Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

W95Snd - Win95:_Sound

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W95Snd - Fidonet Win95:_Sound
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
APPSND10.ZIP 132693 1997-05-23 12:27:10 Application Sound Setup v1.0 APPSND10.ZIP
CLAR074.ZIP 236165 1997-05-28 12:19:50 Clarion: Free 32-bit MIDI / AudioCD CLAR074.ZIP
CS1XEDIT.ZIP 392975 1997-06-14 06:48:54 CS1x-Edit V1.00 Shareware version CS1XEDIT.ZIP
DDCLIP21.ZIP 2656227 1997-06-03 03:23:22 Edit your multitrack audio and video in DDCLIP21.ZIP
FCDV191.ZIP 39317 1997-06-27 10:23:30 Freeware CD player, compact, versatile, easy-to-use FCDV191.ZIP
GMTR2100.ZIP 32151 1997-06-14 15:47:42 - GRAPHIC LEVEL MATER - GMTR2100.ZIP
HANDYCD.ZIP 206355 1997-06-13 13:09:26 Audio CD player. User friendly. Lots of HANDYCD.ZIP
JIT21B.ZIP 935463 1997-07-02 02:32:48 CD playlist generator--exact match user def'd play time JIT21B.ZIP
LBW101.ZIP 46587 1997-06-01 12:27:30 Low Bitrate Player for Win32 1.01 LBW101.ZIP
LEANCD.ZIP 17710 1997-06-19 08:23:04 Lean CD Player: Extremely compact CD LEANCD.ZIP
MEW501.ZIP 2026974 1997-06-11 06:19:08 MUSICEASE FOR WINDWS v5.01 <ASP> - A MEW501.ZIP
MIDAS95.ZIP 77854 1997-06-08 12:55:46 MIDAS Player for Win95/NT v1.0 MIDAS95.ZIP
MIDIG092.ZIP 863172 1997-07-08 02:49:44 MIDI File playback, play list retrieval, four modes MIDIG092.ZIP
MIDIMN10.ZIP 214558 1997-06-18 16:56:42 MIDI Manager version 1.0 MIDIMN10.ZIP
MIDIP102.ZIP 928623 1997-05-29 16:15:54 MIDI & WAV that supports play lists MIDIP102.ZIP
MIDIP104.ZIP 930289 1997-06-12 12:42:42 MIDI & WAV player that supports play MIDIP104.ZIP
MIDIP150.ZIP 936195 1997-07-02 02:32:28 MIDI & WAV player that supports play lists MIDIP150.ZIP
MIDIPANL.ZIP 2252124 1997-07-09 06:26:48 Sends MIDI Continuous Controller and MIDIPANL.ZIP
MMEDIA12.ZIP 132396 1997-07-08 02:44:40 WAV,MID,AVI,MOV,MPG player, small floating button bar MMEDIA12.ZIP
MMP1_1.ZIP 124631 1997-06-04 12:37:04 Small .MID files player MMP1_1.ZIP
MUSEA44B.ZIP 717838 1997-06-15 07:55:58 Multitrack MPEG-audio player (MP2,MP3) - MUSEA44B.ZIP
MUSPLR32.ZIP 719531 1997-06-04 12:37:10 Music Player for Windows 95! MUSPLR32.ZIP
NTRACK11.ZIP 794332 1997-06-20 04:19:00 Unlimited tracks-multitrack recorder NTRACK11.ZIP
NTRCK1B2.ZIP 791541 1997-07-05 06:55:12 Unlimited tracks multitrack recorder NTRCK1B2.ZIP
PIANOCS.ZIP 1993783 1997-06-19 04:09:00 Computer Sounder: Computer synthesizer PIANOCS.ZIP
RDH3O100.ZIP 2005285 1997-07-09 10:16:00 Virtual bassline simulator creates chirpy acid sounds RDH3O100.ZIP
SMORPH26.ZIP 544746 1997-06-12 03:19:54 SMoRPhi 2.6 SMORPH26.ZIP
TAPEMK42.ZIP 786784 1997-07-09 02:25:44 TapeMaker is a unique program for maintaining a database of your music collection and printing cassette inserts. It lets you customize the information stored in the database to fit your needs. And it's different from other cassette insert programs because it will figure out the best arrangement of the songs so every minute is filled and you have no blank tape left over. TAPEMK42.ZIP
ULTRA210.ZIP 644253 1997-07-08 09:17:04 Ultrawave wave player for IRC clients mIRC Pirch ULTRA210.ZIP
VOX2WAV2.ZIP 142559 1997-07-08 12:19:12 Vox2Wav by Giovanni Tummarello ( converts .vox (2:1 adpcm compression great for voice data) files to .wav and viceversa.. also includes password encrypted source code archive both in delphi (pascal) or C (dialogic source code). freeware, sources $30. VOX2WAV2.ZIP
Total 30 Files, 21799 Kilobytes

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