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Pasdlp - PascalNet:_-_Delphi_related_Files

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Pasdlp - Fidonet PascalNet:_-_Delphi_related_Files
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
TGCV02.ZIP 11728 1997-01-27 16:56:20 A Gantt Chart component which displays TGCV02.ZIP
TI2770.ZIP 6599 1997-01-27 16:50:36 BDE Frequently Asked Questions. TI2770.ZIP
TI3194.ZIP 2408 1997-03-03 14:46:24 Trapping Windows Messages in Delphi TI3194.ZIP
TI3196.ZIP 2369 1997-03-03 14:46:54 Direct Commands to Printer - Passthrough/Escape TI3196.ZIP
TI3197.ZIP 1847 1997-03-03 14:47:24 Creating a form based on a string TI3197.ZIP
TI3198.ZIP 1005 1997-03-18 02:35:26 Finding the color depth of a canvas TI3198.ZIP
TI3199.ZIP 1123 1997-03-03 14:48:12 Using FindFirst and the WIN_32_FIND_DATA structure TI3199.ZIP
TI3200.ZIP 1082 1997-03-03 14:48:34 Setting the pixels per inch property of TPrinter TI3200.ZIP
TI3201.ZIP 3367 1997-03-03 14:48:58 How to use a string table resource TI3201.ZIP
TI3202.ZIP 1881 1997-03-15 02:17:48 Borland Assist for Delphi/400 TI3202.ZIP
TI9605.ZIP 2752 1997-01-02 02:11:02 Technical Support & Customer Support Phone Numbers TI9605.ZIP
TI9800.ZIP 5377 1997-01-02 02:11:28 Borland Assist TI9800.ZIP
TIDELPHI.ZIP 14250 1997-01-02 02:11:52 This file gives summaries of most of TIDELPHI.ZIP
TIKCLK16.ZIP 25270 1997-01-07 00:31:16 TTickingClock is a component descending from TIKCLK16.ZIP
TIPOFDAY.ZIP 38164 1997-04-23 21:59:24 TTipOfTheDay Component TIPOFDAY.ZIP
TLBLELL.ZIP 3742 1997-02-10 17:30:02 TLabelEllipsis 1.0 TLBLELL.ZIP
TLZRW1.ZIP 19339 1997-01-07 00:23:46 Compression component - LZRW1/KH or LZH TLZRW1.ZIP
TMKEDITS.ZIP 72177 1997-02-03 17:42:52 TmkExtEdit, TmkExtEditDB, TMKEDITS.ZIP
TOMISAPI.ZIP 15464 1997-01-08 18:39:14 It's a freeware unit That can help you to wri TOMISAPI.ZIP
TPRJINFO.ZIP 168177 1997-02-17 15:44:02 This is a collection of components, TPRJINFO.ZIP
TRICKS.ZIP 15991 1997-01-07 00:17:34 Tips und Tricks zu TRICKS.ZIP
TSTRETCH.ZIP 50325 1997-04-09 10:49:04 TStretchPanel Component ver 1.04 TSTRETCH.ZIP
TTB95.ZIP 288552 1997-03-11 08:57:42 TopToBottom95 for Windows 95 is the PRO TTB95.ZIP
TU32.ZIP 272577 1997-04-09 10:51:00 This is a Demo version of the TTUtility TU32.ZIP
TUTIL32D.ZIP 7985 1997-01-07 00:31:54 Paradox Table Repair ( source code ) TUTIL32D.ZIP
TUTL32DE.ZIP 144138 1997-01-07 00:30:28 Paradox Table Repair (Stand-Alone) TUTL32DE.ZIP
TZIP.ZIP 4668 1997-01-07 00:29:00 TZipFile - Read information about zipped file TZIP.ZIP
TZIPDEMO.ZIP 10951 1997-04-23 21:47:18 This is a completely rewritten TZIPDEMO.ZIP
U2LDELPH.ZIP 9040 1997-04-09 10:51:48 - The DelphiTrim function example in the U2LDELPH.ZIP
UDPEXMPL.ZIP 222508 1997-02-27 02:21:30 These two small projects demonstrate UDPEXMPL.ZIP
USSBC23.ZIP 114704 1997-04-09 10:54:08 SsBarcode v2.3 - The best USSBC23.ZIP
VCLUNZIP.ZIP 121255 1997-04-23 21:48:12 4/5/97 TVCLUnZip Component VCLUNZIP.ZIP
VCLUZ11.ZIP 138858 1997-05-17 02:38:46 TVCLUnZip Component VCLUZ11.ZIP
VICHW32.ZIP 30060 1997-04-09 10:55:04 TVicHW32 1.1 VICHW32.ZIP
VPCOMM10.ZIP 190588 1997-05-16 06:33:28 VPCOMM Complete communications library VPCOMM10.ZIP
WABD101.ZIP 222621 1997-03-11 08:58:58 Web Application Builder for Delphi 2.01 WABD101.ZIP
WBLOB10.ZIP 561917 1997-03-27 02:24:36 The WaveBlob unit contains the WBLOB10.ZIP
WCSDCDIR.ZIP 42144 1997-03-18 02:35:04 Woodstock Computer Solutions WCSDCDIR.ZIP
WINSPLIT.ZIP 4460 1997-01-09 00:36:38 TWinSplit is a VCL component that allows you WINSPLIT.ZIP
WLONTOP3.ZIP 84913 1997-01-07 00:25:52 The WatchesOnTop Expert WLONTOP3.ZIP
WSC4D20.ZIP 70620 1997-02-27 02:22:36 WINDOWS STANDARD COMM LIBRARY for Delphi. WSC4D20.ZIP
WT32DEMO.ZIP 542493 1997-02-03 17:46:12 The "WaveTools 32" are a Delphi 2.0 WT32DEMO.ZIP
XFIND32.ZIP 15041 1997-01-07 00:18:08 TXFindDialog Component for Borland Delphi 2.x XFIND32.ZIP
XOUTLOOK.ZIP 6176 1997-03-15 02:18:12 XTool - Component Collection XOUTLOOK.ZIP
XPIE.ZIP 73541 1997-04-23 21:36:32 A 3D Delphi 2.0 pie-chart for simple charting. XPIE.ZIP
XREPL32.ZIP 15766 1997-01-07 00:18:46 TXReplaceDialog Component for Borland Delphi 2.x XREPL32.ZIP
XSPELL.ZIP 514767 1997-05-05 08:23:04 XSpell - The spell checking expert for XSPELL.ZIP
XTOOLBAR.ZIP 34507 1997-01-08 18:48:58 M$-like Floating dockable toolbar XTOOLBAR.ZIP
YG503W95.ZIP 126973 1997-01-04 11:21:48 Approx. and regular expression search lib-Win95 YG503W95.ZIP
YG601W95.ZIP 145399 1997-04-09 10:56:42 YGrep Search Engine v6.01 YG601W95.ZIP
ZCD0101.ZIP 248925 1997-03-03 14:52:14 "ZieglerCollection one" ZCD0101.ZIP
Total 51 Files, 4619 Kilobytes
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