139897 |
1998-12-10 09:28:30 |
Simply stated Transfer 95 is a DOS solution to a Windows 95 problem.
Windows 95 - 1.Can not put in a new hard drive without re -installing
from scratch. 2.Does not come with a backup program to re- store from
DOS. 3.Does not come with a solution for setting up Network
workstations without a complete re-install. 4.Can not save the Windows
95 OS and all installed applications to an image file for easy system
rollouts. There are two editions of Transfer 95. The Personal
Edition is mainly geared toward hard drive upgrades. The
Professional Edition includes the same great Personal Edition
interface program, and adds: Backup, Drive imaging, Disaster
recovery, Spanning for Zip/ Jaz / SyQuest drives. Below we have tried
to show some of the features,and the differences between the two
267677 |
1999-01-20 10:13:04 |
T R E E S I Z E v1.5 Jede Festplatte wird zu klein, wenn man nur
lange genug wartet. Tree Size kann Ihnen sagen, wo ihre
wertvollen Festplattenbloecke geblieben sind. TreeSize kann aus dem
Kontextmenue eines Ordners oder Laufwerks aufgerufen werden und
zeigt die Groesse dieses Ver- zeichnisses inklusive aller Unter-
vereichnisse an. Man kann sich auserdem in einer Explorer
aehnlichen Darstellung die Groesse einzelner Unterverzeichnisse oder
den durch das Dateisystem ver- schwendeten Platz anschauen. Das
Scannen der Festplatte geschieht multithreaded, Sie koennen sich
also waehrend dem Scannen schon Teilergebnisse anschauen. Die
Ergebnisse koennen in einem Report ausgedruckt werden. Freeware
193921 |
1998-02-03 00:29:14 |
TreeSize 1.43 Beschreibung: Das deutsche TreeSize zeigt die Belegung
von Datentraegern und Verzeichnissen, den belegten, freien und
verlorenen Platz an. Freeware
159742 |
1997-06-24 12:36:20 |
"TreeSize v1.3", gibt sehr uebersichtlich und detailliert die
Speicherplatz-Aufteilung beliebiger Verzeichnisse aus (deutsch)
1408786 |
1999-01-24 03:40:12 |
TREESIZE Professional Version 2.1 TreeSize Professional is a powerful
and flexible harddisk space manager for Windows 95/98/NT.Find out
which folders are the largest on your drives and recover Megabytes
on it. Treesize Professional shows you the size, allocated and
wasted space, the number of files, 3D bar charts and pie charts,the
last access date and much more information for several folders
or drives you choose. It also searches for old, big and
temporary files on your hard disks. The application has an
intuitive Explorer-like user inter- face and it is fast and
multi- threaded. You can print detailed reports or export the
collected Data to Excel or a text file. TreeSize Pro can be started
from the context menu of every folder or drive.
102545 |
1998-05-18 21:53:02 |
Tweak UI 98 1.1 Neuere Version des Powertoys-Tools. ermoeglicht nun
auch versteckte Einstellungen am Internet Explorer.
UDL100B5.ZIP |
370091 |
1997-06-28 08:37:58 |
UDL (Unix Directory List) V1.00 beta 5 (c) 1997 Jakubech Peter -for
Unix directory listing -with this version you can convert files to
[.dir] format. -version for WIN 95/NT -registration form
UDL100B5.ZIP |
UDL100B7.ZIP |
263650 |
1997-07-05 06:56:28 |
UDL - Unix Dir Lister v1.00 beta for Win32 |
UDL100B7.ZIP |
10452 |
1997-06-27 10:23:36 |
UFC : Ultra File Compare UFC will compare multiple data files against
each other, creating a LOG file of the results and optionally deleting
duplicates when found. Download now, only $5 registration! v1.0 Code :
Peter Rick Das Original - Neu: Das perfekte Bindeglied zwischen
gewohntem DOS-Bedienkomfort und der Vielseitigkeit und
Funktionalitaet von Windows95 und Windows NT. Unterstuetzt lange
Dateinamen unter Windows95 sowie zahlreiche Optionen wie
beispielsweise das Loeschen von Dateien mit Hilfe der Recycle Bin
oder der kontinuierlichen Ueberwachung des Filesystems - wichtig bei
Aenderungen der Dateistruktur in Multitaskingsystemen. Dabei bleibt
DCC selbstverstaendlich DOS-kompatibel und verfuegt nach wie vor ueber
zahlreiche hilfreiche Funktionen: Drag & Drop bei Dateioperationen,
Textviewer fuer zahlreiche Formate, user-definierte Menues und
Dialoge, SCD (Smart Change Directory) fuer schnelle und clevere
Verzeichniswechsel (auch ueber mehrere
210806 |
1997-06-15 02:23:04 |
Info-ZIP's portable UnZip v5.30 - Win95/NT (Intel) execs
312201 |
1999-02-05 22:24:00 |
VGA-COPY/386, Version 6.24, das welt- bekannte Kultprogramm zum
kopieren und formatieren von Disketten. Viruscheck fuer alle
Bootsektorviren, Disketten- wechsel-Erkennung, Support fuer die
DMF-Disks von Win'98, "P-II/300+"-fix. Benoetigt mind. 386er mit 4 MB
RAM und VGA, optional: Maus und SB oder GUS.
58826 |
1999-02-15 18:00:00 |
"VGA-Dupe", v2.00, das erste Backup und Festplatten-Kopierprogramm
seiner Art ! Neu: Die Festplatten von zwei Computern ueber beliebige
Netzwerkkarten mit IPX- Treiber kopieren. Ganze Festplatten in ein
gepacktes Imagefile auf beliebigen logischen Laufwerk sichern. Ideal
fuer Schulungs- oder Installationszwecke und zur Herstellung von
"Recovery-CD-ROMs". Eine Shareware von Thomas Moenkemeier, dem
Programmierer von "VGA-COPY/386" !
1805387 |
1999-05-05 08:52:36 |
Virtual CD bietet einen festplattenschnellen CD-Zugriff. Dazu
kopiert es CDs mit Kompression auf die Festplatte und richtet
virtuelle Lauf- werke auf dem Windows-Desktop, die sich genauso
verhaltenm wir echte - Nur eben viel schneller. Testversion 89,-DM
WC16V302.ZIP |
883720 |
1997-06-12 09:10:02 |
WINDOWS COMMANDER 3.02 - 16bit filemanager Wincmd is a file manager
replacement for Windows. This is the 16-bit version for Windows 3.1.
For Windows 95 or NT 3.51/ 4.0, please download the 32-bit version
from Wincmd supports ZIP/ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2/TAR/GZ,
internal ZIP packer, enhanced search, quick view.
WC16V302.ZIP |
WC32V351.ZIP |
1123335 |
1998-05-06 19:51:00 |
WINDOWS COMMANDER 3.51 - 32bit filemanager Wincmd is a file manager
replacement for Windows. This is the 32-bit version for Windows
95/98 and NT 3.51/4.0. For Windows 3.1, please download the 16-bit
version from Wincmd supports
ZIP/ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2/TAR/GZ/CAB, internal ZIP packer, enhanced
search, quick view, drag&drop from&to explorer/desktop. NEW: FTP
client, direct access to Network Neighborhood, directory
history+hotlist, UUencode/decode, split/combine, flat look.
WC32V351.ZIP |
91591 |
1997-06-08 12:56:24 |
WDiff v1.40 <ASP> - Win File/Dir/ZIP Diff. Side by side display of two
text files, directories or ZIP archives. Useful for programmers to see
the differences between two source text files or two sets of files,
where one or both sets can reside in a ZIP archive. Various
configuration options. DOS command line version (CSDiff) also
available. Shareware (US$ 25.- MC/Visa/AmEx/JCB) C.Sitte
Softwaretechnik, CIS 73030,1070
202203 |
1997-06-13 06:00:42 |
WDiff v1.49 <ASP> - Win File/Dir/ZIP Diff. Side by side display of two
text files, directories or ZIP archives. Useful for programmers to see
the differences between two source text files or two sets of files,
where one or both sets can reside in a ZIP archive. Line editing
functions. DOS command line version (CSDiff) also available. Shareware
(US$ 35.- MC/Visa/AmEx/JCB). C.Sitte Softwaretechnik.
203904 |
1997-12-23 21:22:34 |
Zeigt Informationen zu allen Laufwerken des Systems an. |
8469 |
1997-06-19 08:22:50 |
Graphical disk usage utility (as Unix XDU)
152483 |
1997-07-08 06:35:08 |
Windows Hex/ASCII Display / Edit / Search |
WIBT4010.ZIP |
336103 |
1999-01-15 20:10:00 |
WinImage 4.0.4010 - Beta with Japanese This is a beta of WinImage
4.0.4010, with very minor bug fixes since 4.0.4000 and japanese
version. Support now creation of CDRom ISO, Creating self extracting
from WinImage Localized self extractor file image under win95/98
WIBT4010.ZIP |
WIBT4011.ZIP |
337650 |
1999-02-18 20:11:00 |
WinImage 4.0.4011 - Beta with Japanese This is a beta of WinImage
4.0.4011, with very minor bug fixes since 4.0.4000 and japanese
version. Support now creation of CDRom ISO, Creating self extracting
from WinImage Localized self extractor file image under win95/98
WIBT4011.ZIP |
72225 |
1997-07-27 20:00:00 |
German Language Module for WinImage 4.0 These files can be copied over
the English version to create a German version of WinImage. Other
languages are available. Language Kit for new translations is also
available from Gilles Vollant. see
1118675 |
1998-03-17 20:50:00 |
WINDOWS COMMANDER 3.50 - 32BIT FILEMANAGER Wincmd is a file manager
replacement for Windows. This is the 32-bit version for Windows 95/98
and NT 3.51/4.0. Wincmd supports ZIP/ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2/TAR /GZ/CAB,
internal ZIP packer, enhanced search, quick view, drag&drop from&to
explorer/desktop. NEW: FTP client, direct access to Network
Neighborhood, directory history+hotlist, UUencode/decode,
split/combine, flat look.
131971 |
1999-02-24 12:12:10 |
WinEject 1.3 WinEject is a small utility for Windows95/98 to
open/close cd-rom and other drives.
312491 |
1999-04-08 21:00:00 |
image operations under Windows (WinNT,Win95,Win32s). New: hard disk
imaging,EXE image self-extrac Creates disk images from floppies,
extract f images, make an empty image, inject files in and put the
image on blank disk. Write DMF. It opens CDROM ISO image file in read
only, compresses image files (ZIP compatible), comments in image, drag
files to explorer. English version (foreign extention exists al New :
Create self-extractor file in WinImage, File properties/rename, ISO CD
Image creatio Win9x....
163997 |
1998-06-19 21:38:18 |
WinSplit 3.56 System: Win95/98/NT Beschreibung: WinSplit dient zum
Aufteilen und Wiederzusammenf gen von Dateien, um diese dann z.B. auf
Disketten zu kopieren. Freeware
1753465 |
1997-04-09 10:27:28 |
UNIX Tools for Windows 95/NT |
WRZS9514.ZIP |
1057151 |
1997-03-03 17:30:24 |
RZSPLIT for Windows 95 - v1.4 = A 32-bit Windows 95 utility to split
and join ANY size files very quickly. Split files are also compatable
with DOS and 16-bit versions. Also can write out RAW split files to be
rebuilt with the COPY command. Works with Win95 long filenames. Its
Uncrippled and Shareware.
WRZS9514.ZIP |
3538523 |
1999-01-03 03:49:26 |
WinSecure 2.0 A great security program that features a LOCKDOWN
feature that disables use of your PC until you enter your login
and password for WinSecure. This program is great for people
at work who don't want other nosey co-workers using their
systems, or to keep your kids off your PC!
WS989598.ZIP |
3089229 |
1999-04-19 09:28:02 |
WinSecure fuer Windows 95/98 Mit WinSecure98 kann man Teile des
Betriebs- systems sperren und somit verhindern, dass unbefugte
Systemeinstellungen aendern, Dateien loeschen, bestimmte Programme
starten oder die Telefonrechnung durch Online-Nutzung drastisch
erhoehen. Die Einschraenkung kann man durch Passworteingabe
deaktivieren und wieder aktivieren.
WS989598.ZIP |
1113748 |
1999-03-25 11:35:48 |
Window Washer 2.6 Window Washer ist wohl eines der besten Aur fuer
Windows 95: das Programm das staendig im laeuft, haelt Ordung auf
Ihrer Festplatte: egal Papierkorb, temporaere Verzeichnisse oder
doppelte DLL-Dateien. Fuer Windows 95, 98 und NT 4.0.
297216 |
1997-07-18 12:52:12 |
XCrypt Light: Simple & flexible PGP front end XCrypt Light is a front
end to PGP encryption software that works with any email or word
processing software. The newest version has added some requested
features and has been tested with both PGP 2.6.2 and 2.6.3i. Features
small desktop footprint, ease of use and attractive front end.
Supports encryption, decryption, clear signing and key-ring operations
through the clipboard. This version also sports an Explorer-like
interface, full-keyboard usability, full system-tray support and a
customizable interface. Special requirements: Windows 95/NT, PGP 2.6.2
or PGP 2.6.3i. Changes: A few requested features added. Freeware.
Uploaded by the author.
676184 |
1997-06-17 01:58:04 |
<ASP> XFERPRO v1.1.2 - Mime,UU,XX... encoder/decoder for Win
3977851 |
1997-06-13 05:48:04 |
Zipcat Pro 32-bit app. to catalog ALL of your media
164738 |
1997-06-08 12:57:34 |
ZipAdvisor v1.0: Drive space utility |
935912 |
1997-06-19 08:24:40 |
32 bit PKZIP2 compatible ZIP Archiving Utility
976532 |
1998-06-03 01:01:36 |
Mac-in-DOS 1.0 beta Liest Disketten, Cartridges und ZIP-Disks im
Mac-Format auf dem PC.