Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

Allfixut - ALLFIX_Utilities_(Ticker)

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Allfixut - Fidonet ALLFIX_Utilities_(Ticker)
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
AFCONV12.ZIP 17251 1995-03-12 14:28:20 Allfix Converter [gamma] by M. Bauer Try to convert ALLFIX fileareas and groups into following formats: PROBOARD, FLSEARCH.CTL(QBBS), and in different FILES.* for some requestprozessoren. (c) by M.Bauer controlling by a plain ASCII CFG. bugreport and wishes to 2:245/5530 AFCONV12.ZIP
AFI_05A.EXE 169804 2000-03-07 07:53:52 ALLFIX ADVANCED IMPORT V 0.5a for Allfix 4.40 Windows software to import fileareas into Allfix Much more features than import from FILEBONE.NA Set most the ALLFIX fields directly when importing. Set flags very easy. Shareware by M. Keuthen 2:2455/ AFI_05A.EXE
DWNG6X5X.ZIP 42189 2021-07-10 12:54:56 Allfix Setup 2018.06.15 I have uploaded a Downgrade program to convert the setup.fix file from Version 6.x back down to 5.13. I have tested this on my local system and it appears to work so far. The file can be located at This is a WINDOWS Executable and will not run in DOS. As always, PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP OF ALL YOUR FILES BEFORE RUNNING THIS!! This will downgrade the SETUP.FIX file as it is the only file that changed between v5 and v6. If you have nothing to be reported, please make sure to remove the ToBeRpt files as these will be rebuilt as well. DWNG6X5X.ZIP
INIUTIL.ZIP 176102 2000-03-07 07:51:34 INIUTILD and INIUTIL2 Allfix 5.10.03 updates. Just drop them in. ;) INIUTIL.ZIP
RENAT20.ZIP 75929 2000-03-07 07:55:10 RenATag v2.0 for DOS RenATag is a tool specifically designed to manipulate incoming .TIC files just before they are processed by your ticker software. RenATag has the following capabilities: - Changes echotags - Changes echo descriptions - Checks and corrects CRC checksums - Corrects 'Replace' in .TIC files - Changes 'LDesc' to 'Desc' - Replace from aka with another That's not enough ? Drop me a mail ! ;) RENAT20.ZIP
RENATP20.ZIP 63638 2000-03-07 07:55:26 RenATag v2.0 for OS/2 RenATag is a tool specifically designed to manipulate incoming .TIC files just before they are processed by your ticker software. RenATag has the following capabilities: - Changes echotags - Changes echo descriptions - Checks and corrects CRC checksums - Corrects 'Replace' in .TIC files - Changes 'LDesc' to 'Desc' - Replace from aka with another That's not enough ? Drop me a mail ! ;) RENATP20.ZIP
Total 6 Files, 532 Kilobytes

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