Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

P24Cvrt - PNTLCVRT_and_UPDCHECK_Pointlist_Konverter_and_Tools_(2:240/1120)

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P24Cvrt - Fidonet PNTLCVRT_and_UPDCHECK_Pointlist_Konverter_and_Tools_(2:240/1120)
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
4DPOINT3.ZIP 10517 1992-02-09 09:14:22 4D-Pointliste aus POINTS24 fuer Binkley etc.. 4DPOINT3.ZIP
CHKPH100.ZIP 5986 1998-04-20 17:00:00 CHKPHONE v1.00 - Versuch einer Validitaetspruefung der Telefonnummern einer 3d-Pointliste [Freeware] by J.Grabinski CHKPH100.ZIP
CPL110A_.ZIP 125782 2000-02-13 04:35:02 Crazy MakePoint v1.10a Creates Poss 4d Pointlists like Z2PNT. OS/2 and W32 executables. Incl. C-source, cfg sample. CPL110A_.ZIP
FAKE2IMP.004 1653 2005-04-18 03:00:00 Importfile #4, 18.04.05 for PntConverter to Fake format conversions. see PNTCV5xx package for additional infos and how to import. FAKE2IMP.004
FDPOI_24.ZIP 7828 1992-06-10 17:22:28 Pointlistkonverter fuer neue u. alte POINTS24 (FrontDoor) FDPOI_24.ZIP
LAZYPNT.PL 9586 2018-01-14 11:37:32 (rename to) LAZYPOINT.PL By Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/58) node pointlist segment Generates pointsegment from binkd logfile. from msg in ENET.SYSOP, dated: 13.1.2018 22:50 LAZYPNT.PL
MAKE-001.ZIP 35495 2003-08-04 02:21:56 MAKE000 update MAKE-001.ZIP
MAKEP19I.ZIP 77271 1999-01-03 13:42:56 Erstellt aehnlich MakeNl Pointlisten MakePL, FidoUser Format, v1.9i MAKEP19I.ZIP
MKPL150A.ZIP 33138 1995-05-10 01:24:46 Poinlistentool von Werner Heine 511:3000/6 v1.50a jetzt mit Pointdiffs Problem: !!! Too many lines in PointList !!! MKPL150A.ZIP
MPOIN188.ZIP 108942 1998-09-11 08:13:00 MakePoint v1.88, Bossnode Programm MPOIN188.ZIP
NMUPD140.ZIP 162900 2012-09-01 12:00:00 Netmail Update Scanner / exporter [v1.40] for Pointlist segment updates via netmail - added and fixed Via kludge support NMUPD140.ZIP
OS2PTO4D.CMD 1572 1992-11-03 11:01:38 OS/2-REXX Programm zum Konvertieren der POINTS24 ins Binkley 4D-Format (fuer andere OS kann der Source als Beispiel dienen) OS2PTO4D.CMD
OS2PTO4D.ZIP 1698 1992-11-04 21:06:54 OS/2 REXX Pointlist Konverter fuer BinkleyTerm und andere OS mit REXX Language faengt jetzt auch Fehler ab OS2PTO4D.ZIP
P24CVDOK.ZIP 6895 1991-04-24 18:19:54 Doku zum Konverter (zum Einlesen, auch im Komplettpaket) P24CVDOK.ZIP
P24CVRT.REP 1342 1997-04-27 04:00:00 P24CVRT Report: aktuelle Version (absolete) P24CVRT.REP
PCMERG28.ZIP 93420 1997-01-14 17:18:22 PCMerge v2.8 Pcmerge converts a FidoUser formatted point list to a St. Louis style list. Both the XLAXDIFF style format where the points are listed in the nodelist with the "point" qualifier below their boss, as the format where the points are listed in a separete list under a "boss" line are supported. Many options for handling the 'redundant' fields. Source and OS/2 executable included. PCMERG28.ZIP
PLDF130.ZIP 168287 2013-10-12 05:00:00 PLdiff v1.30 Pointlists Diffing tool creates difference files from an old and a new nodelist also multiple missing diffs can be created disadvantage: using disk based search for differences (slower than memory based tools) advantage: no more memory problems about PLDF130.ZIP
PLMCL145.ZIP 221809 2021-06-16 22:30:00 PLMakeCl v1.45 Create Boss pointlists from regional segments PLMCL145.ZIP
PLMK105A.ZIP 112483 2003-03-09 05:34:38 PLMake, v1.05-beta, Magic 'PlMake' PLMAKE eases assembling of pointlists in "Boss" type St. Louis format. Reformat an existing list or assemble new ones from hub- net or region segments. Can also generate diff files. Source and English and Dutch doc inclu- ded. Freeware for non-commercial purpo- ses. A must for pointcoordinators. PLMK105A.ZIP
PNCH018G.ZIP 94683 2000-01-08 16:05:50 PNTCHK ver 0.18.gamma /NONCOMMERCIAL (update for the version 0.17.beta) Professional pointsegment checker Copyright (c) 1997,2000 Pavel Osipov (2:5020/770.0@fidonet) PNCH018G.ZIP
PNTCV593.ZIP 370407 2021-10-16 12:00:00 PntlCvrt-Converter all formats v5.93 [rev. 16.10.2021] Fake-, Boss-, Point, Poss-Format conversions between all formats all formats conditional split into subsegments, with Nodelist lookup Fixes: Zones > 5, ?-handl, Pvt-handl Multiple Regions, multi zone aware y2k tested Fixed Pvt IP-Only Nodes handling Multiple segments input *.upd NPK mode for central inbound conversions Add auto strip zip code and simple dupe pointnumber test and fix. *Fix: R24 fake2boss old style conversion *Add: FIDO-HISTORY-PROJECT recovery mode *Add: set filedate same as source *Fix: network/win32 aware filedate touch *Add: R23 fakenet support for ,UBOSS:net/node *Add: CRC check of sourcefiles (if exist) *Add: Fidouser format conversions *add parameters: CRC, COPYRIGHT, PROLOG, * EPILOG, SYSOPCMPLVL *removed parameters: IGN_SYSOPNAM_BEGIN, * IGN_SYSOPNAM_END new Index Level H for UPDCHCK >=5.90 Makenl missing last comma fix PNTCV593.ZIP
PREANNOU.100 8301 2000-09-11 02:09:32 Pre-Announcement for v1.00 of UPDCheck PREANNOU.100
PT24DS10.ZIP 7132 1992-04-28 22:23:12 sources for pt24D_10.ARJ PT24DS10.ZIP
PT24D_10.ZIP 26756 1992-04-28 22:28:00 maps your 3D Pointnet to a full 4D version 7 Nodelist Pointnet DOS and OS/2 version PT24D_10.ZIP
REPORT.001 722 1993-02-02 20:25:32 Anomaliereport 1, 3.12.92 REPORT.001
REPORT.002 792 1993-02-02 20:42:20 Anomaliereport 2, 3.2.93 REPORT.002
REPORT.003 1239 1993-02-02 20:42:08 Anomaliereport 3, 3.2.93 REPORT.003
REPORT.004 1243 1993-03-15 13:51:10 Anomaliereport 4, 15.3.93 REPORT.004
REPORT.005 2526 1993-09-06 04:00:00 Upgrade Info 6.9.93 REPORT.005
REPORT.006 826 1993-10-21 05:03:16 Extended Memory conflicts REPORT.006
REPORT.007 2055 1994-04-18 04:00:00 lot of changes since last report REPORT.007
UPDC590.ZIP 657927 2012-06-14 03:00:00 newly newest UPDCheck v5.90 (14.06.12) [v5.90] w/boxname-support;nodelistflag-strip; plz-strip;frg-stuff-strip;rcpt; reads makenl ctl's (incl.generic files, readress);cleans makenl.ctl; pvt-status handle; Multiple Regions; multi zone aware; RIAS support; y2k tested; ERRFLAGS.TAB nodelistflags-check, -convert and more; fileage-check; netmail-notifying; re-check Masterdir; adaption CHKPHONE; Templatefiles; AutoCreateFakenets; uvam. 0Ah line term. fix with large upds PVT IP-Only nodes support. Accepts phone: 000-000-000-000 Nodelist support now mandatory! Upgrade procedure: see upgrade.doc network/win32 aware filedate touch (updated) fixed CHecKNoDeListFLags module new Index Level H with PNTLCVRT >= v5.90 UPDC590.ZIP
UPDC_ERR.LST 26924 2000-10-05 04:00:00 Errorhandlingliste zu UPDCHCK 5.10.00 UPDC_ERR.LST
UPDD001A.ZIP 124609 1993-07-22 13:00:00 Dupefinder fuer UPD's v0.01-alpha UPDD001A.ZIP
Total 34 Files, 2453 Kilobytes

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