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Pfdapp - Fidonet PFD_Applications
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
EURODIST.ZIP 6140 1999-02-07 23:17:28 TealInfo European Distances A guide to distances between cities in Europe. Shows both kilometers and miles. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Werner Rutten. Freeware EURODIST.ZIP
EUROEX21.ZIP 10723 1999-02-11 20:25:10 Euro Exchange v2.1 Euro Exchange is an application for converting many currencies to and from the euro. Very easy to use - tap a country, enter an amount, and tap "Calc!". The amounts in every other currency are automatically calculated and displayed. Features include: Decimal point-aligned values, Thousands separation, Modifiable rates, Ability to add/rename currencies (up to 25 currencies), Preferences screen to list only selected countries, Two different fonts. This version: Calculator screen re-designed, now with a nice 3D look. New portuguese, french and dutch versions. Problems with rounding fixed. Shareware $5.00 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 EUROEX21.ZIP
EUROVIS.ZIP 2357 1998-10-29 07:45:20 Eurovision. All the winners of The Eurovision Song Contest from 1956 to 1998. Requires JFile. EUROVIS.ZIP
EUROWINE.ZIP 3761 1999-04-27 10:42:36 TealInfo European Wines European Wine ratings and comments, organized by brand and year. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Werner Rutten. Freeware EUROWINE.ZIP
EV1DASH.ZIP 10985 1999-02-13 10:10:46 EV1Dash (v1.3.1) GM EV1 Electric car display and data collection. Place the PalmPilot on the dash and connect to the cars diagnostics port and start reading data. Provides more information than the standard display and includes more accurate battery capacity readings. Freeware EV1DASH.ZIP
EXERCISE.ZIP 3867 1999-01-23 10:23:02 Exercise 1.0 Exercise displays a rep counter, with audible indicators, for your favorite exercise routine. Enter the details of up to 9 exercises and Exercise will count out your routine for you. Simple, small, and handy. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 EXERCISE.ZIP
EXTCODE.ZIP 4466 1999-04-27 10:42:26 TealInfo Ext. Keyboard Codes Calculates the Extended Scan Code for normal, shifted, CTRL, and ALT versions of all keys on a PC Keyboard. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Hans.J. Schittke. Freeware EXTCODE.ZIP
EZTIP.ZIP 21312 1998-11-08 12:16:18 EZTip v2.0. Calculates the tip amount or percentage and itemizes a bill for up to 15 people. Runs on the Pilot 1000/5000, PalmPilot II/Palm III. Update Description: Attention PalmPilot II/Palm III users - Did you ever want to split items between pay EZTIP.ZIP
F1PIL11.ZIP 2588 1999-04-27 10:47:20 1999 F1 Schedule for the Pilot 1.1 The 1999 Formula One race schedule for the Palm, in JFile format. Includes location, track name, last year's winner, and historical speed record data. Please give suggestions for more information, such as the teams and drivers and the team leaders, this could be updated for each race. Suggestions welcome. F1PIL11.ZIP
F1_1999.ZIP 9933 1999-04-27 10:38:10 F1 99 v2.0 3 small applications for 1999 F1 season: - F1 historic: from 1950 to 1998.... - F1 circuits: all the circuits for 99.. - F1 teams: all the teams for 99.... These applications are compiled with PANDORA for Windows from Handisplay Software. Shareware $5.00 F1_1999.ZIP
FAMDEATH.ZIP 26710 1999-01-02 12:29:06 Famous Deaths. This huge database collection list all the Famous people that have died. FAMDEATH.ZIP
FAMOUS.ZIP 3494 1998-11-01 12:53:36 Famous Names. Find the real name of celebrates when & where they was born & more. Requires JFile. FAMOUS.ZIP
FCP.ZIP 254425 1999-04-29 10:09:16 Faith's Checkbook Spurgeon's second book of daily devotionals. Written in response to the numerous request he received. "These daily portions are gathered from a more varied range of topics, and are all the more profitable because they deal with doctrine, experience, practice, and everything else." Freeware FCP.ZIP
FERIEN.ZIP 3405 1999-01-12 09:59:46 TealInfo Ferien Reference For German residents: Es ist eine Datenbank fuer deutsche Schulferientermine in den Jahren 1999 und 2000 (soweit bisher bekannt). Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Stefan Klinke. Freeware FERIEN.ZIP
FIA_1999.ZIP 1648 1999-01-21 16:39:04 FIA F1&WRC 1999 Schedule. 2 small doc files containing the FIA Formula 1 and WRC Schedule 1999. Freeware FIA_1999.ZIP
FIA_TEAM.ZIP 1931 1999-04-29 10:09:10 FIA F1 & WRC Teams 1999 The zip-file incl 2 small doc files (each 1kb) with the F1 and WRC 1999 teams. Updated 07th march 99. Freeware FIA_TEAM.ZIP
FINAL.ZIP 21739 1999-04-29 10:16:16 Sherlock Holmes - The Final Problem Sherlock Holmes - 'The Final Problem' A story from the Canon in DOC format - Zip file has 2 parts. FINAL.ZIP
FINCXLPC.ZIP 46653 1998-12-17 18:21:00 FincxlPC Financial Programs Financial programs. Contains 1) Loan Calculator, 2) Future Value of Investment, 3) Future Value of Regular Deposits, 4) Deposits required for a Future Value, 5) Maximum Regular Withdrawals from an Investment, and 6) Inflation Adjusted Present Value of a Future Value. Written in PocketC. Shareware $5.00 FINCXLPC.ZIP
FINDRUSH.ZIP 9447 1999-02-16 07:46:48 Find Rush! Find radio stations carrying the Rush Limbaugh Show in any state in the United States using this concise database Folio. Lists over 600 radio stations. Requires TealInfo from TealPoint Software. Freeware FINDRUSH.ZIP
FLASH206.ZIP 74937 1999-04-29 10:18:00 Flash! 2.0.6 Flash! is a personal trainer for your mind, based on the concept of flash cards. Its "learning" mode conforms to the latest learning research by quizzing you on a personal schedule that adapts to thedifficulty you have learning each individual fact; in "quiz" mode you can evaluate your progress. Supports full on-pilot editing capabilities and import of JTutor databases. Quiz yourself on the honor system or using multiple choice. Includes complete on-line help, both on pilot and on PC in html format. Full category support, import cards from Translate foreign language dictionary, sort and lookup cards on the fly, more options in multiple choice. Shareware $12.95 FLASH206.ZIP
FMJ10B7.ZIP 623036 1999-03-03 10:18:04 FM/J: FM Pro Mac Conduit BETA FM/J is Macintosh software that allows you to copy the contents of a FileMaker database directly to your Palm connected organizer with the press of a single button. You can add data to your Palm connected organizer and have it automatically merged with your FileMaker database with the press of a button. FM/J 1.0b7 is available with improved stability. Shareware $TBA FMJ10B7.ZIP
FOOD_DB.ZIP 6610 1999-01-14 15:31:58 Selected Food Values Food portions, calories, and grams of fat for a selected set of popular foods. Thanks to John Turnbull for this great database. This is a MobileDB database so you can pick up a copy of MobileDB or MobileDB Lite here or at Freeware FOOD_DB.ZIP
FORMUL12.ZIP 61885 1998-12-21 21:00:22 Formulas v1.2 Formulas makes it easier for you to figure out everyday calculations! Choose from: Area Codes, Currency Exchange, Date Calculator, Loan Payments, Metric Conversion and even a Tip Calculator! Update Description Version 1.2 includes minor bug fixes. Commercial $10.00 FORMUL12.ZIP
FPSCL250.ZIP 52908 1999-04-27 10:37:50 FPSClock 2.50 Finally, a clock that is just that: a clock. FPSClock's simple design and inexpensive cost gives you access to information quickly. View the time and set the alarm easily with this digital clock for the Palm Computing platform. Set alarms automatically or set it just once for the next alarm time, show time in military or standard display, snooze, set rings and alarm sounds, and more! Throw away that travel clock and leave your watch at home. Commercial $9.95 FPSCL250.ZIP
FRACTION.ZIP 650 1998-11-11 20:47:10 Fractions for RPN. Elemental fraction operations for RPN. The program reduces rational number (using two positions in the stack) using the Euclidian algorithm. Freeware FRACTION.ZIP
GAMEBOY.ZIP 2714 1999-01-04 23:45:10 TealInfo GameBoy Cheats Folio of cheats, tips, and tricks for GameBoy games. An essential traveling companion for you and your GameBoy. Requires TealInfo (shareware), available here or at Submitted by Christian Oliff Shareware GAMEBOY.ZIP
GDHINDEX.ZIP 4361 1999-01-18 19:09:50 Dead Hour Concert Date Index Index of Grateful Dead concert dates played on David Gan's weekly Grateful Dead Hour program. J-File required. (MobileDB version is available when you go to website.) Update Description Index through Dead Hour 540 Freeware GDHINDEX.ZIP
GDRAW01B.ZIP 53597 1998-11-22 20:50:04 gDraw 0.1 Beta Draw with grayscales on your PalmPilot/PalmIII. This is a drawing program for your Palm. It supports 2-bit color (4 grays) you can save/load pictures, etc. English and German version included. Freeware $0.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 GDRAW01B.ZIP
GDRAW12.ZIP 564449 1999-04-27 10:47:46 gDraw (v1.2) Drawing program with support for grayscales. Wide range of drawing functions (freehand, line, circle, rectangle, copy, paste, move, delete, invert, mirror, text input). Import/Export with ImageViewer, ImageConverter and ImagePreviewer. Has his own graphics converter, so you can use your pictures on you PC (DOS/Win and Linux/Un*x). You can creat your own fonts (for text input). Aviable in English and German. Now you can draw filled circles. The freehand drawing function has been overworked. New font database included (font looks like the PalmOS system font). Shareware $12.50 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 GDRAW12.ZIP
GDYNALL.ZIP 66487 1999-01-31 18:32:12 SOUTH PARK: Did You Notice? They're here, and they're in PalmPilot Doc format. An episode by episode guide to all the weird things that go on in the background of South Park. This file contains all Docs, see website for individual episodes. Freeware GDYNALL.ZIP
GEBUE29A.ZIP 8413 1998-10-28 23:47:14 Gebuehrenrechner 2.9a Gebuehrenrechner 2.9a liefert nach Auswahl von Dauer und Tarifzone die Kosten fuer den Anruf bei Nutzung der unterschiedlichen Festnetz-Anbieter. Shareware DM 10,HDB110.ZIP [00] HanDBase Desktop V1.10 HanDBase Desktop is a Win95/Win98/WinNT program that gives you the ability to View/Print Databases, Convert from HanDBase databases to Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) files and vice-versa all using your PC! You can import the Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) files to your favorite spreadsheet or database program. Upcoming features include editing databases, creating new databases, sorting, filtering, and reporting. Best of all, the Desktop program is included with the HanDBase PalmPilot Application. For more info on HanDBase, please go to: Update Description Many Features added! Auto-Install feature when creating .PDB files on the desktop. View .PDB and Converting from a .PDB file allows you to select from a particular GEBUE29A.ZIP
GEBUE29C.ZIP 8554 1999-01-01 17:57:40 Gebuehrenrechner V2.9c (This program is intended for the german market ...) This is a small tool designed for the german telephone market. At any given time, select a distance zone and length of call, and this program will give you the approximate cost of the call for different providers. Dieses kleine Tool liefert nach Auswahl von Dauer und Tarifzone die Kosten f r den Anruf bei Nutzung der unterschiedlichen Festnetz Anbieter. Update Description Version 2.9c: Current version with prices from Jan 1st 1999 Shareware DM 10,DB.ZIP [00] DB Simple database program for the Palm Pilot with source code (GPL). Still under development so consider it alpha quality. Freeware GEBUE29C.ZIP
GEBUE29F.ZIP 8419 1999-04-27 10:47:28 Gebuehrenrechner V2.9f Dieses kleine Tool liefert nach Auswahl von Dauer und Tarifzone die Kosten fuer den Anruf bei Nutzung der unterschiedlichen Festnetz Anbieter. Shareware DM 10 GEBUE29F.ZIP
GEBUEH29.ZIP 8144 1998-10-27 23:19:58 Gebuehrenrechner 2.9 liefert nach Auswahl von Dauer und Tarifzone die Kosten fuer den Anruf bei Nutzung der unterschiedlichen Festnetz-Anbieter. Shareware DM 10, GEBUEH29.ZIP
GENPW.ZIP 12658 1998-12-21 21:00:12 GenPW GenPW is a utility to generate random passwords. The passwords can be from 4-20 characters in user selectable case. Numbers and special characters may also be added. The software is distributed with source under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Freeware $0.00 Requirements Palm OS 2.0 GENPW.ZIP
GERMESS.ZIP 5581 1999-04-27 10:42:36 TealInfo Ger. Int'l Fares This database covers the most important International Fairs in Germany for the current year 1999. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Hans.J. Schittke. Freeware GERMESS.ZIP
GERTLINF.ZIP 2667 1999-04-27 10:38:08 TealInfo German Prov. An upgrade to a former database for the selection of the most cost-effective German Telephone Provider. In addition to the actualization of the basic provider rates, the upgrade extends the original from Wovvbagger by listing not just one but up to three of the least expensive providers. This facilitates the telephone access during the more congested time periods. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Hans.J. Schittke. GERTLINF.ZIP
GER_NT.ZIP 503035 1998-12-08 22:54:16 German New Testament Read the German New Testament Bible (Luther's 1912) on your Palm Pilot. Runs on the the Palm III; and PalmPilot, the IBM WorkPad PC Companion. This free reader and database supports find, find next, smart verse lookup, next/previous verse, next/previous chapter, next/ previous book, and various fonts. Freeware GER_NT.ZIP
GER_OT.ZIP 209712 1998-12-24 13:26:52 German Old Testament Read the German New Testament Bible on your Palm Pilot. The whole bible is divided into 12 sections. This free reader and database supports find, find next, smart verse lookup, next/previous verse, next/previous chapter, next/ previous book, and various fonts. Freeware GER_OT.ZIP
GEYSERS.ZIP 7363 1999-01-12 11:38:28 TealInfo Yellowstone Geysers A guide to Yellowstone Geysers, with descriptions, locations, and map. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Curtis Sauer. Freeware GEYSERS.ZIP
GFDEMO10.ZIP 53242 1998-12-09 14:23:40 Go Figure! Router Configurator GoFigure! Router Configurator is the first utility designed for the Palm Computing platform and is designed to assist you during those instances when a notebook isn't convenient for configuring a router. GoFigure! Router Configurator - IOS Edition for the Palm Computing Platform Features and Benefits: Convenient utility that takes advantage of the Palm Computing size for those times when you have to configure a Cisco router but space and power outlets are at a premium. Intuitive GUI that minimizes the time for first time Cisco router set-up configurations. Built in activity log that keeps records of all configured routers. Create templates for common configurations. Commercial $99.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 GFDEMO10.ZIP
GK2GEO.ZIP 2702 1999-04-27 10:35:22 GK2GEO 1.0 GK2GEO kann Gauss-Krueger-Koordination, wie sie z.B. im Mobilfunknetz E2 (Viag Interkom) verwendet werden, in Laengen- und Breitengrade umrechnen. Freeware Requirements: PalmPilot Personal GK2GEO.ZIP
GLADTR11.ZIP 1096 1999-02-15 15:46:24 Gladis Tracker 1.1 A discrete tracker of a "friend" named Gladis. 50% of the population understands that when this "friend" visits: You're Gladis here and Gladis gone! Very easy to personalize. Freeware. (JFile required) Freeware GLADTR11.ZIP
GLGR105.ZIP 172164 1999-04-29 10:17:52 GlucoPilot German 1.05 The same Program as GlucoPilot, but in German! PalmPilot diabetes management system. Track blood sugars, carbs, insulin. Graphs! Commercial $29.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 GLGR105.ZIP
GLUS105.ZIP 172564 1999-04-29 10:17:52 GlucoPilot 1.05 GlucoPilot is a Diabetic Management log for the PalmPilot. It logs glucose (blood sugar), insulin, and carbohydrates. GlucoPilot was written by a Type 1 diabetic, for other diabetics and their families. I hope that it is easy and fun to use, and in some way, makes living with Diabetes a little easier. It features QuickSum summary reports, as well as CHARTS and GRAPHS! Pie distribution charts and historial Line Charting on the Palm Pilot! Will interface with OneTouch (R) brand Glucose Meters VERY SOON! Now runs on Personals as well as Pros/III/IIIx/V & VII! (formerly had a problem with Personals. Minor bug fixes. **UPDATE: Info available at Shareware $29.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 GLUS105.ZIP
GOLFCARD.ZIP 134438 1998-11-10 17:31:00 GolfCard V1.2. Free Golf Card for golfers who require a simple way to keep score. Keep the score of other golfers, exact handicaps, putts, course and hole details, statistics and score summaries. Select penalties and hazards. Note each hole as you p GOLFCARD.ZIP
GRANDNAT.ZIP 3820 1999-02-15 07:53:08 Grand National One hundred & sixty years of Grand National winners Horse & Jockey. Requires JFile. Freeware GRANDNAT.ZIP
GRAYDEM4.ZIP 6749 1999-04-27 10:47:36 GrayDemo4 0.1a This is a simple app which demonstrates the 16-level (4-bit) grayscale mode of the new DragonBall EZ processor, in the Palm V and Palm IIIx. Don't try to run this app on any earlier model Palm... it won't work. Freeware Requirements: Palm IIIx Palm OS 3.1 PalmPilot GRAYDEM4.ZIP
GREENSBO.ZIP 2727 1999-01-12 01:09:10 TealMeal Database-Greensboro Starter database of restaurants in Greensboro, NC. Requires TealMeal, an Editable restaurant database that supports multiple cities and sorting by topic and category. Submitted by: James L. Ng. New Restaurants added. Freeware GREENSBO.ZIP
GRFDICT.ZIP 2335 1999-02-15 07:50:18 FURBY: Furbish Dictionary Furbish-English/English-Furbish dictionary typed straight from the booklet that comes with Furby. Keep it on your PalmPilot so it's always handy! Freeware GRFDICT.ZIP
GRFHNT.ZIP 6875 1999-02-11 22:22:04 FURBY: Hints & Tips The first in a new series of Furby-related TealDoc specials from GrimReaper. Hints and tips for your new pet and what to do if you have a problem. This is a TealDoc Enhanced format document. Freeware GRFHNT.ZIP
GRFMAN.ZIP 10862 1999-02-21 00:20:58 FURBY: Complete Manual It took a while, but I've finally transcribed the entire Furby Instruction Manual and converted it to Doc format. Furby, Furbish and all related are (c), (tm) and (r) Tiger Electronics. Freeware GRFMAN.ZIP
GRIDFIND.ZIP 176993 1999-02-24 10:23:22 RCC Grid Find. For use by Civil Air Patrol Search teams. Setup your Sectional chart, then enter the Lat. and Long. of SarSat hits from AFRCC and the program will tell you the grid and section this hit is in. At this time overlapping sectionals are n GRIDFIND.ZIP
GRMELFAQ.ZIP 5612 1999-04-29 10:09:00 Mellisa Virus FAQ 1.0 This is the official CERT Frequently Asked Questions for the Mellisa Virus converted from the original file to PalmPilot Doc format. If you've heard of this virus and need further information (without the press hype!), you'll find it here. GRMELFAQ.ZIP
GRMP3G.ZIP 6536 1999-04-29 10:15:26 RIO: Guide to Creating MP3s 1.0 Introduction to MPEG Layer 3 Audio Compression, tips for encoding, how to calculate how much memory a song will take. It's all here in the best guide to the Rio PMP300 from beginners to experts, something for everyone! GRMP3G.ZIP
GROESSEN.ZIP 13209 1999-04-27 10:42:50 TealInfo German Clothing Sizes A set of tables for german clothing sizes, for men, women, and children. In German. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Erwin Lerner. Freeware GROESSEN.ZIP
GRPPV100.ZIP 84104 1999-01-27 21:14:02 Pockett Pratchett v1.0 Pockett Pratchett is the definitive guide to Terry Pratchett's best-selling Discworld series of novels. All the contents of Pockett Pratchett have been designed for viewing on the 3Com PalmPilot, Palm III and IBM WorkPad. Freeware GRPPV100.ZIP
GRPPV110.ZIP 84511 1999-04-29 10:15:26 DISCWORLD: Pockett Pratchett 1.1 Pockett Pratchett is the definitive guide to Terry Pratchett's best-selling Discworld series of novels. All the contents of Pockett Pratchett have been designed for viewing on the 3Com PalmPilot, Palm III and IBM WorkPad. Updated to include DWM 24: April 1999. GRPPV110.ZIP
GRRIOFAQ.ZIP 9772 1999-04-29 10:16:06 Rio PMP300 FAQ 1.0 Diamond's Rio PMP300 is the first portable MP3 music player for under $200 that stores up to 60 minutes of digital-quality sound. It's smaller than an audio cassette and has no moving parts, so it never skips. Powered by a single AA battery, Rio provides up to 12 hours of continuous music playback. GRRIOFAQ.ZIP
GRSPFAQ.ZIP 9101 1999-04-29 10:16:08 SOUTH PARK: FAQ AT LAST - South Park Frequently Asked Questions in PalmPilot Doc format!! By popular demand (OK, 2 people asked me to do it!)...Includes history of South Park, lyrics to the theme song, details of the official South Park mailing list, character profiles and much more!! Freeware GRSPFAQ.ZIP
GRWKS01.ZIP 5582 1999-04-29 10:09:20 SOUTH PARK: What Kenny Says... Have you ever wondered just what Kenny from South Park is saying?! Wonder no more, here's a PalmPilot Doc format episode by episode guide to what Kenny says - not for the fain-hearted! ** WARNING: What Kenny says is frequently rude and contains offensive language! ** Freeware GRWKS01.ZIP
GUIDEV5.ZIP 64759 1998-11-06 11:12:28 Software & Resource Guide V5 An interactive, solutions guide powered by OnTap Technology! Carry it with you for instant access to an impressive collection of innovative software and accessories for the Palm OS from leading developers - right in the palm of your hand. Supports Palm FIND, navigate with hyperlinks - even supports Palm OS categories. Based on the Affinity Software Software & Resource Guide - 11/98 Freeware $0.00 GUIDEV5.ZIP
GULLI105.ZIP 163436 1998-12-16 11:37:34 Gulliver 1.05 Gulliver handles all the details of business travel, placing a complete, all-in-one itinerary in the palm of your hands. Critical data such as hotel and car rental reservations, flight schedules, frequent flyer numbers, worldwide airlines names and airport cities are only a tap away. Gulliver includes complete vendor databases, the ability to automatically update the date book application and can beam an entire itinerary from a Palm organizer with an IR port. Download this fully functionally 14-Day Test Drive version today (can be unlocked when you purchase.) Update Description version 1.0.5 - Fixed a bug that prevented Gulliver from loading onto TRG memory upgrade boards. - Fixed bug that posted multiple flights to Palm Desktop if a flight's date/time changed after a HotSync. - Added new meal items ("Lunch, snack", "Dinner, snack") to Meal popup menu for trans GULLI105.ZIP
HANDBASE.ZIP 114740 1998-10-02 12:07:28 HanDBase 1.10 (OS2) Create, View, and modify custom databases. Very powerful engine allows for multiple relational databases to be linked in several ways. Many field types including: Text Fields multi-line text input fields with popups for your most common values Decimal Numbers Numeral values with popups for your most common values and much more, Commercial Demo HANDBASE.ZIP
HANDFAX.ZIP 270519 1998-12-28 21:00:08 Hand Fax 1.04 Schickt Faxe vom "PalmIII HANDFAX.ZIP
HANDPHON.ZIP 246011 1999-01-19 21:00:18 HandPHONE v1.1.2 Demo HandPHONE offers a convenient and intuitive way for Palm III and PalmPilot users to manage the data on their mobile telephones without having to use the numeric keypads and tiny displays found on most phones. With an interface that is familiar to users, the software allows users to view and edit phone entries, dial phone numbers on their mobile phones, and to send and retrieve SMS messages. (*) Supports the most popular mobile telephones and connectivity solutions (*) Offers an intuitive display for easy phone management (*) Accesses local phone books, phone memory, SIM card, and fixed phone numbers (*) Allows users to edit and exchange phone book entries (*) Sends and receives SMS messages up to 160 characters (when supported by phone) (*) Stores SMS messages locally and allows remote deletion of SMS messages from phone (*) Keeps track of messages left on the mobile phone to avoid downloading them twice (*) Automatically dials numbers from HANDPHON.ZIP
HANDSHOP.ZIP 119766 1998-12-12 15:35:46 HandyShopper v1.05 HandyShopper keeps track of your shopping list(s). It's free, full-featured, and easy to use! Full source code is included. Works on Palm 2.x and 3.x (but not 1.x) Update Description v1.05 adds IMPORT and EXPORT to MemoPad. Also other minor new features, and minor bug fixes including fix so store names are boldfaced correctly. Freeware $0.00 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 HANDSHOP.ZIP
HDB112C.ZIP 356070 1999-04-27 10:45:38 HanDBase Desktop V1.12c HanDBase Desktop is a Win95/Win98/WinNT program that gives you the ability to View/Print Databases, Convert from HanDBase databases to Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) files and vice-versa all using your PC! You can import the Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) files to your favorite spreadsheet or database program. Upcoming features include editing databases, creating new databases, sorting, filtering, and reporting. Best of all, the Desktop program is included with the HanDBase PalmPilot Application. 2/25/99 - V1.12c Small Bug fixes Some .CSV lines with many carriage returns were not being converted properly. Some .CSV files with embedded quotes were having an extra quote on the end of the entry. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 HDB112C.ZIP
HDDOSALL.ZIP 84786 1999-04-27 10:45:46 HDDos V1.12c HanDBase Database Conversion program for DOS, OS/2, and Win3.1 users! This is a command-line program to convert between HanDBase database files and .CSV files. You can also specify a .PDB file to use for the field type information, so that your layout is preserved when converting a .CSV file back to a HanDBase database file. There are two versions in this archive. HDDos.exe is for DOS, Win3.x, and OS/2 users. HDDos32.exe is for Win95/98/NT users who prefer a command line only program over the HanDBase Desktop for Win95/98/NT. This version allows for long filenames. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 HDDOSALL.ZIP
HDJ10D.ZIP 587413 1999-02-17 07:53:06 HanDJet 1.0 HanDJet is an MS Access application that integrates DDH Softwares HanDBase program for the Palm Pilot with a PC running MS Windows. Written in MS Access, HanDJet not only transfers the data of HanDBase between a Palm Pilot and MS Access on a PC in both directions but also creates a user interface that closely resembles HanDBase. HanDJet is written for a multi-user network environment and can map multiple Palm Pilot devices into one MS Access environment. Fixed a few glitches that our pioneering users reported during the first couple of days: - handling of databases with more than 4095 records writing of empty databases - problems with file/field names containing quotes and other special characters. correction of misleading error message 'invalid database name'. Commercial $69.95 HDJ10D.ZIP
HDJ11D.ZIP 592152 1999-04-27 10:42:32 HanDJet 1.1 HanDJet is an MS Access application that integrates DDH Softwares HanDBase program for the Palm Pilot with a PC running MS Windows. Written in MS Access, HanDJet not only transfers the data of HanDBase between a Palm Pilot and MS Access on a PC in both directions but also creates a user interface that closely resembles HanDBase. HanDJet is written for a multi-user network environment and can map multiple Palm Pilot devices into one MS Access environment. Version 1.1 of HanDJet is nearing completion. We appreciate all suggestions which may further help us to improve features and functions of the product. Commercial $69.95 HDJ11D.ZIP
HEARTRTE.ZIP 3115 1999-04-27 10:42:24 TealInfo Heart Rate Calculator Calculates Target Max Heart rates for exercising based on age and target level. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Joshua A. Hockaday. Freeware HEARTRTE.ZIP
HINDEX.ZIP 1946 1999-04-27 10:45:36 TealInfo Heat Index Calc Heat index calculator, determines perceived temperature for a human body given actual surrounding temperature and humidity. In Farenheit. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at http:// Submitted by Peter Hartog. Freeware HINDEX.ZIP
HISTORY.ZIP 3966 1999-01-11 19:49:56 History of Singapore. Timeline on Singapore history from 1800-1993. Requires MobileDB. Freeware HISTORY.ZIP
HJ0301.ZIP 63766 1999-01-29 16:14:14 HandJive Magazine v3.01 HandJive Magazine is a free e-zine meant to be read on handheld and palmtop devices. Containing an innovative mix of feature articles, handheld and computer industry news, commentary and entertainment reviews, HandJive Magazine is available in formats for several different palmtop computers. Freeware HJ0301.ZIP
HLONG102.ZIP 8686 1999-01-24 18:31:56 HowLong 1.02 HowLong helps you keep track of, and organize major events in your life, like birthdays, anniversaries and vacations. Instantly see how many days you have left to prepare, or procrastinate. HowLong lists the event, how many days until it happens, and allows you to enter notes about the event. Set up different categories and organize major events in your business. See how many days you have left until a big presentation, or set up a category that has all of the paid vacation days for the year. HowLong will help keep life from sneaking up on you when you weren't paying attention. Update Description Now with the ability to adjust dates to create tickler records. Shareware $5.00 HLONG102.ZIP
HMAIL20.ZIP 458942 1998-11-04 18:36:48 HandMail 2.0 (w/AOL 1.0.6) Get the ultimate mobile e-mail connection. Send and receive e-mail directly over the Internet using your PalmPilot. HandMail now supports AOL! If you'd like to be able to send and receive e-mail wherever you go, then HandMAIL is for you.Whether you want to keep in touch with your office, friends, or family, HandMAIL makes Internet e-mail easier and more portable than ever.Read and write messages off-line using your PalmPilot or Palm III Organizer, then plug in your modem and connect right to your regular Internet Service provider or America Online(tm). Send and retrieve e-mail in seconds.It's that simple. With HandMAIL, you get the power of a full-sized e-mail application and the convenience of a hand-held computer. Send and save Memo Pad documents. Preview mail before downloading. Delete messages remotely. Filter important messages into customizable folders. HandMAIL packs all these features and more into a computer that you can carry HMAIL20.ZIP
HMAP22B.ZIP 77084 1998-11-20 01:17:32 HandMap 2.2b This program is an electronic street directory. You can zoom in and out and pan around looking at the map of the city installed. You can search for features by name, plan routes and more. Update Description * Major street names now displayed in bold. * Option added to control display of names. * Now displays street names on the map * Special offer map bundle for Greater Los Angeles now available. * Maps for Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee now available. * Maps for Ohio, Michigan, Florida and Georgia now available. Freeware HMAP22B.ZIP
HOLIDAYS.ZIP 20580 1998-12-29 03:22:16 Holidays Datebook importable file of Holidays Commonly Observed in North America. Over 125 major occasions each with attached summary note and recurrences programmed through at least 2001. Also includes full moons. Read the instructions. Update Description Several corrections, purged all before 1999.01.01. Freeware HOLIDAYS.ZIP
HOLMES.ZIP 4864 1999-04-27 10:38:14 Sherlock Holmes - The PBS. List of Sherlock Holmes PBS episodes starring Jeremy Brett. Includes Title, Broadcast Date and episode description. JFile format. HOLMES.ZIP
HONGKONG.ZIP 4181 1999-04-27 10:47:20 TealMeal Hong Kong TealMeal Database of restaurants in Hong Kong (Chinese OS). Requires TealMeal (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Clarence Chan. HONGKONG.ZIP
HORNET.ZIP 19255 1999-04-27 10:38:14 F/A-18 Hornet V1.0 Historic, various versions, exportation, just a small description of the Mc Donnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet fighter. Compiled with PANDORA for Windows from Handisplay software. No runtime needed. HORNET.ZIP
HOTEL800.ZIP 1789 1999-01-20 20:34:48 Hotel 800 Numbers 800 phone numbers for a selected set of popular hotels. Thanks to Andrew Heymann for this great database. This is a MobileDB database so you can pick up a copy of MobileDB or MobileDB Lite here or at Freeware HOTEL800.ZIP
HP.ZIP 5054 1999-04-27 10:38:12 History of HP 1 Find out the history of HP. How it started and how it has to be split into 2 companies. You need MobileDB to read. Freeware HP.ZIP
HPLANN16.ZIP 9053 1999-02-14 13:53:32 Holiday Planner 1.6 Graphical Year Planner Application with user definable multiple categories and automatic datebook addition. New In This Release: Pen drag option, for quicker marking of weeks. Shareware 10 GBP HPLANN16.ZIP
HPLOT.ZIP 7428 1998-12-16 18:55:22 HPlot (Histogram Plot) 1.0 This PocketC applet plots the histogram for a given data set, allowing the user to select the number of bins to be used, and to save the analysis to a memo. The ZIP file contains the compiled applet, source code, an example data set and a readme file with some more info. Needs the PocketC compiler or the PocketC run-time and the Mathlib library. Update Description UPDATE: Added a stub so the applet can be started from the main application launcher, and registered the creator ID. Included Ken Jancaitis's suggestions to calculate the parameters. Fixed the "positive numbers-only" limitation, updated the source file in the archive, and included a new example data set. Source code changes, and buttons to perform analysis on a new data set and to get a quick help. Freeware $0.00 HPLOT.ZIP
HPLOT06B.ZIP 5523 1998-11-17 15:01:24 HPlot (Histogram Plot) 0.6b This PocketC applet plots the histogram for a given data set, allowing the user to select the number of bins to be used, and to save the analysis to a memo. The ZIP file contains the compiled applet, source code, an example data set and a readme file with some more info. Needs the PocketC compiler or the PocketC run-time and the Mathlib library. Update Description UPDATE: Fixed the "positive-numbers-only" limitation, updated the source file in the archive, and included a new example data set. Freeware $0.00 HPLOT06B.ZIP
HTMLPLUG.ZIP 2133 1998-11-09 11:36:38 MultiMail HTML Plugin View HTML attachments in your MultiMail PRO Email. Freeware $0.00 HTMLPLUG.ZIP
HTMLREF.ZIP 6156 1999-04-27 10:42:42 TealInfo HTML Reference Handy reference to HTML Tags with definitions of terms and simple examples for usage. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Nathan Alberti. Freeware HTMLREF.ZIP
HTTPCODS.ZIP 6900 1999-04-27 10:42:40 TealInfo HTTP Response Codes Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Ron Patterson. Freeware HTTPCODS.ZIP
HTTPHDS.ZIP 3126 1999-04-27 10:38:06 TealInfo HTTP Header HTTP Headers Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Ron Patterson. HTTPHDS.ZIP
HUNGNOT.ZIP 2190 1999-04-27 10:42:38 TealInfo Hungarian Notation Hungarian notation for variable data types in c++. Handy deciphering Windows code. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Freeware HUNGNOT.ZIP
HUSSEIN.ZIP 3185 1999-02-09 13:26:10 History of king Hussein. Take a look into the life of a great man. Requires MobileDB. Freeware HUSSEIN.ZIP
HWPRO21.ZIP 850281 1999-02-07 20:30:36 Highway Manager Pro v2.10 A gas mileage application. Multiple statistics given: liters/gallons per 100 km/miles, amount per 100 km/miles, km/miles per liter/gallon, total km/miles and total amount. Distance can be entered as absolute or relative mileage. Configurable decimal points. Multiple currencies. Multiple vehicles - up to 10. Has the concept of a "trip" - keep track of where your money was spent and get statistics for the trip only. The trip feature can also be used to keep track of car maintenance and insurance payments. All data can be exported to host computer with provided conduit (Windows). Added note icons to show entries that have a note attached to them. Shareware $10.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 HWPRO21.ZIP
HWPRO221.ZIP 872419 1999-04-29 10:23:08 Highway Manager Pro v2.21 A gas mileage application. Metric and imperial measurements. Multiple statistics given: liters/gallons per 100 km/miles, amount per 100 km/miles, km/miles per liter/gallon, total km/miles and total amount. Also find out how much you spent in a given date range. Distance can be entered as absolute or relative mileage. Configurable decimal points. Multiple currencies. Multiple vehicles. Has the concept of a "trip" - keep track of where your money was spent and get statistics for the trip only. Keep track of car maintenance and insurance payments and discover the real cost of ownership of your car. All data can be exported to host computer with provided conduit (Windows). Added Date Range Stats, All Vehicle Stats, display Cost of Ownership, moving of items accross trips, Fast data entry with Graffiti, new conduit settings. v2.21 - Minor label problem: was not indicating gallons properly. Shareware $10.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 HWPRO221.ZIP
IANACODE.ZIP 5620 1999-01-04 21:29:08 TealInfo IANA Codes This folio can be used as a cross reference between 2 letter TLD codes in email addresses (.uk, .us) and the actual country name. Great for those who receive a lot of international e-mail, or who frequent IRC. Requires TealInfo (shareware), available here or at Submitted by S. William Schulz Freeware IANACODE.ZIP
IBM_HIST.ZIP 6544 1999-04-27 10:38:18 History of IBM. 3 antitrust suits were made against IBM. Many technolgoies we used today were from IBM. Requires MobileDB. Freeware IBM_HIST.ZIP
IBU102.ZIP 50169 1998-12-27 11:34:56 Brewer's IBU Calculator v1.02 The Brewer's IBU Calculator is software which helps the homebrewer and professional brewer to calculate IBU's of any beer formulation. This can be very useful to determine the bitterness of a particular beer. This is a fully functional *DEMO* of the complete Brewer's IBU Calculator v1.02. Update Description v1.01 updates include: Cosmetic improvements, fully functional demo mode improved, internal program logic, fixed miscellaneous problems discovered since intial release. v1.02 updates include: resolved discovered bugs. Commercial $10.00 IBU102.ZIP
ICD9CPT1.ZIP 13897 1999-02-20 11:21:00 Orthopaedic ICD-9/CPT vs 0.92 This is a collection of ICD-9 codes and some CPT codes. Use Hi-Note from to easily navigate through a hierarchical listing of codes. This will make life on you billers much easier. No need to lug a big ICD-9 or CPT book around. Commercial $3.00 ICD9CPT1.ZIP
ICHING.ZIP 5545 1999-01-12 09:42:00 TealInfo I Ching Guide Reference for reading the I Ching. Enter your throw, and see the results. Complete with instructions for using and reading, with either coins or stalks. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Alex Scherr. Freeware ICHING.ZIP
ICHINGJD.ZIP 7658 1999-04-27 10:42:16 TealInfo I Ching Judgements I Ching Judgements Folio. A kind of companion for "I Ching Reference" by Alex Scherr. Given a hexagram number, gives judgment and image. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Alexei Proskura. Freeware ICHINGJD.ZIP
ICQCESET.ZIP 508804 1998-12-28 21:00:12 ICQ 0.96a Ein ICQ-Chat-Client f r alle ICQCESET.ZIP
IED30.ZIP 6286973 1999-04-29 10:23:22 ExpenseDirector, version 3.0 ExpenseDirector is a powerful application that contains both a handheld device component and a Windows desktop component (Windows component is 6 MB in size). This is the newest and most advanced expense-tracking iambic Software application. If you MUST keep up-to-date and accurate records of your business or personal expenses, ExpenseDirector is a MUST-have application. Commercial $79.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 IED30.ZIP
IEDIT150.ZIP 18609 1999-01-18 19:05:56 ICON Editor 1.5.0 Editting ICON tool for DateBK3 on Palm/ Pilot. Datebk3 V-2.1q and later required. Update Description Fixed a bug on Hex Editor. Shareware $8.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 IEDIT150.ZIP
IGTBRDIE.ZIP 895560 1999-01-23 10:21:14 IntelliGOLF Birdie/Win v3.62 Golf's #1 Scoring System for your 3Com Palm III, PalmPilot or IBM WorkPad is now available on CD-ROM and via ESD * the perfect Golf Gift. IntelliGolf is more than just a Scorecard. It includes on-course Scoring for your entire foursome, 42 categories of Performance Statistics to help improve your game, and 17 popular Sidegames (e.g. Skins) and team wagering options. IntelliGolf's expands beyond traditional scorecard designs to include putts, sand saves, longest drive and more! IntelliGolf even helps you calculate your drive distance and yardage to the pin. Commercial $39.95 IGTBRDIE.ZIP
IGTPAR.ZIP 73039 1999-01-23 10:21:44 IntelliGOLF - Par/Win v3.62 Golf's #1 Scorecard Software expands beyond traditional scorecard designs to include "on course" Scoring, Wagering, and Statistics to help you improve you game! Simultaneously track men's and women's tees with varying handicaps, track drive distances, putts, sand saves and more... IntelliGolf's unique course management features make entering course essential easy! Commercial $29.95 IGTPAR.ZIP
IMAGERX.ZIP 10306 1999-04-27 10:47:44 ImagerX 0.91 ImagerX is a image viewer for PalmIIIx and PalmV to view 16 grayscales image. The quality of 16 grayscales image is much better than the old 4 grayscales image. A image conversion program 'Make Image' is provided to convert bmp, jpeg or gif file to palm database. Sample images are also provided. Update: Fix bug that crash after zoomin. Fix size info not correct for old image viewer files. use hardware pageup/pagedown to switch image, use find to zoomin/zoomout. Shareware $9.00 Requirements: Palm IIIx, Palm OS 3.1 IMAGERX.ZIP
IMMGUIDE.ZIP 4431 1999-04-27 10:45:54 TealInfo Immunization Guide An immunization guide with information on the 1999 AAP immunization schedule, plus info on each of the vaccines. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Vince I. IMMGUIDE.ZIP
INETCLCK.ZIP 5347 1999-04-27 10:37:54 InternetClock V1.0 Internet Time is a new global time created by Swatch. Global means that Internet Time has no time zones. Internet Time is the same everywhere in the world! Internet Time is measured in Beats. One Beat equals 86.4 seconds, 1000 Beats equal one day. The reference point for Internet Time is Biel Mean Time (BMT). Biel is the city in Switzerland where the Swatch headquarter is located. At 00:00 BMT the Internet Time is 000 Beats. InternetClock displays the Internet Time on your Palm Device. In addition to the Internet Time it also displays your local time and a second time zone of your choice. Shareware $5.00 INETCLCK.ZIP
INFOR11D.ZIP 9827 1999-04-27 10:38:10 Informer 1.1 Zum Sammeln von persoenlichen Informationen ueber URLs, Passwoerter, Usernamen, Providerzugaenge, EMail-Accounts, Registrierungsdaten von Programmen usw. Der totale Ueberblick ueber alle notwendigen Infos. Shareware $5.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 INFOR11D.ZIP
INFO_USA.ZIP 3374 1998-10-29 07:45:08 Info USA. Information on all 50 States of America including Capital, City, & Dates. Requires JFile. INFO_USA.ZIP
INTCALC.ZIP 14900 1999-01-26 21:00:00 IntCalc IntCalc is an RPN calculator with a clean, simple interface. Features include: One tap toggling between integer and floating point modes; integers displayable in any of binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, or ASCII; integer bit shifts, rotates, bitwise AND, OR, etc.; floating point square root, reciprocal. Shareware $12.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 INTCALC.ZIP
INTCALC2.ZIP 18645 1999-04-27 10:35:20 IntCalc (v1.1) A calculator that can be used in either algebraic or RPN mode; it is easily switchable between the two modes. Features include: One tap toggling between integer and floating point modes; integers displayable in any of binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, or ASCII; integer bit shifts, rotates, bitwise AND, OR, etc.; floating point square root, reciprocal. New in version 1.1: IntCalc can used in either "normal" algebraic mode or RPN mode, and is easily switchable at any time between the two modes. Shareware $12.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 INTCALC2.ZIP
INTELCPU.ZIP 4416 1999-01-12 13:35:42 TealInfo Intel CPUs. A Folio with most of Intel's CPU's and FPU's starting from the early seventies. With the 4004 going right up to the latest, the Pentium II Xeon. And off course specs of the different CPU's. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Olger Diekstra. Freeware INTELCPU.ZIP
INVEST10.ZIP 8823 1999-04-27 10:35:12 InvestmentCalc 1.0 Calculate and graphically plot the future value of an investment given a start amount, annual contribution, years of investment and the annual interest rate. It can be used to easily calculate 'What If' scenarios for your current investments, or to plan future savings and investments. Shareware $12.50 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 INVEST10.ZIP
IOUMAT10.ZIP 15492 1999-01-25 22:58:12 IOUMate (v1.0) Keep Track on the money & stuff you lend and borrow with this powerful IOU manager. Create entries easily by choosing from editable drop down menus of people and items (books, CDs, money, etc.). All entries are presented in a nicely table layout, composed of name, item description and amount. The table can be sorted, ordered and resized with PalmMate's well-known friendly user interface. View entries by any category whether it's a person or an item with an enhanced category mechanism. One click switch between the things you owe, and those people owe you. Total amount calculation. It is absolutely FREE! Enjoy the superb support of PalmMate and new exciting updates. Visit our web site for FREE Registration. Freeware IOUMAT10.ZIP
ISBN10.ZIP 4459 1999-01-05 01:58:10 ISBN 1.0 Book barcodes! ISBN displays International Standard Book Number barcodes, such as are found on the covers of most books. When you enter the first 9 digits, it correctly calculates the checkdigit, and displays the result as a barcode. Written using Quartus Forth! Freeware ISBN10.ZIP
ITABBREV.ZIP 7607 1999-01-05 22:44:44 TealInfo IT Abbreviations Handy large list of IT abbreviations and what they stand for. Know what PAP stands for? How about RARP, VESA, PABX, or RISC? Keep this folio handy so you don't get caught unknowing. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Olger Diekstra. Freeware ITABBREV.ZIP
ITCITIES.ZIP 4388 1999-01-04 23:17:48 TealInfo Italian Cities Contains the names of the 103 Italian cities, their abbreviation, regions, ZIP codes and phone area codes. The records can be sorted by name, abbreviation, ZIP code, area code and by region. Requires TealInfo (shareware), available here or at Submitted by Giovanni Carpenzano. Freeware ITCITIES.ZIP
ITIME.ZIP 1490 1998-12-04 14:09:56 Internet Time An implementation of Swatch Internet time for the Palm Pilot. Requires PocketC Freeware $0.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 ITIME.ZIP
IVRIT109.ZIP 50647 1999-04-27 10:47:32 Hebrew Ivrit 1.09 This is my Hebrew Module for the LinguaFranca Language translator by ($17) Hebrew module for 'Lingua Franca' using actual 'Hebrew Support' by$40) MY DB Module is free. ($0) Also, The file will simply get larger as I add more words. Steadily adding more words! Shareware $17.00 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 IVRIT109.ZIP
JFILE32F.ZIP 196658 1999-02-23 16:46:24 JFile 3.2f JFile is database program for the 3Com PalmPilot Personal Digital Assistant. Version 3.x new features include Palm's 'Find' funcationality, in place editing of certain field types, field structure changes on the Palm organizer. Included with JFile is a PC based application that can convert Comma Separated Value (.csv) files to and from JFile .pdb format databases. Backup Buddy certified (no more long HotSyncs on non-edited databases!) The ability to beam JFile databases to another Pilot! - Removed boolean/checkbox as last field problem - Fixed cut/copy etc on new database form - modified flag now set only on modified recs - structlock flag (for conduit developers - a la FM/J) Shareware $19.95 JFILE32F.ZIP
JFP20D.ZIP 504668 1999-02-17 07:49:56 Jet File Plus 2.0 Jet File Plus is an MS Access application that integrates Land-J Technologies JFile program for the Palm Pilot with a PC running MS Windows. Unlike its predecessors Jet File and Jet File Single, Jet File Plus not only transfers JFile data between a Palm Pilot and MS Access on a PC in both directions but also creates a user interface that closely resembles JFile. Jet File Plus is written for a multi-user network environment and can map multiple Palm Pilot devices into one MS Access environment. Since the data is available in MS Access tables you can easily design your own reporting and sorting mechanisms. Commercial $49.95 Published: 17.02.1999 JFP20D.ZIP
JFP20D2.ZIP 546428 1999-04-27 10:42:20 Jet File Plus 2.0 Jet File Plus is an MS Access application that integrates Land-J Technologies JFile program for the Palm Pilot with a PC running MS Windows. Unlike its predecessors Jet File and Jet File Single, Jet File Plus not only transfers JFile data between a Palm Pilot and MS Access on a PC in both directions but also creates a user interface that closely resembles JFile. Jet File Plus is written for a multi-user network environment and can map multiple Palm Pilot devices into one MS Access environment. Deleted entries in JFile no longer cause empty records in JFP. (This could happen when the current JFile contained fewer records than at some point in the past.) Commercial $49.95 Published: 11.03.1999 JFP20D2.ZIP
JFTR099.ZIP 6683010 1999-02-03 15:18:08 JFTrans v.0.99 JFTrans is an easy to use Win95/98 package that reads JFile databases, translates them into Access format, and then loads the new MDB file into a fully editable grid for modification, viewing, or printing. JFTrans also provides tools to easily sort, search or filter the data anyway you want. JFTrans can seamlessly convert JFile data types to the more efficient Access types, in order to reduce the size of the MDB files, or allow you to do calculations on the Access data that would be impossible within JFile. You do not have to have Access 97 installed to use JFTrans. A problem has been discovered with JFTrans running under a Japanese language version of Windows 98. This issue may also surface under other Asian language versions. If you are running an Asian language version, please visit the support page of the website for a patch and information on this issue. JFTR099.ZIP
JFTR110.ZIP 6699942 1999-04-27 10:42:14 JFTrans 1.10 JFTrans is an easy to use Win95/98 package that reads JFile databases, translates them into Access format, and then loads the new MDB file into a fully editable grid for modification, viewing, or printing. JFile popup list data is loaded into a dropdown list so that you can easily select the item you want in the current cell. JFTrans provides tools to easily sort, search or filter the data anyway you want. JFTrans can seamlessly convert JFile data types to the more efficient Access types to reduce the size of the MDB files or allow you to do calculations on the Access data. All this and much more! You do NOT have to have Access 97 installed to use JFTrans. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Windows 95/98 JFTR110.ZIP
JFVIEW20.ZIP 66980 1998-12-20 18:54:00 JFView 2.0 JFile database viewer/sorter/converter/ printer (WIN/NT) Shareware $12.95 JFVIEW20.ZIP
JFVIEW30.ZIP 213702 1999-04-27 10:47:24 JFView 3.0 JFile database viewer/sorter/converter/printer for WIN95/98/NT + Records fields are shown in the original size + Easy sizing and moving the columns + Neat database printout and export for every common database. Comes as a real WIN95/98/NT program. Shareware $12.95 JFVIEW30.ZIP
JMGSHORT.ZIP 1872 1999-01-12 13:59:44 Medical Shortcuts 3 Suite of medical calculators (requires SynCalc 1.5 and logic plugin); for use by medical professionals. Includes such common calculators as: creatinine clearance, MAP, Aa gradient, wt-based heparin dosing, insulin dosing, etc... Completely rewritten and expanded. All known errors, omissions, and bugs have been eliminated. Freeware JMGSHORT.ZIP
JTG11.ZIP 75791 1998-12-16 17:43:04 Jyotish To Go v1.1 Jyotish To Go is an Indian astrology program which generates horoscopes. The program displays planetary information, both northern and southern style charts, dasha, bukti and pratyantar periods, divisional charts, and current transits for Prasna. The registered version enables the ability to calculate, save and load new charts. Version 1.1 also includes atlas support and a US Atlas with over 1600 cities is included. Update Description Version 1.1 of Jyotish To Go now includes Atlas support and US Atlas is included (an International Atlas is also planned). Version 1.1 also has an improved calculation engine, pratyantar dasha pop-up window, displayable divisional periods, and multiple ayanamsa support. Registered users will receive a code to allow full use of the program. Shareware 35.00 JTG11.ZIP
JULIAN10.ZIP 15078 1999-04-27 10:35:10 Julian DA 1.0.0 Julian DA is a DA type application that handles Julian date, which is used on Mainframes like IBM 9672. It shows the Julian date equivalent to the Gregorian date entered, or oppositely, shows the Gregorian date equivalent to the Julian date entered. What's Desk Accessory (DA): Only one application can run at the same time on Palm OS (the OS of Pilot, PalmPilot, Palm III, Work Pad and compatibles). This single task feature is not so bad for users, since applications launch quite fast and they, if well designed, remember their last state. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 JULIAN10.ZIP
KDIC0110.ZIP 96478 1999-01-29 03:42:10 KDIC (Universal Dictionary) KDIC is a Dictionary software can display Japanese or Chinese character. So, it's appropriate for English (or other) -> Japanese/Chinese dictionary. Of course you also need to install J-OS to display Japanese character, Chinese-OS for Chinese character. Requirements * PalmPilot Pro (recommended), PalmPilot Personal, Pilot 5000/1000 * J-OS 1.9 or later KDIC v1.10 has released. Most remarkable NEWS on v1.10 is KDIC DA! You do not need to quit current application to search the word on dictionary any more! You can search any word, on any application by just one-touch operation! With just two-tap action, mini-window (KDIC DA) pop up on your current application, shows translation of the word. Shareware $10.00 KDIC0110.ZIP
KENOPALM.ZIP 62449 1998-11-24 07:33:22 VITAL STATS - KENO VITAL STATS - KENO allows users to track KENO numbers quickly and easily. Allows easy entry of numbers as they are drawn. Users can look at information on numbers drawn such as HITS, AGE, AVE, DUE and more... You'll be amazed at some of the drawing patterns you would have never noticed before. DOWNLOAD the unregistered version FREE. Shareware, Introductory Special $19.95 KENOPALM.ZIP
KEYDAT98.ZIP 1729 1999-01-02 12:28:20 Key Dates 98 Detailed information of the Main News storys that made 1998. KEYDAT98.ZIP
KEYDATE.ZIP 26564 1998-10-29 07:44:04 Key Dates. Un-lock the past with Key Dates, you can look up what happened in history or on a particular date with detailed information such as who was Born on that day who Died what was the Main News story for that day and more, Up to date but not f KEYDATE.ZIP
KID1.ZIP 6721 1999-04-29 10:16:08 My kid is a sore loser. E-Text on parenting. Freeware KID1.ZIP
KINGQUEE.ZIP 3151 1998-10-29 07:44:58 Kings & Queens. Detailed information on British Monarch's from 802 to the present day. Requires JFile. KINGQUEE.ZIP
KINGQUEN.ZIP 4622 1999-02-15 07:52:46 Kings & Queens Detailed information on the British Monarch's from 802 to the present day, including such facts as the names of there parents, who they married and How or Where they died. Requires Jfile to view. King & Queens, has even more information, now included is the names of both Mother & Father of that particular King or Queen, also the Date and where they married. Freeware KINGQUEN.ZIP
KJVBIBLE.ZIP 1250645 1999-04-29 10:16:22 Concorde reader and 0.43 KJV Bible. With search and bookmarks. Now customizable - remove books or features to reduce size. Now available as a customizable build-it-yourself system - remove books or cache files for a smaller .prc if you need to. The publisher (new beta) now works with STEP files. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 KJVBIBLE.ZIP
KJVINTRP.ZIP 58101 1999-04-29 10:15:54 KJV Introduction Our Introduction to the King James Version includes the Preface to the 1611 King James, a thesis regarding the preface by Edgar J. Goodspeed, Books of the Bible and the Daily Reading Schedule. KJVINTRP.ZIP
LABVALS.ZIP 8070 1999-01-04 22:57:50 TealInfo Medical Lab Values Common medical lab values for hormones, fluids, etc. It can be used by MD's, EMT's, nurses, or anyone attempting to read their medical chart. Requires TealInfo (shareware), available here or at Submitted by S. William Schulz. Freeware LABVALS.ZIP
LADDER99.ZIP 31599 1999-04-27 10:42:16 AFL Ladder 1.2 Show and update the current AFL (Australian Football League) ladder. Source included. + Fix name swap in 1999 database between Melbourne and Kangaroos. + Up/down screen buttons work on 'Detailed' screen. Freeware LADDER99.ZIP
LAMPSPEC.ZIP 8289 1998-12-28 16:36:30 TealInfo Lamp Specs Reference and specifications for lights used for stage lighting. Requires TealInfo (shareware). Submitted by Steven Hawkins. Shareware LAMPSPEC.ZIP
LBASE64.ZIP 6562 1999-04-27 10:35:22 LBase64 1.0 A simple Base64 encode/decode software. Made with OnBoardC. Sources included. Freeware Requirements: Palm III, Palm OS 3.0 LBASE64.ZIP
LDOCCONV.ZIP 2349622 1999-04-29 10:16:14 LinkDoc Converter 1.07 Mobile LinkDoc Converter from Mobile Generation Software allows users to convert or create standard 'Doc' text files on the PC. It also gives users the ability to add LinDoc bookmarks within documents and create 'links' between documents for use with Mobile LinkDoc for the PalmOS. Freeware Requirements: Windows 95/98 LDOCCONV.ZIP
LEASE110.ZIP 14455 1980-01-01 00:00:00 Lease-It! V1.1 Lease-It! is the fast, flexible and easy-to-use lease calculator for the Palm Connected Organizer. Use it to help you negotiate the best possible deal on a lease. Lease-It helps you analyze where your money is going, and can help to take the mystery out of leasing. Added: Unlimited term selection, Solve for length of term and tax calculations. Shareware $10.00 LEASE110.ZIP
LESSONS.ZIP 5243 1999-04-29 10:09:00 Lessons of Life. 6 Inspiring stories we should all read, and take to heart. Love, Honor, Generosity, Kindness, Attitude, all represented. Whoever originated this E-Mail should receive the Novel Peace Prize. Will bring a tear to your eye. LESSONS.ZIP
LHDETEA1.ZIP 106533 1999-01-28 17:47:34 Lufthansa TealInfo Timetable Lufthansa Timetable converted to TealInfo-Format for Germany. Valid from Oktober 25, 1998 - March 27, 1999. (Link points to TealInfo-file for Germany, DOC-File for Germany and Europe is available at - by Kobold eMedia. Freeware LHDETEA1.ZIP
LHDETEA2.ZIP 121564 1999-04-27 10:38:16 Lufthansa Timetable Germany TealInf. Lufthansa Flighttable for Germany converted to TealInfo-Format. Valid from March 28, 1999 - June 30, 1999. - by Palm Reference. LHDETEA2.ZIP
LHGER1.ZIP 35190 1999-01-19 18:14:06 Lufthansa Timetable: Germany Lufthansa Timetables converted to DOC and TealInfo-Format for Germany and Europe. Valid from 25. Oktober, 1998 27. Maerz, 1999. (Link points to DOC-file for Germany, DOC-File for Europe is available at - by Kobold eMedia. Now also available in TealInfo-Format see the website at Freeware LHGER1.ZIP
LHGER2.ZIP 52123 1999-04-01 19:27:00 Lufthansa Timetables Germany+Europe. Lufthansa Timetables converted to DOC-Format for Germany and Europe. Valid from March 28, 1999 - June 30, 1999. (Link points to DOC-file for Germany, DOC-File for Europe is available at - by Palm Reference. LHGER2.ZIP
LIB5.ZIP 413913 1999-10-27 00:44:56 Lib 5 Lots of software in one zip, the latest collection. A quick download now saves time in the future! Freeware LIB5.ZIP
LINGO093.ZIP 352380 1998-11-19 17:36:08 Lingo v0.93 This handy language dictionary makes traveling easier! Choose from up to 34 different languages Commercial $17.00 LINGO093.ZIP
LINKDO10.ZIP 13916 1999-01-12 10:23:56 LinkDoc V1.0 LinkDoc is a document reading program for the 3Com Palm Pilot. It reads most document formats, supports bookmarks, and adds the ability to create links within and between documents. LinkDoc leaves a maximum amount of the window available for reading, while still providing some useful navigation buttons and status indicators at the bottom of the screen. Shareware $9.00 LINKDO10.ZIP
LINKDO12.ZIP 43034 1999-04-29 10:16:24 Mobile LinkDoc 1.2 Mobile LinkDoc is a document reading program for Palm devices. It reads most 'doc' formats, supports bookmarks, and adds the ability to create links within and between documents. LinkDoc leaves a maximum amount of the window available for reading, while still providing some useful navigation buttons and status indicators at the bottom of the screen. Shareware $9.95 LINKDO12.ZIP
LISTLITE.ZIP 41624 1998-11-02 11:49:50 List 0.95 List: A simple database. Freeware -- full source is available, visit the website! Update Description List works on ALL versions of PalmOS! List 0.95 -- minor bug fixes. Beta Mac version of listdb companion program. Major website update: features page, sample databases. Visit the web site for details: Freeware $0.00 LISTLITE.ZIP
LL-V22A.ZIP 7032 1998-11-04 23:32:18 Latitudes & Longitudes of U.S. Cities v2.2a. Over 1200 U.S.cities listed! The database lists the latitudes & longitudes figures in both degrees/minutes/seconds and decimal formats, making the database more compatible with software programs such as Marvin Wilborne's Sol! Thanks! to Allen Weidman, for providing an avenue to the data. Requires MobileDB LL-V22A.ZIP
LLINTER.ZIP 4451 1998-10-03 18:24:46 Latitudes & Longitudes INTERNATIONAL! LLINTER.ZIP
LOCDBCA.ZIP 1016 1999-04-27 10:42:22 Location Manager Canadian DB This is a database of 24 pre-compiled Canadian locations for Location Manager. It is not required, but is suitable for people living in/travelling to Canada. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 LOCDBCA.ZIP
LOCDBUS.ZIP 3102 1999-01-05 21:55:00 Location Manager U.S. Database This is a database of 151 pre-compiled United States cities for Location Manager. It is not required, but is probably suitable for most people who stay in the US. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 LOCDBUS.ZIP
LOCMGR.ZIP 10561 1999-01-16 19:57:04 Location Manager (v1.2) Location Manager is a freeware application that is attempting to standardize a location interface for programs that need it. It enables a user to set a location once and use it in multiple applications (including all future Star Pilot products). In addition to static databases, it's possible to create new custom cities. Location Manager will also adjust the Pilot's clock if you travel from city to city. Released v1.2 which fixed numerous user-submitted bugs and should make it a much more stable application. Freeware Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 LOCMGR.ZIP
LONDEMO.ZIP 18821 1999-04-29 10:18:08 London City Guide 1.0 Check out this demo of the new London City Guide from Aramis. The London City Guide joins the other members of the popular Aramis City Guide series that provide travelers with dining, sightseeing, lodging, recreation, nightlife, fine arts and other information for your stay in a city. Commercial $17.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 LONDEMO.ZIP
LONGTIME.ZIP 4610 1999-04-27 10:35:22 LongTime 1.1 Very small conversion utility to make those nasty log files more readable, for example hyperwave logs its time stamps in seconds since 1970. Formats a long integer representing a time value in seconds since 1970 to a human readable string and vice versa. Shareware LONGTIME.ZIP
LOSANGEL.ZIP 2475 1999-02-08 00:05:44 TealMeal Database-Los Angeles Starter database of restaurants in Los Angeles. Requires TealMeal, an editable restaurant database that supports multiple cities and sorting by topic and category. Freeware LOSANGEL.ZIP
LOTTO10D.ZIP 135411 1999-02-03 17:45:46 VITAL STATS - LOTTO (v1.0) VITAL STATS - LOTTO allows users to track Lottery numbers quickly and easily. Works with any lottery with from 1-7 DRAWN #'s and from 1- 80 #'s TOTAL (4/50, 5/35, 6/49, 7/31, etc.) Allows easy entry of numbers. Compares numbers DRAWN by the lottery with numbers PICKED by the user. Registered version can track up to 10 games. Shareware - Unregistered Version Free Registered Version $10.00 LOTTO10D.ZIP
LOTTO11D.ZIP 140233 1999-04-29 10:23:24 VITAL STATS - LOTTO v1.1 VITAL STATS - LOTTO allows users to track and check Lottery numbers quickly and easily. Works with any lottery with from 1-7 DRAWN #'s and from 1-80 #'s TOTAL (4/50, 5/35, 6/49, 7/31, etc.) Compares numbers DRAWN by the lottery with numbers PICKED by the user. Ideal for groups or pools. Registered version can track up to 10 games. Fixed checking errors on some games. Changed pick ticket date to a reference number which can be written on the ticket to aid in organization. Combined Demo and working version to simplify registration. Shareware - Unregistered Version Free Registered Version $10.00 LOTTO11D.ZIP
LOTTORND.ZIP 5012 1998-12-04 11:34:34 LottoRand Generates random numbers for lotteries. Handles 3/20 to 10/60 lotteries (e.g. 6/49). Makes use of Pilot649 app if installed. Requires CASL runtime PRCs. Freeware $0.00 LOTTORND.ZIP
LREG.ZIP 11860 1998-12-16 18:54:46 LReg (Linear Regresssion) 1.0 This PocketC applet calculates the regression parameters for a set of (x,y) points, using the model: y=a+bx. The data points and the regression line are plotted, and the analysis can be saved to a memo. The ZIP archive of LReg contains the compiled applet, source code, example data sets, and an extra applet (SwapData) to swap your data points for x=f(y) analysis. See the included "readme.txt" file for more information. Needs the PocketC compiler or the PocketC run-time and the Mathlib library. Runs faster now! Update Description Added a stub so the applet can be started from the main application launcher, and registered the creator ID. Implemented the suggestions made by Ken Jancaitis, which allows the apple to run faster by reducing the number of loops through the data; see the "readme.txt" for more info. Added a "zero-axis", and buttons to perform a analysis of a new data set and to get a LREG.ZIP
LUACH009.ZIP 66996 1999-01-07 21:32:16 Luach - Jewish Calendar Luach(V0.09 Beta)- the Complete Integrated Jewish Calendar for PalmOS. Luach optionally replaces the standard Day Selector with an Integrated Jewish Calendar. New features in Version 0.09: * Zmanim support for Mincha Gedola. * Palm III compatible "Small Icon" support. * More robust error checking on Zmanim calculations.* Compatibility with SwitchHack. There were several city definitions (including Ra'anana) that were incorrect. Please read the "readme.txt" for more details about city files that have been corrected, and additional details about new features and enhancements in Version 0.08 and 0.09. Make sure to uncheck Luach Integration (but *don't* delete Luach) before installing the update. Please read the "readme.txt" file before installing, or take a look at the On-line User's Guide at LUACH009.ZIP
LUACH07B.ZIP 141169 1998-11-02 11:24:42 Luach - Jewish Calendar Luach(V0.07b Beta)- the Complete Integrated Jewish Calendar for PalmOS. Luach optionally replaces the standard Day Selector with an Integrated Jewish Calendar, from which you can: 1)See graphical indications of Jewish Holidays and User Events, 2) See the Jewish Date for the selected date - displayed in English or Hebrew, 3) See Jewish Holidays & Rosh Hodesh occurring on the selected date, 4) See Zmanim for the selected date for any city in the world, 5) See the Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah portion), Candle Lighting time, and Special Shabbat for any Shabbat, 6) See the Counting of the Omer when relevant,7) Swap the Secular Calendar view with a Jewish Calendar View. In addition, you can insert Jewish dates, Holidays, Rosh Hodesh and User Events, right into your built-in Datebook application, and you can define; yahrzeits, birthdays, and anniversaries based on their Jewish dates. This software will expire on January 10, 1999 Update Description LUACH07B.ZIP
LUND.ZIP 2511 1999-04-27 10:47:18 TealMeal Lund TealMeal Database of restaurants in Lund, Sweden. Requires TealMeal (shareware) available here or at Submitted by Goran Sandberg. LUND.ZIP
LWIZ120.ZIP 23364 1999-04-27 10:35:18 Loan Wizard v1.20 LoanWizard is a powerful mortgage and loan calculator. Solve for loan amounts, monthly payments, interest rates, duration, and even common forms of mortgage pre-payment. Features: Calculate almost all Mortgages and Personal Loans. Figure out how much house or car you can afford based on a monthly payment. Play 'What-If' scenarios with the pre-payment planner. Works with PalmPilot Pro, PalmPilot Personal, Pilot 5000, and Pilot 1000. Great replacement for cumbersome financial calculator. v1.20: Some display fixes and support for real time registration. Shareware $15.00 LWIZ120.ZIP
LWIZP120.ZIP 31197 1999-04-27 10:35:18 Loan Wizard Pro v1.20 Loan Wizard Professional is a powerful mortgage and loan manager. Keep track of multiple loans for all your customers or properties. Solve for loan amounts, monthly payments, interest rates, and duration. Features: All the features of LoanWizard and more! Full database of loans. Work with an unlimited number of loans. Mortgage specific information including Property Value, Down Payment, Points, Upfront costs, Insurance, Tax, Origination Fee and Mortgage Insurance. Works with PalmPilot Pro, PalmPilot Personal, Pilot 5000, and Pilot 1000. Great replacement for cumbersome financial calculators. v1.20: Some display fixes and support for real time registration. Shareware $25.00 LWIZP120.ZIP
M2000.ZIP 18845 1999-04-27 10:38:14 Mirage 2000 v1.0 Historic, various versions, exportation, just a small description of the Dassault Mirage 2000 fighter. Compiled with PANDORA for Windows for Handisplay software. Freeware M2000.ZIP
MAKEDOCJ.ZIP 136519 1999-04-29 10:09:00 MakeDocJ 3.2 This program was created to make it easier to create documents for the PalmPilot. The biggest feature this program offers over the other text file to PilotDOC programs is the ability to have preset bookmarks. I found MakeDocJ originally written by Pat Beirne, fixed the bugs, and added the ability to generate bookmarks directly into the PilotDOC. Fixed a problem when specifying regular expressions for bookmarks. The regular expression was ignored. If all bookmarks are not found, the PilotDoc file is deleted. This is because the internal indexes will be incorrect. Renamed classes to be inline with 'Java Coding Standards' Compression is now fully inline with the original unixdoc/makedoc. Freeware MAKEDOCJ.ZIP
MAKEIT08.ZIP 7226 1999-04-29 10:15:42 Makeit (for IE4 no libraries) AportisDoc and AvantGo users: Makeit will add an option to Internet Explorer 4.0+ that appears when you right click a web page (even inside a frame). When you choose that option the page will be converted into Doc format for the pilot (AportisDoc and similar) or into a Channel (For AvantGo). If you use AvantGo or AportisDoc your going to love this. In case you get an error with this 18k app, download the complete setup (with libraries) from Users confirmed it works with NT and IE5, channels work with InfoRover, Docs work with SmartDoc & QED. Freeware MAKEIT08.ZIP
MAM.ZIP 274520 1998-12-12 15:39:48 MAM v1.6.1 MAM is simply the best way to manage your money and track transactions in both domestic and foreign currencies. MAM (a.k.a. MultiCurrency Account Manager) is simple to use and at the same time offers many advanced features. MAM manages multiple accounts, each held in its own currency, for example Checking and Savings Account in USD and Term Account in GBP. It also makes it easy to enter transactions in different currencies, for instance when you pay from your Visa Card, held in USD, a certain amount in DEM. What's more, MAM will automatically convert the amounts paid using predefined exchange rates, and calculate the correct account balance. You can classify your transactions by category (ex. Lodging, Entertainment, Transportation), trip (ex. London, Tokyo, New York) or project (ex. Server Installation, Site Design) or mark them as cleared, billable, or receipt. Transfers from one account to another are supported as well as a purge MAM.ZIP
MAMEA231.ZIP 565509 1999-04-29 10:23:36 MAM Easy 2.3.1 MAM Easy is state-of-the-art financial management application for PalmOS. MAM Easy allows tracking transactions in both domestic and foreign currencies. It supports multiple accounts and currencies complete with the exchange rates so it's great for recording everyday payments as well as the ones that occur while traveling abroad. You can classify each transaction using different criteria such as categories, trips or projects. This makes MAM Easy perfect for tracking all your business expenses. New Overview function for easier transaction navigation. Added account popup in the details view. Now you can jump to a currency or a category by writing first letters. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 2.0 MAMEA231.ZIP
MAMEAS21.ZIP 521203 1999-02-15 00:34:06 MAM Easy v2.1 MAM Easy is state-of-the-art financial management application for PalmOS. MAM Easy allows tracking transactions in both domestic and foreign currencies. It supports multiple accounts and currencies complete with the exchange rates so it's great for recording everyday payments as well as the ones that occur while traveling abroad. Now includes configurable PC conduits and MacOS and PC viewers with export capabilities. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 MAMEAS21.ZIP
MAMPR231.ZIP 567708 1999-04-29 10:23:44 MAM Pro 2.3.1 MAM Pro is state-of-the-art financial management application for PalmOS. MAM Pro allows tracking transactions in both domestic and foreign currencies. It supports multiple accounts and currencies complete with the exchange rates so it's great for recording everyday payments as well as the ones that occur while traveling abroad. You can classify each transaction using different criteria such as categories, trips or projects. This makes MAM Pro perfect for tracking all your business expenses. New Overview function for easier transaction navigation. Added account popup in the details view. Now you can jump to a currency or a category by writing first letters. Shareware $29.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 2.0 MAMPR231.ZIP
MAMPRCUR.ZIP 1745 1999-04-29 10:23:40 MAM Pro Currencies & Rates 04/03 This file contains the latest exchange rates for MAM Pro. Please note that you can receive this file by email every week, if you subscribe. This service is free for all registered and not registered users of MAM Pro. To subscribe just go to our website at:, click on 'What's New' button and follow the instructions. Updated exchange rates Freeware Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 2.0 MAMPRCUR.ZIP
MAMPRO21.ZIP 539152 1999-02-15 00:34:06 MAM Pro v2.1 MAM Pro is state-of-the-art financial management application for PalmOS. MAM Pro allows tracking transactions in both domestic and foreign currencies. It supports multiple accounts and currencies complete with the exchange rates so it's great for recording everyday payments as well as the ones that occur while traveling abroad. Now includes configurable PC conduits and MacOS and PC viewers with export capabilities. Shareware $29.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 MAMPRO21.ZIP
MAMREP21.ZIP 34698 1999-02-14 19:21:22 MAM Report v2.1 MAM Report is an add-on module for MAM Easy or MAM Pro. It's a very powerful tool that allows summarizing your transactions as one total amount. It also calculates the totals split by currency or account. MAM Report allows you to create customized sets of conditions that will perform the exact calculation and summarization that you need. Now uses the same decimal and sign preferences as MAM Pro / Easy. Shareware $9.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional and Palm OS 2.0 MAMREP21.ZIP
MAMRP253.ZIP 59403 1999-04-29 10:23:44 MAM Report 2.5.3 MAM Report is an add-on module for MAM Easy or MAM Pro. It's a very powerful tool that allows summarizing your transactions as one total amount. It also calculates the totals split by currency or account. In this way it's simple to know how much you spent for instance in USD compared with DEM, or see your account balances in one screen. But what is really special about MAM Report is its filtering capabilities. Major update. New split views, budget and income plan functions, virtual accounts, support for MAM Pro memo transactions. Shareware $14.95 Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 2.0 MAMRP253.ZIP
MAMSUITE.ZIP 791100 1999-04-29 10:23:34 MAM Suite. The complete MAM suite including MAM Now v2.2.1! This is a free add-on module for MAM Pro or MAM Easy. It works as a currency calculator and transaction entry module. MAM Now works as a currency calculator as well! Updated behavior of certain buttons and decimal separator. Requirements: PalmPilot Professional, Palm OS 2.0 MAMSUITE.ZIP
MARATHON.ZIP 1330 1998-10-29 07:45:16 London Marathon. Winners of the London Marathon plus there times from 1981 to 1998. Requires JFile. MARATHON.ZIP
MARINERS.ZIP 2312 1999-04-27 10:45:52 TealInfo Mariners 1999 Seattle Mariners 1999 schedule and stadium/ticketing info. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available here or at Submitted by David Wong. MARINERS.ZIP
MARSMISS.ZIP 1737 1998-11-01 12:51:06 JTF-Missions to Mars A database listing of missions to the red planet, Mars. Items listings include; mission name, flag, departure date, arrival date & highlights from the mission. Freeware $0.00 MobileDB format MARSMISS.ZIP
MATCHBK.ZIP 26997 1999-01-07 11:25:24 MatchBook This application is for players (especially captains) of pool leagues who use the APA scoring system. You can record the same information used on the score sheets, and review it. Also, you can run reports to see how you've done against an opponent, skill levels or an overall summary. Update Description Version 1.0 is now shareware. The game entry screens have been streamlined slightly. Please check the README file if you are a version 0.9 user! Shareware $10.00 MATCHBK.ZIP
MDB131.ZIP 40248 1999-04-27 10:45:38 MobileDB v1.31 With MobileDB, you can create, view, edit, and delete any table data on your PalmPilot Personal, Professional, and Palm III. Use the Windows conversion tool to convert comma separated files or HTML tables to and from MobileDB databases. You can also utilize the pre-converted MobileDB databases from our MobileDB Database archive or other MobileDB content providers. This trial version will allow for full MobileDB functionality on up to 2 databases. Made some modifications to ensure compatability with the PalmIIIx and PalmV. Shareware 14.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 MDB131.ZIP
MDBL131.ZIP 35199 1999-04-27 10:45:46 MobileDB Lite v1.31 NOW FREEWARE! MobileDB Lite is the read-only, freeware version of MobileDB. MobileDB Lite is perfect for the PalmOS user in need of reference-only databases such as the hundreds of readily available MobileDB databases. Users can create MobileDB databases using one of the MobileDB Database Conversion tools or just download existing databases from the MobileDB database archive. MobileDB Lite is compatible with all Palm Computing devices. Made some modifications to ensure compatability with the PalmIIIx and PalmV. Also, check out the MobileDB database archive at Freeware MDBL131.ZIP
MEDP.ZIP 750759 1999-04-29 10:09:10 Morning & Evening: Daily Reading. Spurgeon's first book of daily devotionals. After 100 years, these meditations are as fresh and reflective as if written yesterday. Freeware MEDP.ZIP
MEMOP207.ZIP 167436 1999-02-11 15:31:00 Memo PLUS English v. 2.07 Memo PLUS enhances your built-in memo pad with drawings, alarms, templates and lots more! It is fully compatible with the Palm III and syncronizers to desktop PIMs like Outlook, GoldMine, SideKick, Lotus Notes, etc. Memo PLUS gives Palm OS 2 users multiple fonts just like the Palm III! Adds a new, cleaner interface. New drawing tools. Many other fixes. Shareware $19.95 Requirements: Palm OS 2.0 MEMOP207.ZIP
METRICON.ZIP 36189 1998-12-30 13:00:48 TealInfo Metric Converter 1.1 Metric converter folio for converting temperature, distance, area, volumes, and weight to and from the Metric system. Requires TealInfo (shareware) Update Description Fixed bugs in Distance and power conversion Freeware METRICON.ZIP
MF1.ZIP 16794 1999-04-27 10:38:14 Mirage F1 v1.0 Historic, various versions, caracteristics, just a small description of the Dassault Mirage F1 fighter. Compiled with PANDORA for Windows from Handisplay software. Freeware MF1.ZIP
MHCNEWP.ZIP 1567516 1999-04-29 10:16:20 Matthew Henry Study Bible Matthew Henry New Testament Study Bible: We merged Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary with the King James Bible to create this study Bible. The New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs are provided. Compiled by individual books of the Bible. MHCNEWP.ZIP
MIDMON1B.ZIP 13033 1998-11-10 21:01:48 MidiMonitor V1.0b Monitor midi input messages. Channel and message filters are user controllable. Site contains details on building PalmPilot midi interface. REQUIRES EXTERNAL MIDI INTERFACE Full details on: lotMidi.htm Update Description 1.0b Midi Monitor Fixed an initialisation bug and added a raw midi input viewer Shareware $15.00 MIDMON1B.ZIP
MIII.ZIP 17721 1999-04-27 10:38:12 Mirage III v1.0 Historic, caracteristics, Just a small description of the Dassault Mirage III. Compiled with PANDORA for Windows from Handisplay Software. Freeware MIII.ZIP
MJ10DEMO.ZIP 503433 1999-04-27 10:45:48 MobileJet 1.0 MobileJet is an MS Access application that integrates Mobile Generation's MobileDB program for the Palm Pilot with a PC running MS Windows. MobileJet not only transfers MobileDB data between a Palm Pilot and MS Access on a PC in both directions but also creates a user interface that closely resembles MobileDB. MobileJet is written for a multi-user network environment and can map multiple Palm Pilot devices into one MS Access environment. Since the data is available in MS Access tables you can easily design your own reporting and sorting mechanisms. The combination of MobileJet and MobileDB finally gives you the ability to easily create and maintain your MobileDB data on a PC without programming on your part. Try the demo to get an impression of the look and feel. Commercial $29.95 MJ10DEMO.ZIP
MK4GUIDE.ZIP 11113 1999-01-07 18:40:16 TealInfo Mortal Kombat 4 Guide Mortal Kombat 4 Guide of moves, fatalities, and weapons for all characters. Requires TealInfo (shareware) available on this site or Submitted by Christian Oliff. Freeware MK4GUIDE.ZIP
Total 200 Files, 43176 Kilobytes
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