! Showtimes is a movie showtime database browser for the Palm Connected Organizer. Use the included Perl script to download showtime data from Yahoo! Movies or Scoot, hotsync, and you're ready to go. Find out what theater is playing a particular movie, or find out what is playing at a given theater. Showtimes has a small memory footprint. Data files created on Macintosh now have correct dates and garbage characters have been removed. Data files can now be retrieved via email (instead of installing perl). Freeware SHWTM03A.ZIP
SIDERE10.ZIP 9705 1998-12-07 20:17:14 SiderealTime 1.0.1 Finally, an easy to use sidereal time clock/calculator for Palm OS. Astronomy made easy! Whether you're a professional astronomer, or just a casual observer with a star chart, knowing the sidereal time is important! With SiderealTime 1.0 and your PDA running Palm OS, just indicate your longitude and time zone and instantly find out the sidereal time. You may choose to calculate sidereal time for your current time, or for another time. Update Description Fixed a problem in "Set Location" panel interface. Shareware $8.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SIDERE10.ZIP
SIDERE11.ZIP 9783 1999-03-22 17:33:12 SiderealTime v1.1 Finally, an easy to use sidereal time clock/calculator for Palm OS. Astronomy made easy! Whether you're a professional astronomer, or just a casual observer with a star chart, knowing the sidereal time is important! With SiderealTime 1.0 and your PDA running Palm OS, just indicate your longitude and time zone and instantly find out the sidereal time. You may choose to calculate sidereal time for your current time, or for another time. Supports non-standard time zones such as Central Australian Standard Time! Fixes minor screen redrawing bug. Shareware $8.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SIDERE11.ZIP
SK30T.ZIP 1692814 1999-01-22 07:34:52 TurboStats ScoreKeeper 3.0 ScoreKeeper is a baseball/softball scorekeeping application that runs on the PalmPilot or PalmIII. ScoreKeeper allows you to score baseball and softball games as they are played. It replaces the paper scorecards and is more convient to use than other computerized scorekeeping applications that require a laptop computer. Tracks of over 300 statistics, including batting, fielding, and pitching. ScoreKeeper is now TurboStats ScoreKeeper. It is fully integrated with TurboStats and generates all stats supported by TurboStats (over 300). Includes many new features such as creating lineups on the PC. Plus dozens of other improvements. Commercial $64.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SK30T.ZIP
SKATE12.ZIP 75800 1999-02-03 23:06:38 Skate! v1.2 Figure skating scoring system (OBO method). Allows to keep competitions / events / competitors / scores. Simulate and/or compute results according to the OBO method. Each event and final standings calculation. Export results report to the memo pad. This version: Export individual scores and notes added. Problem with tie-breaker fixed. Shareware $15 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 SKATE12.ZIP
SKPAD20.ZIP 14915 1999-01-24 17:13:06 SketchPad 2.0 Easy to use; Look and feel of the built-in Memo Pad; Almost like sketching with pencil and paper; A sketch becomes a frame in an animation sequence; Animation parameters allow you to set speed, direction, and looping; Titles can be assigned to sketches; Sketches can be categorized; Integrated with PalmPilot's global Find function; Backup the SketchPad database to the desktop; Small memory footprint. This archive only contains SketchPad 2.0 for the Pilot. If you also want the SketchPad Desktop Viewer for Win 95/98/NT 4.0 please download SKPAD20F.ZIP. Update Description Changes from V1.01: Animation parameters allow you to set speed, direction, and looping; Backup the SketchPad database to the desktop; Sketches are numbered when shown in List View. Shareware 14.99 SKPAD20.ZIP
SKPAD20F.ZIP 1809363 1999-01-24 17:13:02 SketchPad 2.0 Easy to use; Look and feel of the built-in Memo Pad; Almost like sketching with pencil and paper; A sketch becomes a frame in an animation sequence; Animation parameters allow you to set speed, direction, and looping; Titles can be assigned to sketches; Sketches can be categorized; Integrated with PalmPilot's global Find function; Backup the SketchPad database to the desktop; SketchPad Desktop Viewer for Win 95/98/NT 4.0 allows you to share your animation with friends who do not have a PalmPilot; Export sketches to Windows BMP file format using the SketchPad Desktop Viewer; Small memory footprint. This archive contains SketchPad 2.0 for PalmPilot plus the Desktop Viewer for Win 95/98/NT4. Update Description Changes from V1.01: Animation parameters allow you to set speed, direction, and looping; Backup the SketchPad database to the desktop; SKPAD20F.ZIP
SKYPIL31.ZIP 220153 1999-01-10 23:31:16 SkyPilot 3.1 SkyPilot makes planning and flying of flight plans a snap, and is available at a fraction of the cost of other flight planning tools ($21). SkyPilot makes flight planning easier and faster by performing the following critical calculations for you: time to fix, fix E.T.A., destination E.T.A., ground speed, wind correction for heading, and fuel consumption. All you have to do is enter some basic information about your departure point, way points, and destination and let SkyPilot do the rest. New in SkyPilot 3.1: easier to use interface, pause and hold function, more user messages, bigger buttons, faster runtime! Commercial $21.00 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 SKYPIL31.ZIP
SLEAGUE.ZIP 3448 1999-04-27 10:47:22 S-League Football Fixture. Show all Tigar Beer S-League football matches. Requires MobileDB. SLEAGUE.ZIP
SMART109.ZIP 71389 1999-01-26 18:32:00 SmartDoc 1.09 Easily read, create, and edit long text documents in Doc format. SmartDoc is easy to use. If you're already using the built-in applications, you can begin reading and writing right away. SmartDoc is powerful. Find and replace text. Rename and reorder bookmarks. Beam and exchange documents. Update Description Version 1.09 (January 26, 1999) Added feature- Easily access PMN News Service with new NetMark (in otnetmarks.pdb file). Added feature- Append Memo function added to Action Icon. Append text from any memo to any document. Bug Fixed- Fixed flash RAM compatibility Changed behavior- Able to replace with blank text. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SMART109.ZIP
SMARTD11.ZIP 173309 1999-02-10 07:27:00 SmartDoc 1.1 The most advanced, easiest to use, Doc reader/editor. Read, create, and edit long text documents in Doc format. SmartDoc is easy to use. If you're already using the built-in applications, you can begin reading and writing right away. SmartDoc is powerful. Find and replace text. Rename and reorder bookmarks. Beam and exchange documents. Version 1.1 (February 9, 1999) New documentation in PDF format. Includes QuickStart reference. Fixed bug- Flash RAM incompatibility with Global Find. Fixed bug- Sequentially appending multiple memos would crash SmartDoc. Fixed bug- The Append Memos list included private memos (even if Security set to Hide). The Find dialog has been consolidated with the Find and Replace dialog. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SMARTD11.ZIP
SMARTD14.ZIP 175010 1999-04-29 10:09:02 SmartDoc 1.4 The most advanced, easiest to use, Doc reader/editor. Read, create, and edit long text documents in Doc format. SmartDoc is easy to use. If you're already using the built-in applications, you can begin reading and writing right away. SmartDoc is powerful. Find and replace text. Rename and reorder bookmarks. Beam and exchange documents. Version 1.4 A bug that could cause a crash after editing text and then scrolling through the text has been fixed. A security problem has been fixed. NEW FEATURE: A shaded Action Icon indicates the currently selected document. Users of GoType! keyboards can use the cursor keys to control the shaded icon to access and open documents. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SMARTD14.ZIP
SMARTDOC.ZIP 70275 1999-01-19 01:01:00 SmartDoc 1.08 Read, create, and edit long text documents in Doc format easily. SmartDoc is easy to use. If you're already using the built-in applications, you can begin reading and writing right away. SmartDoc is powerful. Find and replace text. Rename and reorder bookmarks. Beam and exchange documents. Update Description Version 1.08 (January 18, 1999) Added feature- Find can be case sensitive or insensitive. Added feature- Individual documents can now be set to Always searched, Never searched, or follows Prefs for Global Find. Changed behavior - Global Find uses built-in Find function for improved international characters searching. Changed behavior Linefeed substitution for carriage return characters Corrected behavior Corrected database file specs in uploading via FTP. Fixed bug- Minor internal bug for checking flash RAM compatibility. Note that upgrading from SMARTDOC.ZIP
SMEAR101.ZIP 229287 1999-04-27 10:47:32 PalmSmear 1.0.1 A real-time morphing program right on your palm! And you think your Pilot is too slow for some special effects, huh!? PalmSmear will prove that every Pilot can do a lot more than you thought it could. Pushing the limit of the Dragon CPU, you will defeinitely be amazed of how much Pilot can do! *Note* don't forget to register for free! 1.0.1 fixes some potential crash bugs and improves the brushing speed a little bit. Shareware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 SMEAR101.ZIP
SOFTIR13.ZIP 81953 1999-04-27 10:47:56 Soft Ir Modem 1.3 Do you know 'Infrared Phone' or 'Infrared Modem' like 'Nokia NM-207 portable IrDA phone' or 'NTT IrTA'? These phones provide internal modem via infrared port. This software provides an 'Infrared Modem' for your desktop machine that is connected a normal modem. This software is task tray application for Windows98. Auto changing function between 'Infrared Modem' and 'Infrared HotSync' is supported. 4/4/1999 Version 1.3.0 Addition of function that SoftIrModem open modem port only when modem client require the modem, for another communication software. Freeware Requirements: Palm III, Palm OS 3.0, Windows 95/98 SOFTIR13.ZIP
SOL2_110.ZIP 17847 1999-01-16 18:36:36 Sol! II for Palm Sun Rise and Sun Set calculator for any geographic location on the planet. Also calculated are start and end of Civil, Nautical, Astronomical Twilight, length of day, length of day with twilight, and position of the Sun in ecliptic, equatorial and horizon coordinate systems. The program uses the Location Manager by Star Pilot Technologies (LOCMGR.ZIP). The registered version of Sol! II features quick launch buttons for Star Pilot, Moon!, Moon Phase, and J-Moons! Sol! II v1.1.0 now adds support to display times in "unrounded" with fractional minutes. Also added a "quick launch" button for users who have Glen Aspeslagh's Sidereal Time application loaded on their Palm. Corrected two DST problems that caused the Sun Information screen and the Sun Compass to use US DST rules (instead of the ones programmed into Star Pilot's Location Manager). SOL2_110.ZIP
SOLUBIL.ZIP 1550 1999-04-27 10:38:06 TealInfo Solubility Solid Solubility of various Dopands in Silicon. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Hirler Franz. SOLUBIL.ZIP
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