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Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
0DSB.ZIP 18559 1999-03-30 08:24:40 NDS -723, -736 fix File to correct -723 or -736 NDS errors on Netware 5 server boot-up. 0DSB.ZIP
312PTB.ZIP 190788 1997-06-05 19:26:54 NetWare 3.12 Operating System Patches #B 312PTB.ZIP
312PTD.ZIP 164726 1998-04-11 08:01:56 NetWare 3.12 Updates #D This file contains the operating system patches for NetWare 3.12. Changes since 312PTc.ZIP - Removed the NTBIOFIX.NLM 312PTD.ZIP
312Y2KP2.ZIP 435757 1998-02-19 02:44:22 NetWare 3.12 Year 2000 Fixes NetWare 3.2 includes all of the updates mentioned or contained in this file. 2/4/98 - File was rebuilt for readme edits. 312Y2KP2.ZIP
410PT8.ZIP 556154 1998-02-07 09:37:30 NetWare 4.10 Patch Kit This file contains the latest operating system patches for NetWare 4.10. Included with this release are all patches for all user-versions of NetWare 4.10. The patches included have been system tested by Novell. Novell recommends loading ALL patches before contacting Novell for support. Features are the following: -New automated installation process for Native NetWare, NetWare for OS/2, NetWare SFTIII. -LOADER.ZIP has the timer fix for Year 2000 support. New patches.txt and install.txt have been added with this latest update. 410PT8.ZIP
410PT8A.ZIP 527094 1998-03-03 10:48:12 NetWare 4.10 Patch Kit NetWare 4.10 operating system patches for NetWare 4.10. None of the patches have been updated or changed from the 410PT8.ZIP file. 410PT8A.ZIP
410Y2KP1.ZIP 1180873 1998-11-18 01:22:32 NetWare 4.10 Year 2000 Fixes None of the year 2000 issues addressed by this update pose any threat to the network or to data integrity. Additional information is available on our Web site at <@@http://www.novell. com/year2000,> This update file is NOT for the NetWare 4.10 SMP and NetWare SFT III products. 410Y2KP1.ZIP
411Y2KP3.ZIP 579155 1998-04-11 08:02:04 NetWare 4.11 Year 2000 Fixes #3 None of the year 2000 issues addressed by this update pose any threat to the network or to data integrity. Additional information is available on our Web site at 411Y2KP3.ZIP
41DSVU2.ZIP 39011 1997-08-18 00:34:34 DSVIEW for NetWare version 4.1x 41DSVU2.ZIP
41REM1.ZIP 41197 1997-11-29 23:24:40 This file contains REMOTE.NLM and RSPX.NLM for NetWare 4.10. This version of NLMs prevents a Page Fault ABEND when filling the key board buffer. 41REM1.ZIP
4XMIGR1.ZIP 1028327 1998-03-03 10:46:14 Envoy Document on Migration Solutions Envoy document detailing the solutions for migrating from an existing NetWare platform to NetWare 4.11. 4XMIGR1.ZIP
4XMIGR2.ZIP 1071548 1998-04-11 08:20:24 Envoy Document on Migration Solutions Envoy document detailing the solutions for migrating from an existing NetWare platform to NetWare 4.11. 4XMIGR2.ZIP
9530IPX.ZIP 69668 1998-12-23 01:02:40 3.0 Win95 Client RIPs Excessively Updated IPX.NLM for the Novell Client v3.01 for Windows 95/98. 9530IPX.ZIP
ATMDRV03.ZIP 257767 1999-03-15 04:56:14 Novell atm lan emulation driver ATMDRV03.ZIP contains an latest version of the Novell ATM Lan Emulation Client. ATMDRV03.ZIP
AUDIT410.ZIP 247987 1997-09-20 23:26:00 Auditcon Report Not Including Event Dates This version of AUDITCON.EXE, corrects the problem of Auditcon reports not showing the date of each event. AUDIT410.ZIP
BCLTSP.ZIP 58335891 1998-12-22 09:09:00 1.1 StarterPack BCLTSP.ZIP
BETASP3C.ZIP 9462517 1997-06-08 21:11:40 Beta Support Pack v3.0 BETASP3c.EXE BETASP3C.ZIP
BM3NETAD.ZIP 549888 1999-01-21 03:37:18 BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3 Netadmin Files These files are being released ONLY for the following purpose: For Netware 5 and BorderManager 3 - if you are adding 128 bit encryption support into an NDS tree which uses only 40-bit encryption (i.e. International or Evalutaion versions of Netware 5), then you must first delete all security objects from NDS. You must use the Netware 4.11 DOS utility NETADMIN.ZIP to delete the security objects. These files are the same as the ones in Netware 4.11 (prior to Support Pack 6). BM3NETAD.ZIP
BM3REMOV.ZIP 29071 1999-04-05 08:16:00 BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3.0 DS Utils NOTE: These NLMs were designed for use with BorderManager 3. They are not guaranteed to perform the same function on BorderManager 2.1, but have been successfully used on a few BorderManager 2.1 systems. These utilities help system administrators. They are provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, are not Novell supported products. BM3REMOV.ZIP
BM3SP1.ZIP 4920150 1999-04-13 01:33:52 BorderManager 3 Support Pack 1 Support Pack 1 for BorderManager Enterprise Edition v3.0 (BMEE 3.0) - Exportable Version. This contains general fixes to the BMEE 3.0 product and is recommended by Novell for all BMEE 3.0 installations. This support pack requires a separate NetWare support pack and a TCPIP patch (see the installation instructions). BM3SP1.ZIP
BMADM2.ZIP 4770374 1998-11-24 08:44:56 BorderManager 2.1 Admin. Snap-in patch NetWare Administrator snap-in files for BorderManager 2.1. BMADM2.ZIP
BMADM2B.ZIP 4698337 1999-03-17 03:56:02 BorderManager 2.1 Admin. Snap-in patch NetWare Administrator snap-in files for BorderManager 2.1. BMADM2B.ZIP
BMAS203.ZIP 113432 1998-11-23 08:44:44 BMAS version 2.03 BMAS203.ZIP contains the latest version of the RADIUS NLM for BorderManager Authentication Service. This version should NOT be used as a patch for RADIUS Services for NDS 1.0. This new RADIUS fixes several account restriction issues and intermittant authentication failures. Please refer to bmas203.txt for details. BMAS203.ZIP
BMASINST.ZIP 1140560 1998-07-10 04:32:18 BMAS Quick Start, Install and Planning BMASINST.ZIP contains the BorderManager Authentication Service (BMAS) Quick Start Card, Installation and Setup Document and Planning Document. They are PDF files (Portable Document Format) which can be read by a browser which has the Adobe Acrobat 3.0 snapin installed. BMASINST.ZIP
BMTCPE02.ZIP 334804 1999-04-16 02:26:42 TCP/IP(Export) for BorderManager 3.0 EE This file contains a new TCPIP.NLM Export Version (v5.02) that runs on all LAN (NetWare 5.0 and 4.11) and WAN platforms running BorderManager 3.0 EE. It has not been tested on servers NOT running BorderManager 3.0 EE. BMTCPE02.ZIP
BNDFX4.ZIP 56817 1997-07-22 23:21:20 BINDFIX.ZIP V3.76 PTF(5/26/94) corrects BNDFX4.ZIP
CDUP5.ZIP 168202 1997-11-23 23:46:16 CDROM.NLM and supporting files. This file contains the latest CDROM.NLM and support files for v3.12 and v4.x. CDUP5.ZIP
CDUP5A.ZIP 297126 1998-07-22 01:11:04 CDROM.NLM and supporting files. This file contains the latest CDROM.NLM and support files for v3.12 and v4.x. CDUP5A.ZIP
CDWARE1.ZIP 62560 1998-11-09 01:35:04 CDWare Script Installation Procedures This document describes the CDWare Script Installation Procedures. CDWARE1.ZIP
CFGRD5.ZIP 1426214 1997-09-01 00:32:12 NetWare Config Reader Ver 2.5 The Config Reader - Internet Edition! v2.5 is a win 95 client based utility that analyzes the config.txt file produced by the CONFIG.NLM (available in TABND2.EXE). NEW FEATURES: - Enhanced ability to detect &AMP; analyze 4.11 Support Packs - Maintain customized DB that will merge with Novell DB - Auto read ABEND.LOG file from config.txt - History list of recently read config files - Supports config file passed as command- line parameter CFGRD5.ZIP replaces CFGRD4.EXE. CFGRD5.ZIP
CFGRD6.ZIP 2362597 1998-09-09 07:39:10 NetWare Config Reader Ver 2.66 The Config Reader (v2.66) is a win 95/98/NT client utility that analyzes the config.txt file produced by the CONFIG.NLM (available in TABND2A.EXE). NEW FEATURES: -Year2000 compliancy -Support for NetWare 5 servers -Misc minor bug fixes -Checks for menuing systems in config.sys -Includes open-beta version of Onsite Admin Pro v1.0. Onsite Admin Pro is a next generation Multi-Server Analysis & Maintenance Support tool run on 32-bit clients. No NLM's are required to be loaded on the server. CFGRD6.ZIP replaces CFGRD5.EXE. CFGRD6.ZIP
CFGRD6B.ZIP 1553974 1998-10-14 05:18:30 NetWare Config Reader Ver 2.67 The Config Reader (v2.67) is a win 95/98/NT client utility that analyzes the config.txt file produced by the CONFIG.NLM (available in TABND2A.EXE). NEW FEATURES: -Year2000 compliancy -Support for NetWare 5 servers -Misc minor bug fixes -Checks for menuing systems in config.sys -Onsite Admin Pro has been removed from this version. CFGRD6B.ZIP replaces CFGRD6.EXE. CFGRD6B.ZIP
CONFG7.ZIP 56133 1997-07-22 23:21:22 Server Configuration Information CONFG7.ZIP
CONFG7B.ZIP 35230 1998-09-01 01:26:18 Server Configuration Information Information Collected by the CONFIG.NLM program: Displays Volume size in Megabytes, Loader version on Nw v4.x, serial number, ABEND.LOG on NW v4.11, part of IO$LOG.ERR and MSSTATUS.DMP, TIMESYNC.CFG and ATPS.CFG, and whether COMPRESSION, SUBALLOCATION, and MIGRATION are enabled on each volume. CONFIG.NLM and CONFGNUT.NLM work on all versions of NetWare. These files are not supported by NOVELL, INC. They are untested. Use them at your own risk. CONFG7B.ZIP
COPYNLM3.ZIP 25882 1997-11-08 19:51:42 COPY.NLM Server Utility COPY.NLM is a COPYNLM3.ZIP
CRONNLM3.ZIP 23463 1997-11-23 23:47:30 CRON.NLM Server Utility v1.3 Cron schedules commands to be executed on a NetWare server at specified dates and times. NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. CRONNLM3.ZIP
CRONNLM4.ZIP 23729 1997-12-17 23:39:38 CRON.NLM Server Utility v1.05 CRON.NLM version 1.05(NetWare v3.12, v4.x, and IntraNetWare) Cron schedules commands to be executed on a NetWare server at specified dates and times. NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. CRONNLM4.ZIP
DS410N.ZIP 731219 1998-11-09 01:39:54 DS Updates for NetWare 4.10 This update contains DS.NLM v5.15, DSREPAIR.NLM v4.59, DSMAINT.NLM v4.96, and DSMERGE.NLM v1.63. These new files are for use with NetWare 4.10. These files contain provide netware 5 compatibility fixes and a Year 2000 fix for the date displayed in DSTRACE. Novell strongly recommends that all NetWare 4.10 customers upgrade their NDS files to these new versions. DS410N.ZIP
DS411N.ZIP 3120147 1998-11-10 01:39:08 NDS for NetWare 4.11 Update This update to Directory Services is required before installing one or more NetWare 4.11 servers and NetWare 5 servers into the same Directory Services Tree. This update contains the following updated files: DS.NLM v6.00, DSREPAIR.NLM v4.59. Also contains: DSMERGE.NLM v1.63, DSMAINT.NLM v4.96 NDSMGR.ZIP v1.25, DSVIEW.NLM v1.05, ROLLCALL.NLM v4.10 DS411N.ZIP
DS411P.ZIP 3123478 1999-02-12 01:57:28 NDS update for NetWare 4.11 This update to Directory Services is required before installing one or more NetWare 4.11 servers and NetWare 5 servers into the same Directory Services Tree. This update contains the following updated files: DS.NLM v6.02, DSREPAIR.NLM v4.62. Also contains: DSMERGE.NLM v1.63, DSMAINT.NLM v4.96 NDSMGR.ZIP v1.25, DSVIEW.NLM v1.05, ROLLCALL.NLM v4.10 DS411P.ZIP
DSCAT.ZIP 617177 1999-04-06 08:24:20 DSCAT Update This is an update to the DSCAT.NLM found in Service Pack 1a for Netware 5. DSCAT.ZIP
DSDIAG1.ZIP 424522 1998-11-10 01:35:52 NDS Diagnostic Utility NDS Diagnostics NLM. This tool performs a diagnostics gathering for an entire NDS Tree, rather than partition by partition or server by server. DSDIAG1.ZIP
ETBOX1.ZIP 82493 1998-09-01 01:27:00 Tools for a NetWare Server v2.00 TOOLBOX.NLM version 2.00 (NetWare v4.x and NetWare v5) TOOLBOX.NLM provides various utility functions to be executed on the server console or via NCF files (without involving any clients). NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. ETBOX1.ZIP
ETBOX2.ZIP 82014 1998-10-12 05:16:44 Tools for a NetWare Server v2.01 TOOLBOX.NLM version 2.01 (NetWare v4.x and NetWare v5) TOOLBOX.NLM provides various utility functions to be executed on the server console or via NCF files (without involving any clients). NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. ETBOX2.ZIP
GBM21Y2K.ZIP 564692 1998-07-20 02:49:22 German BorderManager Y2k update Year 2000 update for BorderManager 2.1 (German version) GBM21Y2K.ZIP
GIWSP4.ZIP 12344204 1998-02-07 09:37:20 intraNetWare Support Pack v4.0 - German IntranetWare Support Pack v4.0. Diese Datei enthaelt Aktualisierungen fuer alle mit IntranetWare gelieferten Produkte (NetWare 4.11, NIAS 4.0, NetWare MPR 3.0 & 3.1, NetWare/IP, LAN-Treiber etc.). Darueber hinaus ist ein verbessertes Installationsprogramm enthalten. Die Patches wurden gruendlich getestet (Komponenten-, OS- und Integrationstests mit anderen Novell Produkten). GIWSP4.ZIP
HIGHUTL1.ZIP 1134086 1998-08-13 01:08:30 Troubleshooting High Utilization for NW 4 This file contains documentation and two server nlms designed for troubleshooting high utilization issues for Novell NetWare 4.1x and Novell NetWare Small Business product lines. This document walks through 59 distinct troubleshooting tips and some memory definitions to help ease the burden of resolving high utilization issues for NetWare customers. HIGHUTL1.ZIP
I2ODRV2.ZIP 292334 1998-08-17 01:00:18 Novell Intelligent I/O (I2O) Driver Kit for NetWare 4.11 I2ODRV2.ZIP contains the latest updated I2O driver files, it supersedes I2ODRV1.EXE. I2ODRV2.ZIP
I2ODRV3.ZIP 297014 1998-10-23 02:12:30 I2O Driver Kit for NetWare 4.11 NetWare 5 I2ODRV3.ZIP contains the latest updated I2O driver files, it supersedes I2ODRV2.EXE. There is no SMP support for this product at this time. I2ODRV3.ZIP
I2ODRV4.ZIP 307974 1999-03-23 07:51:16 Updated I2O Driver Kit for 4.11 I2ODRV4.ZIP contains the latest updated I2O driver files, it supersedes I2ODRV3.EXE. The file contains a fix for a conflict between Backup Exec and I2O using a call to MemFree which would prevent one or the other from loading as well as other performance/stability enhancements. This file is intended for NetWare 4.11 however the files may be used on NetWare 5 as well. The installation script will only work on NetWare 4.11. I2ODRV4.ZIP
INWC2ENH.ZIP 5593486 1997-12-12 21:31:18 C2 Enhanced Security Changes for IntranetWare and NetWare 4.11 This document provides information regarding the modifications and additions to existing IntranetWare Enhanced Security Documentation. INWC2ENH.ZIP
IPGC07A.ZIP 545580 1998-04-11 08:05:42 IP and IPX/IP Gateway Client Maint. Patch This replaces IPXG01.EXE, IPXG02.EXE, IPXG03.EXE, FIPG04.EXE, FIPG06.EXE, IPGC07.ZIP and IPGUD1.ZIP with IPGC07a.EXE and contains the second combined maintenance patch for Novell's IPX/IP Gateway Client and IP Gateway from Novell BorderManager. This includes fixes regarding WinSock problems, especially concerning 16 and 32 bit applications. It also contain the client piece for UDP. IPGC07A.ZIP
IPX65B.ZIP 622406 1997-10-11 23:22:28 IPX Upgrade for NetWare 3.1x, 4.1x IPX65B contains the latest common IPXRTR stack (version 6.5b) for NetWare 3.11/3.12/4.1/4.11 platforms. It supercedes IPXRT4.ZIP and 41RTR4.EXE. It provides several fixes to IPXRTR.NLM and related NLMs. For 3.11 &AMP; 3.12 servers that do not have IPXRT3.ZIP or IPXRT4.ZIP installed, it enhances the native IPX routing cabilities and provides NLSP functionality by installing IPXRTR.NLM and related NLMs. IPX65B.ZIP
IPX65G.ZIP 623133 1998-03-03 10:48:02 IPX Upgrade for NetWare 3.1x, 4.1x IPX65G contains the latest common IPXRTR stack (version 6.50G) for NetWare 3.11/3.12/4.1/4.11 platforms. It supercedes IPXRT4.EXE, 41RTR4.EXE, IPX65F.EXE. It provides several fixes to IPXRTR.NLM and related NLMs. For 3.11 & 3.12 servers that do not have IPXRT3.ZIP or IPXRT4.EXE installed, it enhances the native IPX routing cabilities and provides NLSP functionality by installing IPXRTR.NLM and related NLMs. IPX65G.ZIP
IPX660.ZIP 838305 1998-09-23 07:59:12 IPX Upgrade for NetWare 3.1x, 4.1x IPX660 contains the latest common IPXRTR stack (version 6.60) for NetWare 3.11/3.12/4.1/4.11 platforms. It supercedes IPXRT4.EXE, 41RTR4.EXE, IPX65G.EXE. It provides several fixes to IPXRTR.NLM and related NLMs. For 3.11 & 3.12 servers that do not have IPXRT3.ZIP or IPXRT4.ZIP installed, it enhances the native IPX routing cabilities and provides NLSP functionality by installing IPXRTR.NLM and related NLMs. IPX660.ZIP
IWSP3.ZIP 10295209 1997-06-24 20:51:04 IntranetWare Support Pack v3.0. This file IWSP3.ZIP
IWSP4A.ZIP 12235786 1997-11-03 00:49:38 IntranetWare Support Pack v4.0. This file contains a comprehensive set of updates for all of the services contained in the IntranetWare box (NetWare 4.11, NIAS 4.0, NetWare MPR 3.0 &AMP; 3.1, NetWare/IP, LAN drivers, etc.). It features an improved installation program. The patches contained have completed rigorous quality testing. This testing includes component testing, core OS testing, and integration testing with other Novell products. 10/24/97 - Update to ETHERTSM.NLM found in the \MISC directory, it was NOT automatically installed. IWSP4A.ZIP
IWSP5.ZIP 15967616 1998-04-11 08:04:50 IntranetWare Support Pack v5.0. This file contains a comprehensive set of updates for all of the services contained in the IntranetWare box (NetWare 4.11, NIAS 4.0, NetWare MPR 3.0 &AMP; 3.1, NetWare/IP, LAN drivers, etc.). It features an improved installation program. The patches contained have completed rigorous quality testing. This testing includes component testing, core OS testing, and integration testing with other Novell products. IWSP5.ZIP
IWSP5A.ZIP 15967832 1998-04-11 08:13:50 intraNetWare Support Pack v5.0 IntranetWare Support Pack v5.0. This file contains a comprehensive set of updates for all of the services contained in the IntranetWare box (NetWare 4.11, NIAS 4.0, NetWare MPR 3.0 & 3.1, NetWare/IP, LAN drivers, etc.). It features an improved installation program. The patches contained have completed rigorous quality testing. This testing includes component testing, core OS testing, and integration testing with other Novell products. IWSP5A.ZIP
IWSP5B.ZIP 15968679 1998-07-22 01:10:20 intraNetWare Support Pack v5.0 This file contains a comprehensive set of updates for all of the services contained in the IntranetWare box (NetWare 4.11, NIAS 4.0, NetWare MPR 3.0 & 3.1, NetWare/IP, LAN drivers, etc.). It features an improved installation program. The patches contained have completed rigorous quality testing. This testing includes component testing, core OS testing, and integration testing with other Novell products. IWSP5B.ZIP
IWSP6.ZIP 24590663 1998-11-13 00:59:08 NetWare Support Pack v6.0 This file contains a comprehensive set of updates for all of the services contained in the NetWare box (NetWare 4.11, Novell Internet Access Server 4.0, NetWare MPR 3.0 and 3.1, NetWare/IP, NFS, LAN drivers, etc.). It features an improved installation program. The patches contained have completed rigorous quality testing. This testing includes component testing, core OS testing, and integration testing with other Novell products. IWSP6.ZIP
IWSP6A.ZIP 36535506 1999-03-08 06:07:18 Localized NetWare Support Pack v6.0a This file contains a comprehensive set of updates for all of the services contained in the NetWare box (NetWare 4.11, Novell Internet Access Server 4.0, NetWare MPR 3.0 and 3.1, NetWare/ IP, NFS, LAN drivers, etc.). It features an improved installation program. The patches contained have completed rigorous quality testing. This testing includes component testing, core OS testing, and integration testing with other Novell products. IWSP6A.ZIP
JSAC1B.ZIP 319847 1999-04-06 08:15:42 Java Script Compiler for NetWare Netscape Enterprise Server for NetWare This is an NLM version of the jsac.exe, it is intended as a functional work around for shops that do not wish to use or do not have available for use a machine running NT Workstation, or NT Server. jsac.nlm is intended to compile Java Script. It is not recomended as the preferred method, but will work. The jsac.ZIP will not function on a win95/98 workstation. There are no differences between jsac1a.ZIP and jsac1b.ZIP except in the readme to assist in this files location. If running on a NetWare 4.11 Server the server must be patched to IWSP5B.ZIP or greater. JSAC1B.ZIP
LDAP103A.ZIP 87334 1997-09-20 23:26:06 LDAP 1.03A patch This is a patch file must be applied on top of Novell's LDAP services for NDS 1.01. Do not install this patch until LDAP 1.01 has been installed. LDAP103A.ZIP
LIB312.ZIP 257981 1997-09-01 00:31:54 CLIB for NetWare 3.12 This file contains LIB312.ZIP
LIB312B.ZIP 272491 1999-01-28 07:22:26 CLIB Update for NetWare 3.12 & 3.2 This file contains the latest version of CLIB for NetWare 3.12 and 3.2. This new release of CLIB.NLM contains two fixes for Year 2000 (Y2K) issues. Neither of these year 2000 issues pose any threat to the network or to data integrity. LIB312B.ZIP
LIB32PT2.ZIP 178310 1999-01-04 01:22:04 New CLIB for 3.2 This new clib.nlm for NetWare 3.12 & 3.2, contains two fixes for Year 2000 (Y2K) issues. Neither of these year 2000 issues pose any threat to the network or to data integrity. LIB32PT2.ZIP
LIBUPE.ZIP 591132 1997-10-27 01:33:04 LIBUPE modular CLIB and DSAPI This file contains the Modular versions of CLIB and DSAPI. These versions are for 4.10, NW 4.10 for OS/2, 4.10 SFT3 , 4.11 NW 4.11 for OS2, 4.11 SFT3 and 4.11 SMP only. The .MSG files are not copied by the install script because they are not necessary at this time. The files for NetWare 3.x servers have been removed from the LIBUPx patch kit and placed in LIB311x and LIB312x patch kits, currently available for download. No changes to the current binary files in this patch kit have occurred. LIBUPE.ZIP
LIBUPG.ZIP 1187137 1998-04-11 08:05:04 Updated modular CLIB and DSAPI #G This download file contains a released version of the Modular versions of CLIB and DSAPI. These versions are for 4.10, NW 4.10 for OS/2, 4.10 SFT3, 4.11 NW 4.11 for OS2, 4.11 SFT3 and 4.11 SMP only. The .MSG files are not copied by the install script because they are not necessary at this time. LIBUPG.ZIP
LIBUPH.ZIP 844404 1998-07-20 02:50:30 Updated modular CLIB and DSAPI This download file contains a released version of the Modular versions of CLIB and DSAPI. These versions are for 4.10, NW 4.10 for OS/2, 4.10 SFT3 , 4.11 NW 4.11 for OS2, 4.11 SFT3 and 4.11 SMP only. The .MSG files are not copied by the install script because they are not necessary at this time. LIBUPH.ZIP
LOADDLL1.ZIP 110911 1998-08-26 11:05:32 DLL Loader for Netware 4.11 LOADERXT.NLM v0.02b allows the NetWare 4.11 kernel to accept registration of loader extension modules. Loader extensions allow non-NLM executable formats to load on NetWare, just as NLM modules load. This loader registration capability is built into NetWare 5. PELDR.NLM v1.00a is a loader extension for loading PE (Portable Executable) modules on NetWare. These modules are better known as NetWare DLLs. PEDLL.DLL v1.00a is auto-loaded by PELDR.NLM. LOADDLL1.ZIP
LOG410A.ZIP 268443 1997-09-20 23:26:12 NetWare v4.1 LOGIN.ZIP fixes The file contains an updated LOGIN.ZIP for NetWare 4.10. LOG410A.ZIP
MAP410B.ZIP 143755 1997-11-29 23:24:44 Map root search drives This file contains MAP410B.ZIP
MIXMOD2.ZIP 25589 1999-02-09 01:39:04 Error saving files in MS Word This server patch fixes a problem when using Microsoft Word 97 (from Office 97). The MS Word program can not save files to a map rooted directory with a long-name. This patch will only work with the patched Novell Client v2.2 for Windows 95 or later. The patch file required for the v2.2 client is 95220P1.EXE. MIXMOD2.ZIP
MIXMOD3.ZIP 25626 1999-03-31 08:11:16 Error saving files in MS Word This server patch fixes a problem when using Microsoft Word 97 (from Office 97). The MS Word program can not save files to a map rooted directory with a long-name. MIXMOD3.ZIP
NAM41C.ZIP 127579 1997-10-11 23:22:32 MAC.NAM, OS2.NAM for NW 4.10 This file contains updated MAC and OS/2 name spaces for NetWare 4.10, as well as a VREPAIR to resolve some of the possible issues. Changes from NAM41b.ZIP - Updated the VREPAIR.NLM and V_MAC.NLM. NAM41C.ZIP
NCPY410A.ZIP 144100 1997-09-20 23:26:20 NetWare v4.10 NCOPY.ZIP for DOS fixes This file contains an updated NCOPY.ZIP for NetWare 4.10. NCPY410A.ZIP
NSBGWSP3.ZIP 5142528 2020-01-08 09:12:38 NetWare for Small Business GroupWise 5.2 NSBGWSP3.ZIP
NSRCGI1.ZIP 52591 1998-08-04 04:21:50 NetScape Enterprise Server for NetWare NetScape Fast Track Server for NetWare The rcgi.nlm provides RCGI (Remote Common Gateway Interface) access on Netscape Enterprise and FastTrack Servers for Netware. NSRCGI1.EXE contains RCGI.NLM and a sample SRM.CFG file. NSRCGI1.ZIP
NSSNW5A.ZIP 1002279 1998-10-15 05:18:16 Updated NSS v2.70 modules This download contains updated NSS v2.70 build (253) support modules for NetWare 5.0. NSSNW5A.ZIP
NSYNC1.ZIP 116015 1997-08-18 00:34:18 NETSYNC4.NLM version 1.11, NETSYNC3.NLM NSYNC1.ZIP
NW5NDS1.ZIP 633253 1999-02-11 03:14:02 NDS update for NetWare 5 This update file is only for customers that previously installed the NetWare 5 Support Pack 1 (NW5SP1.EXE) file. The NetWare 5 Support Pack version 1a contains these updates (NW5SP1A.EXE). The NDS has been updated to v7.24 in the NetWare 5 Support Pack 1a to correct an obscure synchronization issue. It is recommend that customers who have deployed NDS version 7.23 update their NetWare 5 NDS version to this latest version, which is contained in this file. NW5NDS1.ZIP
NW5SP1.ZIP 60109937 1999-01-26 07:28:00 NetWare 5 Support Pack 1 This file contains updates for all services contained in the NetWare 5 box. These files have received component testing, core OS testing, and integration testing with other Novell products. The updates contained in this file are ONLY for the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. The translated readme files are located in the root directory. NW5SP1.ZIP
NW5SP1A.ZIP 6158336 2020-01-08 09:13:38 NetWare 5 Support Pack 1a This file contains updates for all services contained in the NetWare 5 box. These files have received component testing, core OS testing, and integration testing with other Novell products. The updates contained in this file are ONLY for the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. The translated readme files are located in the root directory. NW5SP1A.ZIP
NWADMNP1.ZIP 1336588 1999-03-23 07:51:36 NWADMIN 4.11 fixes This download file contains updated DLLs for NWADMNNT v4.11.30, NWADMN95 v4.11.11 and NWADMN3X v4.11.11. Warning: Applying this patch causes two new problems which are documented in TID 2945363. NWADMNP1.ZIP
NWMAC.ZIP 13571773 1999-04-09 02:46:38 NetWare for Macintosh 4.x This file contains an old version of the NetWare for Macintosh 4.x product for use on NetWare 4.2. Installation and Configuration support for this client will end April 30, 2000. This product is in a Mature Phase and there will be no new bug fixes for this product. NWMAC.ZIP
NWSB41WA.ZIP 7579920 1999-04-13 12:00:12 WebAccess on NetWare for Small Business 4.11 NetWare for Small Business 4.11 did not ship with WebAccess. If you would like to use WebAccess 5.2 SP4 on NetWare for Small Business 4.11, you need to download this file. This file was created specifically for NetWare for Small Business 4.11 users. It does not contain the NT or Unix WebAccess files. You will only be able to install the NLM files. NWSB41WA.ZIP
ODI33E.ZIP 1294846 1997-08-18 00:34:56 ODI 3.31/1.11 Update ODI33E.ZIP
PATLST.TXT 12536 1999-03-15 14:49:14 Minimum Patch List - Updates as of 10 March 99 PATLST.TXT is a brief listing of OS, NLM, @AMP; Utility update files. Novell Technical Support recommends applying these updates as a baseline. For a complete listing of all available updates for these products, or for older products not listed, see the Product Support page of the web site. PATLST.TXT
PERL51.ZIP 364056 1998-08-04 04:21:40 NetScape Enterprise Server for NetWare NetScape Fast Track Server for NetWare This file contains the latest PERL5 nlm's. They provide enhanced PERL scripting capabilities. PERL51.ZIP
PERL51B.ZIP 409939 1998-11-02 02:10:04 Latest PERL kit for NetScape Enterprise Server for NetWare and NetScape Fast Track Server for NetWare This file contains version 2.00 PERL.NLM. It provide enhanced PERL scripting capabilities and is based on Perl version 5.003_07. This version includes socket support. The directory funtions have been resolved. Perl scripts may be run at the server console. perl sys:\perl\scripts\ This kit requires long name space. PERL51B.ZIP
RAD104.ZIP 259791 1998-11-23 08:45:20 RADIUS Services for NDS 1.0 RAD104.ZIP contains the latest versions of RADIUS.NLM and RADSNAP.DLL for the RADIUS version 1.0 product. This patch fixes several problems with lookup contexts being lost and users not being able to login with their common name. See RAD104.TXT for a detailed description of the problems addressed by this patch. RAD104.ZIP
RPLKT5.ZIP 140477 1998-10-05 04:50:28 RPL File Updates RPLKT5.ZIP contains Remote Program Load (RPL) files for NetWare v2.x, v3.1x, v4.x. RPLKT5.ZIP
SCHCMP2.ZIP 243105 1997-12-12 21:30:14 Schema Compare Utility for NetWare 4.11 and IntranetWare Schema Compare (SchCmp) compares the schema of two servers. NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. SCHCMP2.ZIP
SCMDA.ZIP 61332 1999-03-15 04:56:30 Common SCMD.NLM for 4.x and 5.0 Common SCMD module for IntraNetWare 4.11, NetWare 4.2 and NetWare 5. All the features/bug fixed in Support Pack 1 for NetWare 5 is supported in this patch for IntranetWare 4.11 and NetWare 4.2 servers. SCMDA.ZIP
SDMAIL1B.ZIP 163822 1999-04-08 01:55:20 Send mail using perl scripts Netscape Enterprise Server for NetWare This file is intended to assist web developers by providing the perl components to send smtp mail via perl script. There was a text modification to the sendmail.html file. SDMAIL1B.ZIP
SPXS03A.ZIP 47211 1997-09-01 00:32:22 SPXS.NLM Version Q SPXS03A.ZIP is the public release file for version Q of SPXS.NLM. It has many new changes. Reading the enclosed information may help prevent a call into Technical Support. SPXS.NLM supports NWSAA , SBACKUP and other 3rd party backup applications such as Cheyenne Arcserve. This file is found in other patch releases such as Intranetware Support Pack and Strtl6.exe. SPXS03A.ZIP
STUFKEY1.ZIP 26568 1998-07-10 04:33:54 StuffKey Utility for NetWare 3.12, NetWare 3.2, NetWare 4.11 BETA TEST of STUFFKEY.NLM allows you to send keystrokes to any program on any screen. This gives you to ability to automate processes that require user input. NOTE: This utility helps system administrators and developers. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. STUFKEY1.ZIP
STUFKEY3.ZIP 27031 1998-08-19 01:05:04 StuffKey Utility Beta v0.03 STUFFKEY.NLM allows you to send keystrokes to any program on any screen. This gives you to ability to automate processes that require user input. NOTE: This utility helps system administrators and developers. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. STUFKEY3.ZIP
STUFKEY4.ZIP 28353 1998-10-12 05:16:24 StuffKey Utility v1.0 STUFFKEY.NLM allows you to send keystrokes to any program on any screen. This gives you to ability to automate processes that require user input. NOTE: This utility helps system administrators and developers. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. STUFKEY4.ZIP
STUFKEY5.ZIP 35247 1999-03-08 06:05:58 StuffKey Utility v1.0 STUFFKEY.NLM allows you to send keystrokes to any program on any screen. This gives you to ability to automate processes that require user input. NOTE: This utility helps system administrators and developers. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. STUFKEY5.ZIP
TABND2A.ZIP 415638 1997-08-18 00:34:28 Abend Troubleshooting Guide TABND2A.ZIP
TBACK2.ZIP 168345 1997-11-08 19:51:58 TBACKUP Utility TBackup backs up and restores trustees and Inherited Rights Filters (IRF) for files and directories. NOTE: This utility was created to help system administrators and is provided free of charge as a courtesy. It is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. TBACK2.ZIP
TBOX2.ZIP 48384 1997-11-29 23:24:36 Tools for a NetWare Server TOOLBOX.NLM provides various utility functions to be executed on the server console or via NCF files (without involving any clients). NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. TBOX2.ZIP
TBOX3.ZIP 50390 1997-12-17 23:39:36 Tools for a NetWare Server v1.07 TBOX3.ZIP
TBOX5A.ZIP 54983 1998-04-11 08:13:54 Tools for a NetWare Server v1.09 TBOX5A.ZIP
TBOX7.ZIP 57416 1998-09-02 01:26:02 Tools for a NetWare Server v1.09d TOOLBOX.NLM version 1.09d (NetWare v3.12 and NetWare v4.x) TOOLBOX.NLM provides various utility functions to be executed on the server console or via NCF files (without involving any clients). NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. TBOX7.ZIP
TCOPY1.ZIP 175595 1997-11-08 19:52:06 Copies Trustee Assignments TCopy copies trustee assignments from one directory structure to another. NOTE: This utility was created to help system administrators and is provided free of charge as a courtesy. It is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. TCOPY1.ZIP
TCPN04A.ZIP 1123901 1997-10-27 01:33:22 Common TCPIP.NLM for NW 3.12 and 4.x This file contains a new TCPIP.NLM (v4.00f) that runs on all LAN (3.12,4.x) and WAN (MPR 3.1, NWC 2.0) platforms. Also included is a seperate stack for customers running in a Netware 3.11 environment for backward compatibility (doesn't include any of the new features). (Obsoletes TCPN04.EXE) TCPN04A.ZIP
TCPN06.ZIP 289824 1999-02-18 01:50:26 Common TCPIP.NLM for NetWare 4.11 This version of TCPIP.NLM resolves 8911 errors experienced when running Groupwise 5.2 on NetWare 4.11 server. Another symptom of the problem can be 8908 errors on the Groupwise client. TCPN06.ZIP
TIMEFX.ZIP 104207 1998-11-02 08:58:16 TIME RESTRICTIONS and Day Light Savings When day light savings time takes effect TIME RESTRICTIONS will be off by either 1 hour ahead or 1 hour behind. This means that users may not be able to access the network at the times designated by the network Administrator. Users may also have access to the network at times that they should not. DST.ZIP is a DOS based utility that allows the network Administrator to shift a users time up or down in 30 minute increments to accomodate the time change due to day light savings time. TIMEFX.ZIP
TIMESYNC.ZIP 47070 1999-03-05 06:15:58 Timesync nlm Updated to the timesync nlm. This runs on NetWare 5 TIMESYNC.ZIP
TSANDS1.ZIP 71360 1998-11-18 01:22:50 Updated TSANDS.NLM v5.00 This download contains an updated TSANDS v5.00 for NetWare 5 that address a pagefault abend situation. TSANDS1.ZIP
TSKZERFX.ZIP 23267 1998-04-11 08:10:12 TSKZERFX OS patch TSKZERFX resolves the ABEND: OpenFileSyncCheck found a open file on this task for NW 4.10 and 3.12. TSKZERFX.ZIP
UPGWZ23.ZIP 16138641 1998-11-30 08:48:20 Upgrade Wizard v2.3 Novell Upgrade Wizard is an easy-to-use solution for upgrading the existing NetWare 3 bindery and file system across-the-wire (referred to as a migration) to an existing NDS Directory. Novell Upgrade Wizard makes migrating your NetWare 3 bindery and file system as easy as dragging and dropping an object from one location to another. UPGWZ23.ZIP
UPSNLM.ZIP 35974 1997-08-18 00:34:30 UPS.NLM for SFTIII, 3.12 and 4.0x UPSNLM.ZIP
VRP386.ZIP 58505 1997-08-18 00:34:32 VREPAIR.NLM for NetWare v3.1x VRP386.ZIP
VRP411A.ZIP 100086 1997-10-11 23:22:36 VREPAIR.NLM for NetWare 4.11 This file contains VREPAIR.NLM for NetWare 4.11. VRP411A.ZIP
VRPNW5A.ZIP 115964 1998-09-17 01:35:06 Update to VREPAIR.NLM and name space modules This file contains updated vrepair.nlm, v_long.nlm, v_mac.nlm and vrepair.msg files. VRPNW5A.ZIP
WS251C.ZIP 762895 1997-06-05 19:26:50 WS251C patch file WS251C.ZIP
WS310A.ZIP 310341 1997-07-07 23:23:04 Web Server 3.x Patch rev.B WS310A.ZIP
Total 121 Files, 374332 Kilobytes

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