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W32Ito - Win32:_Internet_Tools

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W32Ito - Fidonet Win32:_Internet_Tools
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
95MD_27.ZIP 3152681 1998-02-05 23:40:14 Mdaemon - v2.7 Mdaemon is an POP3/SMTP server for Windows 95 and Windows NT. It allows multiple users on your Local Area Network (LAN) to enjoy email access via a single connection (such as a single dial-up SLIP or PPP connection to a service provider). Also has mailing list support, remote control, and much much more. Very versatile. 95MD_27.ZIP
95XW22D3.ZIP 555296 1998-04-20 19:06:12 Xitami Multithreaded Webserver - v2.2d3 A powerful, multithreaded webserver running on Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0. Handles hundreds of simultaneous connections easily. 95XW22D3.ZIP
AG305I.ZIP 1055001 1998-01-27 00:04:46 AG305i Texteditor with emailclient W95/NT AG305I.ZIP
ASP.ZIP 9777733 1997-10-05 18:41:08 Aktiv Server Pages f r Internet Information Server 2.0 (NT-Server) oder Microsoft Peer Web Services ( NT-Workstation ) ASP.ZIP
BPFTP100.ZIP 647399 1997-09-22 18:22:46 Bullet proof FTP,the most advanced FTP client available,with an easy to use interface.Autoreconnects and resumes via FTP and HTTP.L uft bei mir unter NT 4.0 hervorragend ! BPFTP100.ZIP
BPFTP102.ZIP 628177 1997-10-19 18:12:04 Bullet Proof FTP-Server v 1.02 f r WIN NT und WIN95 BPFTP102.ZIP
CALYP21.ZIP 2855771 1997-06-15 05:54:20 32-bit Internet e-mail supporting multiple users CALYP21.ZIP
CALYPSO.ZIP 2842338 1997-06-11 11:12:20 32-bit Internet e-mail supporting multiple users CALYPSO.ZIP
CC32_101.ZIP 2042679 1997-08-24 18:31:42 Finds your cookies,shoes them.....and nukes`em. CC32_101.ZIP
CD2HTML.ZIP 585734 1999-08-19 23:30:02 CD2HTML v3.2 by Falk Petro (Aug. '99) A very handy program that automatically makes html pages out of directories, complete with links to the files, icons of the files, thumbnails of pitures (jpg, gif) descriptions and if appliciable, the index files even within rar, zip or arj files (now internal support for zip-files) Very useful for internet/intranet admin- istrators and people who want to indexing their cd's (you can also print cd covers). There is also support for mp3 files with a fully supported ID3 tag! CD2HTML.ZIP
CLKWATCH.ZIP 2834477 1998-01-14 12:14:16 Time synch util to set sysclock over the Internet. CLKWATCH.ZIP
CONV101B.ZIP 971196 1997-06-03 07:14:02 Enhances TCP/IP availability and scalability CONV101B.ZIP
CRASPTR.ZIP 2044551 1997-08-25 18:43:16 WEB/Intranet based ODBC Reports in Excel CRASPTR.ZIP
CRYSTAL.ZIP 6218351 1997-09-28 18:52:20 Crystal Reports for Internet Information Server,German CRYSTAL.ZIP
CSMMAIL3.ZIP 686286 1998-08-27 14:18:42 Powerful pop3 and SMTP mail server for Win95 and WinNT CSMMAIL3.ZIP
DNSALPHA.ZIP 4873146 1997-08-21 19:18:48 dnsintel.exe 970621 Award-winning Domain Name System (DNS) server for NT-Alpha-Prozessoren DNSALPHA.ZIP
DNSINTEL.ZIP 2362698 1997-08-21 19:19:14 dnsintel.exe 970621 Award-winning Domain Name System (DNS) server for NT-Intel DNSINTEL.ZIP
DNSMIPS.ZIP 4852111 1997-08-21 19:20:06 dnsintel.exe 970621 Award-winning Domain Name System (DNS) server for NT-MIPS DNSMIPS.ZIP
DOLIST.ZIP 88776 1998-08-27 14:18:50 Mailing list Server for NT EMWAC Internet Mail Server. DOLIST.ZIP
EASYTALK.ZIP 1489674 1997-12-28 18:34:20 AMSD EasyTalk - is an application, offering voice connection in real time between users of the Internet or local area networks. All you need is a sound card, a microphone and headphones (speakers) installed on your computer and you will open to yourself infinite possibilities of making private and business calls to any point of the Earth and finding new friends on all continents. Unlike other similar products AMSD EasyTalk not only offers good quality of voice transfer but provides a possibility to make calls using low-speed connection. Now the Internet is integrating into our life deeper and deeper, from day to day the number of its users is increasing and AMSD EasyTalk opens to you a possibility to use the Internet as a means of voice connection between you and your friend or business partners. EASYTALK.ZIP
EWDEMO.ZIP 24403 1997-06-15 02:21:44 Auto Downloader, most reliable download method EWDEMO.ZIP
FDOG120.ZIP 2833349 1997-06-24 18:24:30 File Dog 1.2 for Windows 95 and NT Automated internet file transfers. Supports FTP and HTTP transfers with user defined events. Includes fully functional Zip and manual FTP. Shareware: $39 full version, $24 "Pup" version. FDOG120.ZIP
FP97EXT_.ZIP 3119393 1997-09-28 18:51:22 Front Page 97 f r Windows NT 4.0 Server Extensions,deutsch Voller Dateiname:fp97ext_x86_deu.exe, gepackt als fp97ex~1.exe FP97EXT_.ZIP
HMAKEW29.ZIP 148611 1997-08-24 18:30:46 HyperMake 2.91 (win32 version) HTML and IBM IPF builder. Your input is a more simple and intelligent ASCII format. Generates a number of HTML files from one source file, creates content and index. Marking a phrase with a special char places the phrase into the index and all other occurrences will get a link automatically to the marked position. You can enter button ID's (only IPF) directly. Generates frames for two heading levels. Footnotes as bottom frames. Short commands for headings, footnotes, lists and bitmap in text. English and German. Shareware if source file > 20 kB HMAKEW29.ZIP
IMETER.ZIP 763185 1997-06-15 23:58:54 Cool util.for online time, call log, data xfers IMETER.ZIP
IMTB.ZIP 371583 1998-08-27 14:19:12 Software for automatic Banking Service through Internet IMTB.ZIP
IS11DEU.ZIP 2116727 1997-09-25 11:05:06 Microsoft Index Server f r NT IS11DEU.ZIP
NEWS090.ZIP 115201 1997-10-15 18:13:12 gepackt als /winsock-l/Windows_NT/News NOTE: This list was created on Mon May 29 12:09:59 EST 1995. Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. PAPA.INDSTATE.EDU NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Filename Type Length Date Description B 114688 050296 News for Windows NT Version X1.0-90 (Alpha) NEWS090.ZIP
NFSERVER.ZIP 1237161 1997-08-31 18:36:04 nfserver.exe 970428 NFS Server for WinNT & 95, installed as a WinNT service NFSERVER.ZIP
NG10G1.ZIP 203527 1998-05-24 19:07:22 NEWSGATE 1.0g1/W95-NT An utility to import newsgroups directly into your FidoNet areas. It connects directly to your(s) news servers and makes .PKT files. It works both for incoming and outgoing news, and it's completely trasparent for your users. PD by Lelio della Pietra, 2:335/244 NG10G1.ZIP
NMONG141.ZIP 1425536 1997-08-17 18:22:24 NewsMonger(tm) v1.4.1 for Windows 95 and NT <ASP> TechSmith's agent allows for complete monitoring of both public (USENET) and private internet news groups. NewsMonger provides for multiple searches, periodic search scheduling, duplicate removal and e-mail notification as postings matching your criteria are discovered. NMONG141.ZIP
NST301.ZIP 1045153 1997-11-05 18:22:14 (v3.01) NetScanTools -TCPIP Network Utils Unix ports: full nslookup, finger, ping, traceroute, whois, timesync, echo,chargen daytime, quote, URL grabber, identserver, Sockets info NetScanner +. Requires TCPIP (Winsock) & active net connection to run. Shareware ($25 US + S&H) for NT, 95, 98 WWW: EMAIL: NST301.ZIP
NTAGT_33.ZIP 847403 1998-09-17 11:24:52 aVirt Gateway Server - v3.3 Gateway allows you to share one Internet connection among multiple work stations, reducing the number of ISP accounts you'll need while lowering your monthly costs. Gateway speeds up your connection by storing the most popular pages you access on the server itself. The user interface on this program is so simple that you will be up and running this software within minutes of downloading it. NTAGT_33.ZIP
NTIMT406.ZIP 2367699 1998-10-01 19:13:10 IMail - v4.06 IMail Server can be used with any standards-based POP3 or IMAP4 mail client, providing system administrators with complete flexibility in setting up a total mail solution that easily accommodates disparate and/or geographically dispersed mail clients. Features include: Antispamming features to help prevent unauthorized mailings; Scaleable to thousands of users (with no limits on number of accounts); IMail Administrator utility with Explorer-style interface; Non-proprietary, standards-based mail server; Easy-administration - including remote administration via the Web; Web messaging, Mail-to-Pager and Mail-to-Fax options. NTIMT406.ZIP
NTING141.ZIP 359076 1998-07-10 15:13:46 Internet Gate - v1.41 Internet Gate is a multiple proxy gate and firewall. It can allow users on a Local Area Network (LAN) without Internet access to access the Internet through a single machine on the LAN connected to the Internet, either via a dial-up modem / ISDN connection or another ethernet card. NTING141.ZIP
NTMLS103.ZIP 3026063 1998-05-24 12:34:38 Vintra Systems Mail Server - v1.03 Internet standards mail server with support for SMTP/ESMTP/POP3 and IMAP4 protocols. It includes a web based administration facility, support for multiple domains and support for mailboxes without NT accounts. NTMLS103.ZIP
NTMLS216.ZIP 3028204 1998-09-03 15:59:16 Internet Anywhere Mail Server - v2.1.6 Internet Anywhere Mail Server is very easy to use mail server that includes a multitude of useful options such as: integrated mailbox viewer/administrator, auto-responders, aliases, mailing lists, groups, robots, InfoServers, membership shortcuts, virtual domains, MX and DNS caching, scheduling, logging, kill lists, remote administration, forwarding and much more. Supports POP3, SMTP and SmartPOP (retrieval of e-mail from multiple POP3 accounts). Can be used with a dedicated or dial-up connection and supports popular proxy servers. NTMLS216.ZIP
NTMRCL17.ZIP 437811 1998-07-10 15:16:40 Mr Cool - v1.7 Mr Cool is a one of a kind download manager that works with HTML pages as well as files. For slow loading webpages, Mr Cool can have them sent to your E-mail address for faster access. This time saving functions is great for files that are large and are on a slow server. With just a click you can have them e-mailed to you while you are offline. NTMRCL17.ZIP
NTNAP12W.ZIP 6970915 1998-07-28 09:46:24 Prudence - v1.2 Prudence is a tool that allows parents to monitor what their children view on the web. Prudence makes copies of content (cached files, URL history, bookmarks, cookies, recent documents) and saves them in an encrypted folder. It can be viewed only by the parent, and is a compendium of the child's web browsing activity. Prudence also e-mails the parent at work with a list of URLS the child has viewed. NTNAP12W.ZIP
NTSD_09G.ZIP 287652 1998-06-09 14:48:20 Script Driven Internet - v0.9g beta A very useful utility that automates dialing in, FTP and HTTP connections and downloads, prompts, and much more. Although you have to use the help file to see how to write the automation script, it is fairly easy to learn. NTSD_09G.ZIP
NTWBWL30.ZIP 764411 1998-07-28 09:48:34 Web Willy Watch - v3.0 Web Willy Watch provides protection for your kids when your not watching. Web Willy Watch is a parental control program that blocks out unwanted pornographic material while your child browses the internet. NTWBWL30.ZIP
NTWEBS25.ZIP 3557388 1998-07-28 10:17:48 WebStorm - v2.5 WebStorm is a unique tool that does a mass search over all of the major search engines for whatever keywords you enter. It also gives you the option to enter as many other search engines you like as well as telling you what links are good, slow, and bad. NTWEBS25.ZIP
NX201(1).ZIP 265189 1997-12-28 18:33:50 News Xpress V2.0 (Final Release) (NX) is a USENET news reader for MS Windows 95/NT. It was designed to provide as many features as possible while keeping its interface simple for ease of use. Features of NX - Supports threads. - Conforms to MIME. - Supports killfile. - Supports multiple signatures. - Supports UUdecode and Base64 for decoding binary attachments automatically. - Displays inline JPEG image. - Accesses URLs embedded in articles simply by double-clicking them. NX201(1).ZIP
OPHOST.ZIP 4464395 1997-06-18 16:55:36 Share 32-bit applications over the LAN/Internet OPHOST.ZIP
PPPSHLIT.ZIP 393162 1999-06-06 22:09:02 PPPShar Lite Version 1.51 Mit PPPShare koennen Sie in der Lite Version bis zu drei Computer ueber ein TCP/IP Netzwerk an das WWW anbinden. PPPShare muss dazu nur auf dem Computer installiert werden der mit dem Internet verbunden ist. Die Netzwerkrechner be- nutzen diesen Computer dann als Proxy- server und haben damit Zugriff auf das WWW. In der Lite Version leider nur auf das HTTP Protokoll. Wollen Sie hingegen auch Email, FTP, Telnet, Newsgrups usw. nutzen muessen Sie auf die $49 "teure" Pro Variante zurueckgreifen mit der Sie dann auch gleich fuenf Computer an das Internet anbinden koennen. Da das Pro- gramm sehr einfach in der Bedienung ist und auch nur die Installation auf einem Rechner notwendig ist, ist PPPShar gerade fuer den Homebereich oder klein- ere Betriebe eine sehr gute Loesung um einen Internetzugang zu teilen. Es gibt PPPSHLIT.ZIP
SENDINTE.ZIP 2996120 1997-08-31 18:36:34 sendinte.exe 970501 An award-winning SMTP-compliant email server SENDINTE.ZIP
SENDSMS_.ZIP 42611 1997-08-17 18:21:56 SendSMS ist ein Shareware-Programm zum Versenden von Kurznachrichten (max. 160 Zeichen) an Mobiltelefone und Pager mittels der Protokolle TAP und UCP (z.B. D1, EPlus, D2, Quix, Cityruf, ...). SendSMS kann f r beliebige Telefonnetze mit TAP- bzw. UCP-Protokoll konfiguriert werden. Die Nachrichten werden ber Kommandozeile (Batchmodus) versendet. ber ein Telefonbuch k nnen K rzel f r die verschiedenen Telefonnummern und Gruppen zum Versenden von Nachrichten an mehrere Empf nger definiert werden. SendSMS ist zur Zeit auf folgenden Plattformen verf gbar: Intel: OS/2, Dos, Windows 3.x, Windows95, Windows NT, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD Sparc: SunOS, Solaris HP: HP-UX Alpha: Digital UNIX MIPS: IRIX Power: AIX Wolfgang B cherer, Im Gr n 9, D-76316 Malsch Tel.: +49 (0)7246/942484, Fax.: +49 (0)7246/942485 EMail:, WWW: SENDSMS_.ZIP
SENTRY.ZIP 1451300 1997-08-24 18:31:18 Sentry is an easy to use utility for encrypting filen for NT SENTRY.ZIP
SLMX30B2.ZIP 2293912 1998-05-21 19:09:18 SLMX30B2.EXE 2,344,934 SLMailNT - v3.0 Build 2421 Revision Date: This great SMTP and POP3 mail server daemon has lots of great features built in. It is very fast, and runs right in the Windows 95 taskbar tray for great convenience, and has lots of options to meet the exact needs of your businesses web page, newsletter, etc. [Back to Top] tire network from just one Internet connection. [Back to Top] box for remote administration. FTGate is also compatible with WinGate. [Back to Top] h Hacker detection and Lockout and built-in Commerce Functionality. The entire WebSuite program is less than 1 MB in size and can run in the background serving up active pages, databases or HTML pages and sites. [Back to Top] ister as a Powwow kid, a valid e-mail address must exist for the child. A registration password is given out through e-mail and the password must be ent SLMX30B2.ZIP
SUPER131.ZIP 1032322 1997-07-06 08:15:00 SMTP/POP3 Mail Server For WinNT 3.51 & 4.0 SUPER131.ZIP
SUPER190.ZIP 3312693 1998-01-14 12:10:46 SMTP/POP3 Mail Server for NT /w mailing-list&responder SUPER190.ZIP
TN3270.ZIP 839203 1997-06-20 04:22:14 A 3270 terminal emulator for Windows 95/NT TN3270.ZIP
WALL1107.ZIP 11329143 1997-06-03 03:23:06 Next generation in Internet and Intranet Protection WALL1107.ZIP
WEBADMIN.ZIP 472525 1997-09-21 18:26:56 Web Administration for WIndows NT Server I386 Plattform WEBADMIN.ZIP
WV32I999.ZIP 359976 1997-10-15 18:13:08 WinVN is a Windows and NT-based, fully RFC 1036 compliant on-line news reader that can be used to select, view, and write Usenet News articles and send mail via SMTP or MAPI. Built in MIME and UU encoding and decoding. WinVN uses less memory and screen space ideal for both small and large machines. Handles multiple users and newsfeeds on one PC. Japanese version follows closely. Public Domain (sources freely available). WV32I999.ZIP
WVAXP999.ZIP 523802 1997-10-15 18:13:02 WinVN is a Windows and NT-based, fully RFC 1036 compliant on-line news reader that can be used to select, view, and write Usenet News articles and send mail via SMTP or MAPI. Built in MIME and UU encoding and decoding. WinVN uses less memory and screen space ideal for both small and large machines. Handles multiple users and newsfeeds on one PC. Japanese version follows closely. Public Domain (sources freely available). WVAXP999.ZIP
XFPNT200.ZIP 810658 1997-06-19 04:09:42 XferPro32 v2.00 <ASP> 32-bit easy to use UU, XX, MIME base64, Binhex encoder & decoder. Automatically determines parameters so you don't have to. With the myriad of internet email transfer protocols and encoding schemes in use, let XferPro do the arcane job of determining how to decode so that you can focus on getting your files transferred as simply as possible. Fully configurable to a users particular needs. XFPNT200.ZIP
Total 57 Files, 113478 Kilobytes

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