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Gdev - GFD_OS2:_Development

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Gdev - Fidonet GFD_OS2:_Development
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
CFR-A95S.ZIP 98934 1999-03-15 04:07:04 CFROUTE 0.95 alpha Binkley-style netmail packer Source code distribution CFR-A95S.ZIP
EDM0702H.ZIP 427977 1999-02-07 09:31:30 EDM/2 The Electronic OS/2 Developers Magazine, 2/99 Vol.7 Issue 2 - HTML-Edition. EDM0702H.ZIP
EDM0703H.ZIP 973278 1999-04-11 03:47:06 EDM/2 The Electronic OS/2 Developers Magazine, 3/99 Vol.7 Issue 3 - HTML-Edition. EDM0703H.ZIP
GBMSRC.ZIP 209366 1999-03-21 08:10:40 Generalised Bitmap Module, source. From Andy Key ( GBMSRC.ZIP
GIFLIB30.ZIP 95612 1999-01-22 15:11:54 giflib-3.0, GIF library (dynamic linked). By Hung-Chi Chu GIFLIB30.ZIP
GLAD041B.ZIP 323480 1999-03-29 14:02:50 This is the glade version 0.4.1 ported to XFree86/OS2. by Asbjoern Pettersen <> It requires the gtk+-1.2.1. GLAD041B.ZIP
GLIB121.ZIP 131478 1999-03-25 17:20:38 GLib v1.2.1, a library with many useful routines for C. GLib (a part of gtk+) is a library which includes support routines for C such as lists, trees, hashes, memory allocation, and many other things. GLIB121.ZIP
GLIB122.ZIP 131743 1999-04-27 06:48:52 GLib v1.2.2, a library with many useful routines for C. GLib (a part of gtk+) is a library which includes support routines for C such as lists, trees, hashes, memory allocation, and many other things. By Hung-Chi Chu (hatched by 2:2490/3045.0) GLIB122.ZIP
GREED.ZIP 1199196 1998-01-02 01:07:52 FREE! Greed V. 2.22 General Rexx Extended Editor - universal source generator to work with user defined code templates. A developer's tool to write, store and control code templates. It can be used to control the code sections for all programing languages. Greed consists of four independent modules: - Greed - source Editor, - Templates Controller - universal code controller, - Template Editor - to edit INI and Greed FNC files, - PM Browser - PM file viewer. All standard Rexx functions are included. Zipped: Zip 2.1.0(C). GREED.ZIP
HTML_TXT.ZIP 126747 1999-04-06 22:32:28 HTML_TXT, ver 1.10, is a freeware program that will convert HTML documents to text files. It is written in REXX for OS/2, but also works under otherflavors of REXX (in particular, Regina REXX for WIN95). HTML_TXT's many features include: UL, OL, DL, and MENU lists; nested TABLES, with auto-sizing of table columns; SELECT, TEXTAREA, and CHECKBOX and other FORM elements; hierarchical outline from Hn elements; and much more. HTML_TXT can be run from an OS/2 command or as an addon for the SRE-http web server. By Daniel Hellerstein HTML_TXT.ZIP
JPEG6B.ZIP 131268 1999-01-22 15:12:44 jpeg-6b, The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software. By Hung-Chi Chu JPEG6B.ZIP
LCL2-24B.ZIP 803683 1999-02-18 04:56:08 lclint 2.4b for OS/2, a C source code checker. This archive contains all files needed to run lclint 2.4b for OS/2 including INF documentation. Includes many bugfixes to the previous OS/2 version (2.3i) and new overall features. This file replaces and For questions specific to the OS/2 port contact either of: Email: (at home) (at work) Fido: 2:240/5216.18 LCL2-24B.ZIP
LPCAP04A.ZIP 170477 1999-03-29 14:05:54 libpcap 0.4 is a port of a system-independant, user-level packet capturing library LPCAP04A.ZIP
MACAOS2S.ZIP 1637471 1999-04-02 06:18:24 OS/2 Port of MacAnova 4.07.3 source files. MacAnova is a statistical analysis package. Copyright (C) 1994 - 1999 Gary W. Oehlert and Christopher Bingham. Additional requirements: EMX 0.9d runtime. MACAOS2S.ZIP
MPEG121.ZIP 47769 1999-01-22 15:09:18 mpeg_lib-1.2.1, MPEG library (dynamic linked). By Hung-Chi Chu MPEG121.ZIP
OOXDB210.ZIP 220488 1998-02-02 00:51:44 OOxBase - The Database For REXX V2.10 OOXDB210.ZIP
OS2CALL.ZIP 143193 1999-04-15 09:00:00 OS/2 API Analyzer 2.45.00. OS/2 API OS2CALL.ZIP
OS2TRACE.ZIP 1084955 1999-04-15 09:00:02 OS/2 API Trace Version 2.45.00. OS/2 API Trace allows you to trace the 16-bit and 32-bit OS/2 APIs used by any application running on OS/2 2.0+ without requiring the application's source code or requiring the application to be recompiled and/or relinked. Simply enable the application for tracing and run it, and the OS/2 API calls (and optionally their parameters) made by the application are logged to a text file that is already formatted and in English. (c) Dave Blaschke OS2TRACE.ZIP
PLUGKIT4.ZIP 109981 1999-03-30 06:46:28 CU-Seeme for OS/2 PLUGIN DEVELOPER's KIT by Kim Kruse Hansen (Unsupported) for unofficial support and FAQ go to: PLUGKIT4.ZIP
PMM100.ZIP 228206 1999-03-29 17:00:00 PMM is a learning and debugging tool that traces the flow of messages produced in a PM application, writing them to a file. Messages are fully interpreted, formatted and shown as they occur in an application. By J. Salvador Amoros PMM100.ZIP
PPWIZARD.ZIP 280401 1999-04-16 09:32:42 PPWIZARD version 99.101. FREE tool for PPWIZARD.ZIP
RCF2102I.ZIP 1263871 1999-03-15 04:01:38 REXX Code Formatter/2 (RCF/2). REXX utility designed to help a programmer produce a clean, professional looking program. It does this by allowing the programmer to convert any normal REXX program into a consistently formatted set of program statements with just about any style desired by the user. RCF2102I.ZIP
REXXALGO.ZIP 86879 1997-11-15 01:46:12 RexxAlgo 1.31 - some useful Rexx REXXALGO.ZIP
RXBAS221.ZIP 483156 1998-02-02 00:51:54 RexxBase - The Database For REXX V2.20. RexxBase is a Rexx External Interface DLL that allows OS/2 command procedures to access dBase III and IV files. Rexx programs can control files by reading, writing and updating data fields directly. RexxBase generates dBase field names and values that are available directly to a Rexx program. The Rexx program can change this data and update dBase files directly. Also database file control information is available to the Rexx program. This information includes such data as last date the database was updated, number of records on file, field names, etc. RexxBase supports NDX and DBT files. This release of RexxBase contains a GUI front-end program to assist in database development. This release also contains a set of VX/Rexx macros developed by Stefan Dietz of Germany. Here is the scoop about FREQing RexxBase: FREQable from 1:3641/1 or 1:3641/224. Magic Name: REXXBASE. RXBAS221.ZIP
RXBAS223.ZIP 482490 1999-03-31 00:16:48 RexxBase - The Database For REXX V2.23. RexxBase is a Rexx External Interface DLL that allows OS/2 command procedures to access dBase III and IV files. Rexx programs can control files by reading, writing and updating data fields directly. RexxBase generates dBase field names and values that are available directly to a Rexx program. The Rexx program can change this data and update dBase files directly. Also database file control information is available to the Rexx program. This information includes such data as last date the database was updated, number of records on file, field names, etc. RexxBase supports MDX NDX and DBT files. RXBAS223.ZIP
RXGPIB.ZIP 27258 1999-04-20 17:00:00 rxGPIB ver. 1.00 - REXX-callable DLL that enables REXX to access GPIB functions (IEEE488). Works on OS/2 Warp 3.0 and later. Freeware. Web site: RXGPIB.ZIP
RXIUTL14.ZIP 26841 1999-03-10 15:34:32 REXX Internet Utilities v0.14 Simple utilities using REXX sockets: urlget.cmd - fetch files via HTTP and FTP ngfetch.cmd - obtain list of groups from specified newserver. RXIUTL14.ZIP
RXIUTL15.ZIP 27335 1999-04-27 05:53:22 REXX Internet Utilities v0.15. Simple utilities using REXX sockets: urlget.cmd - fetch files via HTTP and FTP ngfetch.cmd - obtain list of groups from specified newserver. (hatched by 2:2490/3045.0) RXIUTL15.ZIP
RXTOOLS.ZIP 21898 1999-04-15 05:05:42 set of small utilities written in REXX. By Olexander Lebid'. Additional requirements: rexxutil.dll, rxFTP.dll. RXTOOLS.ZIP
RXTT29.ZIP 627360 1999-04-04 10:12:34 REXX Tips & Tricks v2.90 by Bernd Schemmer. RXTT29.ZIP
RXTTF.ZIP 63790 1999-03-14 10:55:12 RxTTF.DLL is an "OS/2 REXX callable" procedure for creating a "bitmap" image from a character string, using a TTF font (the results are returned in a stem variable). RxTTF can use any TTF font you may have. Furthermore, you can specify the point size. By Daniel Hellerstein RXTTF.ZIP
SFX.ZIP 536522 1999-04-25 22:19:16 SFX Installer, (c) Copyright 1999 SFX.ZIP
TIFF34.ZIP 162651 1999-01-22 15:21:26 tiff-v3.4beta037, TIFF library (dynamic linked). By Hung-Chi Chu. Additional requirements: jpeg-6b and zlib and EMX. TIFF34.ZIP
TMTP100O.ZIP 982669 1997-06-20 00:50:54 Preliminary version 32-bit Pascal compiler for 80386/486/Pentium Intel CPU's. Pascal Lite produces native 32-bit protected-mode using the DOS32 extender or OS/2 application for OS/2 windowed, full-screen and presentation manager sessions. Req: 5Mb o TMTP100O.ZIP
TTF12.ZIP 71509 1999-01-23 15:01:40 freetype-1.2 TrueType font library, not FreeType/2. By Hung-Chi Chu TTF12.ZIP
TTF_TEXT.ZIP 80021 1999-03-14 10:56:20 TTF_text is a free, OS/2 REXX program that will create big-text banners. What's special about TTF_text is that the pattern for the banner characters is specified using a true-type font (TTF) name, and point size, provided by the user. Options include portrait or landscape output, and some flexibility in the choice of foreground and background characters. By Daniel Hellerstein TTF_TEXT.ZIP
URLCH002.ZIP 14512 1999-02-22 10:53:30 Rexx - URLChecker/0.0.2 URLCH002.ZIP
VHELP103.ZIP 1688009 1999-04-01 04:23:28 VyperHelp 1.03 pre-release. OS/2 IPF help outliner, editor and converter. Includes outline tree, WYSIWYG text editing, keyword support, WinHelp import and export, command-line conversion. (1.03 adds WinHelp and RTF export). By Mat Kramer VHELP103.ZIP
VIDTLKT.ZIP 787002 1999-02-17 05:27:40 Video Toolkit For OS/2. The OS/2 Video Toolkit has been designed to fulfill two functions: 1) Provide support for live video overlay & image capture under OS/2 2.X and later; 2) Provide examples and libraries so that 3rd parties can develop their own TV aware applications - quickly and simply. This toolkit is for use with the Hauppauge Win/TV Celebrity, Prism & HighQ video capture devices. VIDTLKT.ZIP
WI_A04.ZIP 798051 1999-05-03 11:56:14 WarpIN Alpha #4. WarpIN is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). (C) Copyright 1998-99 Jens B ckman, Ulrich M ller. WarpIN is intended to become the new general-purpose installer for OS/2 to overcome the current lack of a both flexible and user-friendly installer. WarpIN is a Netlabs project. WI_A04.ZIP
XPM34K.ZIP 55276 1999-03-03 07:49:32 xpm-3.4k, XPM (X PixMap) library for XFree86/OS2. By Hung-Chi Chu. Additional requirements: XFree86 and EMX XPM34K.ZIP
Total 41 Files, 16467 Kilobytes

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