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Pasdlp - PascalNet:_-_Delphi_related_Files

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Pasdlp - Fidonet PascalNet:_-_Delphi_related_Files
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
ADACLK32.ZIP 51075 1997-03-18 02:45:50 Adrock Software Analog Clock Component ADACLK32.ZIP
ADATED32.ZIP 109293 1997-03-18 02:46:42 Adrock Software DateED32 Component ADATED32.ZIP
ADBITM32.ZIP 56516 1997-03-18 02:47:20 Adrock Software TAdrockBitmapPropertyEditor ADBITM32.ZIP
ADCALC32.ZIP 77370 1997-03-18 02:48:02 Adrock Software Calculator Edit/Entry Component ADCALC32.ZIP
ADCALN32.ZIP 132046 1997-03-18 02:48:56 Adrock Software Calendar Date Edit/Entry Component ADCALN32.ZIP
ADDATE32.ZIP 77105 1997-03-18 02:49:40 Adrock Software TAdrockDates Function Class ADDATE32.ZIP
ADGRID32.ZIP 23000 1997-03-15 02:21:18 Adrock Software TAdrockSaveGrid32 component ADGRID32.ZIP
ADGRUP32.ZIP 41932 1997-03-18 02:50:12 Adrock Software Group Box Component ADGRUP32.ZIP
AHMV9732.ZIP 235607 1997-01-08 18:37:00 The New and Updated AHM Component Series cons AHMV9732.ZIP
AITKEN.ZIP 355041 1997-03-19 08:32:00 Class Navigator 2 is a Delphi 2 support application which gives you the AITKEN.ZIP
AKMGRIDB.ZIP 46164 1997-01-09 00:41:50 Improved string grid with sorting, searchig, AKMGRIDB.ZIP
APLICATA.ZIP 7716 1997-01-07 00:29:34 Mutated TApplication Object. Maintain your ap APLICATA.ZIP
APPEVN32.ZIP 2323 1997-01-17 20:18:42 TAppEvnt Manage your printScreen key APPEVN32.ZIP
ARITEST.ZIP 133604 1997-01-20 15:27:24 This is the Visual Basic VS Delphi ARITEST.ZIP
ASPR11.ZIP 255772 1997-01-04 09:51:42 Hier is version 1.1 of Animated Sprites for ASPR11.ZIP
ATABCTRL.ZIP 5004 1997-01-09 00:35:58 Tab Control with glyph on tab ATABCTRL.ZIP
AUTO32.ZIP 254694 1997-02-27 02:16:30 Visual Auto Component Library (32-bits). AUTO32.ZIP
AUTOSAVE.ZIP 198931 1997-01-07 00:22:02 AutoSave Expert utility AUTOSAVE.ZIP
BB4DELPH.ZIP 13691 1997-01-20 15:28:28 Info. on CBT for Delphi application development BB4DELPH.ZIP
BDE35A.ZIP 1306848 1997-01-08 18:47:28 Borland DataBase Engine. These core DLLs are BDE35A.ZIP
BDE35B.ZIP 1136200 1997-01-08 18:44:30 Borland DataBase Engine. These core DLLs are BDE35B.ZIP
BDECFG2.ZIP 115108 1997-02-10 17:17:30 This module shows you how you can change BDECFG2.ZIP
BMPLBL1.ZIP 18149 1997-01-09 00:48:10 Bitmapped label - definable font - text align BMPLBL1.ZIP
BRSDLG13.ZIP 19086 1997-01-07 00:34:42 TBrowseDialog Compenent displays a dialog box BRSDLG13.ZIP
BTCHKBOX.ZIP 6756 1997-01-09 00:41:12 This component behaves like TCheckBox but all BTCHKBOX.ZIP
BWDRVI32.ZIP 130002 1997-02-17 15:40:58 Drive Information Custom Control BWDRVI32.ZIP
C32D0110.ZIP 33843 1997-01-09 00:34:40 A nearly-CRT-compatible unit for Delphi 32-bi C32D0110.ZIP
CALMIR10.ZIP 910570 1997-03-19 08:35:56 Calmira Source Release 1.0 CALMIR10.ZIP
CAPCTRL.ZIP 91114 1997-04-04 09:44:22 TCaptionControl can add a gradient caption CAPCTRL.ZIP
CBDEMO32.ZIP 6019531 1997-03-19 08:24:50 C++ Builder Demo von Borland CBDEMO32.ZIP
CCS201.ZIP 56599 1997-04-14 11:28:38 TComponentCollector v2.01 CCS201.ZIP
CDK2FACT.ZIP 4865 1997-01-07 00:15:26 CDK 2.0 Fact Sheet CDK2FACT.ZIP
CGISQL.ZIP 37903 1997-03-03 14:49:30 The TCgiSql combines Windows CGI and the CGISQL.ZIP
CGRID32.ZIP 321422 1997-04-04 09:45:44 TDBCrossGrid,TCGridReport components CGRID32.ZIP
CMCTLEX.ZIP 11789 1997-02-03 17:39:48 ComCtlEx.pas- translation of CMCTLEX.ZIP
COLORBU2.ZIP 18537 1997-03-11 08:42:12 Color Buttons v2.00 for Delphi 2.0 COLORBU2.ZIP
COLORBUT.ZIP 12218 1997-01-20 15:33:22 ColorBitBtn & ColorSpeedButton COLORBUT.ZIP
COMPED.ZIP 16922 1997-03-11 08:42:46 CompEd is a slightly stripped down COMPED.ZIP
COMPED2.ZIP 19854 1997-04-04 09:46:40 THIS IS COMPED VERSION 1.1. This upgrade COMPED2.ZIP
CROSS32.ZIP 332775 1997-01-04 09:53:34 Version 2.7 of Kevin Liu's amazing CROSS32.ZIP
CUCKOO32.ZIP 15152 1997-02-27 02:17:18 The TCuckoo gets its name from the cuckoo CUCKOO32.ZIP
D2TAPI20.ZIP 29470 1997-01-09 00:44:54 Translation of TAPI 2.0 header file for Delph D2TAPI20.ZIP
DATDLG12.ZIP 190924 1997-01-08 18:42:36 TDateDialog, Dialog-component for date confir DATDLG12.ZIP
DATEMASK.ZIP 19991 1997-02-03 17:40:12 TDateMaskEdit DATEMASK.ZIP
DATEVAL.ZIP 302629 1997-04-21 08:16:14 The TDateEditPlus component is a non DATEVAL.ZIP
DBBTN.ZIP 8594 1997-02-03 17:40:36 Panther DBBitBtn is a DataAware component DBBTN.ZIP
DBCHKEVL.ZIP 125400 1997-04-21 08:17:12 DBCheckBoxPlus. The only checkbox that DBCHKEVL.ZIP
DBEXUS32.ZIP 54013 1997-02-17 15:43:12 DBExport component V 1.5 for Delphi DBEXUS32.ZIP
DBNGRID.ZIP 229497 1997-03-03 14:00:08 TDBNGrid Version 1.20 for Delphi 2.0 ** DBNGRID.ZIP
DBNUMBER.ZIP 9645 1997-01-27 16:51:42 DBNumber ist eine TDBEdit abgeleitete DBNUMBER.ZIP
DBTV150U.ZIP 199505 1997-04-19 01:20:24 TDBTreeView shareware component. DBTV150U.ZIP
DEDSPIN.ZIP 52625 1997-03-27 02:15:36 TSpinDblEdit and TDBSpinDblEdit v1.2 DEDSPIN.ZIP
DELEYES.ZIP 33360 1997-03-28 10:55:12 TEyes component is a native Delphi VCL DELEYES.ZIP
DELUTL.ZIP 59082 1997-03-03 14:50:12 Text listing all existing Delphi PD & DELUTL.ZIP
DELUTV.ZIP 22820 1997-03-03 14:50:48 DBF with name, address, phone, fax, email, DELUTV.ZIP
DELZIP10.ZIP 188968 1997-04-14 11:31:28 DELZIP10.ZIP version: 1.0 DELZIP10.ZIP
DESIGN.ZIP 2524 1997-04-08 02:30:42 ObjectDesign 1.0 DESIGN.ZIP
DIRLST.ZIP 13689 1997-01-27 16:52:14 'Folder Listing' is intended to send a DIRLST.ZIP
DLCM.ZIP 278910 1997-03-28 10:55:56 Delphi Library Configuration Manager DLCM.ZIP
DLCM11.ZIP 178793 1997-04-21 08:18:24 Delphi Library Configuration Manager DLCM11.ZIP
DSR-INST.ZIP 1103525 1997-03-01 02:18:06 "Delphi Super Recall" or DSR provides a DSR-INST.ZIP
DTA.ZIP 18726 1997-02-10 17:18:12 Eine Unit zum erstellen von DTA-Dateien DTA.ZIP
DTIME.ZIP 297722 1997-01-27 16:47:28 DATE/TIME STAMPER v1.0 - File date utility. DTIME.ZIP
DV_B1.ZIP 405249 1997-02-17 15:42:08 InternetExplorer style viewer for Paradox DV_B1.ZIP
DYNAMITE.ZIP 10633 1997-01-27 16:52:40 A totally new control over your DataModules. DYNAMITE.ZIP
DYNARR2.ZIP 14654 1997-02-27 02:23:40 Slim Dynamic Array Class v3.0 DYNARR2.ZIP
DYNARRAY.ZIP 9592 1997-02-28 17:19:06 Dynamic array to read, write and DYNARRAY.ZIP
DYNSLIM.ZIP 15312 1997-04-19 01:21:06 Slim Dynamic Array Class v3.0 DYNSLIM.ZIP
DZDLLSRC.ZIP 216035 1997-04-14 11:32:26 DZDLLSRC.ZIP version: 1.0 DZDLLSRC.ZIP
EDITMAN.ZIP 9381 1997-01-09 00:33:50 TEditManager Manages any connected edit contr EDITMAN.ZIP
EVW100.ZIP 15092 1997-01-09 00:33:18 Handle audio playing and recording. EVW100.ZIP
EXEINS9T.ZIP 289138 1997-04-23 21:43:50 PRUDENS INC. EXEINS9T.ZIP
EXHOOK32.ZIP 264611 1997-01-04 11:14:54 ExHook32 v1.01 EXHOOK32.ZIP
EXIM12U.ZIP 178100 1997-05-05 07:21:32 EXIM v1.2 - EXIM contains the 16/32 bit EXIM12U.ZIP
EXLISVW.ZIP 2144 1997-01-27 16:53:04 Extended ListView component EXLISVW.ZIP
EXTLISTV.ZIP 255588 1997-01-20 15:34:50 TExtListView v2.00 EXTLISTV.ZIP
EXTPAGE.ZIP 150731 1997-03-18 02:40:36 ExtPageControl v2.0 for Delphi 2 and EXTPAGE.ZIP
FCOPY32.ZIP 29880 1997-05-17 02:35:08 File copy component. FCOPY32.ZIP
FILEINFO.ZIP 104368 1997-01-27 16:45:10 FileInfo 1.0.0 Provides commonly used FILEINFO.ZIP
FLOATBAR.ZIP 27033 1997-04-08 02:33:24 FloatBar Unit FLOATBAR.ZIP
FLYOVER.ZIP 22575 1997-01-04 11:19:20 FlyOverButton FLYOVER.ZIP
FORMG2.ZIP 11274 1997-01-04 11:19:54 TFormGrow Component / Grid Sizer v2.0 FORMG2.ZIP
FPARSE22.ZIP 26490 1997-02-10 17:19:02 TFParse Delphi Component, FPARSE22.ZIP
FRMPOSS.ZIP 67706 1997-01-20 15:37:28 FormPosition 2.0 - Delphi 16 & 32 Bit FRMPOSS.ZIP
FXCARDSA.ZIP 349938 1997-01-20 15:38:46 TFXCards Component Shareware Version FXCARDSA.ZIP
GFUNC.ZIP 7586 1997-02-10 17:19:42 -SoundExG Function fuer deutsprachigen Raum, GFUNC.ZIP
GIZMOS.ZIP 110752 1997-03-28 15:38:26 Gizmos from CtrlPlus contains our most GIZMOS.ZIP
GWRICHE.ZIP 18096 1997-01-04 11:22:38 GWRichEdit is a variation on Andrew Fingals GWRICHE.ZIP
HEFT0197.ZIP 1211 1997-01-27 16:48:04 Inhaltsverzeichniss von: HEFT0197.ZIP
HEXVIEW.ZIP 4903 1997-01-09 00:30:24 Simple hex viewer derived from TConversion cl HEXVIEW.ZIP
HKLISTER.ZIP 1849 1997-01-07 00:28:24 THotkeyLister component HKLISTER.ZIP
HLRGODBC.ZIP 381493 1997-03-11 08:43:32 Hype ODBC 32 Demo HLRGODBC.ZIP
HSTR.ZIP 61869 1997-01-20 15:39:34 HyperString v1.0 HSTR.ZIP
IBDEMO1A.ZIP 232582 1997-03-28 15:39:20 Interbase Objects Demo 1.0a IBDEMO1A.ZIP
IB_WISQL.ZIP 258871 1997-04-19 01:21:54 Interbase Objects Demo 1.2a IB_WISQL.ZIP
ICONBAR.ZIP 112369 1997-01-09 00:45:58 TIconTaskBar is a Delphi component that allow ICONBAR.ZIP
ICONEXTR.ZIP 157683 1997-04-01 01:21:46 Icon Extractor makes it possible to extract ICONEXTR.ZIP
ICPEXMPL.ZIP 265257 1997-01-08 18:40:56 FTP & HTML example applications using MS Inte ICPEXMPL.ZIP
IMGFX32.ZIP 146753 1997-01-27 16:53:44 Quick and dirty image transition effects IMGFX32.ZIP
IMGFXFRE.ZIP 341241 1997-02-27 02:18:32 TImageFX Component version 2 IMGFXFRE.ZIP
INIOUTSW.ZIP 55684 1997-02-27 02:19:24 IniOut is a Component Property Manager INIOUTSW.ZIP
INPUTDLG.ZIP 121379 1997-01-08 18:38:18 The TInputDlg component displays an Input dia INPUTDLG.ZIP
INSTEXP.ZIP 116363 1997-01-09 00:32:36 Delphi Expert Installer is a simple program, INSTEXP.ZIP
INSTL.ZIP 154735 1997-01-04 09:50:16 Install is a super utility for developers INSTL.ZIP
ISBTNDEM.ZIP 29193 1997-04-04 09:49:36 SHAPE BUTTON for Delphi ISBTNDEM.ZIP
LABELDEM.ZIP 198643 1997-01-04 11:23:34 I needed to allow my users to print labels LABELDEM.ZIP
LICENSE.ZIP 128279 1997-02-03 17:41:08 License Code Object LICENSE.ZIP
LINKER.ZIP 10484 1997-01-09 00:31:44 Maintains links to associated components LINKER.ZIP
LISTEXPT.ZIP 16501 1997-03-27 02:16:04 TListExpert (v1.0) LISTEXPT.ZIP
LMDMEGA2.ZIP 459953 1997-04-04 09:51:06 LMD-Tools Version 2. LMDMEGA2.ZIP
LMDTOOLB.ZIP 2159509 1997-03-25 08:55:36 LMD-Tools Version 2.1 LMDTOOLB.ZIP
MEDIAEXP.ZIP 3549 1997-02-03 17:41:34 This component can select the filename MEDIAEXP.ZIP
MJRECOPY.ZIP 4086 1997-01-27 16:54:28 MJDBRecCopy duplicates the MJRECOPY.ZIP
MLANG.ZIP 43312 1997-03-18 02:41:16 TmultiLang - component for Delphi 2.0 MLANG.ZIP
MLBUTTON.ZIP 3245 1997-01-09 00:39:46 This is a descendent of TButton that allows a MLBUTTON.ZIP
MRU.ZIP 8774 1997-02-03 17:41:56 The Unit MRU implements a Recent File MRU.ZIP
MSACM.ZIP 5964 1997-02-10 17:22:44 Audio Compression Manager Public MSACM.ZIP
MXVCL160.ZIP 1554327 1997-01-04 11:17:40 DCU VCL Mail eXtension DELPHI VIM MAPI SMTP POP3 MXVCL160.ZIP
NEWEDIT.ZIP 3146 1997-04-23 21:46:00 TNewEdit is a sub class of TEdit with a NEWEDIT.ZIP
NNCOMP.ZIP 30964 1997-04-08 02:34:02 TNeuralNetwork is a component representing NNCOMP.ZIP
NTCURS32.ZIP 5272 1997-01-09 00:42:58 A small example to create an animated cursor NTCURS32.ZIP
NVIEWLIB.ZIP 289541 1997-01-20 15:42:04 NviewLib.dll (32.bit) > Use with your own NVIEWLIB.ZIP
NW32DCU.ZIP 133186 1997-01-20 15:42:46 NetWare Units for Borland Delphi 32 bit NW32DCU.ZIP
NWLIB.ZIP 410639 1997-03-18 02:39:02 NWLib 2.20 - the first NEtware VCL ever - now NWLIB.ZIP
OBJDEB.ZIP 40449 1997-02-10 17:23:46 Object Debugger for Borland Delphi 2 OBJDEB.ZIP
OBJDEBV.ZIP 12227 1997-01-09 00:29:06 The Object Debugger allows you to inspect the OBJDEBV.ZIP
OBJMAN.ZIP 303052 1997-03-11 08:45:00 Object Manager is a database tool OBJMAN.ZIP
ODBC95.ZIP 153420 1997-04-08 02:18:04 ODBCSpy95 for Windows 95 or ODBCSPY3x ODBC95.ZIP
OGTR16.ZIP 217155 1997-03-13 18:10:24 OnGuard Testversion 16 Bit OGTR16.ZIP
OGTR32.ZIP 222067 1997-03-13 18:11:16 OnGuard Testversion 32 Bit OGTR32.ZIP
ORDERENT.ZIP 250589 1997-03-27 02:31:18 Sample Delphi 1.0 16-bit MDI Order Entry ORDERENT.ZIP
OUTLINE.ZIP 18865 1997-03-27 02:20:32 TBiDiOutLine COMPONENT FOR DELPHI 2.0 OUTLINE.ZIP
P2HTM20.ZIP 177753 1997-02-27 02:13:32 PAS2HTML 2.0 P2HTM20.ZIP
P2HTM21.ZIP 188278 1997-03-27 02:21:30 PAS2HTML 2.1 P2HTM21.ZIP
P2HTM22.ZIP 420401 1997-04-19 01:25:06 PAS2HTML 2.2 P2HTM22.ZIP
PANOPTIC.ZIP 178143 1997-01-08 18:35:10 Graphical component that displays lines of te PANOPTIC.ZIP
PAS2HTML.ZIP 38821 1997-01-27 16:45:46 PAS2HTML 1.0 PAS2HTML.ZIP
PASJPEG.ZIP 344899 1997-04-08 02:28:38 No description available PASJPEG.ZIP
PICEDITS.ZIP 175612 1997-01-04 11:27:12 Use Paradox-style pictures instead of PICEDITS.ZIP
PICTPLUS.ZIP 12169 1997-01-09 00:48:44 Picture Plus Property Editor replaces the edi PICTPLUS.ZIP
PPV10.ZIP 285332 1997-03-18 02:30:28 PowerPrinter v1.0 PPV10.ZIP
PROGWDW.ZIP 3525 1997-01-08 18:37:36 TProgressWdw component encapsulates a small m PROGWDW.ZIP
PRTDEMO.ZIP 16804 1997-02-10 17:24:22 TPrint Component PRTDEMO.ZIP
PTOOL15.ZIP 173405 1997-05-17 02:37:22 Panther Tools v1.50 -- Freeware - PTOOL15.ZIP
PVIEWER.ZIP 23000 1997-01-27 16:55:02 Here's a pviewer type program written in PVIEWER.ZIP
PX7TBL.ZIP 5294 1997-03-28 15:42:00 Px7Table is a TTable descendant with an PX7TBL.ZIP
PXVALTBL.ZIP 33827 1997-03-28 16:23:26 TPxValcheckTable v1.1 PXVALTBL.ZIP
PZAZZDEM.ZIP 400482 1997-04-23 17:46:08 Pzazz! version 2.2 contains six components PZAZZDEM.ZIP
QR32-11.ZIP 131432 1997-01-09 00:38:54 QuickReport Components QR32-11.ZIP
QVDEMO.ZIP 409536 1997-03-18 02:31:28 QuikView+ uses the BDE, to show you the QVDEMO.ZIP
REACTHLP.ZIP 89394 1997-01-20 15:43:20 ReAct Online Help File REACTHLP.ZIP
REALPROC.ZIP 4630 1997-04-01 01:23:04 RealSoft Public Domain Library REALPROC.ZIP
RECURF32.ZIP 3709 1997-01-27 16:55:22 With this component you can do very simply RECURF32.ZIP
RECURSE.ZIP 1598 1997-01-20 15:43:44 A solution for getting all RECURSE.ZIP
REGISTER.ZIP 120189 1997-01-04 11:29:24 Great way to make sure your application REGISTER.ZIP
REGLOC.ZIP 118612 1997-04-01 01:17:14 RegLock components by GT Technologies: REGLOC.ZIP
RELOAD.ZIP 2390 1997-01-07 00:35:44 Example of using the DDE macrocommand 'Reload RELOAD.ZIP
RESSPY95.ZIP 168754 1997-03-18 02:42:20 ResSpy - Resource API Monitor for Windows RESSPY95.ZIP
RFM.ZIP 251879 1997-03-11 08:54:32 This is a 32-bit upgrade for Realforms, RFM.ZIP
RLB10.ZIP 61967 1997-03-28 16:24:26 The TRealListBox enhanced version RLB10.ZIP
ROADEIN1.ZIP 5595 1997-01-27 16:50:14 Borland praesentiert Ihnen schon ROADEIN1.ZIP
RTMENU32.ZIP 367534 1997-02-10 17:29:20 "RTMenu+" is an AddIn expert enhancing RTMENU32.ZIP
RTSRCH32.ZIP 423638 1997-01-04 11:28:18 "RT Search +" is an AddIn expert enhancing RTSRCH32.ZIP
RXFIX103.ZIP 74404 1997-01-07 00:24:48 ROSNO VCL Ext. (RX) Lib v1.03 patch RXFIX103.ZIP
RXINST.ZIP 683649 1997-01-07 00:27:26 ROSNO VCL Extensions (RX) Library contains a RXINST.ZIP
SCGRAPH.ZIP 194502 1997-01-08 18:31:16 TScGraph is a component for scientific/techni SCGRAPH.ZIP
SDATEED.ZIP 49183 1997-03-18 02:39:46 TSpinDateEdit, TDBSpinDateEdit Version 1.2 SDATEED.ZIP
SHAREDMM.ZIP 5946 1997-01-08 18:49:44 This little component allows applications to SHAREDMM.ZIP
SKZS10.ZIP 236195 1997-04-01 01:20:52 SoundKitACM V1.0, Delphi 2.0 Components SKZS10.ZIP
SLR16.ZIP 86350 1997-03-18 02:33:42 SLRegress Components, Version 1.0 SLR16.ZIP
SLR32.ZIP 77532 1997-04-08 10:33:00 SLRegress Components 1.01 for 32-Bit Delphi SLR32.ZIP
SLTR32.ZIP 590640 1997-03-13 18:12:32 No description available SLTR32.ZIP
SPLIT09B.ZIP 103857 1997-04-19 01:18:38 (v0.9b) TPaneSplit for Delphi 2.0 implements SPLIT09B.ZIP
SPLIT16.ZIP 21026 1997-01-07 00:35:16 TSplitIt is a splitter component: it allows t SPLIT16.ZIP
SPLIT32.ZIP 19051 1997-01-09 00:42:26 TSplitIt is a splitter component: it allows t SPLIT32.ZIP
SPLSHFRM.ZIP 13127 1997-01-07 00:16:02 SplashForm fuer Delphi 16/32 SPLSHFRM.ZIP
SQL.ZIP 263624 1997-01-07 00:33:26 A simple program to execute SQL statements on SQL.ZIP
SQLEXP.ZIP 74517 1997-02-27 02:20:08 Welcome to the Beta of SQL Express, SQLEXP.ZIP
SQLSAMP.ZIP 5703 1997-01-27 16:55:50 Microsoft SQL Server sample with Delphi SQLSAMP.ZIP
SRCVIEW.ZIP 146675 1997-01-27 16:46:30 Source Code Viewer, version 0.1 SRCVIEW.ZIP
SS0001U.ZIP 83537 1997-04-09 10:46:44 DebugTracer component SS0001U.ZIP
SSCOMP.ZIP 10417 1997-04-01 01:24:48 Software Solutions - SSCOMP.ZIP
STGSTORE.ZIP 15988 1997-03-15 02:17:24 is an example of how to use STGSTORE.ZIP
STRCH103.ZIP 46057 1997-02-03 17:42:22 TStretchPanel is a Delphi component which STRCH103.ZIP
STYLESB.ZIP 2708 1997-04-08 10:33:32 TStyleSpeedButton STYLESB.ZIP
SUPREDIT.ZIP 112169 1997-03-18 02:34:26 The TSuperEdit component from RealSoft is a SUPREDIT.ZIP
SWCUST95.ZIP 206897 1997-04-09 10:47:46 (vWin95A) Shareware Customer Database Program. SWCUST95.ZIP
SWREG10.ZIP 460891 1997-03-18 02:32:40 SWReg v1.0 - the ShareWare Registration Tool! SWREG10.ZIP
SYSINF11.ZIP 9699 1997-01-08 18:39:48 System info component shows: Register informa SYSINF11.ZIP
SYSINF32.ZIP 5886 1997-01-09 00:27:56 TSysInfo32 - non visual 32bit VCL that return SYSINF32.ZIP
TBAG32.ZIP 292178 1997-03-11 08:56:06 TBag32 simplifies saving/restoring user TBAG32.ZIP
TBINFO2.ZIP 812360 1997-01-08 18:51:18 Physicaly Table Structure Browser TBINFO2.ZIP
TDIGDISP.ZIP 21289 1997-01-07 00:37:20 TDigitalDisplay is a digital text display com TDIGDISP.ZIP
TDPANEL.ZIP 21851 1997-04-09 10:48:32 TDropPanel TDPANEL.ZIP
TDREDIT.ZIP 45971 1997-01-07 00:16:48 This is version 1.3 of TDBRichEdit. A Delphi TDREDIT.ZIP
TDUALQRY.ZIP 8971 1997-01-09 00:31:06 Query component derived from TDataset which c TDUALQRY.ZIP
TELEPHON.ZIP 5749 1997-01-07 00:37:54 TTelefon is a small component for dialing tel TELEPHON.ZIP
TEMAIL2.ZIP 15222 1997-01-07 00:36:42 MAPI (e-mail) component ( based on some earli TEMAIL2.ZIP
Total 200 Files, 36705 Kilobytes
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