Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

Allfix - ALLFIX_(Ticker)

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Allfix - Fidonet ALLFIX_(Ticker)
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
A430DOKG.ZIP 58854 1994-12-28 17:52:50 Allfix v4.30 dt. Doku A430DOKG.ZIP
AF431DOK.ZIP 71319 1995-04-15 00:50:58 Allfix 4.31 deutsche Doku :-) AF431DOK.ZIP
AFDEV431.ZIP 10600 1995-01-03 23:14:52 This is the ALLFIX developers kit for the upcomming ALLFIX 4.31 release version. The structures, as defined in this package, will NOT change before the release date. The structures are fully compatible with the current gamma versions of ALLFIX 4.31. AFDEV431.ZIP
AFIX431E.ZIP 607758 1995-03-02 14:45:40 ALLFIX v4.31 Evaluation Version. ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility available. No other program offers the large number of features that are part of the ALLFIX package. Features: Full support for RemoteAccess, SuperBBS, QuickBBS, Ezycom, Maximus, ProBoard, Renegade, Telegard, SpitFire, TriBBS and PCBoard, and any conventional FILES.BBS style BBS. ALLFIX supports the RA 2.xx and PCBoard file databases Full support for Zones, and 4D points. Support for domains (5D addressing). Ability to disable sending a TIC file. Ability to put all of the TIC files with or without the accompanying archive into one archive. ALLFIX uses the FD/RA HMB sharing spec. Direct support for the HMB, .MSG, Squish, PCBoard, Ezycom msg- base, and the .PKT interface. Support for multiple compression formats. User friendly setup program. ALLFIX does not require any configuration files used by any other program. Supports XMS, EMS and disk swapping. Supports DESQview, OS/2, and other mul AFIX431E.ZIP
AFX_441.ZIP 877748 1996-12-27 12:57:02 ALLFIX v4.41 fileecho utility (DOS) AFX_441.ZIP
Total 5 Files, 1588 Kilobytes

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