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Gcsd - GFD_OS2:_CSD_Infos

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Gcsd - Fidonet GFD_OS2:_CSD_Infos
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
CS_140.ZIP 659386 1999-01-06 08:35:12 Corrective Service Facility 2-B Version 1.40. Once you use this version of the FixTool to service a product, you will not be able to use Version 1.37B or earlier. SYSLEVEL files are modified by FixTool 1.38 and later, causing FixTool 1.37B or earlier not to find products to service. (C) IBM 1994. This version is also compatible with Software Choice features. CS_140.ZIP
ENT400I.ZIP 878550 1999-03-08 04:00:10 Back Again/2 Enterprise Edition. Enterprise Backup and Recovery for OS/2. Version 4.00i Update. Copyright (C) 1995-1999 by Computer Data Strategies, Inc. Copyright (C) 1994-1999 by Box Turtle Software. All Rights Reserved. This patch is for Back Again/2 Enterprise Edition v4.00f, v4.00g or v4.00h only. It cannot be used to upgrade an evaluation version or the Personal Edition of Back Again/2. ENT400I.ZIP
GU169064.ZIP 1051487 1999-03-06 13:40:18 The Graham Utilities for OS/2 V2.0 CSD 14. The application of this CSD takes the utilities to V2.10.4. NOTE: All CSD's are cumulative, so just apply the latest. 16-bit Intel applications. GU169064.ZIP
GU329064.ZIP 901755 1999-03-06 13:40:22 The Graham Utilities for OS/2 V2.0 CSD 14. The application of this CSD takes the utilities to V2.10.4. NOTE: All CSD's are cumulative, so just apply the latest. 32-bit Intel applications. GU329064.ZIP
GUPP9064.ZIP 629947 1999-03-06 13:40:26 The Graham Utilities for OS/2 V2.0 CSD 14. The application of this CSD takes the utilities to V2.10.4. NOTE: All CSD's are cumulative, so just apply the latest. 32-bit PowerPC applications. GUPP9064.ZIP
IPG8528.ZIP 8578016 1998-10-16 01:54:12 LAN Server Corrective Service IPG8528 (german). Extract archive into one single directory using PKUNZIPs "-d" option. Run INSLANFP.CMD to start applying this fixpak (CSF kicker disk is supplied within this archive). IPG8528.ZIP
MPLX303.ZIP 1872830 1999-03-19 19:03:00 Moneyplex update to version 3.03 (release build 22000) MPLX303.ZIP
NEWCSD16.ZIP 93327 1999-02-19 14:53:28 The Graham Utilities for OS/2 V2.0 CSD 13. The application of this CSD takes the utilities to V2.10.3. NOTE: All CSD's are cumulative, so just apply the latest. 16-bit Intel applications - new/updated CSDINST.EXE. NEWCSD16.ZIP
NEWCSD32.ZIP 72611 1999-03-06 13:40:30 The Graham Utilities for OS/2 V2.0 CSD 14. The application of this CSD takes the utilities to V2.10.4. NOTE: All CSD's are cumulative, so just apply the latest. 32-bit Intel applications - new/updated CSDINST.EXE. NEWCSD32.ZIP
NEWCSDPP.ZIP 73093 1999-03-06 13:40:30 The Graham Utilities for OS/2 V2.0 CSD 14. The application of this CSD takes the utilities to V2.10.4. NOTE: All CSD's are cumulative, so just apply the latest. 32-bit PowerPC applications - new/updated CSDINST.EXE. NEWCSDPP.ZIP
PRO400I.ZIP 856176 1999-03-08 04:00:10 Back Again/2 Professional Edition. Enterprise Backup and Recovery for OS/2. Version 4.00i Update. Copyright (C) 1995-1999 by Computer Data Strategies, Inc. Copyright (C) 1994-1999 by Box Turtle Software. All Rights Reserved. This patch is for Back Again/2 Professional Edition v4.00f, v4.00g or v4.00h only. It cannot be used to upgrade an evaluation version or the Personal Edition of Back Again/2. PRO400I.ZIP
UN0965B1.ZIP 1414008 1999-03-10 20:40:46 TCP/IP For OS/2 V3.5 Applications for Warp Server SMP FixPak UN00965 English - US. This FixPak contains fixes for IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 V3.5 Applications, including FTP, FTPD, NewsReader/2, Syslogd and TCPCOEX. After applying this FixPak the TCP/IP Applications for OS/2 will be Year 2000 ready. Disk 1 of 2 UN0965B1.ZIP
UN0965B2.ZIP 973276 1999-03-10 20:12:24 TCP/IP For OS/2 V3.5 Applications for Warp Server SMP FixPak UN00965 English - US. This FixPak contains fixes for IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 V3.5 Applications, including FTP, FTPD, NewsReader/2, Syslogd and TCPCOEX. After applying this FixPak the TCP/IP Applications for OS/2 will be Year 2000 ready. Disk 2 of 2 UN0965B2.ZIP
UN1001B1.ZIP 1405333 1999-03-15 20:31:02 TCP/IP For OS/2 V4.10 Applications FixPak UN01001 English - US. This FixPak contains fixes for IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 V4.10 Applications, including FTP, FTPD, Syslogd and TCPCOEX. After applying this FixPak the TCP/IP Applications for OS/2 will be Year 2000 ready. Disk 1 of 4 UN1001B1.ZIP
UN1001B2.ZIP 1458036 1999-03-15 20:34:10 TCP/IP For OS/2 V4.10 Applications FixPak UN01001 English - US. This FixPak contains fixes for IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 V4.10 Applications, including FTP, FTPD, Syslogd and TCPCOEX. After applying this FixPak the TCP/IP Applications for OS/2 will be Year 2000 ready. Disk 2 of 4 UN1001B2.ZIP
UN1001B3.ZIP 1452306 1999-03-15 20:37:18 TCP/IP For OS/2 V4.10 Applications FixPak UN01001 English - US. This FixPak contains fixes for IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 V4.10 Applications, including FTP, FTPD, Syslogd and TCPCOEX. After applying this FixPak the TCP/IP Applications for OS/2 will be Year 2000 ready. Disk 3 of 4 UN1001B3.ZIP
UN1001B4.ZIP 196030 1999-03-15 20:37:44 TCP/IP For OS/2 V4.10 Applications FixPak UN01001 English - US. This FixPak contains fixes for IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 V4.10 Applications, including FTP, FTPD, Syslogd and TCPCOEX. After applying this FixPak the TCP/IP Applications for OS/2 will be Year 2000 ready. Disk 4 of 4 UN1001B4.ZIP
UPDATES.ZIP 233464 1999-03-28 15:59:58 'IBM OS/2 Warp Update- bersicht', Snapshot der WebSite vom 28.03.1999. Umfangreiche bersicht ber Updates, Fixes, FixPaks, Features zu OS/2 Warp inkl. "Jahr 2000"-Eignung im HTML-Format. Ben tigt einen HTML 3.2+ Browser! {Replaces: UPDATES.ZIP} UPDATES.ZIP
XRGM009.ZIP 86742 1999-02-04 16:13:16 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM009.ZIP
XRGM0090.ZIP 86742 1999-02-04 16:13:16 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0090.ZIP
XRGM0091.ZIP 1215056 1999-02-04 16:15:16 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0091.ZIP
XRGM0092.ZIP 1460240 1999-02-04 16:16:24 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0092.ZIP
XRGM0093.ZIP 1460465 1999-02-04 16:17:18 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0093.ZIP
XRGM0094.ZIP 1460559 1999-02-04 16:18:04 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0094.ZIP
XRGM0095.ZIP 1460323 1999-02-04 16:18:42 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0095.ZIP
XRGM0096.ZIP 1460046 1999-02-04 16:19:42 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0096.ZIP
XRGM0097.ZIP 1452816 1999-02-04 16:22:10 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0097.ZIP
XRGM0098.ZIP 1459304 1999-02-04 16:23:24 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0098.ZIP
XRGM0099.ZIP 1458233 1999-02-04 16:27:24 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM0099.ZIP
XRGM009A.ZIP 1458948 1999-02-04 16:31:58 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM009A.ZIP
XRGM009B.ZIP 1456974 1999-02-04 16:35:16 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM009B.ZIP
XRGM009C.ZIP 1448346 1999-02-04 16:41:58 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM009C.ZIP
XRGM009D.ZIP 1456092 1999-02-04 16:42:48 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM009D.ZIP
XRGM009E.ZIP 1436694 1999-02-04 16:46:38 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM009E.ZIP
XRGM009F.ZIP 1348216 1999-02-04 16:50:38 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM009F.ZIP
XRGM009G.ZIP 603373 1999-02-04 16:52:20 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.033, Release 2 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand XRGM009G.ZIP
XRGM010.ZIP 79432 1999-03-26 15:07:32 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM010.ZIP
XRGM0100.ZIP 79432 1999-03-26 15:07:32 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0100.ZIP
XRGM0101.ZIP 1179129 1999-03-26 15:09:12 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0101.ZIP
XRGM0102.ZIP 1460291 1999-03-26 15:11:10 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0102.ZIP
XRGM0103.ZIP 1460149 1999-03-26 15:11:38 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0103.ZIP
XRGM0104.ZIP 1460556 1999-03-26 15:12:06 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0104.ZIP
XRGM0105.ZIP 1460568 1999-03-26 15:12:46 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0105.ZIP
XRGM0106.ZIP 1460153 1999-03-26 15:19:26 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0106.ZIP
XRGM0107.ZIP 1459975 1999-03-26 15:19:54 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0107.ZIP
XRGM0108.ZIP 1459376 1999-03-26 15:24:12 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0108.ZIP
XRGM0109.ZIP 1458090 1999-03-26 15:28:28 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM0109.ZIP
XRGM010A.ZIP 1458714 1999-03-26 15:33:22 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM010A.ZIP
XRGM010B.ZIP 1457128 1999-03-26 15:35:40 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM010B.ZIP
XRGM010C.ZIP 1441916 1999-03-26 15:39:34 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM010C.ZIP
XRGM010D.ZIP 1456002 1999-03-26 15:44:02 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM010D.ZIP
XRGM010E.ZIP 1452922 1999-03-26 15:47:04 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM010E.ZIP
XRGM010F.ZIP 1357139 1999-03-26 15:47:48 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM010F.ZIP
XRGM010G.ZIP 1351922 1999-03-26 15:52:00 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM010G.ZIP
XRGM010H.ZIP 49030 1999-03-26 15:55:46 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 9.034 This FixPak applies to: CSD Level: XRG4000 Warp 4 Component ID: 5639A6100 Version: 4.00 Type: 0C CSD Level: XRG4010 WorkSpace On Demand Component XRGM010H.ZIP
XRGW040.ZIP 129866 1999-03-26 16:25:52 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040.ZIP
XRGW0400.ZIP 129866 1999-03-26 16:25:52 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0400.ZIP
XRGW0401.ZIP 954633 1999-03-26 16:27:18 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0401.ZIP
XRGW0402.ZIP 1455456 1999-03-26 16:27:52 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0402.ZIP
XRGW0403.ZIP 1449363 1999-03-26 16:28:18 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0403.ZIP
XRGW0404.ZIP 1454550 1999-03-26 16:28:44 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0404.ZIP
XRGW0405.ZIP 1453082 1999-03-26 16:29:10 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0405.ZIP
XRGW0406.ZIP 1451627 1999-03-26 16:29:36 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0406.ZIP
XRGW0407.ZIP 1436324 1999-03-26 16:30:02 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0407.ZIP
XRGW0408.ZIP 1446832 1999-03-26 16:30:28 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0408.ZIP
XRGW0409.ZIP 1437732 1999-03-26 16:34:32 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW0409.ZIP
XRGW040A.ZIP 1333597 1999-03-26 16:39:40 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040A.ZIP
XRGW040B.ZIP 1454468 1999-03-26 16:57:28 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040B.ZIP
XRGW040C.ZIP 1441716 1999-03-26 16:57:58 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040C.ZIP
XRGW040D.ZIP 1431650 1999-03-26 16:58:22 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040D.ZIP
XRGW040E.ZIP 1442798 1999-03-26 16:58:52 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040E.ZIP
XRGW040F.ZIP 1455464 1999-03-26 16:59:22 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040F.ZIP
XRGW040G.ZIP 1450189 1999-03-26 17:03:04 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040G.ZIP
XRGW040H.ZIP 1423377 1999-03-26 17:04:26 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040H.ZIP
XRGW040I.ZIP 1436016 1999-03-26 17:08:16 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040I.ZIP
XRGW040J.ZIP 647989 1999-03-26 17:10:24 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040J.ZIP
XRGW040K.ZIP 65043 1999-03-26 17:12:58 This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready Build level 8.264 This FixPak applies to: XRG3000 Warp for Windows XRG3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2 XRG3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh XRG3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect XRG3004 Warp XRGW040K.ZIP
XR_M0101.ZIP 1183566 1999-02-26 03:42:36 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 1 of 17 XR_M0101.ZIP
XR_M0102.ZIP 1454674 1999-02-22 00:37:14 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 2 of 17 XR_M0102.ZIP
XR_M0103.ZIP 1454619 1999-02-22 00:37:32 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 3 of 17 XR_M0103.ZIP
XR_M0104.ZIP 1454849 1999-02-22 00:37:50 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 4 of 17 XR_M0104.ZIP
XR_M0105.ZIP 1454680 1999-02-22 00:38:08 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 5 of 17 XR_M0105.ZIP
XR_M0106.ZIP 1455300 1999-02-22 00:38:32 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 6 of 17 XR_M0106.ZIP
XR_M0107.ZIP 1454059 1999-02-22 00:38:58 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 7 of 17 XR_M0107.ZIP
XR_M0108.ZIP 1454228 1999-02-22 00:39:14 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 8 of 17 XR_M0108.ZIP
XR_M0109.ZIP 1454161 1999-02-22 00:39:36 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 9 of 17 XR_M0109.ZIP
XR_M010A.ZIP 1453453 1999-02-22 00:39:56 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 10 of 17 XR_M010A.ZIP
XR_M010B.ZIP 1452884 1999-02-22 00:40:16 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 11 of 17 XR_M010B.ZIP
XR_M010C.ZIP 1452746 1999-02-22 00:40:40 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 12 of 17 XR_M010C.ZIP
XR_M010D.ZIP 1450523 1999-02-22 00:41:06 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 13 of 17 XR_M010D.ZIP
XR_M010E.ZIP 1449749 1999-02-22 00:41:32 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 14 of 17 XR_M010E.ZIP
XR_M010F.ZIP 1445602 1999-02-22 00:41:52 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 15 of 17 XR_M010F.ZIP
XR_M010G.ZIP 1427373 1999-02-22 00:42:18 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 16 of 17 XR_M010G.ZIP
XR_M010H.ZIP 394362 1999-02-22 00:42:48 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M010, February 26, 1999. This FixPak makes the products it services Year 2000 ready. Build level 9.034. Disk 17 of 17 XR_M010H.ZIP
XR_W040.ZIP 147510 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 (US-English) February XR_W040.ZIP
XR_W0401.ZIP 1086309 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 1 of 21 XR_W0401.ZIP
XR_W0402.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 2 of 21 XR_W0402.ZIP
XR_W0403.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 3 of 21 XR_W0403.ZIP
XR_W0404.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 4 of 21 XR_W0404.ZIP
XR_W0405.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 5 of 21 XR_W0405.ZIP
XR_W0406.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 6 of 21 XR_W0406.ZIP
XR_W0407.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 7 of 21 XR_W0407.ZIP
XR_W0408.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 8 of 21 XR_W0408.ZIP
XR_W0409.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 9 of 21 XR_W0409.ZIP
XR_W040A.ZIP 1472200 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 10 of 21 XR_W040A.ZIP
XR_W040B.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 11 of 21 XR_W040B.ZIP
XR_W040C.ZIP 1472200 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 12 of 21 XR_W040C.ZIP
XR_W040D.ZIP 1472200 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 13 of 21 XR_W040D.ZIP
XR_W040E.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 14 of 21 XR_W040E.ZIP
XR_W040F.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 15 of 21 XR_W040F.ZIP
XR_W040G.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 16 of 21 XR_W040G.ZIP
XR_W040H.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 17 of 21 XR_W040H.ZIP
XR_W040I.ZIP 1472712 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 18 of 21 XR_W040I.ZIP
XR_W040J.ZIP 530554 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 19 of 21 XR_W040J.ZIP
XR_W040K.ZIP 64536 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 US-Eng., Disk 20 of 21 XR_W040K.ZIP
XR_W040R.ZIP 147510 1999-02-09 15:00:00 Warp FixPak XR_W040 (US-English) February 10 1999 Build level 8.264. Requires Corrective Service Facility release F.140 or later!! Supported CSD levels XR_3000 Warp for Windows, XR_3001 Warp with WIN-OS/2, XR_3002 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh, XR_3003 Warp with WIN-OS/2 Connect, XR_3004 Warp for Windows Manufacturing Refresh Connect, XR_3005 Warp Preload, XR_3005 Warp Server, XR_3006 Warp Server SMP. OS/2 Fix Distribution Personal System Products Austin Tx. (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1981,1998. All rights Reserved. >>>ReadMe's<<< Disk 21 of 21 XR_W040R.ZIP
Y5099047.ZIP 1400963 1999-02-16 07:19:18 UNIMAINT Version 5.00.65 CSD Y5099047.ZIP
Total 117 Files, 142823 Kilobytes

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