Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

Wi2 - Webinterface_II_Project_Files_NEW!!!

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Wi2 - Fidonet Webinterface_II_Project_Files_NEW!!!
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
76PATCHD.ZIP 891149 2005-05-17 12:25:26 BBtoNuke Upgrade Port: 2.15, v3.0 PHP-Nuke 7.6 fixed 76PATCHD.ZIP
ARBBS2JN.ZIP 753 2013-10-05 01:14:54 JamNNTP: ARBBS2JN.ZIP
BBNUK211.ZIP 123044 2005-05-15 16:02:50 BBtoNuke211.ZIP BBtoNuke Upgrade 2.11 BBNUK211.ZIP
BBNUK216.ZIP 54451 2005-06-29 13:32:00 v2.0.16 Upgrade BBNUK216.ZIP
BBNUK217.ZIP 74932 2005-07-20 08:59:00 v2.0.17 Upgrade BBNUK217.ZIP
BBNUK218.ZIP 274394 2005-11-22 06:15:00 v2.0.18 Upgrade BBNUK218.ZIP
BBNUK219.ZIP 151866 2005-12-30 04:20:00 v2.0.19 Upgrade BBNUK219.ZIP
CKGROUPS.ZIP 1135 2013-10-05 01:10:48 JamNNTP: CKGROUPS.ZIP
CMAIL2JN.ZIP 1282 2013-10-05 01:13:38 JamNNTP: CMAIL2JN.ZIP
DEVELOP.ZIP 15234 1999-05-12 06:06:32 Allfix 5.13 SDK (structures info) DEVELOP.ZIP
DLIMP101.ZIP 2028232 2006-03-14 05:52:10 DLIMP/DLTIC v1.01 FTN Filebase to PHP-Nuke Downloads Sync and TIC tools. Incl. Configuration and Maintenance Tools Synchronisiert eine FTN Filebase mit einer PHP-Nuke Downloads Sektionen und Areas Installation by U.Schroeter, 2:244/1120 Released under GNU/GPL v2 DLIMP101.ZIP
DLIMP102.ZIP 83444 2006-03-21 17:37:48 DLIMP v1.01 to v1.02 Upgrade DLIMP102.ZIP
DLIMP200.ZIP 2230408 2006-12-18 14:49:42 DLIMP/DLTIC v2.00-rc1 FTN Filebase to PHP-Nuke Downloads Sync and TIC tools. Incl. Configuration and Maintenance Tools Synchronisiert eine FTN Filebase mit einer PHP-Nuke Downloads Sektionen und Areas Installation Inkl. Installations Prozedur by U.Schroeter, 2:244/1120 Released under GNU/GPL v2 DLIMP200.ZIP
DLIU-200.ZIP 246042 2006-12-18 14:48:38 DLIMP/DLTIC v1.x to v2.00-rc1 Upgrade package (enthaelt nur Differenz Dateien zu v1.1x Installationen) inkl. Upgrade Prozedur by U.Schroeter, 2:244/1120 Released under GNU/GPL v2 DLIU-200.ZIP
ELEBBS2.ZIP 2111925 2004-07-11 15:38:48 EleBBS 1.0RC1 cvs ELEBBS2.ZIP
FAQ-NOV.Z 5637 2004-06-27 10:59:08 NNTP specific FAQ-NOV.Z
FCONF2JN.ZIP 1350 2013-10-05 01:12:00 JamNNTP: FCONF2JN.ZIP
FIDOURL.TXT 92508 2007-07-11 11:58:34 FGHI - FIDONET GLOBAL HYPERTEXT INTERCHANGE Status: draft Revision: 0.3 Title: FGHI URL, the set of Uniform Resource Locators for Fidonet objects and services Author: Mithgol the Webmaster (Sergey Sokoloff, 2:5063/88) Revision Date: 10 Feb 2007 FIDOURL.TXT
FMA11098.ZIP 332315 2006-04-05 16:15:00 Fidonet Mail Access Toolkit for Fts, Pkt, Squish and JAM bases Fidonet Mail Access is yet another toolkit to access Fidonet message bases. Provide an application level abstraction of both message base storage and message format independent of the underlying message base as well as access to low level message base functionality. GPL licence. v1.10.98 FMA11098.ZIP
FORUM.ZIP 156072 2004-07-07 04:28:54 FORUM v1.4, Forum WebBBS PHP FORUM.ZIP
G15NUK76.ZIP 9920 2005-05-29 06:22:22 Gallery 1.5 Patch zu PHP-Nuke Gallery 1.5 Integration mit Uebernahme von Permission von PHP-Nuke Usern nach Gallery (3 files fixed) G15NUK76.ZIP
G_ADDONS.ZIP 1859347 2005-05-07 22:39:42 Gallery AddOns (Utils) NetPBM, ImageMagick, Zip Tools uvam. Alles was benoetigt wird um Gallery zum Laufen zu bekommen G_ADDONS.ZIP
HTPERLXP.TXT 2266 2013-10-05 01:07:28 JamNNTP: HOWTO-PerlWinXP.txt HTPERLXP.TXT
JAM2HPT.ZIP 1126 2013-10-05 01:08:36 JamNNTP: JAM2HPT.ZIP
JAMAPI.ZIP 151895 2004-06-26 08:52:54 JAM SDK Paket JAMAPI.ZIP
JN10-OS2.ZIP 234579 2013-10-05 01:18:40 JamNNTP: JN10-OS2.ZIP
JN10-W32.ZIP 161376 2013-10-05 01:19:40 JamNNTP: Includes Win32 version JN10-W32.ZIP
JN10SAPI.ZIP 117082 2013-10-05 01:17:12 JamNNTP: JN10SAPI.ZIP
JNTP123.ZIP 630653 2013-10-05 04:14:00 JamNNTP: JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version. version 1.2.3 JNTP123.ZIP
JNTP13.ZIP 122265 2022-06-09 07:25:28 JamNNTP: JamNNTPD v1.3 From Sourceforge w/o win32 binary, source only JNTP13.ZIP
LNGGER_M.ZIP 55908 2005-05-28 13:49:58 Lang_German_Modified Modified phpBB 2.0.15 Language Paket German dt. Umlaute erschienen als ? Kompletter Austausch aller dt. Umlaute mit ampersent; Schreibweise LNGGER_M.ZIP
LOGANALY.ZIP 2442 2013-10-05 01:16:22 JamNNTP: LOGANALY.ZIP
MDUTL1A4.ZIP 19959 2004-06-13 02:25:22 mdutil-1.0-alpha4-perl, Meltdown BBS Utils MDUTL1A4.ZIP
MELTDWN1.ZIP 112156 2004-06-13 02:21:48 Meltdown BBS v1.0-beta for W32 MELTDWN1.ZIP
PHPBB208.ZIP 688998 2004-03-28 09:57:24 PHPBB2 v2.08 Paket, WebBBS PHP/SQL, modular PHPBB208.ZIP
PHPNUK73.ZIP 4018249 2004-07-27 23:56:44 PHP-Nuke v7.3, WebBBS PHP/SQL, modular replaces v7.0 PHPNUK73.ZIP
PHPNUK76.ZIP 4696062 2005-05-15 07:11:08 PHP-Nuke 7.6 PHPNUK76.ZIP
PHPNUKE7.ZIP 6058665 2004-07-04 22:38:36 PHP-Nuke v7.0, WebBBS PHP/SQL, modular PHPNUKE7.ZIP
PHPWEBTH.ZIP 1414494 2003-10-27 02:45:58 PHP Webthings 1.1a, PHP/SQL, modular PHPWEBTH.ZIP
QWK.TXT 38941 2013-09-15 13:39:32 QWK Mail Packet File Layout v1.3 by Patrick Y. Lee Version 1.3 - July 6, 1992 QWK.TXT
SMAPI25.ZIP 205812 2006-04-05 16:15:54 SMAPI; Modified Squish MSGAPI - version 2.5-current This version of the SMAPI library is part of the HUSKY fidosoft project. Smapi, modified msgapi, accesing *.MSG, Squish, Jam v2.5, GNU/LGPL 2.1 SMAPI25.ZIP
SQDEV200.ZIP 773229 2004-06-26 08:28:56 SQUISH SDK Paket v2.0 SQDEV200.ZIP
VIRES102.ZIP 42431 2004-07-11 16:59:58 VIREQ/X V0.10.2(vk) Filerequestprozessor fuer Linux -Arbeitet mit SRIF gemaess FSC-0086.001 -Benoetigt keine Filebase, auch keine FILES.BBS (c) 1998-2001 by Volker Imre Kleine Patches by Viktor Kafke VIRES102.ZIP
VIRES14B.ZIP 8373 2007-08-15 17:44:10, v0.14b c source file only requires full package VIRES14B.ZIP
WEB10DEF.ZIP 146162 2004-07-11 11:53:30 EleWEB 1.0 DEF(initions) WEB10DEF.ZIP
Total 45 Files, 29734 Kilobytes

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